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Captain, My Captain

Page 9

by Maddie Taylor

  Tony held her hand tightly as they entered Rossi Security headquarters. Megan looked around curiously, having never been to his headquarters before. They entered a plush lobby with a large reception area, which was vacant. She watched, impressed, as Tony went through some pretty elaborate security doors using retinal scans and voice recognition before gaining entrance to the inner sanctum. She followed him past another large lobby surrounded by several offices and a long, darkened corridor leading further back into the building. He flipped on lights as they went and she saw a large conference room and several locked steel doors with more security locks. She noticed that the entire facility was tastefully decorated with warm wood tones for most of the furniture, but with rich leathers for the chairs and couches. Tasteful artwork accented the masculine setting.

  Tony guided her to a set of double doors at the end of the long hallway. Using a thumbprint scan to gain entry, he paused to let her enter ahead of him. She stepped into a huge room filled with computers, large screen monitors and equipment she couldn’t begin to recognize. His hand at the small of her back, Tony guided her to a seat alongside a long table where Lil T was working at a terminal with a huge split screen. He looked up and smiled as he saw Megan and the boss looking much cozier than the last time he had witnessed their interaction. Hopefully, he thought, the boss had pulled his head out of his ass and made it up to this beautiful woman. He winked at her, thinking if Cap fucked it up, he’d gladly be next in line. He felt a large hand slap up against the back of his head.

  “Down boy,” Cap growled. “She’s mine.”

  Megan frowned up at him but kept quiet. Tony bent and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Just making things clear to Lil T, Angel. No sense getting his hopes up.” He chuckled as T snorted behind him. Cap stroked a hand possessively down the length of her hair before turning to T, suddenly all business.

  “What did you find?”

  T turned the monitor toward Cap and Megan as Cap settled into a leather chair at her side.

  “This is some serious shit, boss. We got records of drug sales going back for years. Delivery dates, locations, buyers. You name it, we got it. Looks like this is a transaction log for the Mendoza drug cartel.”

  “Ohmigod. How did that get in my purse?” Megan whispered in alarm.

  Tony’s hand grasped hers and squeezed it firmly. “Let him finish, Megan. I can tell he’s got more.”

  Lil T laughed smugly. “You know me so well, boss.” He clicked to another screen and up popped several file photos of men along with their data profiles. “We got some pretty high profile business men and politicians listed here. There’s a listings of names and dates with corresponding gun sales, trades for drugs, prostitution and human trafficking. Pretty fucked up shit.”

  “Human trafficking? You mean slaves?” Megan choked out.

  “Easy, Angel.” He pulled her up out of her chair and wrapped his arms around her and then over her head, silently signaled T to gather the team.

  Tony settled Megan on the leather couch in his office and went to the bar and grabbed her a diet soda. He pressed it into her trembling hands and kissed her forehead.

  “Try to relax, Angel. I gotta make some calls.”

  For the next hour, Megan sat in Tony’s office and watched him work. He was on the phone with politicians, police chiefs, and even the deputy director at the FBI. She realized, not for the first time, that she was involved with a very powerful and well-connected man. He was a bossy, arrogant jerk at times, but she also remembered the other side with the tender and loving qualities that he had occasionally displayed over the last few days. The combination of all of those features made for one very sexy, but confusing package.

  The power and authority he exuded seemed to push just the right buttons for her. She watched him and she ached for him despite the fear and danger of the situation she was embroiled in. Her pussy tingled and was in a constant state of arousal when he was around. She was changing her panties at an alarming rate. Definitely going to have to make a lingerie run, she thought and snickered softly. Tony turned and arched a brow at her, never stopping the conversation that he was having with a senator he had tracked down on the homeland security committee. She smiled ruefully and shook her head. He gave her that intent look that communicated his displeasure that she might be hiding something and frowned slightly before turning back to his conversation.

  A few minutes later, Rick stuck his head in to alert Tony that all the team had arrived. He smiled at Megan reassuringly before leaving. Tony wrapped up his call quickly and then Megan found herself being ushered into the plush conference room where she was surrounded by eight of the biggest, most gorgeous men she had ever seen. She recognized some as Tony’s men from his security team.

  Megan took the opportunity to study the men. Her brother-in-law, of course, was also a powerfully built man. At thirty-five, Rick Spencer was nicknamed “the beast” for a reason. She never could get the history behind the nickname from him and Regan, who was usually forthcoming about things, clammed up tight on the subject. Her gaze turned to thirty-five-year-old Sean “Mick” O’Brien. Over the years, Megan had met all of the team through Rick and Regan, but Mick was the least familiar. She had heard he had gone through a pretty rough time after being injured on a mission, but she didn’t know much else about him. That was about a year ago and he was just now returning to work.

  On the other side of the table was “C4.” Jonas Mitchel was thirty-four and looked like a California surfer type. Shorter than some of the men, he was still an imposing figure. Tall and lean, he still towered over the average man at 6’2”, but had a warm smile and sunny disposition. He had asked Megan out a time or two in the past and though tempted, she had always declined, knowing that he worked for Tony. Being around Tony in a social setting while he had one of his bimbo’s on his arm was just too difficult. Her reverie was broken as another of Tony’s team entered the room.

  “Sorry I’m late, boss, have you started?”

  “Not quite, Dex. We’re still waiting for one more.”

  Megan scanned Dexter Russell. Also in his mid-thirties, Dex was another big fella. At 6’4, he matched Rick in height and build. Dex was wearing a tight black T that showed off the extensive amount of ink his muscular body sported. Megan’s eyes took in the sleeve that decorated his entire right arm. Having seen him without his shirt over the years at pool parties and cookouts, she knew that he had more ink on his chest and back. Dex’s skill set included hunting and tracking of fugitives. Megan knew from Rick that part of their business was devoted to bounty hunting and that Dex was the best there was. Lil T was seated next to Dex. He offered Megan a warm smile when he caught her gaze.

  At twenty-nine, Antonio “Lil T” Minnelli was the youngster of the group. He was called ‘little’ not because of his size but his age. He could not be seen as anything remotely close to little; he weighed in at least 20 pounds more than Tony and was just a smidge shorter than him at 6’5.” Megan sighed. Oh, to be surrounded by all this masculinity! It was a girl’s dream come true.

  She felt a big, warm hand slide up her back and under her hair taking a firm grip on the back of her neck. Tony bent and spoke quietly into her ear. “Stop drooling over my men, Angel, or I’ll have to warm your backside.”

  Dex, who made himself comfortable in the vacant seat next to Megan, overheard the comment and chuckled.

  Megan gazed up at Tony, feeling the firm grip he had on her nape. “Just admiring the scenery, Captain.”

  She gasped as his fingers dug into the hair at the back of her head and gently but firmly pulled her head back so she was looking up into his face as he bent over her. His lips hovered close to hers.

  “Keep piling it on baby; your tally is getting pretty high.” Then he kissed her in a way that sent the message to every man in the room that she was his.

  Tony turned to his team and introduced the two men in suits that were seated at the far end of the table. “Gentlemen, let me introd
uce Agent Munoz and Agent Robinson. Both are on the FBI task force working with homeland security to deal with the Mexican drug cartel’s infiltration into south Texas.”

  He sat then and quickly brought the men up to speed on the events leading up to the discovery of the flash drive and the contents included.

  “Any ideas when the drive was planted, Cap?” Agent Munoz asked.

  “We just located it last night and haven’t had time to question Megan about possible contact and transfer points. We can take care of that now.”

  All eyes turned to Megan who had managed to pull herself together following the heated exchange with Tony. “Uh, transfer points?”

  “Yes, miss.” Agent Munoz was a handsome man of Hispanic heritage. He had sexy dark brown hair and eyes and his dark skin tone gave him a warm, brown coffee and cream complexion.

  “Can you think of any time in the last few days where someone might have had access to your purse or have planted that flash drive on you?”

  “Well, at the party the other night, I dropped it when I fell into Tony’s lap.” Flushing as she realized how that sounded, she said, “I mean when I flipped over the couch.” She flushed a deeper red when she recalled the incident and lying soaked and practically naked in his lap in a room full of people. “Anyway, I dropped my purse and Tony later found it shoved up under a table. You know, Rick, the one by your sectional.”

  “When I found it later on that night, it had spilled everywhere,” Tony added. “Anyone could have accessed it.”

  “Oh, and I dropped it earlier, too. Well, creepy guy actually made me drop it!”

  Tony looked at her questioningly. “Creepy guy?”

  “Yeah, there was this creepy-looking guy that bumped into me in that crowd. He made me drop my purse but he picked it up for me. I saw him again later at the coffee shop and when T took me to the bank, too.”

  “Fuck me, Megan. Don’t you think that would have been a good thing to tell someone, like T, or Rick, or me?” Tony’s voice rose steadily as he made that statement.

  “Well, I’m sorry.” Megan was embarrassed to have been made to look like a ditzy blond in front of everyone. “I didn’t put it all together until just now. I’m not a security expert, or a Green Beret, or a cop, ya know? I make coffee and cake for a living and this shit is seriously fucked up!”

  Tears escaped and ran down her flushed cheeks.

  T came to her rescue and in a soothing voice reassured her. “It’s okay, Megan. No one expects you to be a cop.” He turned to glare at his boss and former commanding officer. Several of the others pulled disapproving faces and turned them on their leader.

  Tony sat next to Megan and took her hand.

  “Ok, tell us all about creepy guy.”

  Megan gave a description and details about all of her contact with him. Rick was assigned to review the surveillance videos from the shop to see if they could get an ID on him or enough of a face shot to work with their facial recognition data bank. One of the FBI agents said if that failed, he would arrange for a sketch artist to meet with Megan later to try to get a composite sketch made up. Tony gave additional assignments to the team as they discussed with the FBI agents the best use of the information and handed over the flash drive to them for fingerprinting. About an hour later, the agents departing, leaving Megan with Tony and his team.

  The conversation then turned to her protection. Decisions were made to move Megan to Tony’s house since he had the best security and because he planned on her sleeping in his bed every night from now on, which, much to her chagrin, he freely shared with the guys. Rick was put in charge of a security schedule so that they would have at least two men on her at all times. Megan balked at this but was easily ignored and her protest shut down quickly by all the men. Mick frowningly made the comment that Tony needed to take a firmer hand with her and Dex agreed and offered that he had a paddle in his desk drawer if Cap needed to borrow it.

  Megan about strangled on her tongue as she looked at the room full of men who were all nodding in agreement that Tony take her over his knee and spank some sense in her. She was shocked and turned her gaze first to Rick, then to Tony. Both men chuckled as they looked at her bright red face. Rick snickered.

  Tony laid his hand against the back of Megan’s neck. “Allow me to introduce you to two of the toughest doms in San Antonio, Angel. Master M. and Master D. are owners of one of the best BDSM clubs in the southwest.”

  “Uhm...” she stammered.

  Dex added, “Have you told her that all of us have shares in the club, boss? You know Mick and I believe in transparency with subs in committed relationships.”

  He winked at Megan. “It eliminates a lot of misunderstandings down the road.”

  “Uhm...what?” she squeaked out again.

  Tony took a finger and placing it below her chin, gently closed her gaping mouth.

  “We’ll talk more about this later, Angel. For now,” he turned to the group, “if everyone’s clear on their assignments, let’s find this creep and shut down this nasty business.”

  Megan dropped her head into her hands and said in a soft, shaky voice, “I’m in the fucking Twilight Zone.”

  “Dammit, Megan! I told you to stop saying that!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tony had second thoughts about allowing Megan to come to the gathering. He knew she was looking forward to it. But since most of the attendees were family and friends - plus he and Rick had no intention of letting her out of their sight - he had reluctantly agreed.

  She was a sight to behold as she stepped out of the house. He literally salivated as his hungry gaze consumed her delectable body wrapped in two miniscule pieces of bright yellow material. Shit. What a bikini! His eyes zoned in on the top that was a narrow band of material circling her chest, cupping and barely covering her large tits. The design of the suit had the material twisted in front, showing off an impressive amount of deep cleavage above and just a hint of the softness below. Small spaghetti straps looked challenged at holding up the weight of such bounty as the thin straps wrapped over her rounded shoulders. His eyes wandered down her waist which indented softly, leading to her soft belly and curvy hips. He sucked in a deep breath and felt himself harden and press uncomfortably against the zipper of his jeans, as he looked at the little bottom half of her suit. It was a tiny little skirt that started several inches below her navel and ended in a cute little ruffle that just barely covered the juncture of her thighs. He couldn’t wait to see what she looked like from behind.

  “Down boy!” Rick teased the big man. “It’s not cool, Cap. Eye-raping your woman in front of everyone just won’t do.”

  He laughed at Cap’s expense as he watched him shuffle and adjust his tight jeans in front.

  Tony ignored his friend and moved across the crowded patio to quickly intercept Megan as she paused, laughing and smiling with the other guests. He noticed there were quite a few men cozying up to the beauty in the tiny yellow bikini. Like Hell, he muttered beneath his breath. It turned to a low, hungry growl as Megan suddenly turned when someone tapped her shoulder. This presented him with the first glimpse of her firm, round ass encased in the bright yellow-skirted bikini bottom. He picked up the pace, maneuvering through the crowd as he made a beeline for his curvy bombshell.

  Megan turned and smiled up at him. “Hi, Captain,” she greeted him.

  Tony wrapped an arm possessively around her waist and pulled her into a steamy kiss, clearly marking his territory and sending hands-off messages to all the horny men in attendance. He lingered over her warm, moist lips until he felt the message was broadcast loud and clear. A smile crossed his lips as he noticed their retreat when he raised his head. Pulling her behind some shrubbery that decorated Rick and Regan’s patio and pool area, Tony drew her firmly up against his chest. One arm encircling her shoulders while one hand slipped to her lower back, the tips of his fingers grazing the upper swells of a full ass cheek and pulled her snug against the bulge in his jeans. “
Christ, baby, that suit is so hot! You are killing me and have given every man here a raging hard on.”

  “What? This suit? Why its modest compared to most of what everyone else is wearing,” she protested. “It’s even got a skirt.” Looking around at some of the other women, Megan saw several with tiny G-string bottoms and a few with thongs. She pointed this out to Tony.

  “Doesn’t matter. They don’t have your curves, Angel. Not to mention your whole petite package. They want to pick you up and slip you in their pocket, just like I do.”

  His eyes swept the guests in the patio area and noticed that several heads were still turned in their direction. Most of them of the hetero male variety. He wanted to whisk her away and hide somewhere where only he could enjoy the sexy picture she presented in her stunning bikini. The low shrubs provided little privacy and other than hiding her legs from just above the knee down, offered little else to protect her from searching, curious eyes. “Fuck this shit!” He grumbled, “You are mine and I mean to make that clear right now.”

  Startled, Megan’s protest was silenced as his mouth captured hers and he leaned her low, bending her over his muscular arm. The hand at her back slipped lower to the tiny, skirted bikini bottom and slid below the ruffle, grabbing a handful of soft, round ass cheek. He pressed her firmly into his impressive hard on and ground against her. Megan knew she should have protested more but being pressed closely against her man’s hard, muscular body, she became lost in the kiss. The surrounding crowd of party guests faded quickly in the background as she was swept away.

  Minutes later, Tony was distracted by a throat clearing behind him. He reluctantly pulled back from Megan’s sweet, warm mouth and frowned at the intruder over his shoulder. Tony saw Rick and Regan standing on the other side of the low hedge, watching them. They stood grinning at the pair, their arms wrapped tightly around each other’s waist. Regan laughed as she heard her sister’s whimper of protest as those lips left her wanting more.

  “Captain,” she begged.


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