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Hers, Untamed

Page 4

by Anna Adler

  “Good,” he gritted out. “You dirty woman. That’s right. Do it. Like that.”

  He was close. Alyssa felt wickedly triumphant as she pumped his cock with a punishing hand. Jax strained hard against his chains and let out a deep, savage growl. His cock swelled and pulsed in her grip, spurting ropes of semen into the water. Then he sagged and panted, his chest heaving.

  “Fuck, you’re amazing!” he burst out. “You’re a crazy bitch…but you give one hell of a hand job.”

  “I don’t appreciate being called a bitch,” Alyssa remarked.

  She wasn’t annoyed, though; she was thrilled with her success. Her pet responded so well to her touch.

  “I meant it in a good way,” Jax said.

  Alyssa smiled. She gave his cock one last, gentle stroke before pulling her hands away. Ignoring the throbbing of her clit, she proceeded to drain the bath and rinse the soap and foam off Jax. His eyes remained on her the entire time, but she merely enjoyed his attention and focused on her task. Then she rose and touched a small control panel on the rim of the bathtub. It released the cuffs from Jax’s wrists and they fell to the bottom of the tub with a clink.

  “You may come out now,” she said, handing him a large, fluffy towel.

  Jax stood up and stepped out of the tub. Alyssa gazed at him, distracted by how hard and sculpted his body was. She realized her panties were wet, and not only from the splashes of bath water. Jax took the towel from her, and it was only when she felt his fingers running over her shoulder in a caress that she noticed how close he stood.

  “Aren’t you going to dry me?” he asked in a soft voice.

  His collar is deactivated.

  A cold flush of fear went through her.

  He could do anything to me!

  Alyssa mastered her nerves and gave her wristband a quick tap to reactivate the collar. She willed her frantic heartbeat to slow down. She prayed Jax hadn’t noticed what a close call this had been.

  Sloppy! The first day with my wild pet, and I make such a mistake.

  “You have to dry yourself,” Alyssa told him with a nervous little laugh. She took a step back from him. “And you’re not allowed to touch me just yet.”

  “But isn’t that what you want? You want my hands on you.”

  Yes, yes, yes!

  “Maybe,” she said, clamping down on her desire. “Dry yourself, and then put these on.”

  She indicated the clothes she had chosen for him. Jax began to towel himself, but his gaze never left her. Arousal was evident in his eyes, even though his cock hadn’t yet recovered.

  “I could do a lot of things to you, girlie,” he rumbled. “I’m not spent yet. I’m just getting started. Are you sure you don’t want to have a good time?”

  Alyssa was sorely tempted, but all her senses warned her of danger.

  Careful now. Don’t give in to him. Yes, he’s eager. He’s a male animal who has smelled a willing female. But after he’s sated, he’ll turn on you again, and it might happen in a heartbeat.

  “I’ve made up my mind, Jax,” she said firmly. “Put on your clothes now.”

  I should put something on, too.

  Her bra and panties were wet and soapy, so she wrapped herself in her purple silk bathrobe. Jax pulled on a pair of black pants and a snug fitting black T-shirt. Alyssa’s breath caught at the way the shirt stretched over his chest and his bulging biceps.

  Perfect fit.

  Her inner pet owner was squealing with delight, but she remained in check. She mustn’t encourage Jax any further. She had to get him back to his cage.

  “Now then…” She touched her wristband to increase the security level of his collar. “We return to the living room and you go back to your cage. Walk ahead; you know the way by now.”

  Jax didn’t move. “Why put me back in there? I promise to behave.”

  Alyssa knew full well that he wouldn’t behave.

  “Do as I say, Jax. You want to go outside, don’t you? I can’t take you out in public if I don’t have your obedience.”

  “When are you going to take me outside?”

  “Soon, if I’m pleased with you.”

  “I know a way I could please you right now…with my tongue.”

  Alyssa wanted to cross her legs to keep her traitorously eager pussy in check.

  “Cage, Jax.”

  His eyes narrowed, but he turned and walked back to the living room. When he reached the open door of his cage, he stopped. She could tell from his tense shoulders that he didn’t want to go in. He was angry, although he was trying to hide it.

  Yes, he’s clever. His plan now is to win my trust. He’s trying to play nice even though it goes against his true feelings.

  Alyssa waited, holding her breath. She hoped he wouldn’t lash out. It would hurt him, and she didn’t want to cause him pain. Then Jax got over himself and stepped into the cage.

  “Close the door,” she instructed.

  A dark look reflected in his eyes, but he pulled the cage door closed. The lock activated with a click.

  “And now?”

  Alyssa drew a deep breath. “Now, you make yourself comfortable. I have to go take care of something.”

  Chapter 5

  Alyssa rushed to her bedroom and threw herself on the bed. The silk covers felt deliciously cool against her flushed skin. She lay there for a minute, trying to calm her rampantly horny body, but when it didn’t work, she opened her robe and shed her panties.

  He’s so sexy. And he’s mine!

  She scarcely believed her luck. She wanted a pet who paid attention to her and desired her. Jax did all that, and so much more. She wasn’t prepared for such feral intensity and such intelligence. He seemed to adapt so quickly, sensing what she wanted and trying to take advantage of it. In her guidebooks, she had read of wild pets who pouted for months and went on hunger strikes rather than cooperate. It was one way to rebel. She was grateful Jax had a different personality, even though it made him more dangerous.

  I want him so badly…I might end up giving in to him if I’m not careful.

  She didn’t dare go back to him before she’d taken the edge off her desire. Her eyes slid closed and she kneaded her breasts, imagining Jax’s hands on them. Her heart beat faster. He had large, strong hands. Her body would be like wax in them. An erotic shiver went through her, hardening her nipples. Her body arched into her touch, longing for more. One hand traveled lower and slipped between her legs. A moan escaped her as her fingers met her wet pussy. Her clit was swollen, desperate for attention. She rubbed it, the pleasure rapidly driving her out of her mind. She thought about Jax’s muscular body, imagined his weight on her. His stubbly jaw scratching the skin on her neck… She climaxed, the strength of the orgasm making her cry out, leaving her hot and gasping for breath.

  God, he really has me riled up! I’m ready to take off like a rocket.

  One orgasm wasn’t enough for her. She sunk two fingers into her pussy, thinking about his cock, but soon gave up. Why try with bare hands when she had a closet full of toys? Aroused and needy, she pushed herself up and strode to her toy stash. She selected her largest vibrator; she wanted something that might pass for his cock. Smiling excitedly, she fell back into bed and stuck the vibrator between her legs, imagining it was Jax penetrating her. Her pussy clamped down on the rubber toy and she climaxed again, shrieking from the intense pleasure.

  Afterward, she felt much better. The afterglow from the orgasms gently warming her, she lay on the bed and relaxed. The day had been magical so far. Full of excitement, danger and pleasant surprises. And this was only the first day! A lifetime of adventures lay ahead for her and her pet. Silenians sometimes sold their pets when they grew tired of them or found a better one, but Alyssa knew she would never sell Jax. She adored him from the moment she first saw him and, the more she learned about him, the better she liked him. He was perfect for her. All she had to do was tame him.

  Alyssa showered. When she was once more clean and dressed in fres
h clothes, she cleaned and dried the vibrator and put it back in its place. She smiled at the thought that soon she might not need it anymore. Silenian men left her unsatisfied; they were too shallow and passionless. Jax represented something new and different.

  She went back to the living room to see her pet. He sat on his mattress, one arm resting on a propped-up knee.

  “Feeling better?” he asked drily. “I heard you having fun in there.”

  Alyssa’s cheeks grew hot, but it was a happy, sated blush. “I’m much better, thank you.”

  “I could have helped you out, you know.”

  “I didn’t need help.”

  He flashed her a sleazy grin. “You were thinking about my cock, weren’t you? You want it inside you. Was it a hard fuck you were fantasizing about, or sweet and gentle?”

  Alyssa casually swept her hair back from her shoulder. “That’s none of your business.”

  She wouldn’t mind sharing her fantasies with him, but it was a bad idea to engage in too much sex, too soon. Jax needed to form a deep emotional bond with her before it was safe to take him to her bed.

  His grin widened. “I think it was a hard fuck. You want it hard, don’t you? You’re just asking for a good banging.”

  “That’s enough, Jax. Playtime’s over. It’s about dinnertime, so I’ll go prepare us something.”

  She turned to go to the kitchen.

  “Hey,” Jax called out after her. “So what am I supposed to do with this?”

  He nodded at his crotch. Alyssa saw his impressive erection bulging against the front of his pants.

  Oh, my wicked pet. He knows I would like to jump on it.

  She gave him a mischievous grin. “What you’re supposed to do? You’re supposed to fantasize about me while you take care of it.”

  Chapter 6

  At ten p.m., after dinner and plenty of light but naughty conversation, Alyssa said good night to Jax, switched off the lights, and went to bed. But two hours later, she still rolled about restless, too excited to sleep. Too entranced by the novelty of owning such a handsome creature.

  What position does he sleep in? Does he sleep fully clothed, or does he strip?

  Alyssa hadn’t given him sleepwear. She herself wore expensive silk pajamas for the night, but she felt it was better to start simple with Jax. He would only get the most basic necessities for now; it would make him appreciate the luxuries more when she granted them.

  Alyssa would have liked to keep watching him. She wasn’t tired, and observing him gave her possessive pleasure. Of course, it was in her power to sit by him all night if she chose, but she suspected he would never go to sleep as long as she was in the room. And she wanted him to rest. But after midnight, still sleepless, she could no longer resist the temptation. She slipped out of bed and tiptoed into the living room. She only wanted to see what he was doing.

  Kneeling near the cage, she detected Jax lying on his back on the mattress, his head on the pillow. His upper body was bare, with the blanket covering him up to his waist. His hands rested on his belly. He appeared relaxed and in deep sleep.

  The sight of him warmed her heart and brought a smile on her lips.

  What a good pet he is.

  Sometimes pets were so stressed out by the change of owner and environment that they couldn’t sleep—only paced their cage at night with an anxious look in their eyes. Jax didn’t seem bothered. Alyssa was pleased with his strong nerves.

  Maybe he likes it here. Maybe I’ve managed to make him feel at home.

  “What are you up to now?” Jax asked out of the blue, making Alyssa jump.

  “Sorry,” she said. “Did I wake you?”

  “You’re trying to stalk me in my sleep.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you’re comfortable.”

  “Really?” He sounded amused now. “So you weren’t planning to drug me and ride my cock while I lay incapacitated?”

  Alyssa’s eyes widened. “Of course not. I would never abuse you while you slept.”

  Jax chuckled. “Pity.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I thought you might try to sneak into my cage when I’m not paying attention.”

  “You’re kidding me,” she scoffed. “You wouldn’t want me to sexually harass you.”

  “I would mind a lot less than you think. Never had that kind of attention from a beautiful woman.”

  She stared at him.

  Jax went on, “It’d be grand to wake up with you on top of me, my balls aching.”

  Alyssa grinned and shook her head. “Jax, you naughty…”

  “So how about it?” he said, his voice full of dark amusement. “You can tie me up if you want. Fuck me until you’re satisfied.”

  Desire made Alyssa’s mouth dry. She licked her lips and swallowed. His cage looked comfortable and tempting. His bed would be warm and probably smelled like him. It would be delicious to climb on top and go all wildcat on him.

  Danger, said Alyssa’s brain. He’s tempting you for his own agenda. He wants you close and careless.

  “You’re sweet, my pet,” she said with a smile. “But I really only came in here to make sure you’re comfortable.”

  “I’d be more comfortable with my cock inside you. And so would you.”

  Alyssa deemed it better not to reply. She stood up and went back to bed.

  The possibility existed that he was lying to her. Perhaps he was a brilliant actor and in reality found her repulsive, but Alyssa had a feeling the opposite was true. She suspected that he indeed found her sexy, which made his indecent offers all the harder to resist.

  Patience, Alyssa. Stay in control. In time, he’ll be all yours.

  Alyssa crawled under the covers and heaved a sigh. Patience was not one of her virtues. She was used to getting everything she wanted the moment she wanted it. It was so hard to wait. So hard… Finally, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. She looked forward to a peaceful slumber, but was whisked away by an intense dream where she and Jax had wild, animalistic sex. Sometimes she was on top, sometimes he was. His eyes burned with ice-blue fire and she gloried in being the object of his passion. She woke up the next morning in a daze, tangled up in the sheets, her hair a mess.

  Chapter 7

  The next seven days passed in a similar manner. Alyssa cooked for her pet and watched him eat, enraptured. She scarcely remembered to touch her own meals, being so happy and distracted. Jax never turned down food and he never complained about the taste. He never praised it either, but Alyssa was pleased that he ate. She took care to prepare as healthy meals as possible, wanting only the best for him. Jax emptied his plate without hesitation and licked his fingers clean afterward.

  She took him to the gym to exercise twice a day, two and a half hours at a time. She wasn’t sure how much exercise Jax needed, so she thought it better to offer him too much than too little. He could decide on his own how much running around he wanted to do while in the gym. Alyssa didn’t direct him, and he didn’t seem to need direction. Every time she went to fetch him from the gym, she found him hot and panting, doing laps around the room or doing push-ups or sit-ups or something else.

  “I could really use a punching bag,” he said. “Shadow boxing is getting boring. I can’t do much harm with a simple punching bag, right?”

  “I’ll think about it,” Alyssa promised.

  She was happy he was so active. He would waste away if he didn’t use his body. After each day’s second exercise session, she bathed him. She quickly detected that this was Jax’s favorite part of the day. After his vigorous exercise, he got to sit in a hot, scented bath while Alyssa scrubbed and massaged him all over with a sponge. She also ended up pleasuring him every day in the bath, which they both enjoyed. They talked and bantered through their activities. Alyssa told him stories about her life and about her thoughts. Jax listened and made witty remarks. He was in full-blown charmer mode now, obeying her without grumbling, avoiding controversial topics in conversation and persistently t
rying to convince her to climb on top of him. She kept refusing him, even though it meant her vibrators saw everyday use.

  “So when do we go outside?” Jax frequently wanted to know.

  This was another one of his goals. His plan was either to seduce Alyssa or to explore his environment and look for escape routes, whichever came first. Alyssa let him have his plans. It was good he had something that motivated him to cooperate. Time was on her side. The longer he was with her, the more he would simply grow accustomed to her. Before a year was through, he wouldn’t want to leave anymore.

  Alyssa kept promising Jax that the better he behaved, the sooner she would take him for a walk. After seven days, she decided it was time for the first, quick dip into the street. The day was perfect: a clear, sunny sky with no storm warnings. The temperature under the city dome was regulated, kept at a comfortable room temperature during the day and a little below at night. Silenia itself was cold, bare rock, with daytime temperatures no higher than freezing and often sinking down to lethal levels at night.

  After she had cleared up their breakfast things, Alyssa told Jax they would be going out today.

  “We won’t be going far,” she said. “Only around the square and back. If you behave, we’ll take longer walks later. But you have to do exactly as I say. I’m going to activate your collar, as always when you’re outside the cage.”

  “Yeah, yeah, let’s just go,” he said, already leaning against the bars. “I’ve been stuck in boxes for ages; I need some space around me.”

  Alyssa smiled. “Good.”

  She went to fetch a pair of outdoor shoes for him as well as a long, narrow leash of black leather. Usually pets were kept on a short leash, but since Jax needed to observe the two-meter safety distance to Alyssa, a long leash was in order.

  The brand new leash smelled recently oiled. Alyssa admired it, rubbing it in her fingers, thinking fondly of what it represented. She would be showing her dashing pet in public for the first time! Although she had deliberately chosen this quiet time of the day when almost everyone was at work—Jax was so unpredictable, it was better to avoid other people and their pets. Nonetheless, this was a new, exciting experience.


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