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The Irish Getaway: A Kennedy Boys Optional Short Novel (The Kennedy Boys)

Page 4

by Siobhan Davis

  While Faye hasn’t outright admitted she’s hoping for the same things, I know she is. I don’t know what part it played in her decision to stay on campus, but I can’t fault her for trying to repair the friendship between Brad and me. I only love her more for her selflessness. Ultimately, that’s what decided it for me. If she can selflessly sacrifice getting our own place, then I can do the same for her. And it’s not like we won’t see each other. I’ll still be tied to her like glue. I want to ensure all those a-holes on campus know she’s taken.

  Once a possessive jerk, always a possessive jerk. I chuckle to myself.

  “Penny for them,” Faye says, sliding alongside me. She hands me a fresh, cold beer.

  “Thanks, babe.” I peck her lips. “I was just thinking about Brad and Harvard.”

  “Yeah, me too.” She quietly surveys the room which is starting to fill up. “It doesn’t feel right he’s not here.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t like the thoughts of him being back in the house all by himself.”

  “Me either, but there wasn’t really an alternative.”

  Little lines furrow her brow, and her expression turns sad. “No, I don’t suppose there was.”

  I tilt her face up to mine. “It’s not your fault,” I say for like the umpteenth time.

  “I should never have kissed him.”

  A growl rips from my soul. “Can we not talk about this? There’s no point rehashing old ground. It’ll only ruin both of our moods, and I want to enjoy the party.”

  She grips my waist tightly, reeling me in closer. “You’re right. No more talk of the past. Now shut up and kiss me.”

  I drag Faye over to the corner of the room, dropping into a leather chair and pulling her into my lap. Then I kiss the hell out of her, allowing her familiar touch to ease the tightness in my chest.

  “Still horny as fuck I see,” Kal says, breaking us apart. He’s leaning against the wall with Keaton by his side, grinning knowingly.

  “Shut it, asshole.” I discreetly adjust myself as Faye launches off my lap. She pulls me up, smiling like I’m her favorite person in the world. Is it arrogant that I know I am? She smooths a hand down the front of her dress, and my eyes greedily follow the movement.

  “Fucking hell, Ky,” Kal moans. “I’d forgotten how nauseating it is to be around you guys sometimes. Haven’t you had your fill by now?”

  “Dude, that day will never come.”

  “Aw, you say the sweetest things.” Faye leans in to kiss my cheek. “I’m going to check in with Rach. I’ll be back in a sec.” She pecks my lips before leaving.

  “I think it’s awesome you guys are so much in love,” Keaton says with an envious look on his face.

  I clink my bottle against his. “Thanks, bro. You still seeing Melissa?”

  “Yeah,” he confirms with little enthusiasm.

  “What? It’s on the outs?”

  He stiffens. “I didn’t say that. It’s just…”

  I arch a brow. “What?”

  A crooked smile spreads over his mouth. “We’re going to talk girls and love and shit?”

  I shrug. “If you want to.”

  His smile widens. “You’ve changed.”

  I think about that for a minute. “Yeah, I think I have. Faye has played no small part in that. You’ll be the same when you meet the one.” Kal has a faraway look on his face. I elbow him in the ribs. “What about you?”

  He visibly stiffens. “What about me?” His tone is decidedly defensive.

  “You haven’t been with anyone in ages. We’re on vacation. You should let loose.” I skim an eye over the large crowd. “There’s plenty of hot girls here. You should get back in the saddle.”

  A muscle clenches in his jaw. “I’m not interested.”

  Keaton and I lock eyes.

  “You miss Lana,” Keaton says quietly.

  Kal looks at the floor. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  A layer of tension descends. What an awesome fucking start to the second leg of our vacation.

  “Wow,” Faye says returning a moment later. “I can’t leave you alone for five minutes. Why the glum faces? This is a party, guys! It’s supposed to be fun.” She plants her hands on her hips as a cunning expression appears on her face. “Put your drinks down. We’re dancing.” Her stern tone says “don’t even think about arguing with me.”

  She hauls the three of us out into the middle of the floor, where people are dancing up a storm. The place is jammed now, and there’s got to be at least one hundred and fifty people milling about Rachel’s living room. A DJ pumps out beats from the corner of the room, and the sounds of raucous laughter can be heard in the background.

  Several girls focus their attention in our direction, and once Kent and Keanu join us, it isn’t long before we are pretty much surrounded. Of course, Kade and Kev are too cool to join in, preferring to hang back, chatting to a few girls over on the other side of the room.

  Kent lets out a roar when the latest Bieber hit belts out, whipping off his shirt and flinging it around as the girls move in for the kill. Grabbing his beer, he misses his mouth and ends up pouring it over his naked chest. A busty brunette and a tiny blonde are on him in a flash. My eyes are out on stalks as I watch them lick a path up and down his bare chest. Faye is cracking up laughing beside me, clutching her stomach as if in pain. “Oh my God. This is fucking priceless.” Kent grinds against the two girls, happy to be the meat in their sandwich, and I don’t need to be psychic to figure out how this is going to end. “Do not encourage him,” I shout in her ear.

  “Aw, come on, babe. You have to admit it’s funny. I know those girls, and they are going to eat him alive.” She giggles, moving in to hear whatever Keaton has to say. It’s then I notice a red-haired girl grasping Keaton’s ass as she attempts to eye fuck him. The panic on Keaton’s face would be comical if it wasn’t terrifyingly real. Where Keanu and Kent are smoothly skillful around women, Keaton is the complete opposite. Unwanted female attention scares the shit out of him. While Kent doesn’t know the meaning of commitment, Keaton is fiercely loyal to Melissa, and he’s most definitely out of his comfort zone with the clinger-on. I decide to help him out.

  Moving over, I bend down, leaning in close to the redhead’s ear. “He’s taken, sweetheart, so I suggest you remove your hands from my brother’s ass before you give him a coronary.”

  The girl’s eyes light up as she stares at me with a hungry expression. In record time, her hands are off Keaton’s ass and planted on my chest. Not even a second passes before Faye is on the case. “Back the hell off, Chloe. He’s mine,” she snaps at the girl, removing her hands from my body and planting herself protectively in front of me as if I can’t handle myself which is fucking laughable. But I’m not mad. Far from it. I love when my girl’s claws come out. I’m instantly hard, and I push my erection into Faye’s back, letting her know how much she’s turning me on. She leans back into me with a whimper.

  “Please tell me one of them is single?” Chloe wails.

  “Not on your life,” Faye hisses. “My cousins are too good for the likes of you. And how did you even get in here? I’m pretty sure Rach doesn’t know.”

  “You’re such a bitch, Faye.”

  “You really don’t want to go there. I’d suggest you leave before Rach makes you.”

  “Cow,” she mutters, storming off.

  “What was that all about?” I whisper in her ear.

  “She has a well-founded rep for going after other girls’ boyfriends, and she had a fling this one time with this guy Rach had been seeing. It’s the closest Rach has ever come to going out with anyone, but she cut the guy loose when she found out he was also fooling around with Chloe.”

  “Can we take a breather?” Keaton asks, interrupting us, and we take pity on him. Kal goes to grab some drinks whi
le we meander toward Kade and Kev.

  “Okay, wow,” Faye exclaims with wide eyes, pointing ahead. “Keven looks like he’s going to consume Rach alive.”

  She isn’t wrong. My brother has Faye’s best friend pinned to the wall, his body pressed tight against hers, his hands locked on either side of her face as he kisses the shit out of her. Not that she looks like she’s complaining. Her hands are digging into his shoulders as she arches against him.

  “They’re as bad as you two,” Keanu quips, pulling up the rear as he wipes a sheen of sweat off his brow with the corner of his shirt.

  “Where’s the delinquent?” I ask.

  “Where do you think?” He smirks.

  I cuss under my breath.

  “He can take care of himself,” Kade says, noticing my unhappiness. “Stop worrying.”

  “Easy for you to say.” Kade pretty much washed his hands of us once he went to college, and he’s not up to speed on everything. Kent is screwing his way through some number of girls, and I can’t help worrying he’s going to get himself into serious trouble one of these days.

  “It’s okay, babe.” Faye circles her arms around my neck. “I know those girls, and they can definitely handle him. He might have met his match for once.” Then she lowers her mouth to mine, and every other thought flees my mind.

  We eventually got home sometime after four, so when the alarm goes off at eight, it feels like I’ve been asleep for all of five minutes. Faye moans, mumbling curses in a sleep-laced tone, burrowing her head under the pillow. I swat her butt. “Babe, we have to get up. You know my mom will turn up and drag us out of bed if we don’t show up at the hotel on time.”

  She flips over onto her back, removing the pillow from her face. Tangled strands of chocolaty-brown hair hide her beautiful features. “This is torture, pure and simple,” she groans, brushing the hair back off her face. “Your mother is a sadist.”

  I run my hand up the inside of her thigh. “She’s been called worse.” My hand creeps higher, brushing over the edge of her panties.

  She gasps, and her eyes blaze with instant desire. I push the silky material aside, inching one finger inside her. Damn, she’s already so wet. Her eyes dart to the clock. “Do we have time?” she croaks.

  I rip my boxers off in one fluid movement. “For you? Always.”

  We’re twenty minutes late to the hotel, and a round of cheers and clapping greets us when we amble into the lobby. My brothers are slouched in plush armchairs, all looking like death warmed up. Glad to see we aren’t the only ones suffering today.

  “There you are,” Mom says, yanking me into a hug. “I was just about to send out a search party.”

  “Sorry. We woke late,” I lie.

  Kent snorts. “As if, bro. We all know you were too busy boning Faye to turn up on time.”

  Mom closes her eyes, clasping a hand to her chest.

  “Kent. Don’t start with this crap,” Dad pleads. “You promised us you were going to be on your best behavior.”

  He stands up, yawning as he stretches his arms out over his head. “How is telling the truth not being on my best behavior? Seriously, I just can’t win.” He shakes his head.

  “Matching hickeys,” Faye cuts in, squinting as she examines either side of his neck. “So classy.”

  Every Kennedy head turns in Kent’s direction, and a chorus of taunts ring out as all the attention is diverted his way. Faye smirks.

  Round one to my girlfriend.

  Chapter Five


  Alex had asked me to email her a list of the main touristy things to do in Dublin a few weeks ago, and now I know why. She has an action-packed itinerary worked out for today and the next two days. On Wednesday, we are driving to Cork, and from there we’ll move on to Kerry. Then, next weekend, we’re traveling to Wexford to spend the week with Adam and my half-brothers, and I will also be meeting my grandparents for the first time. The thought still raises mixed emotions in me, and I’m in that nervous-excited space.

  Really, Alex should have allocated more time in Dublin because she is trying to squeeze far too much into too short of a timeframe. She dragged us all over the city today. We visited The Guinness Storehouse, Kilmainham Gaol, The National Wax Museum, the Irish Whiskey Museum, and we even took a stroll through Temple Bar, stopping for a pint and dinner in one of the many pubs that line Dublin’s notorious tourist district.

  My feet are aching by the time Ky and I make it back to the house, but there’s no time to dwell on it. We have one hour before we are due to meet his brothers in the city for a night of drinking and dancing—and if Kent has his way, no doubt, debauchery.

  “I think I’m going to need a holiday after this holiday,” I joke, stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, with my wet hair dripping down my back. Ky is already dressed and ready to go. His tight, short-sleeved black shirt hugs his muscular frame in all the right places. He has the top two buttons undone, offering a glimpse of tanned, toned, and glistening skin. Dark jeans and black sneakers complete the look. His hair is still styled long on top and shorn into a skin fade at the sides. A layer of stubble lines his chiseled jawline, and the scent of his aftershave wafts through the air. He looks good enough to eat, and a familiar hunger steals over me.

  His eyes smolder with desire when he notices my expression. “We can’t be late again,” he growls, his voice thick with lust. “My brothers will never let me hear the end of it.” Unexpectedly, he drops to his knees in front of me. “But there’s enough time to take care of you.” He yanks the towel down my body, and I’m standing naked before him as his mouth moves to the place where I ache most for him. I gasp as I stumble a little, thrusting my hands out and gripping the edge of my dresser. Throwing back my head, I whimper as his tongue does unmentionable things to me. He devours me with his mouth and his tongue, and it’s embarrassing how quickly I fall over that blissful ledge. He stays with me, milking every last drop of my arousal until I’m sated.

  Standing up, he pulls me into a tender embrace. “I love you,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of my damp hair.

  My arms snake around him, and I press my cheek to his chest, reveling in the smell and the feel of him. “I love you too.”

  I reach for him, but his hand grips my wrist. “We don’t have time unless you’re planning to go out naked, and if you are, then we need to have words.”

  I look up at him. “I can get ready super fast.”

  He kisses my mouth with glossy lips. “I’ll take a rain check. Don’t rush. Take your time. I fixed you a vodka and cranberry. It’s by the bed.”

  “You’re too good to me.” I stretch up on tiptoes and kiss him. “And I’ll make it up to you later.”

  He swats my butt as he makes his way out of my bedroom. “Hell, yeah, you will.”

  The Halo arrives a half hour later, just as I’m putting the finishing touches to my outfit. I’m wearing a black, silky jumpsuit, with a cut-out design on the back, and sky-high heels. My hair is pulled back in a slick ponytail, and my makeup is a masterpiece Rach will be proud of. Ky places his hand on my exposed lower back as he leads me out the door. “You look stunning, as always. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”

  Leaning back, I cup his head, kissing him deeply. Screw the waiting taxi driver and my friend. “You were just you, and I love you exactly as you are.”

  He smiles, placing me in the back of the minivan while he moves into the passenger seat. “Why are you so smug?” Rach asks, scooting over to make room for me.

  “Because I’m crazy in love,” I reply truthfully, not even attempting to deny it. Ky turns around, grinning at me. He lifts my hand and kisses the tips of my fingers, and I sigh dreamily. We’re puke-inducing, I know that, but I couldn’t care less. I’m deliriously happy, and it’s the most wonderful feeling in the world. I never want to stop feeling like this.
/>   She smacks her forehead with her palm. “God, not again. I totally understand where your cousins are coming from now. You two are disgustingly lovey-dovey, but I can’t be mad at you. Not when you’re so happy, because you deserve it.”

  “You do too.” I turn to face her. She shrugs, not commenting on my statement. The taxi moves off, in the direction of Jill’s house. I elbow Rach in the ribs. “So, you and Keven, huh? I want all the details. No holding back.”

  Ky coughs loudly. “Perhaps you can save the girl talk until I’m not in earshot.”

  Rach smiles. “Relax, lover boy. There’s not much to tell. Your brother kissed the fuck out of me, but we didn’t take it any further. I like him, and it was fun, but it’s not like it’s leading anywhere, so there’s no need for anyone”—she pins me with a purposeful look—“to make a big deal out of it.”

  “Ouch. Way to put me in my place,” I joke.

  “I know you’d love me all settled and loved-up like you, and I get that it’s coming from a good place, but I want different things out of life.” She raises her palms. “No offense or anything.”

  “None taken, and that’s cool. Once you’re happy.” We high-five as the taxi pulls up in front of Jill’s house. Jill and Sam come bounding out the front door and hop in the taxi, and then we’re on our way.

  Club Elite is jumping when we arrive, not that I’m surprised. It isn’t the most in demand hotspot for nothing. We are ushered into the VIP area and shown to our reserved table. Apparently, Kaden had called them earlier and set it up. I’ve never been to this club before, but I can see how it’s become popular so fast. The slick interiors scream money and glamour, and it’s obvious no expense has been spared. The waitress brings two buckets to our table. One contains copious bottles of beers, and the second has two large vodka bottles and accompanying mixers.

  Kent stands up, rubbing his hands together. “Vodka shots coming right up!” He proceeds to fill the glasses like a pro, handing them around. Ky snakes his arm around my shoulder, rolling his eyes at his younger brother. We down a couple of shots, toasting to our trip. I spot several admiring glances leveled my cousin’s way, and it’s not long before our table is deluged. Girls descend like it’s raining women, and pretty soon all my cousins are chatting to different girls.


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