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The Irish Getaway: A Kennedy Boys Optional Short Novel (The Kennedy Boys)

Page 3

by Siobhan Davis

  “Here.” Ky hands me a large bowl of popcorn, flopping down on the couch beside me. “Have you found something to watch?”

  I show him a couple of movie options on Netflix, and he picks a horror that neither of us has seen yet. I spend most of the time with my face buried in his shoulder while he chuckles and calls me a scaredy cat. The knots in my shoulders only loosen when the credits roll, and I stretch my limbs, pleased to have gotten through the ordeal in one piece. A loud yawn slips out of my mouth when Ky gets up to flick the light back on. “You tired, babe? I don’t mind an early night.”

  My eyes narrow, and I survey him through hooded eyes.

  He laughs, throwing himself down on top of me on the couch. “What?” He puts on an innocent face, but his eyes twinkle with mischief.

  “Somehow I think your version of an early night and mine are at completely opposite ends of the spectrum.”

  “You have a one-track mind.”

  “Says the person whose hands are currently sliding up my body.”

  He looks down at his offending hands, which are half under my T-shirt, edging dangerously close to the underside of my bra. A perplexed look washes over his face. “How did they get there?”

  I roll my eyes. “Are you trying to tell me your wandering hands have a mind of their own?”

  His fingers creep over the curve of one breast, slipping into my bra and caressing the skin there. An ache starts building down below. “Shit! This isn’t me. Swear. I’m not doing this, like at all.” His words of protest are shot to pieces by the wide smirk on his face.

  “You think you’re funny, huh?” I remove his hand from my boob, attempting to wriggle out from under him. When that doesn’t work, I switch to Plan B, moving my foot up and over the bulge in his jeans. “You won’t be laughing when I bring you to the brink and then fall asleep.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Try me.”

  He mock pouts before his expression turns softly serious. “If you’re not in the mood, that’s totally fine. I was only messing around.” His hand slithers down my body and he lifts off me.

  “It’s not that.” I shake my head. He sits up straight, hoisting me into his lap. “It’s never ever that.” I kiss him sweetly. “You know how much I love sex with you, but we should really speak about tomorrow first.”

  His muscles tense up beneath me. “I don’t want to discuss it again. This is our last night alone, and I don’t want to spend it arguing.”

  I place my hands on his shoulders and peer into his beautiful blue eyes. “I don’t either, but we haven’t resolved it, and I can’t relax if I think you’re going to tell him.”

  He leans back, pulling me with him, until we’re lying down with me curled into his side. He sighs as his hand runs lightly up and down my back. “We promised no more secrets or lies.”

  “I know, but that’s between us. I’ve told you now and explained why I didn’t say anything before. Why can’t that be enough?”

  “Because he’s my brother, Faye, and I think he has a right to know.”

  “It’s not our place to make that call.”

  “Considering what Lana did to Kal, I don’t see how the fuck she gets to call the shots,” he snaps.

  I prop up on an elbow as familiar frustration bubbles to the surface. “It’s her life, Ky, and she made me promise. I promised I wouldn’t tell him I’ve been in regular contact with her, and I’m not going back on my word.”

  “You shouldn’t have made that fucking promise.” A muscle pops in his jaw as he glares at me. “Where exactly do your loyalties lie?”

  That incenses me no end, and I jump up off the couch, glowering at him as I prod his chest with my finger. “I can’t believe you’ve asked me that! You know damn well where my loyalties lie! I’m trying to do the right thing, and I believe letting destiny take its course is the best thing to do. That way we’re not influencing anything, and if they are meant to reconnect, they will!”

  He sits bolt upright, resting his head in his hands. “Do not throw that destiny crap into the mix.”

  Red rage infiltrates my veins, inflaming every cell, nerve ending, and tissue. “Now destiny is crap?” My voice is intentionally low. “Is what we have crap?”

  He whips his head up. “Stop twisting my words. You know I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “I fucking hate double standards!” I yell. “And that’s exactly what this is.” I start pacing the carpet, silently cursing Lana for putting me in this predicament.

  He stands up, anger blazing in his eyes. “All I’m asking is that you think about this logically! Kal is enrolled in UF and he has a right to know Lana is going there too.”

  “He already knows, Ky! Why the hell do you think he changed his plans and enrolled there? He’s done that for her!”

  He throws his hands into the air. “Then what’s the problem in telling him we know she’s going there? You’re talking in fucking riddles.”

  I stalk toward him, pushing my finger into his chest again. “Because she doesn’t know he’s going there! And if I tell him, then he’ll want her number, and I promised. I promised her I wouldn’t pass it on. If Kal wanted us involved he would’ve been honest in explaining why he’s switched to UF, but he’s deliberately feeding us a pack of lies about their architecture program, blah, blah. He doesn’t want to involve us, she doesn’t want to involve us, so we shouldn’t be involved!” I shriek, anger getting the better of me.

  Ky opens and shuts his mouth, and we stand off, glaring at one another as hostile emotions fuel the air between this. I hate this. I hate that it’s coming between us, and I’m torn in two. I hate that I’m concealing this from my cousin, but the other side of my brain believes this is the best course of action. If they are meant to be together, it should happen naturally, not because Ky and I played matchmaker.

  “You’re asking me to lie to my brother,” Ky says more calmly than I would have expected. “How can I be okay with that?” A look of pure anguish is written on his face. I don’t have a response because it’s the truth, and it doesn’t sit right with me either. On more than one occasion in the last three weeks, I’ve considered phoning Lana and telling her, but I’ve held back because I wouldn’t put it past her to react adversely.

  “Ky, I know I’m asking for a lot.” Tentatively, I touch his arm, pleased when his fingers curl around mine instead of pushing me away. “I know I’m asking you to trust me blind in the understanding that I could be calling this completely wrong. I don’t want to lie to Kal either, but I also don’t want to get his hopes up unfairly. He loves her. If I tell him she’s going there, if I confirm it, he’ll want her number because he’ll want to ring her straightaway. If I don’t give it to him, he’ll just get Kev to hack into my phone. If he rings her, he might scare her away, and then he’ll lose her forever. Is that what you want for him?”

  “Maybe it’ll give him the closure he needs.”

  I shake my head. “He doesn’t want closure, Ky. He wants her. Why else do you think he’s going to college in Florida? He’s going because he wants her back in his life.”

  “How can he want her after what she did?” He curls a hand around my neck, drawing me slowly against his body. “I don’t understand it.”

  I shrug. “The heart wants who it wants. And he knows that her actions were driven by grief and hurt not by any real intent.”

  “It doesn’t excuse what she did.”

  “I know that, but she’s genuinely remorseful, and look at what she did to try and make amends. The media destroyed her rep, Ky. She could have retracted her statement quietly, but she chose to do it publicly to ensure his reputation was scrubbed clean. She did that because she loves him.”

  “You’re clearly more compassionate than me.”

  I cup his face. “You grew up with Lana too. Is she a horrible person?”

p; “No, but I’m not sure the Lana we grew up with is the same girl.”

  I shrug again. “None of us are the same, and we’ve all made our fair share of mistakes. And it’s not about me having more compassion.” I chew on my lower lip. “I’ve given it a lot of thought. What if that had been us? What if it was me who had falsely accused you? Would you stop loving me? Stop wanting me? Would you give up if I took off and just move on with your life?”

  He is quietly contemplative, before slowly shaking his head. “You know I wouldn’t do that.”

  I nod. “And I wouldn’t either. And we don’t have the kind of history they have.”

  Ky rests his forehead against mine, exhaling deeply. I wrap my arms around his waist. This is an impossible situation, and I hate that it’s been a source of ongoing conflict between us this entire trip. “Okay. We’ll do it your way. I won’t say anything to him.”

  Air whooshes out of my lungs. “Thank you. And if it goes pear-shaped, I’ll take all the blame.”

  He eases back, grasping my face in his hands. “No, you won’t. We’ve decided this together, and if it blows up in our faces, we’ll accept the responsibility together.”

  The following afternoon, we travel to Dublin airport with Rachel and Jill to greet the rest of the family. Ky is giving us girls a wide berth as we jostle for prime space in front of the arrivals gate. Jill was up half the night making a massive “Ireland welcomes the Kennedys” banner complete with vibrant hand-drawn pictures and multicolored glitter. She’s super proud of her work of art and happily brandishing it about. It’s a little cringey, but what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t enter into the spirit of things? Ky is hanging back, afraid it’ll offend his masculinity or something.

  They’re traveling by commercial jet this time, which surprised me, although it’ll be first class all the way.

  Jill emits a sudden shriek, enthusiastically waving the banner and lifting it so high it’s blocking my view. I tug it down to chest level so I can see.

  Alex is leading the posse as they step out through the sliding doors, and, honestly, it’s like watching a trailer for the latest hot boys’ movie. A quiet hush settles over the place as my cousins saunter toward the exit like bona fide movie stars. Time seems to freeze as they walk toward us in slow-mo. They are all wearing jeans and tight-fitting T-shirts showcasing glistening tanned skin and buff, toned, muscular physiques. Not a hair is out of place when Keanu takes up the lead, strutting in long strides as if he’s on the catwalk. Keaton has a customary cheeky grin on his face, while Kent is sporting the usual smug look. Kaden’s sharp eyes examine his surroundings without giving anything away. Spotting us, Kal sends me a cheeky wink, gracing us with a beaming smile. With a duffel bag thrown casually over his shoulder, Keven walks alongside my uncle. Sporting dark shades, a shorter crew cut, and bigger biceps which flex and roll as he walks, highlighting the edge of his tattoo, he looks totally badass. James waves, and I wave back as a surge of excitement whittles through me. I’ve really enjoyed my three weeks here with Ky, but I’m so looking forward to this next leg of our trip.

  Several jaws drop in the vicinity. and you can almost hear the collective female gasp. “Ho. Lee. Shit,” Rachel whispers. “Talk about stage presence.”

  I giggle. “I know. Ireland isn’t going to know what’s hit them.”

  “Who is the one walking beside your uncle? I still get so confused over all their names.”

  “That’s Keven. We met him and Kaden that afternoon in Harvard. Remember?”

  Recognition lights up her eyes. “He didn’t look quite so fit back then.”

  She must’ve been blind. Kev’s always sported that ripped look. I nudge her in the ribs. “Want me to ask Ky to get the lowdown on his love life?”

  She wets her lips. “Yes, please.”

  We share a grin just as Alex and Keanu step around the corner. Alex rushes Ky, wrapping him in an enormous hug. You’d swear she hadn’t seen him in three years, not just three weeks. I walk over to them and find myself enveloped in her arms. “Sweetheart. It’s so good to see you both. And you too, girls,” she says over my head to Jill and Rach. “We’re so excited to be here!”

  “Where’s the bar?” Kent asks, looking around.

  “Missed you too, you little shit.” Ky slaps him on the back. “And you’re only sixteen, so there’ll be no bar for the likes of you.”

  “Screw off, assface. I’ll be seventeen in a few months, and everyone knows we look older.” It’s hard to argue against Kent’s statement. The triplets have shed that baby-faced look, and with their sharp, chiseled good looks, buff bodies, and looming six-foot-plus height, I think most people would automatically assume they’re of age. Not that it matters much here. Underage drinking isn’t anything unusual, and it’s not that difficult to get drink if you’re so inclined.

  “Kent, please. We’ve only just landed, and we already talked about this,” James says, looking up at the ceiling and sighing.

  Kent’s eyes narrow as he spots Rach, and he makes a beeline for her. “Hey, babe.” He winks. “Fancy meeting you here.” He waggles his brows, and I try not to throw up.

  “Kent.” Her tone is polite but not overly friendly. “I hope you have a good holiday.” Before he can get another word in, she smiles quickly and walks toward Alex.

  James reaches over, pulling Ky and me into a group hug. “How are you two? How’s the trip been so far?”

  Ky slides his arm around my waist, smiling as he peers into my eyes. “Incredible. We’re having an amazing time. Faye has dragged me everywhere this week, but it’s been good.”

  “I’m surprised you even stepped foot outside the front door,” Kal pipes up, leaning in to hug me.

  “Funny, ha!” I lightly punch him in the arm.

  “What’s up, asshole?” Ky asks, slapping Kal on the back.

  I dart over to Keaton, squealing as I wrap my arms around him. “I can’t believe you’re here! We’re going to have the best time ever.”

  He lifts me up, twirling me around as if I weigh nothing. “Me either! I drove everyone insane on the plane because I was so hyped up.”

  “Truth,” Kaden says, coming over. “He’s lucky we didn’t throw him out the emergency door.” When Keaton sets my feet on the ground, Kaden gives me a quick one-armed hug. “Good to see you, cuz.”

  “You too.”

  “Faye.” Keven stands back a bit, jerking his head in my direction.

  “Hey, Kev.” I work hard to keep my eyes on his face. It’s monumentally difficult with those biceps which just beg to be ogled.

  “Hi,” Rach says, pushing her way forward. “I’m Rachel. We met last year.”

  “Of course. I remember.” Taking off his shades, he smiles as he makes a slow perusal of her body. She practically melts into a puddle at his feet.

  Ky chuckles under his breath, moving behind me and circling his arms around my waist. “I don’t think she’ll be needing my services after all.”

  “Nope. She’s got this one covered.” I smirk.

  “Hi, Ky, Faye. How’s it going?” Keanu says, stepping in front of us.

  “Hey. I’m glad we could tear you away from Selena for a few weeks.”

  “I’m my own person, Faye,” he retorts, scowling a little.

  Ky musses up his perfectly styled hair, and his scowl deepens. “Chill, bro. She’s only messing with ya.”

  “I think we should make a move,” James suggests. “We’re blocking the entrance.” I look behind him, and sure enough, a queue is forming as people struggle to maneuver around us.

  “That guy over there is for you,” Ky supplies, pointing at a small, bald man in a gray suit standing off to the side with a KENNEDY PARTY sign clutched to his chest. “I drove my rental, so I’ll drive back to Faye’s, and then we’ll meet you at the hotel for dinner.”

  “Sounds like a
plan.” James beams proudly at Ky. “See you in a while.”

  Chapter Four


  Rach and Jill join us in the hotel for dinner, and it’s a lively affair. All my brothers are itching to get the party started, so we leave Mom and Dad to their own devices and take a couple of taxis to Rachel’s house.

  She has hired help to set up the party, so we kick back the minute we get there while we wait for everyone else to arrive.

  Kev is totally checking Rachel out, not even attempting to disguise his interest. She’s frothing at the mouth, and I give it one hour, tops, before one of them pounces on the other. When she visited last year, I could’ve sworn it was Brad who snagged her attention. The way those two baited each other spoke volumes. I have a sneaky suspicion that something happened between them, but if anything went down, Brad kept it to himself.

  Thoughts of my best friend raise the usual snowstorm of emotions. Brad should be on this trip—he’s practically one of the family—and it doesn’t feel right he was left behind on his lonesome. But if he’d come, it would’ve ruined the vacation for everyone. There’s no hiding the awkward tension that lingers in the air like rotten eggs whenever Brad, me, and Faye share the same space.

  It’s one of the reasons Faye and I have decided to live apart when we get to Harvard. Initially, I’d assumed we would get a place together, and I was pissed when she first suggested we live separately, but once she explained her reasoning, I got over it. She wants the full college experience, and that means dorm life. So, she’s going to share with a roomie, and Brad and I are going to share an apartment a few blocks from campus. I lined up a place before I left home so everything’s all set. I’m hoping this year will give me and Brad the chance to get our friendship back on track. I’m praying he meets some girl and gets over his obsession with Faye.


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