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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

Page 40

by K. L. O Johnson

  “That’s kind of creepy.”

  “Tell me about it,” Ryan sighed and plonked down beside me. We sat in a moment of silence and glanced up at the stars. “You know Cecelia, I would like to apologise.”

  Here it was, I was waiting months for this. “Apologise about what?” I laid back on the rubble to my surprise it was cool and comfortable—I allowed my eyes to close.

  “Apologise for leading you on. You really liked me at the time and I was doing my job.” I sighed and my eyes sprang open. I watched as he stared down at me, his green eyes seemed to sparkle like the stars above.

  “I know. And it’s not okay to do that to someone but . . . I forgive you.” I felt him sigh in relief and I sat up only to crash back down to the ground again by the weight of him over me. Ryan wrapped his arms around me and held me close he seemed to shake as he did and I was stunned.

  “Thank you.” he whispered and I returned the hug, feeling a smile curl at the corner of my lips.

  I heard someone angrily grunt. I glanced through the shadows behind Ryan and spied Bella in her Vampieruz form, her fist was curled and no doubt ready to strike. “What do you think you’re doing?” she growled and plucked Ryan from me. “Have you no manners!”

  “Relax Bella it’s fine.” I managed as I pulled away from Ryan. She glared at me and I fell quiet.

  “It’s not fine! What if something were to happen when I wasn’t here!” she growled. “You have no idea how dangerous some boys are!” Bella seemed frantic and I felt Ryan jump back in shock.

  “Why are you clumping me in that category?” he shrieked, pulling himself to his feet as he stared Bella down. “Surely you can trust me by now.”

  “I’m sorry but I refuse to all my defences to drop.” Defences drop? I glanced over at Bella before turning my gaze back to Ryan. I continued to hear their argument but I somewhat didn’t follow. What could Ryan possibly do to me? I thought as I gazed at my friends’ heated argument.

  “I would never do anything that! Let alone hurt Cecelia!” he fumed.

  Bella turned from him and crossed her arms, “Surely you’ve done enough damage.” I heard Ryan growl and I realised it was possibly best to calm down this bizarre situation before it got any worse.

  “Look Bella I’m fine—see.” I managed and Bella wrapped her arms around me.

  “I know you are, you crazy little troublemaker.” Bella seemed to shake, her face felt wet against my cheek. She was crying. What did I do? I hysterically thought. Ryan watched in awe and I returned Bella’s embrace before pulling her away. “What the—”

  “I’ve been through enough as it is so I want to be sure. Are you really Bella?” I demanded staring Bella down.

  “Huh?” she asked. “Of course I am!”

  “Cecelia!” I heard Ryan exasperate.

  “What you—rather she—could be like Ane for all I know.” Bella seemed to go from sad, to surprised, to angry all in one go and I backed away—a little frightened of my friend.

  The evening passed like that, calmly and happily. It wasn’t until the next day we ran into everyone else. We gathered in a group after my parents and I were reunited. Astaria was quick to hound me about the antidote, I was supposed to drink to ensure the poison stayed away. So I drank the last of it and was stunned by Bella’s next words, “You shouldn’t be drinking something you know nothing about.” Astaria became shocked and rebutted she’d never hurt me but Bella didn’t waver I wondered if that was pay back for yesterday—after all I did treat her like an enemy.

  “There’s no need to be mean.” I replied.

  “I’m not being mean I’m just stating a fact!” she howled and I glared at her as we walked towards one of PASA’s emergency shelters were there was bound to be fresh blood to feast upon. The thought of it alone made my stomach ache. The city was left in ruins and the citizens were also released from the underground bunkers. Several were rude and I allowed them to be as such—they knew what we were as we walked around in our scales. In a way, we had no choice but to as our idol forms would severely need to be hospitalised—something I wasn’t looking forward to at all. We eventually made it to one of PASA’s emergency shelters.

  We were handed blood bags and raw meat. I smiled in delight as my stomach ached in pain—I never realised how hungry I was until I had seven T-bone steaks and four bags of blood. The empress and emperor were also quick to devour their foods but were also beyond happy that Kalverya was returned to them. We were allocated rooms for the day but by the end of it we were escorted back to Castle Haven. That whole day was difficult as I had to dodge the reporters who, I was surprised wanted to ascertain a background story.

  Eventually, it was time for us to head back to Castle Haven. And I was thankful but not that happy we had to sneak out of the city. It took a while but five jeeps trailed after each other down the roads. The jeeps trailed after each other as they headed towards Castle Haven. It had taken half a day to arrive but when we did, it remained tall and untouched. I glanced at the iron gate and watched as it opened for us.

  We piled out of the vehicles. Once we did we were bombed with an applause and I was without a doubt certain that applause was for us. But I smiled—the end was over and a new world was just beginning. That night after we were hospitalised in our idol forms—we partied, holding a banquet that lasted for weeks on end. It was well earned in my books. After the party I got into a routine of a royal. I met with ambassadors, spoke with politicians and had dinners with presidents. It was a different type of life but it was a better than nothing.

  There were battles in the Arena and I recalled seeing Diana win a few before she and the others returned back to Mortem Academy to complete their studies. Apparently they were four and half years behind and had a lot of work to catch up on. It was hilarious that I joked about how I didn’t have any work when really I spoke to soon. My parents were supportive as parents should be and said I’d need to continue on with my studies.

  Father, Zarlach, the emperor and other heads of other families headed this included the future mates of my comrades who also travelled to the Battlefield. Apparently, they needed to make some negotiations with the enemy. How they were going to do that was far beyond me. Either way, I was sad they left but happy because I knew one day they’d return and once they did—we could be a family again.

  “Cecelia honey, your food’s going to get cold,” rang my mother’s smooth voice. I closed my journal and stood from my desk. I sauntered over to her and observed as she stood in her Vampieruz scales. Her silver hair fell down to her ankles in silky strands.

  “I know,” I smiled and picked up a roasted potato my mother held and ate it. As I was in my idol form I had nothing to worry about when it came to the taste of human—it would taste normal as it was supposed to.

  “You should really use a knife and fork.” I sighed and gingerly took the tray in hand and ambled over to my small dining table. I placed the tray down on the table and pulled out my seat only to freeze in place when my mother held out an envelope. Is that a letter? I thought, since when do we use letters? There hasn’t been a mailing system in Russia for years sure it was still around in smaller parts of the world but electronic mails were sent or carried via cyberspace.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “A letter.” Mother smartly replied.

  “I know that. But who is it from?” I asked.

  My mother moved to the door, “Open it and find out.” She closed the door behind her and I grasped my knife from beside me and opened the envelope. Pulling out the letter was easy but I was quick to notice the expensive paper used. Most important of all it was handwritten.

  Dearest Cecelia,

  In a world of monsters, demons, angels and energetic magic only one person can determine the course of life they want to live. Whether that be simple or not. I’ve come to understand that you’ve never really mourned for me even though others did. I write this to you because I want you to know that I’m alive and well. There was
an important reason why I didn’t contact you and it wasn’t because I didn’t want to. Believe me I wanted to. I was asked or rather ordered by PASA to act as a diversion for you and the other Outlanders captured by the pirates. Given recent discoveries Tylif the plant found on the battle cruiser has been tainted. The hatchlings are gone and I believe it wasn’t a part of Ivan’s plan. PASA already knows this but I wanted to be the first to tell you that I’m on a mission in search of those hatchlings so has Kalverya but we haven’t heard anything from her in a while and all I could hope for was that she was okay.

  Given everything that we’ve both been through in the past four years I come to understand that I want us to be together but fear that may not be what you want. You may be safe here in this castle for a little while longer but be prepared the Dark Cartel are still struggling to wipe out the mortals of this galaxy. Either way, whoever has the hatchlings is plotting something big—something that will potentially see the end of the United Council and its response team Serenity. I pray for your safety.

  Kindest Regards,


  I closed the paper and held it close to my chest. Letting the tears flow. David, he was alive all this time. “I could kiss you, you silly man.” I whispered, in relief. “I hope one day we met again.”




  I stared at my paper and groaned, “Professor Long, please can we not do any more work?” He closed his book and glared at me from where he sat, behind his desk, at the front of the room.

  “Will you quit your complaining Cecelia. You don’t even have that long left.” he rumbled.

  I sighed, “Just because I said you can speak to me without a title doesn’t mean you have to be so bossy,” I pouted and I heard him exhale in exasperation.

  “You don’t have that long left. See if you can stick it out,” he glanced over at the wall clock behind him and I followed his gaze. “Well on the plus side, you lot have twenty more minutes left of class.” Twenty minutes . . . twenty minutes . . . it was passing by agonisingly slowly. I had no reason to believe that I was going to age before it finished. We had a research paper to hand in later this week and thinking about it made my head want to ache. I enjoyed the topic but I wanted to be free because today was a very special day. I could literally bounce off the walls in joy. However, I wasn’t the only one that also was looking forward today, so was Bella, Beatrice, Kristian, Alphonse and many more.

  I glanced at my paper and continued to work. This was the last paper of this fortnight. I spent lately more time on my homework then I did with my friends. Even though we were already completed University years ago. We still had to do our research as it was the only thing left intellectually to stimulate us. Time was up and I motioned to leave. “Don’t forget to do your homework Cecelia!” Professor Long beckoned after me.

  “I won’t!” I called and was the first to quit the room. My messenger bag swung behind me as did my black idol hair. Down the winding corridors I ran. Once I entered my room, I was quick to discard my bag on my bed before bolting down the hallway, forgetting to close the door behind me. I didn’t have time anyway to go back—I knew I had to be somewhere. I sprinted down a staircase before running down a hall passing several men dawned in black Kevlar. They moved out of my way in the nick of time and I called over my shoulder, “Sorry!” I took a quick right turn and ended up coming to the common room.

  I glanced at the receptionist, it was a new one once again. “On your way, I see.” She smiled at me and I nodded. I ran to the double glass doors and was surprised when she pulled me up, “There’s mail for you.”

  “Again?” I asked.

  She pulled out a white A4 envelope and handed it to me, “It arrived this morning.” I grasped it and thanked her. I took the mail only to realise I wouldn’t have anytime today to open it. I handed the mail back to the receptionist. “Could you hang on to this for a little while, I don’t have any time to open it?” She nodded before realisation dawned in on her, she glanced at the calendar behind her and I regarded the red Faction around the date; twenty-fifth of November.

  “It’s today?” she asked.

  “It’s today,” I confirmed.

  “Congratulations.” she announced. I recalled the receptionist five hundred years ago had said the same thing to me, before our hero’s ceremony. I beamed up at her, that single word lit up my day. Nothing could possibly ruin today. I ran out of the foyer and into the courtyard below. There was no one in sight but lights were lit and I glanced up and at the revelation as Alphonse walked towards me.

  “Alphonse what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in America?” I asked and he smiled.

  “Yeah but today is a pretty big day—I couldn’t miss it.” I smiled at him. Everyone seemed to remember what today was.

  “Neither could we!” Beatrice’s voice sung around us. I glanced to the left of me and saw Beatrice and Diana were also here dressed in formal wear. I regarded Alphonse’s attire and also learnt he was dressed in a suit and tie. I glanced at the large clock tower in the centre of the quadrangle and froze. I had two hours to get ready and I didn’t even get a chance to learn my lines.

  “Cecelia!” Kristian beamed and ran over to me. “Congratulations!”

  “Thank you!” I was ecstatic.

  Everyone seemed to remember but the one person I wanted to see never seems to be around. Until I heard that familiar man’s voice. “What are you still doing out here?”

  I followed the sound of the voice and watched as Zarlach approached me, “What about you aren’t you supposed to be ready?” I growled a little annoyed.

  “I’m already ready.” He announced. He did look well-groomed and his long lengthy hair was cut short and styled into spikes. I regarded his suit and tie. He too was ready for the special occasion. “You know for an adult you sure act like a child sometimes.”

  “Be quiet you!” I scolded. He continued to walk towards us before walking passed us, “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “I’m going to see your parents; they’ve been hassling me for days to visit them.”

  “But didn’t you just get back in?” I asked as I recalled that he had returned from the Battlefield less than a week ago. I was happy when I learnt he had returned but was surprised, by the distance he had put between us—it had hurt me but I later learnt it was because I was of age and that meant one final thing—his proposal. As long ago before my birth, the United Council decreed the union between our families as basis of natural selection, programed by Tylif.

  “Yes, I did. But I can’t really deny their highnesses now can I?” he teased. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to tell you. Lady Kalverya still hasn’t returned.” My blood froze after all this time she still hasn’t returned or better yet hasn’t been found. I wondered what could have happened to her.

  “You don’t think she’s . . . ?” I couldn’t finish that sentence better yet. I didn’t want to finish that sentence.

  “No. Lady Kalverya is much stronger than that. But even though no one’s, had contact with her after she went missing everyone is better off considering she’s dead.” He turned to walk away. “Anyway I’ve told you what I wanted—now it’s time for you to get ready.” How could this have happened? After the battle with Ivan, Kalverya had defeated Mortuga—the demon commander and won. She was with us during our return to Castle Haven, she celebrated the end of the battle with us but then she was sent on a mission.

  She was sent on a mission to track down those missing eggs. There were daily communication reports at some point then one day they stopped, ceasing all together. That was the same time the emperor and empress began to worry—as did the rest of us. Outlanders under the United Council were dispatched to find her. The only thing that frightened everyone the most was that in the end, there would be nothing to find. Even until this day, no one knows what happened or who had her—or even if she was still alive. So over time, everyone stopped looki
ng, fearing the worst.

  Not wanting to discuss more, Zarlach turned his back on me and I watched as he disappeared inside the castle. “So . . . is anyone going to help you get ready?” Beatrice asked her blue idol eyes were wrought with confusion as she regarded me.

  “My lady.” Bella announced and I was a little let down she decided to return to the use of my title. I moulded a smile.

  “Yes?” I asked.

  “Your mother has been looking for you.” she declared.

  “Oh?” I mouthed realising I did forget something important. “Thank you.” I turned my heel and headed to the eastern side of the castle.

  My mother was speaking to one of the maids about preparations for tonight when I had stumbled upon her. I waited patiently until she finished and once she did; she addressed me, “Cecelia honey, there you are. You need to get ready.”

  “I know.” We ventured to my parent’s shared chamber where a golden dress sat fittingly upon a figurine. Gold, that was the colour of the union between a man and woman of Outlander descent. It was the visual colour of our designed energy which occurred when two energy levels collided.

  “Is that mine?” I breathed stepping closer to take in the detail. “Are those golden diamonds?” I asked. I glanced over at her in time to spy her graceful nod. Golden diamonds were spread out across the bust of the dress. “It’s beautiful.” I awed.

  “I thought you might like it.” My mother purred.

  “I love it.” My stomach began to assemble butterflies as I knew what was next to come. “I don’t know if I can do this.” I reached out for a nearby chair and sat down, cradling my stomach.

  “It’s okay, honey,” hummed my mother.

  “Is this even fair to me—to us—I mean I’m supposed to marry Zarlach today and he’s so many years older than me.” I felt tears beginning to build up and I had no real reason why they started. “Is that fair? Aren’t people supposed to find their one true love?”

  “Yes. Some, those are the lucky ones Cecelia but not the luckiest.”


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