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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

Page 39

by K. L. O Johnson

  I watched in fear as I stared at the many arms of men on approach. It was chilling to the bone—their battle cries. As it raged on, I was reminded that we were at war and always would be. Some considered war peacekeeping others duteous. In the end, they were all the same, just no one ever really decided to declare it until fifty odd years ago. I turned back to Kal and strung her into my arms once more, her breath remained even and continued to hum almost peacefully. I regarded her carefully then glanced over at where Zarlach and the demon commander fought. I knew I had to get out of here so I cradled Kal and stood. I needed to leave. I glanced over at the codex and used my telekinesis. I pulled it from above the cross and watched as it floated towards me.

  I turned away and ran towards the edge of the building, over I went but landed on the energy ground I created my boots once again created pools around my feet as I ran—taking Kal to safety. As I ran I heard familiar voices, “Cecelia!” my father called. I glanced down near the houses. My father floated towards me with my mother close behind. He enveloped me in a warm awkward embrace. Kal sat snuggly in my arms in her small size. “Is that Lady Kalverya?” he asked. I nodded, “By the stars what happened to her?” he asked.

  “A side effect.” I replied. My mother and father glanced at each other before their attention, along with mine was diverted elsewhere.

  “Get her out of here.” my father replied as he stood between us and the Dark Cartel on approach their black and red uniform was a reminder of their disciplined training. I nodded and glanced at my parents.

  “Are you guys coming?” my mother shook her head.

  “No but we’ll catch up. You need to take Kal to safety. Now that the effects of the Codex have ceased Ivan will stop at nothing to ascertain his power.” I glanced up and watched as the demon commander flew through the sky and smashed into the tiling of a nearby house and I watched as Zarlach descended towards us. “Zarlach. Go with Cecelia.” Zarlach looked at me and glanced over at the rubble of tiles I heard moving in the distance. The demon commander wasn’t finished. “We’ll take care of him.” my mother announced.

  “Ready?” he asked me and I nodded.

  “We need to stop Ivan.” I replied. I felt intense energetic pressure grace the air around us, someone was tapping into their true power. Was it Dante? I didn’t know but it had to be right?

  Kalverya’s breath remained even and continued to peacefully hum. I regarded her carefully then glanced over to where Zarlach and the demon commander fought. I knew I had to get out of here so I cradled Kal and stood. I needed to leave. I glanced over at the Codex and used my telekinesis. I pulled it from above the cross and watched as it floated towards me.

  I turned and ran towards the edge of the building, over I went but landed on the energetic ground, I created beneath my boots which pooled around my feet as I ran, taking Kal to safety. I wanted to know if there was a reason for Ivan to capture Kal, was it because of her half angelic descent. At the same time, I wondered if it was because of that biological rule: the next generation was always stronger than the previous. Once I was on the ground, I placed Kal’s bottom half on the ground and grasped the Codex that hovered behind me. I quickly placed it in my utility belt something which took me a while to realise I had.

  I heard the ground thunder and the rain beginning to pour over us, once again. My hair glued to my features in soggy strands and I pulled Kal into my arms once again and felt Zarlach not to far from me. “Do you need help?” he asked.

  “No. I need you to clear a path.” I said as I watched the mortuss surrounded us once again. Zarlach smiled at the notion and pulled out his broadsword. He cleared the path for us and I knew I had to move quickly, hoping that the effect on Kal would wear off. She remained in an unconscious stated as we stumbled through the city. The mortuss and the members of the Dark Cartel continued to keep up their lines. “Where are they all coming from?” I asked as I scanned the area behind them and found the answers with my own eyes. The only way they could do that was by Nerelda’s power. Did Ivan highjack the Nexus?

  I had no idea on where to start with that farfetched idea but that was the most plausible theory right about now. But how? Was the question. They without a doubt must have used a Codex. That was the only way—the Nexus was an interdimensional connector to all three worlds: Heaven, Hell and the Material plane—our world—the living world. “Zarlach they’re using the portals.”

  He pulled the blade he had strung into the body of one of the mortuss and pressed his foot against the body before yanking out his sword. He followed my gaze in the distance and grunted in pure annoyance. “That must mean something’s happened to Nerelda.” She was the second born Nefaliem to Nefalia and the guardian deity of the three worlds—the oldest of us. Someone crashed in front of us, debris of asphalt beneath his boots rose in sprays. The mortuss and Dark Cartel members were thrown back at the force and I realised it was Ivan who crashed down in front of us.

  “You’ll give me back what is rightfully mine!” he growled and I glared.

  “Nothing is yours to take!” Zarlach stood protectively between Ivan, Kal and I. I spied far off in the distance several more portals were beckoned forth and I feared that there was a lot more danger that I first expected. Ivan seemed to glare and I was surprised when Kal began to wake, her eyes opened before they closed again.

  “Kal?” I asked. No response. I grated in annoyance. Wondering if anyone could help her? I felt claws on my shoulder and glanced up to find the demon commander staring down at me. His face was broken, beaten bloodied and bruised. Soon I watched in wonder as his features returned to normal leaving the trail of blood untouched.

  His tanned features and sharp jawline remained as if they were never injured. “Why are you so difficult to contain?” he growled. He reached over his back and grasped my throat pointing the blade at my heart. “Don’t toy with me child, I have little patience with you. Hand over the Codex and the Nefaliem princess and I’ll consider sparing your pathetic life.”


  Power Struggle

  “Is it that pathetic, you’re supposed to be a demon commander right? Why am I so difficult you ask? Shouldn’t you be able to handle a child like me easily?” He glared and I felt his fist connect with my jaw.

  “I absolutely detest children. Especially run-a-mocks like you.” I stumbled back a little and felt a stone near my boot, I recovered quickly and watched as he walked towards me. Light blinded me once again and I was surprised by the weight in my arms.

  “Cecelia. You can release me now.” Kal’s voice sung around me. I was hesitant but with this blinding light I had no choice but to oblige. I was careful to place her on the ground and was stunned to see Kal at full head height in full body armour. She stood tall and the demon commander glared at her.

  “I’m Lord Mortuga a member of the fifth pentagon, I will not be denied by the likes of you!” he growled and I glared. “How? You were a child only moments ago?”

  Kal glanced at her hands before turning them over and eyeing her blue-black scales and smiled. “The side-effects must have worn off wouldn’t you agree?” she asked turning to face me. I nodded and smiled.

  “Totally!” I beamed.

  Kal glanced at Mortuga. “Cecelia! Focus on Ivan. I’ve got this sad excuse for a demon.” she retorted and I smiled. She was back to normal not just physically but mentally too. She seemed to be able to do what she wanted and I knew what she wanted to do. Destroy Mortuga.

  I turned around to face Ivan. Zarlach battled him vigorously. Kal and I stood back to back. “Ready when you are.” I stated and heard Kal stifle a laugh. She gazed upon the man I knew was the very same man who had chased after me all this time. Something seemed to shift in the air and it wasn’t the fear or suffering around us. It was the chance at victory. I’ve seen what Kal was like when she didn’t try and I’ve seen her mother fight. The Nefaliem were formidable for a reason—the more we had here the better the chance we had at winning.

p; I lunged forward and aided in Dante’s battle it. We were in sync, punches, kicks, blocks and counters were all made in perfect timing. We were recreating the offensive-defensive yin and yang technique perfectly. ‘Reinitiating SKEETs Skymenetics. Target level at three-forty. Vampieruz pureblood in bound.’ the female popped up on the screen once again after it had wrapped itself around my eyes and ears. ‘Deducting weakness now.’ the woman announced.

  I watched as a Faction on the screen locked onto Ivan and his movements. It worked so quickly and within a moment, I learnt his weakness and noticed Zarlach was quick to take out those weak points. Taking a closer look at him as I stood back, he was wearing his SKEETs as was Kalverya. I began to understand how the United Council was able to win most if not all battles throughout history—it was because of these gems the SKEETs that were summoned only in dire circumstances.

  I felt the Codex pulse, glancing down at my utility belt I watched as it began to shimmer in a light of a golden hue. I glanced back at Zarlach—he seemed to handle Ivan easily. Why is it pulsing, what could it possibly want? I thought as I scanned my surroundings.

  There in the distance was an open portal and in it I saw a woman, she was familiar I recalled seeing her back at Castle Haven. She was Nerelda. I attempted to move to her but my ankle was held vast, by green goo, it moulded around my boots and along the ground. I glanced at where it had come from and noticed it was Ivan who had shot the glue from the tip of his forearm amour. Zarlach had called out my name but I was far too preoccupied with the goo more than anything else. I pulled my leg away but it was like bubble gum. I felt disgusted and annoyed. “What is this stuff?” I asked and watched as the SKEETs began to analyse the substance.

  ‘A viscous substance detected, the use of energetic ice magic will eliminate obstacle.’ The female replied. I smiled. Talk about a cheat sheet. So I conjured my energy and moulded an image of ice in my mind, I touched the gooey substance and watch as ice moved from where I touched the goo and all around. The goo soon solidified and I pulled my leg free. Ivan leaped for me and I ducked in time and bought up my knee and knocked him square in the jaw.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he taunted.

  “Someplace where you’re not.” I retorted. I avoided his energy blast and blocked the number of knives he had tossed towards me. Zarlach sprang up on his feet and ran straight towards Ivan at full speed. I dodged his next string of attacks with ease. I glanced upon that same portal in the dance I had gazed upon earlier. I could still see her, Nerelda, she was pinned to a crucifix just like Kal had been and she seemed to be in a lot of pain. Whatever they were doing to her, it was causing her physical strain, I could see it.

  Zarlach to my surprise was sent across the city and Kal’s battle with Mortuga reigned in the dark cloudy skies. “Now where were we?” Ivan taunted. I glared.

  I stood with my fists ready to fight. Ivan charged at me and I blocked each attack, my movements were not connected to my mind—they moved instinctively. ”That’s it, it’s instinct, no thinking is necessary.” Kal’s words echoed in my mind a reminder that I had all the skills crucial to defeat Ivan I just had to have faith I could do it. It was going to be hard—it was going to be damaging but I knew it was possible.

  I watched as his movements continued to be blocked. I had no idea how I did it. All I knew was that I needed to survive not for my sake but for those around me. Nerelda was an ancient one and held many ancient energetic techniques—those who held the old techniques were deemed as powerful as the current generation at the time. There were two significant ways an Outlander could gain power. One by devouring the blood of a much stronger opponent or two intense training and gaining of energetic techniques and its combinations that followed. I had no reason why mind my bounded back to those thoughts but they did and I was empowered. Reminded I could do this no matter how much my body ached.

  I avoided Ivan’s attacks as much as I blocked his punches. ‘Carotid artery exposed.’ The female announced, my screen zoomed in on Ivan’s neck and I pulled out my forearm blade. It was quick and it was easy—it grazed along his red scales but I watched as in detail the scales were burnt away by my blade as the characters inscribed on it began to glow. I felt my power build around my feet. Once I found an opening as he stumbled away from me, I delivered a perfect round house and watched as the impact caused him to fly away from me at high speeds through several solid brick walls.

  I flew after him stunned that my power of flight kicked in but the sensation it caused to dwindle throughout my body it seemed familiar then I recalled—this first sensation occurred when I was on the ship watching the news of Earth unfold. I zoomed towards Ivan aware of his detestable state. I had cut through his scales. I could smell his putrid blood in the air. It was normally impossible for scales to be cut unless they were laced in the metal Athropine. I pulled back my fist and delivered a punch square in the jaw.

  I summoned my weapon—my broadsword—from the pits of my central core. I jabbed the blade into his chest. The blade’s encryptions began to glow. As it glowed static fanned around us and I saw sparks here and there. They zapped and the small stones around us began to rise of the ground, my hair lifted off my popliteal as electricity intensified. I watched as Ivan gasped for air. Even though I had done what I’ve always wanted to do, I was horrified by the sadness in his eyes. I stared back into his eyes. He held out his hand and cupped my cheek gently adding, “You should have been my child.”

  “But I’m not.” I replied.

  “I know. It was the reason I chased after you. You had your mother’s blood flowing through your veins. Something I’ve always craved. Your blood is the special type—you have the power to astral projection; anytime, anywhere.” He breathed deeply and managed a ragged cough. I gazed upon the monster that bought fear into my life, wither into an old vulnerable man. His cheeks became hollow and his long silver hair turned paper white. “I loved your mother and it was by her action alone that drove me into the darkness and suffering of the Dark Cartel. I pulled all those strings behind the scenes—hoping that she would leave Vladimir but it never worked the way I wanted to.”—he heaved another coughed—”I was so caught up in the life before she was sealed to your father that I never noticed the destruction I had caused—nor did I care as long as I thought of Natasha. I wanted that which was stolen from me—and because of that I could never live for tomorrow.”

  “What about Randolph? He’s your son.” I managed, pitying him.

  “I don’t think I can call him my son; I’ve never really been a father to that boy.” Ivan managed with glassy eyes. He looked as though he meant every word. Did he really mean it or was it just putting it on? Was trying to play at my heart strings one last time?

  “I’m sure Randolph still loves you.” I managed, I didn’t know why I said it I just did. Sure he was a little socially awkward and kept to himself but I could understand why he was like the rest of us—trying to find where we belonged.

  “I doubt it.” Ivan managed. His scales began to light up and I watched in fear as Ivan disappeared. “I can only hope in another lifetime that will be true.” His body shattered and an orb that formed began to ascend to the sky before disappearing into nothing. I knew this was a victory. Ivan’s influence was no more and the Mortuss along with the Dark Cartel would be free to do as they pleased. I glanced to the left of me and watched as a Dark Cartel member walked towards me intending to kill but was soon surprised when he stopped what he was doing and asked:

  “What am I doing here?”

  He glanced over at me, confusion was evident in his hazel eyes, “Ivan.” I announced and I watched as he gripped his sword.

  “So he’s dead?” he asked. I nodded. The man turned his heel and walked away. To might right was a Mortuss, its eyes were no longer cloudy—I watched as its eyes returned. It gazed at me and I could tell it was female—she glanced at me and spoke:

  “You are a lucky one,” she announced. “I’d kill you if I knew wha
t to kill you for.” She was undead and yet she spoke clear Russian. I watched as portals began to open above the Mortuss entirely consuming her from head to toe. Another Mortuss nearby was also consumed by another portal, from head to toe. I glanced at the open portal window behind me. It was Nerelda she was free of the crucifix. She smiled over at me and held out her arms, several more portals were opened they were scattered all throughout the city returning all the Mortuss to the planet they were supposedly banished to.

  Hours later, I wandered through the city towards where the ship had fallen and glanced around. No one was here. I couldn’t find where Zarlach had disappeared to and I couldn’t find where Kal was but all I knew was that it was all over. I was free of the shackles of pain and suffering. Even my neck didn’t pulse as it normally did when Ivan was near. I recalled it was going crazy during the battle. I sighed and sat cross-legged on the ground, “Someone will find me eventually.” I glanced up at the clearing night sky and watched as the stars twinkled in the light.

  It was so peaceful I was afraid, I was dreaming. “Cecelia?” Ryan? I glanced at the source of that voice and saw it was Ryan. “Cecelia? Is that you?” he asked and I was aware that his eyes needed to adjust to the darkness so instead of sitting here quietly which only put himself on guard, I retorted.

  “It’s me, you can calm down.”

  “Answer me quicker next time—I was afraid you were an enemy.” He announced.

  “The only enemy we had was Ivan and he’s gone now so you can relax.”

  He was silent, “That does seem true. All mortuss returned to their world as were the Dark Cartel—well those that didn’t get away were locked in the prisons by PASA but most of them did get away. Smith interrogated one not too long ago and learnt that they had no idea what they were doing this whole time.”


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