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Hers, Untamed

Page 3

by Anna Adler

  Jax did as she instructed. At the end of the hallway, Alyssa told him to stop.

  “Go through the double doors on your left.”

  Jax obeyed, and she followed him into a large, white gymnastics room. It was nothing but an empty space with clean, matted floors, though. Alyssa had all the equipment removed earlier.

  “You can exercise freely for one hour. I’ll fetch you when your time is up.”

  “You know, some gym equipment would help,” he said, taking in the bare scene.

  “Maybe later. Right now I can’t give you anything you might take apart and use as a weapon.”

  “I know a few prison colonies that should take lessons from you,” Jax grumbled as he walked farther. “Forget DGK-4—they’re idiots and pussies compared to Silenian bitches.”

  Alyssa shook her head and smiled. Her pet was foul-mouthed and disrespectful, but at least he obeyed. She cast a critical look at her private gym’s glass ceiling. Silenia’s beautiful turquoise sky spread above, sunny and inviting. All building glass on Silenia was unbreakable. Due to the planet’s toxic atmosphere, the cities were sealed under domes. All windows had to be made out of unbreakable glass in case a meteorite cracked the dome. It was a necessary safety measure. Alyssa was fairly certain Jax wouldn’t be able to climb up to the ceiling and break the glass, but she was a little concerned, nonetheless. She noticed Jax looking up as well, perhaps making the same calculations. Their gazes met.

  “So when do I get to go outside?” he asked.

  Alyssa gave him a mysterious smile. “Depends on how well you behave. We might go for a walk very soon…in the next couple of days, if I’m pleased with you.”

  He wouldn’t be trustworthy in public, but she wanted to offer him something to look forward to, a little reward.

  “I’m not gonna kiss your feet or call you mistress, no matter what.”

  “Don’t worry, I know you’re new to all this,” Alyssa replied in playful tones. “I’ll consider it progress if you refrain from destroying anything.”

  Chapter 4

  While Jax was locked up in the gym, Alyssa prepared the bathroom for the next exciting stage in her plans: bathing her pet! She had no idea if it would work out. Jax might throw another tantrum at any moment, but she wanted to give it a try. She ran a bath, removed all potentially dangerous items from sight then laid out towels, sponges and bath foams. She also selected a fresh set of clothes for him. He still wore the pants he’d been transported in, and Alyssa meant to throw those away as soon as she got her hands on them. He would only wear first rate clothing from now on, as fitted his position.

  When the bathroom was ready, she tidied up his cage. She took away the empty biodegradable plate and put it through the recycling hatch. She collected the shreds of his shirt, the torn pillow, and recycled those as well. She thought about collecting the scattered feathers, but there was something appealing about them. They gave his sleeping place an alluring, sensual touch. Besides, maybe he liked them.

  When one hour was up, Alyssa went to get Jax. She wasn’t sure what kind of exercise he had been doing—if he had been exercising, or if he’d merely been trying to escape—but she found him sprawled on the mats, sweaty and out of breath. She drew in a wistful breath at the sight of him. Oh how she longed to tangle with him, to feel those thick arms around her.

  Someday, my pet…

  “Time’s up,” she announced cheerfully. “I see you’ve been busy.”

  Jax pushed himself up, his chest heaving, and gave her a dark look. Alyssa’s heart fluttered, but she tried to appear calm. “I hope you enjoyed yourself.”

  “What’s next?” he grunted.

  “I’m going to bathe you.”

  He paused and blinked. “What?”

  “I’ll give you a bath. And afterward, fresh clothes.”

  He scowled at her, and Alyssa suspected he wasn’t going to cooperate. “Or would you rather go back to your cage?”

  Jax heaved a sigh. “No, go ahead. Whatever. Bathe me if you want. I guess taking a shower isn’t an option.”

  Alyssa beamed at him, unable to hide her excitement.

  I can finally touch his naked body!

  “Come this way. I’ll direct you to the bathroom.”

  Entering the bathroom, she saw a look of shock cross over Jax’s face.

  “Shit…” he muttered.

  At her questioning look, he said, “A private gym, a private spa…what next…a private zoo?”

  Alyssa realized the surroundings impressed him, although her bathroom was a standard for upper class Silenians—steam room and shower stall in the back; toilet in an adjoining room; mirrors and shelves covering the walls; and wash basins for various beauty purposes. In the center of the room stood a large, luxurious bathtub.

  Alyssa smiled. “I’m not sure what a zoo is. We don’t have such things here.” She cast a look at Jax’s bandaged right hand, which he had injured back at the IPT. “How’s your hand? Can you get it wet?”

  Jax unwrapped the bandage and tossed it on the floor. His knuckles were bruised and split in a few places, but he only shrugged. “It’s fine.”

  Alyssa nodded and told him to remove his pants. Jax dropped them, kicked them aside, and stood naked before her. His boldness made her breath catch. She had expected grumbling or hesitation, but he radiated defiant self-confidence, with or without clothes. Her gaze zeroed in on his crotch. He had human genitals, but she couldn’t help thinking and hoping that the reason his cock looked so big was due to his alien genes. The thought of mating with him sent her heart racing. She drew a deep breath to cool herself down.

  Okay, focus Alyssa, here comes the hard part…

  Alyssa reached for a shelf, retrieving a pair of heavy leather cuffs meant for the wrists. She presented them to Jax and looked at him with a hopeful expression.

  He stared back at her. “Is this where it gets kinky?”

  “It’s only for my protection,” she said. “You have to put these on. I’m not going to force you, though. I’ll take you back to your cage, if you want.”

  Jax groaned. “Fine, I’ll put the damn things on.”

  Alyssa placed the cuffs on the edge of the bathtub for him and backed away. Jax snapped them on his wrists. The leather was reinforced with metal and had a magnetic lock. He wouldn’t be able to take them off again without Alyssa’s help. Alyssa tapped her wristband and adjusted the safety distance between her and Jax down to a minimum—his collar would only react to sudden, aggressive moves now.

  “All right. Climb into the bath and sit down,” she told him. “You’ll find chains linked to the bottom of the tub. Put your hands down there, at your side, and they’ll attach automatically.”

  To her amazement, Jax obeyed. He stepped into the tub and sat down, the foamy water reaching up to his chest. When he submerged his hands, Alyssa heard the magnetic chains click in place, securing his wrists to the bottom of the tub. She smiled affectionately at him. This was going a lot better than she expected.

  “Is the water all right? Not too hot?”

  Jax only glared at her in reply. Slowly, with a hint of seduction, Alyssa unbuttoned her shirt and laid it aside. She sucked in her tummy and pushed her chest out. She was proud of her beautiful body and full breasts and wanted to show them to him. It was important that her pet found her attractive.

  She tied her hair up then removed her pants and the elegant slippers Silenians wore while at home. She kept on her white lace bra and panties, knowing they added to her sex appeal. They might get wet, but it didn’t matter. Jax didn’t say anything, but his gaze fixed on her. Alyssa smiled secretly, knowing the sight of her made something work inside him, whether he wanted it or not.

  She knelt on the fluffy carpet next to the tub and reached for the sponges and foams.

  “No sudden moves, Jax,” she warned him. “The collar will react if you try anything.”

  “Just get it over with,” he said.

  Alyssa’s heart danced with
delight. She poured warm water on him with a little pitcher and began by shampooing his hair. “Do you like the smell of this?” she asked. “I chose it for you.”

  “Don’t give a damn.”

  “I bought other scents, too. I couldn’t decide which one I liked best.”

  Jax only scowled at her. A giggle escaped her. He looked so adorable with his grumpy look and the foam on his head.

  “For fuck’s sake,” he growled in frustration. “Don’t you have children? You could play with them all day and you wouldn’t have to torture innocent people.”

  “Silenia enforces strict population controls,” Alyssa babbled happily, resuming washing him. “Not everyone gets to have children here. Besides, I’m not ready to be a mother yet. I’m not even married. I definitely wanted to have a pet first.”

  Jax gave her a suspicious look. “What exactly is my role in your reproduction plans?”

  Alyssa smiled at the absurdity of his question. “You have no role in it, of course. I’d have to find a human man if I wanted a child.”

  Jax bristled. “I’m half human.”

  Alyssa scrubbed his back with a sponge. “You are what we call a hybrid. Hybrids are not humans.”

  “We’re intelligent, sentient life forms just like you fucking pure-bloods.”

  “Your intelligence is what makes you so appreciated, Jax. But hybrids are pets. We don’t have pets when we have children.”

  Jax’s face darkened and his jaw clenched. “But you have sex with your pets?”

  “Just for fun,” Alyssa assured him, but Jax didn’t look reassured. His eyes narrowed.

  “Wait.” The water splashed as he stirred. “What the hell did they do to me back in that…facility? Did they sterilize me? Did they turn me into some neutered sex toy?”

  “No, of course not. No one would do such a thing.”

  “Yeah? How do you know?”

  “You don’t understand. You’re a rare specimen.”

  “So what?”

  “Your seed is valuable. I know a lot of owners who’d want to breed their pets with you.”

  Jax looked even more furious at this statement, his lips curling into a snarl. “Breed? Like an animal? I’m supposed to fuck someone’s slave so the owner can get a freaky alien baby out of her?”

  Alyssa pulled back, wary. “No, you don’t have to,” she said. “If you don’t want to do it, I’m not going to force you.”

  The owner decided these things, not the pet, but Alyssa had already decided that if her pet didn’t want to reproduce, she would never force it on him. No matter how much money other Silenian pet owners would offer her.

  “And the other slaves?” Jax demanded. “Do they get a choice?”

  “Both male and female pets are delighted to be granted offspring,” Alyssa stated, frowning at him. She was getting fed up with his arrogance.

  Jax looked as if he was counting to ten in his head. “Fuck this place,” he scoffed. “Give me an honest, stinking slave ship any day of the week. Silenia is a degenerate fucking madhouse.”

  Alyssa pulled her hands out of the water. Silenian humans were impeccably civilized and gentle, wanting nothing but to offer comfortable lives to their pets. To compare it to slavery was absurd. Jax’s confusion was understandable, but Alyssa sensed he was becoming frustrated again and needed some alone time. She heaved a sigh.

  “It seems you’re not happy with bathing, after all. It’s time you go back to your cage.”

  She stood and grabbed a towel and began to pat her arms dry.

  “Wait, Alyssa,” Jax called out.

  Alyssa turned to stare at him with a raised eyebrow. He was not supposed to address her by name, but he didn’t seem to remember this rule.

  He huffed out a breath. “Look, I’ll behave. I get that things work a bit different where I’m from, but there’s not a lot I can do about it right now. You wanted to bathe me?”

  Alyssa folded her arms across her chest. If he wanted to apologize, he’d have to do better than that. But on the inside, she was pleased. He indicated that he’d rather stay in her company than return to the cage.

  “I’ll make friendly chitchat if you want,” he said.

  “We can chat later,” she returned.

  “Come on, don’t be angry. To be honest, it’s not every day I get bathed in a luxury tub by a beautiful woman. I kind of appreciate it, despite everything.”

  Now, that sounded better. A beautiful woman. Alyssa’s heart softened.

  “I promise I won’t splash,” he added.

  Alyssa chuckled and knelt beside him again. “You’re a charmer, Jax,” she purred. “You’re dangerous and you have terrible manners, but I find you irresistible.”

  The corner of his mouth turned up. Alyssa applied a load of scented soap to a sponge and began to scrub his chest and shoulders. Jax closed his eyes. Alyssa admired the relaxed expression that appeared on his face and delighted in the feel of his skin. It was wonderful to touch him, to trace all the contours and angles of his body with her fingers, especially the muscles. Their hardness excited her.

  She reached deeper into the water and ran her fingers over the scales on his forearms. They felt harder than his human skin, more like human nails. Strange and enticing.

  “You really want me to have sex with you?” Jax asked without opening his eyes.

  Butterflies fluttered in Alyssa’s belly. “Perhaps.”

  “That’s funny.”


  “Where I come from, no one wants to sleep with a hybrid freak. I have to pay women to sleep with me, and even then they’re kind of grossed out.”

  Alyssa fixed an incredulous stare on him. On Silenia, exotic pets were considered fascinating and desirable. She had never heard anyone express disgust toward an alien’s appearance.

  “That’s the strangest thing I ever heard,” she said. “You’re very attractive. Everyone’s going to envy me once they see you.”

  Jax opened his piercing blue eyes and gazed at her. “So because I’m different, I’m the hottest thing going, and you bought me so that you get to hump me on a regular basis?”

  Alyssa gave him a wicked smile. “You’re being a little crude, Jax. All I’m saying is that I might be interested in you if you behave yourself.”

  He chewed on this for a while. A look of hunger crept upon his face, and the temperature in the room seemed to rise a few degrees. “You know, I’m kind of flattered by that,” he said. “How about you climb into the tub with me?”

  Alyssa’s heart beat faster and heat gathered between her legs. She wanted to jump into the bath right away. She wanted to grab him and kiss him and have him inside her. But no, too dangerous. This was probably his next attempt at escape. He had guessed that she wanted him, and tried to take advantage of it. Once she got too close… He seemed like a capable fighter, and only his wrists were bound. There were many ways he could hurt her if she wasn’t careful.

  But she couldn’t let her pet go hungry. And besides, seduction worked both ways…

  “I have another idea,” she said huskily, her hand slipping lower in the water, tracing down his abs toward his crotch, until it found his cock.

  A flush of pleasure went through her when she found him rock hard. He was turned on, either by the sight of her scantily clad body or by their conversation.


  This was a step in the right direction. She held his gaze and smiled knowingly, seductively, as she wrapped her fingers around his thick length and began to stroke it. Jax clenched his jaw and his muscles tensed. He clearly tried to bite back the groan of pleasure, turning it into a deep, purring rumble in his chest. An imp danced inside Alyssa. She knew how to get a man off, as Jax was about to find out.

  “God.” He dropped his head back. “That’s wicked. I’m starting to like you, Alyssa.”

  He still failed to call her “Mistress”, but Alyssa didn’t feel like correcting him. She was having too much fun, his thick cock in her hand. She e
xplored it with her fingers, rolling her thumb over the blunt head, tracing the veins all the way to the root and back up again. She cupped his heavy testicles in her hand and massaged them before wrapping her fingers around his cock again.

  “So what do you think?” he rumbled. “You like it?”

  “It’s big,” Alyssa admitted, a delicious shiver touching her spine. “And heavy. You’re well equipped, Jax.”

  He leaned farther back in the tub, a faint grin tugging at his lips. “How much did you pay for me, exactly?”


  “Standard credits? You use the Earth currency here?”

  “Yes, standard credits.”

  “Shit…my cock is worth half a mil?”

  “All of you Jax, not just your cock,” Alyssa scolded him. “Although I’m beginning to realize I would have paid a lot more to get my hands on this.”

  She gave his cock a possessive squeeze, making Jax grunt with pleasure.

  “Good,” he growled. “More of that.”

  She began to work his cock in earnest, wringing snarls and groans from him—a proof of her power over his self-control. His breath came faster. He strained against his bonds, his impressive muscles bulging, the veins and tendons standing out. Alyssa worried that his thrashing would set off his collar. She deactivated it with a quick tap on her wristband before returning her full attention to his cock.

  She tightened her grip and gave it slower, longer strokes under the water, then switched hands and went faster again. By now she had both her arms in the tub and her movements splashed water and foam around, but it didn’t matter. She tried different angles and different grips, gauging the reaction they got out of Jax.

  “Fuck,” he panted. “You…really…know what you’re doing…don’t you?”

  His wet hair hung over his feverish eyes. Heat rushed through Alyssa. Watching him like this was a terrible tease when she wanted to do so much more than just to palm him.

  Patience, patience, she chanted in her mind. With time, I’ll get everything I want.

  She quickened her pace, causing him to bare his clenched teeth.


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