The Dream Machine
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318 Commission chairman Dailey had worried: Dailey, deLeon, interviews.
319 where he found a long article: Carlton Meyer, “The V-22 Fiasco,”
321 In a February 1 conference call: Jennifer Autrey, “Congressman blames makers for V-22 crashes,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Feb. 2, 2001.
322 The investigations found that, as so often: New River JAGMAN Report; Naval Aircraft Mishap Report VMMT-204, Class A FM, 01–01, 11 Dec 00, MV-22B, 165440.
324 the Blue Ribbon Commission had issued: Report of the Panel to Review the V-22 Program, Department of Defense, April 30, 2001.
324 “This was an accident that”: Transcript, Open Meeting, Panel to Review the V-22 Program, March 9, 2001.
326 “This aircraft can do the job”: Otto Kreisher, “Osprey panel recommends continue program, but fix it first,” Copley News Service, April 18, 2001.
326 When Harry P. Dunn saw: Harry P. Dunn, interview.
326 Augustine read all of Dunn’s e-mails: Norman R. Augustine, interview.
328 Dunn sent Coyle a long e-mail: Harry P. Dunn e-mail to Philip Coyle, Subject: V-22 Osprey—a Political Program—Save the Crewmembers!, Nov. 29, 2000.
328 “For your own integrity”: Harry P. Dunn e-mail to Norman R. Augustine, Subject: Facts Not provided to Blue Ribbon, May 6, 2001.
328 He told Dunn the commission: Norman R. Augustine e-mail to Harry P. Dunn, Subject: Note from Norm Augustine, May 22, 2001.
329 Dunn e-mailed him that he had: Harry P. Dunn e-mail to Pete Aldridge, Subject: Termination, May 11, 2001.
329 Three days later, Dunn e-mailed: Harry P. Dunn e-mail to Pete Aldridge et al., Subject: Critical & Fundamental Flight Safety FLAW in V-22 design Compromise, May 14, 2001.
329 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had told Aldridge: Edward C. “Pete” Aldridge, interview.
330 In June 2001, Aldridge sent Dunn: Pete Aldridge e-mail to Harry P. Dunn, Subject: RE: Personal for Mr Aldridge, June 11, 2001.
330 On May 9, Republican Weldon announced: Otto Kreisher, “Weldon reactivates tiltrotor caucus to save Osprey,” Copley News Service, May 10, 2001.
330 “The problem we’ve had”: Peter Nicholas, “Weldon battling for Osprey’s future,” Philadelphia Inquirer, May 14, 2001.
331 On June 7, Spivey e-mailed his old friend: Dick Spivey e-mail to Harry P. Dunn, Subject: V-22, June 7, 2001, and Dunn reply of same date.
332 Dunn copied it and e-mailed it: Harry P. Dunn e-mail to Dick Spivey, Subject: [no subject], July 3, 2001.
334 He even flew the Osprey: Arthur “Rex” Rivolo, interview.
338 “Rex, what kind of proof”: Spivey, Rivolo, interviews.
339 complained about Leishman: Spivey, Leishman, interviews.
340 The NASA committee concluded: Tiltrotor Aeromechanics Phenomena: Report of Independent Assessment Panel, November 2001, submitted to Naval Air Systems Command.
340 The next day, Aldridge met: U.S. Department of Defense News Transcript, Media Roundtable with Under Secretary Aldridge, Aug. 15, 2001.
341 Four days after the U.S. air strikes: Maria Recio, “Osprey helicopter may become phoenix of Afghan retaliation,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Oct. 11, 2001.
341 When the defense bills were finished: 2001 CQ Almanac, p. 7–7.
342 Harry Dunn read in the trade newsletter: “Aldridge expected soon to approve V-22 Osprey flight test plan,” Inside the Navy, Dec. 17, 2001.
342 “It is hard and sad”: Harry P. Dunn e-mail to Pete Aldridge, Subject: You and I both loose [sic]!, Dec. 17, 2001.
343 Aldridge confirmed his decision: U.S. Department of Defense News Transcript, Under Secretary Aldridge Briefing on DoD Acquisition Programs, Dec. 21, 2001.
343 The Marine Corps inspector general’s investigators: Rock, Dunnivan, interviews; Mary Pat Flaherty and Thomas E. Ricks, “A Troubled Osprey Wounds the Corps,” Washington Post, May 1, 2001.
344 The inspector general’s report: DOD IG Records Falsification Report.
348 When Dunn published an article: Harry Dunn, “We shouldn’t put all the eggs in Osprey basket,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Nov. 12, 2001; Paul Rock, Ronald S. Culp, and Richard H. Dunnivan, “Don’t sell the V-22 short,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Dec. 3, 2001.
351 On July 2, 2002, Dunn e-mailed Rivolo: Harry P. Dunn e-mail to Arthur Rivolo, Subject: Re: V-22 Court of Inquiry—Report, July 2, 2002, and Rivolo reply of same date.
351 Aldridge told the Defense Writers Group: U.S. Department of Defense News Transcript, Secretary Aldridge Addresses The Defense Writers Group, Aug. 12, 2002.
353 Shortly after noon, their Osprey began: Lt. Col. (ret.) Steve Grohsmeyer, Macdonald, Aldridge, interviews.
359 He had found: Dunn, interview.
359 One day at 7:13 A.M. he sent: Harry P. Dunn e-mail to Pete Aldridge, Subject: PERSONAL Alert—IMMEDIATE Attention, April 17, 2002.
360 Dunn e-mailed Aldridge a protest: Harry P. Dunn e-mail to Pete Aldridge, Subject: Goodbye—Check out The Center for Public Integrity, May 21, 2003.
360 explained his decision two days later: U.S. Department of Defense News Transcript, Under Secretary Aldridge Briefing on the Results of the Tanker Lease Agreement, May 23, 2003.
360 “A year of closely monitored”: Robert Wall, “More Phoenix Than Osprey,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, May 26, 2003, p. 26.
363 Not long afterward, Hough: Hough, Rock, Dunnivan, interviews.
364 A couple of months after they returned: Rock, Brig. Gen. Glenn Walters, interviews.
366 Over ten weeks that spring: V-22 Osprey Program Report on Operational and Live Fire Test and Evaluation, Office of the Director, Operational Test & Evaluation, The Pentagon, September 2005.
367 Seymour taxied his Osprey out: The author was among the passengers.
368 The Osprey camp loved headlines: Otto Kreisher, “After Decades of Tragedy, Osprey May Be Ready for Combat,” Copley News Service, July 15, 2005.
373 At a cost of 153 American: Bing West, No True Glory: A Frontline Account of the Battle for Fallujah (New York: Bantam, 2005).
374 Sunni insurgents used a surface-to-air missile: Statement by Lt. Gen. George Trautman, Deputy Marine Corps Commandant for Aviation, during his V-22 Osprey news conference, 2008 Farnborough International Air Show, July 15, 2008.
375 published a report titled: Lee Gaillard, “V-22 Osprey: Wonder Weapon or Widow Maker?,” Center for Defense Information, Washington, D.C., 2006.
375 It also cited a memo: Memorandum for: Mr. Thomas Carter, DOT&E, From: A. Rex Rivolo, Subject: Lingering Safety Concerns Over V-22, 17 November 2003.
376 told a Defense Writers Group: Defense Writers Group Transcript, General James Conway, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant, March 14, 2007.
377 Its cover boasted: Mark Thompson, “Flying Shame,” Time, Oct. 8, 2007.
378 The magazine published his letter: “Letters to the Editor,” Time, Nov. 5, 2007.
381 Captain Faibisoff and another pilot: U.S. Department of Defense News Transcript, U.S. Marine Corps, Deputy Commandant, Aviation Lt. Gen. George Trautman, May 2, 2008.
387 There were nostalgic speeches: Video provided to the author by Brett Spivey.
388 In a story on the donation: Katie Fairbank, “XV-15 flies into history,” Dallas Morning News, July 12, 2003.
388 Just before VMM-263 went to Iraq: Dick Spivey e-mail to the author and others, June 15, 2007.
391 A decade to the day after the disaster: Aircraft Accident Investigation, CV-22B, T/N 06–0031, Near Qalat, Afghanistan, 9 April 2010 (L), 8th Special Operations Squad-ron, 1st Special Operations Wing, Hurlburt Field, Florida,–ch04.pdf, Dec. 16, 2010.
392 Harvel retired from the Air Force: Author interview with Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Don Harvel, Dec. 20, 2010.
392 The frequency of helicopter and personnel losses: 2ch
06 Department of Defense Study on Rotorcraft Survivability.
392 Over roughly the same period: Naval Air Systems Command e-mail reply to ques-tions from the author, Sept. 2, 2010.
393 the Osprey wasn’t flying into ambushes: Author interview with Lieutenant Colonel Robert Freeland, Aviation Plans, Weapons 52, Medium Lift Requirements Officer, Headquarters Marine
394 the Pentagon awarded : U.S. Department of Defense Contract Announcement, March 28, 2ch05.
394 Calculating from the first contract: U.S. Department of Defense Selected Acquisition Reports, Program Acquisition Cost Summary, Sept. 30, 2010.
395 In November 2010: Co-Chairs’ Proposal, 11.10.10 Draft Document, National Com-mission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.
395 Without commenting on the Osprey: “Gates Warns Against Defense Cuts,” Wall Street Journal, Nov. 16, 2010.
395 “I really do believe that tiltrotor aviation”: Report of Bolden visit on NASA Aviation Division web site,
396 “We believe the future”: AgustaWestland press briefing, Heli-Expo 2ch06, Anaheim, Calif., Feb. 21, 2ch06.
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