The Dream Machine
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Tyler, Patrick. Running Critical: The Silent War, Rickover, and General Dynamics. New York: Harper & Row, 1986.
West, Bing. No True Glory: A Frontline Account of the Battle for Fallujah. New York: Bantam Dell, 2005.
Wright, Orville Jr., letter to J. Franklin Wilkinson, September 25, 1936. Copy provided to the author by Canadian Mountain Holidays CMH Heli-Hiking, Banff, Canada.
Young, Arthur M. The Bell Notes: A Journey from Physics to Metaphysics. New York: Delacorte Press, 1979.
Adams, Gordon, 94
aerial refueling, 366, 367, 372, 377
aerodynamics, 8, 109, 129, 135, 337
airspeed vs. angle of attack in, 74–75
compressibility in, 41
dynamic instability caused by, 37
relative wind in, 11, 24
retreating blade stall in, 24, 35, 181
wind resistance (drag) in, 11, 31, 206
AeroTrain, 396
Afghanistan, 69, 168, 341, 391–93
Agusta Westland S.p.A., 257, 395–94
aircraft design, 113–14, 117–18, 132
Aircraft 1, 162–67, 202
Aircraft 4, 212–37
APU override used in, 220–21, 222
chase plane of, 218, 221, 223, 224, 225, 229–30, 356
crash investigation of, 234–37
crash of, 228–31, 240, 246, 249, 274, 313
crew conversation aboard, 221–29, 235
crew of, 217–19
impact speed of, 233
lawsuits on, 236–37
at McKinley Climatic Laboratory, 213–217, 236–37
management pressure on, 218, 223, 236
mechanical problems of, 215–17, 218, 220–21, 222–23, 225, 228, 234–36, 246
memorial service for, 233
Quantico as destination of, 212–213, 216–31, 240, 249, 274, 313
recovery of, 232–33
“Return to Base-Rotor” warning in, 222–23, 236
shipboard testing of, 195–96, 206
Aircraft 5, crash of, 196–99, 200–202, 217, 247, 313
Aircraft Mishap Board, 321–24
airfoils, 10–11
Air Force, U.S., 35, 50, 55, 65, 70, 76, 90, 112, 141, 145, 173, 213, 234, 251–52, 259, 388–89
aerial refueling system of, 366
cargo planes of, 2, 40, 60, 61, 64–65, 68
CV-22B version of, 245–46, 248, 251, 287, 369, 391–92
new aircraft desired by, 89
projected V-22 purchases of, 98, 138, 161, 245, 369, 394, 395
size of, 53
Special Operations Command of, 89, 245, 248, 251, 261–62, 308, 316, 325, 331, 369, 391–92, 393
see also MOTT
Air Force Department, U.S., 90, 102
air resonance (dynamic instability), 37
Aldridge, Edward C. “Pete,” 329–30, 331, 333, 340, 341, 342–43, 347–48, 351–54, 359–60, 363, 369, 388
Alford, Lionel, 148–49, 165
Al Qaeda, 340–41, 373–74, 376, 380, 392
Ambrose, James, 103, 137–38, 140, 141, 144, 145
American Helicopter, 1948 cartoon in, 32
American Helicopter Society, 25, 43, 49
Amos, James, 304–5
Anders, William A., 165
angle of attack, 74–75
Army, U.S., 15, 16, 23, 30, 42, 55, 58, 65, 70, 76, 91, 98, 109, 112, 150, 389
air cavalry units of, 41
Autogiros bought by, 17–18
convertiplane competition financed by, 35–38
electronic warfare mission of, 89, 103, 138, 141
helicopters bought by, 20, 27–28, 29, 41, 78, 111, 173
JVX withdrawal of, 137–42, 144–145, 161, 177
NASA’s joint tiltrotor project with, see Bell XV-15 tiltrotor
new aircraft desired by, 73, 89, 97, 103, 141
projected V-22 purchases of, 98, 138, 141–42, 161
size of, 53
VTOL designs funded by, 33–34
Army Department, U.S., 90, 102, 103, 137–42
Army Rangers, U.S., 60, 61, 64, 67 391
Aspin, Les, 176, 183
Atkins, Jim, 47, 77–79, 81–82, 86, 93, 94, 96, 97, 101, 110, 111, 122, 144, 145
atomic “bomb tests,” 31, 54–55
Augustine, Norman R., 318, 325, 326, 328, 330, 341
autoclaves, 119, 120, 132, 245–46
Autogiro, 11–12, 15–19, 22, 30, 189
autorotation, 11, 325, 328, 333, 334, 335–36, 337, 338, 340, 375, 377–78, 394
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), 215, 216, 218, 220–21, 222
Aviation Week, 24–25, 46, 164, 184, 196, 248–49, 255, 256, 316, 360
Balch, Robert, 72–73, 97, 99–100
Balzer, Dick, 166
Banks, Julius, 265, 268, 270–71, 272, 279–80, 287, 292, 293, 306, 307
Barrow, Robert, 87, 99
Bartlett, Newel, 384–85
Beckwith, Charles, 60, 61–62, 63, 64
Bell, Lawrence D., 22–23, 28, 30, 32, 41, 122
BellAgusta Aerospace Company, 257
Bell-Agusta BA609, 395–96
Bell Aircraft Corporation, 22–23, 27, 28–29, 31–32
Bell-Boeing partnership, 101–6, 107–35, 161–67, 185–87, 193, 205–6, 245, 278–79, 304, 305, 314, 316, 317, 320–21, 325, 326, 330, 331, 347–48, 361
civilian tiltrotor 609 project announced by, 256–57
corporate conflicts of, 122–29, 157
cost overruns of, 164–65, 177, 184
division of labor in, 118, 126
EMD contract of, 237–38, 245–47, 248, 249–50
European aerospace companies’ agreements with, 182, 253–54
expected losses of, 165
50–50 split of, 122, 126, 165, 256, 333, 349
fixed-price FSD contract signed by, 146–50, 164–65, 177, 184, 193–94, 204, 208, 237–38, 333
initial contract bid of, 7–8, 14, 20, 103–4, 111, 116, 117, 119, 137, 146
internal naming contests of, 136
Livermore study commissioned by, 192
marketing by, 142–46, 159–60
Necessary’s study rebutted by, 153
production money needed by, 184–85, 191, 193, 204, 205–6
program abandonment considered by, 177, 181
redesign and retesting by, 332–43, 345, 346, 349–50, 352–54, 369, 381
2008 multiyear contract awarded to, 394
see also JVX
Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey:
appearance of, 163, 167
as combat aircraft, 4–5, 327–28, 329, 334–39, 342, 343, 353–54, 360, 369, 370–87, 391–95
cost of, 137, 138–40, 147, 148–50, 154, 155, 157, 184, 190, 191–93, 238, 243, 245, 278, 289, 310, 313, 325, 341, 369, 370, 394
critics of, 4, 152–55, 278–80, 288, 309–16, 318, 319–20, 326–39, 342, 347–48, 351–52, 356, 359–360, 361, 362–63, 367, 368–69, 374, 375–79, 380, 386, 393–93
first assembly of, 161–62
first flight of, 146, 147, 152, 161, 164, 165–67, 170
grounding of, 3–4, 289, 300, 306, 319, 325, 343–46, 349, 353, 360–64, 373
naming of, 136–37
production of, 184, 192, 194, 204–208, 212, 245, 326, 343
projected purchases of, 98, 138, 141–42, 159, 161, 184, 197, 245, 289, 310, 369, 394 395
public image of, 301–4, 312–16, 319–20, 365–69, 394
public unveiling of, 162–64
second development plan for, 205–208, 211–12
unit price of, 148, 150, 161, 245, 255, 319, 369
Bell Helicopter Corporation, 1–5, 8, 26–38, 41–51, 57, 59, 72–76, 77–86, 108–12, 143, 157, 185–187, 202, 212, 237, 239, 240, 248, 251, 287, 387–89, 395–96;
corporate culture of, 28, 30, 122–123, 124, 162
defense lobbyist hired by, 93–95, 99, 139
Flight Research Center of, 74–75, 95–96, 159, 161
ht testing at, 27, 28, 36–38, 41, 42, 395
helicopter assembly line of, 27, 41
production of, 41
Quad TiltRotor (QTR) concept of, 2, 241, 275, 317, 388
see also tiltrotors
Bell Helicopter Corporation, marketing by, 7, 43–51, 59, 65–66, 76, 115, 253–57
briefing guidelines of, 45–46
guest pilot plaques in, 97
Iran contracts of, 47–48, 77–78
methods of, 44–47
XV-15 promotional videos of, 255
of XV-15 tiltrotor concept, 49–51
see also Paris Air Show; Spivey, Richard F.; tiltrotors, marketing of
Bell Helicopter International, 77–78
Bell Huey (HU-1A turbine-engine), 27–28, 30, 41, 47, 57, 63, 78, 379
214 Super, 47–48
Bell HueyCobra, 41–42, 47–48, 57, 63, 78, 379
Bell JetRanger, 30
Bell Model 47, 27
Bell XV-3 Convertiplane, 36–38, 48, 74, 116, 117
Bell XV-15, 59, 72–76, 91, 105–6, 109, 116, 117, 125, 134–35, 196, 212, 235, 241
airspeed of, 82, 85
appearance of, 74, 82, 135, 189
Capitol demonstration of, 187–90, 203
design of, 73–74
flight maneuvers of, 74–75, 79–81, 82–83, 105, 189
H-shaped tail of, 82, 129
marketing of, 49–51
NASA/Army joint sponsorship of, 48–51, 59, 72–73, 74, 82, 83, 91, 95, 97, 98–99, 102, 103, 110, 145, 254
in National Air and Space Museum, 388
Navair financing of, 73–76, 85
at Paris Air Show, 77–86, 93, 94, 95, 111, 134, 145, 255, 327
power lever of, 157–59, 200
rotors of, 74–75
as technology demonstrator, 72, 81, 105, 145
test pilots of, 73–74, 75
wind tunnel tests of, 73, 74
Bell XV-15, as marketing tool, 65–66, 75–76, 95–101, 105–6, 110
in Bell promotional videos, 255
flight demonstration tours of, 145–46
guest pilots of, 73–76, 83, 85–86, 95–97, 98, 100–101, 102, 105, 145, 146, 157, 160, 176, 241, 277, 318, 327
Titanic role offered to, 254–55
Bendorf, Harry, 148, 171
Bianca, Anthony J. “Buddy,” 264–74, 280–81, 284–85, 293, 297, 364
Bianchi, Emilio, 35
Blot, Harry, 154, 155–59, 161, 179–181, 200
Blue Ribbon Commission (“Panel to Review the V-22 Program”), 302, 315, 317–19, 328, 337, 343
findings of, 324–26
members of, 318, 324
recommendations of, 325–26, 330, 331, 333, 341, 342, 349
Boeing CH-46 Sea Knight “Phrog,” 57–58, 63, 69, 71–72, 86–88, 89, 90–91, 97, 98, 113, 118, 173, 204–5, 232, 241, 244, 259, 277, 377
Boeing Company, 8, 15, 102, 122, 123, 128, 131, 148–49, 157, 181, 257
Boeing Helicopter Company (Boeing Vertol), 8, 48, 49, 57, 87–88, 98–99, 117, 136, 157, 160, 161–162, 171, 174, 213–17, 230, 236, 240, 246, 287, 289, 313
corporate culture of, 123–24, 162
Flight Control System Integrated Rig of, 323–24
large helicopters built by, 101, 118, 124
memorial service held by, 233
Model 360 “Plastic Phrog” of, 87–88, 99, 124–25
Quayle’s visit to, 233–34, 238
systems integration by, 102
Wilmington Airport flight test center of, 196–99, 201–2, 213
see also Bell-Boeing partnership
Brow, John A. “Boot,” 259, 260, 265–274, 279, 280–83, 284–85, 309
Brow, Trish, 284, 324–25
Buchanan, H. Lee, III, 290, 300, 304, 305
Bush, George H. W., 169–71, 172, 173, 176, 208–12
in 1992 election, 209–10, 233–34, 238–39
Bush, George W., 289, 301–2, 312, 318, 329, 342, 380
Buyck, Jason, 292, 293–99, 306, 307
Buyers, Jack, 43
Byrne, Donald, 351
Campbell, John P., 33
Cannon, Dorman, 42, 73, 74–75, 78–80, 82–83, 96, 100, 158–59, 166, 388
Carlson, Clifford, 304, 306–8, 309, 314, 344
Carter, Jimmy, 64, 65, 68–69, 84, 87, 88, 145
CAT scans, 120–22
Center for Defense Information, 375
Center for Naval Analyses, 154
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 94
Cheney, Dick, 170–93, 203, 244, 254, 289, 301–2, 316, 318
executive power advocated by, 170–71, 184–85, 211–12
loyalty demanded by, 178–80, 194, 196
Cheney, Dick, cancellation by, 170–93, 196, 197, 202–12, 213, 238–39, 240, 253, 255, 302, 312, 313, 316, 321, 330, 381
Chu’s influence on, 172–73, 180, 186, 190–93, 203, 244
compromise offered in, 212, 226, 231, 232, 234
congressional opposition to, 174–177, 181, 182–87, 204
GAO ruling on, 211–12
IDA study and, 191–93, 203
local jobs affected by, 175, 182–83, 185–86, 187, 188, 209, 234
Marine Corps opposition to, 176–81, 184, 185, 186–87, 193, 194, 202–8
Chu, David S. C., 139, 141, 152, 153–154, 172–73, 180, 186, 190–93, 203, 244, 320
Cichowski, Kurt, 392
Cierva, Juan de la, 11–12, 15–16
civilian aviation, 2, 8, 15, 22, 30, 34, 149
tiltrotors in, 95, 100, 101, 111, 144, 145–46, 159–60, 173, 179, 182, 186, 188, 189, 203, 209–10, 232, 253–57, 334, 389, 395–96
Clinton, Bill, 212, 234, 244–45, 254, 301, 302
Osprey endorsed by, 210, 237, 239
CNN, 274, 280, 284
cockpit displays, 222–23, 236, 246, 264, 267, 294–96, 322, 323, 358, 360, 379–80, 385
Cohen, William, 3–4, 241, 243, 278, 288, 301, 302, 315, 317
composite structures, 87, 119–22, 125, 126–31, 132, 148, 206, 236, 245–46, 299
compound helicopters, 35, 36, 98
compressibility, 41
Congress, U.S., 4, 16–18, 44, 45, 53, 76, 99, 101, 145, 168–93, 241
defense procurement reforms passed by, 146
Dorsey-Logan Act of, 18, 22
General Accounting Office of, 211–12, 324, 329
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act (1985) of, 155, 160, 170, 171
honorariums of, 202–3
interest group scorecards on, 203
lobbying of, 93–95, 99, 139, 143, 181, 185–86, 205, 207, 210, 279, 321
Marine Corps influence on, 178, 203–4, 213, 244–45, 303, 321, 328
National Security Act of, 55–56
political support in, 174–77, 181, 182–87, 204, 241–43, 244–45, 247, 278–79, 288, 301–2, 303–304, 312, 316, 321
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Congress, U.S., defense budget of, 45, 46, 89, 92–95, 102–3, 116, 155, 160, 170–93, 202–12, 255, 258
funding by, 92–95, 99, 101, 102–3, 137, 138, 140, 184, 197, 204, 206–8, 211–12, 237–38, 244–245, 330, 341–42, 391
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act (1974), 211
Connor, Joseph “Buddy,” 219, 230
Convair XFY-1 Pogo, 33
conversion, methods of, 33, 35
Convertaplane, 20, 24, 25
convertiplanes, 10, 11–13, 16, 18, 20, 24–25, 31–38, 56–59, 107–8
as VTOL aircraft, 59
XV-3, 36–38, 48, 74, 116, 117
Conway, James, 373–74, 376
Copeland, Virginia, 50–51
Council for a Livable World, 312, 326
Coyle, Philip, 250, 252, 257, 286, 289–290, 300, 304, 311, 313, 314, 323, 324, 328, 337
crashes, 12–13, 15, 17–18, 232, 244, 275, 279, 376
of Aircraft 5, 196–99, 200–202, 217, 247, 313
of Ryan VZ-3, 34
XV-3, 36
see also Aircraft 4; Marana crash; New River crash
Creech, James, 97, 98
Culp, Ronald S. “Curly,” 260, 261, 348
Curren, Jim, 162, 164
Dailey, John, 302, 318, 326
Davis, Al F., 107–8, 116
defense contractors, 13, 14–18, 28, 43, 44, 65–66, 89, 103, 146–50
competition between, 146–47
Congress lobbied by, 92–95, 99, 139, 143, 181, 185–86, 205, 207, 210, 279, 321
cost-plus vs. fixed-price contracts of, 147–49
Defense Department, U.S., 3–4, 15, 44, 55–56, 89–90, 92, 136–37, 141, 146, 159–60, 168–93, 247–248, 315–16, 317–18, 329–30, 342, 344
see also Cheney, Dick, cancellation by
defense procurement, 69, 88–101, 172, 258, 389
concurrent development in, 247–48
corruption in, 146
cost overruns in, 146–50, 151
defense budget and, 92–95
FSD in, 147–48
Iron Triangle in, 94, 205, 321
job creation aspect of, 94, 101, 144
process of, 91–92, 99, 147, 312
production contracts of, 147–48
stages of, 117
unrealistic requirements in, 115–16
Defense Writers Group, 351–52, 376
“deflected slipstream” aircraft designs, 33–34
DeLauer, Richard D., 89–90, 91, 97
deLeon, Rudy, 302, 318
Delta Force (Beckwith), 62
Delta Force commandos, 60, 61, 64, 67
disk loading, 114, 166, 195, 327–28, 352–53, 356
Dodge, Kevin, 216–17, 226, 228, 231
Dolan, Beverly, 148–49
Dorsey, Frank, 16–18
downwash, 166, 242, 265, 281–82, 326, 329, 334, 337–38, 342, 352–53, 364
dual-sling option, 192–93
dual-use technology, 237
Dubberly, Mike, 130–31
ducted fans, 33
Dugan, Dan, 73, 82, 83
Dunford, Philip, 159, 164, 165–67, 282
Dunn, Harry P., 326–30, 331–32, 333–34, 342, 347–48, 351–52, 359–60, 366, 375, 376, 378
Dunnivan, Richard, 291–93, 344, 345, 346, 348, 362–63
dynamic instability (air resonance), 37
dynamics, 109
Eagle Claw, Operation, 59–65, 67, 366
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 14–15, 27
EMD (Engineering and Manufacturing Development), 237–38, 245–47, 248, 249–50
Engine Air Particle Separators (EAPS), 215, 385
engines, 11, 22, 32, 33, 34, 74, 336
JVX, 114, 118, 132, 133, 135, 150–152, 206, 215, 246
Navair’s design competition for, 150–52