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Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums)

Page 14

by Ryan Erin

  After the final rites are performed according to the precepts of the Arcane Lineage, the golem must be left for a night and a day in complete isolation. Its creator should visit it every night until the dark of the moon before it's first task is ever assigned.

  Once the golem is in service, and if created correctly, it can prove the most valuable of assistants.

  -Raylin of the Rings, Wizard of the White College

  "Doctrine Arcandus"



  The volcanic Mt. Myr is a well-known hazard in the southern islands of Aquilla. The sea boils around its blackened shores, and fiery stones splash down at tremendous distance from its eruptions.

  But in ancient times, the island was said to be a paradise, and the Myrwysh people were masters of their craft. Many of their products were traded across the southern seas, but none more valuable than Myrwysh steel. Something about the iron they pulled from the volcanic island made this alloy nearly unbreakable. It became the standard for kings and warlords across the world to commission Myrwysh weapons, paying small fortunes for a blade that could not be broken in combat. Though centuries have passed since the towns of Myr were covered under blackened lava, their blades can still be found here and there in the world, generally in treasure vaults, dragon hordes, and sometimes, on the hip of a king or queen from an ancient lineage. In every case, the quality of the blade will look as if it were forged only yesterday.

  -Lord Dorn, Warduke of Valen

  "Armories of the Five Kingdoms"



  In a place unknown to a depth kept secret from Goblyns...through a process jealously hidden from elves...the dwarves of Heinwar, Geinwar, and Nuemwar extract a metal from the earth that is said to be unbreakable in combat, impervious to heat, and incapable of losing its sharpness once an edge is set.

  They call this metal, Hewnspar.

  Of all the wares valued by merchant kings, a Dwarven tradesman selling Hewnspar will always be attacked first by buyers.

  The metal's bluish-green hue can be spotted easily, and is guaranteed to command a high price. It is the favored metal for wizards, sorcerers, and the rest of their reclusive ilk for the creation of magical objects, as some unknown property makes it ideal for enchanting.

  When your enemy draws a blue-green blade, options other than combat tend to become more favorable.

  -Lord Dorn, Warduke of Valen

  "Armories of the Five Kingdoms"



  The origins of Arconite are unknown. Also referred to as "Wizard's Ice" because of its perpetually cool temperature, it has a history that goes back into dark antiquity.

  Very few weapons of Arconite are still viewable today. Most have been bought up or obtained by the White College, leading private owners of Arconite relics to keep their prizes secret. Almost every weapon of the cool metal is imbued with exceptionally powerful magics, hence the College's mandate for keeping them locked away, under the guard of Argus, the white dragon.

  Some say that Arconite was the metal of the gods, and that legendary items such as the Cloud Hammer, the Sword of Justinius, and the Hell Vortex were once divinely wielded. Some say that the metal was left over from the beginnings of the world, and tempered by elementals from the raw stuff of creation. Others suggest that it came from beyond our world altogether, and is the reason it has never been found in its raw form either above or below ground.

  It is for this reason that Arconite relics are valued without price, and fortunate is the adventurer who discovers one not previously documented.

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  The Shallows of Moondale are a sacred place. For several miles, amidst the drooping trees and lush vegetation of the county of Moondale, sits a foot or two of standing water - cool to the touch and constantly ebbing its way beneath lily pads and still reeds. But unlike a bog, with its pungent air and swarms of biting insects, one will find the most brilliant butterflies by day and fireflies by night. Serenaded by the constant songs of frogs and crickets, haunted by the bells and chimes of its faerie keepers, the land smells of fresh rain and green growing things.

  Powerful witches make their homes deep within, collecting the enchanted reagents that grow there and working secret magics for people in need.

  There are several notable shrines that pilgrims of magic regularly visit, sometimes glimpsing faerie creatures that are invisible in the rest of the world.

  Picturesque villages of tightly nestled thatch-roof houses surround the Shallows, providing inns, food, and some of the finest magic shops in the world. But the locals keep their lives serene, living at peace with the wet country and the magic that calls it home. There is no sickness for those who enter the Shallows, nor predators lying beneath the water. A warning, however, for those who enter with evil in their hearts, find themselves taken to exhaustion. Should an adventurer draw their weapon in anger, do not be surprised to see them fall into a deep sleep, slipping beneath the waters, never to be seen again.

  Possible Random Encounters: Glimmerlings, Faerieflies, Gossymer Glicks, Shadowbat, Frog Royalty, Sylph, Watercat, Treewise, Benign Spirit, Moon Hound, Candlebeast, ManaWard, Wandering Wand

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  The western hills of Moondale are known for many things, but none more so than its tea. A labyrinth of steep mounds rising from a criss cross of cool brooks, the hills are covered in craggy tea plants.

  The people who cultivate and harvest the leaves say that the deep, aromatic taste comes from the streams that water them - streams that originate deep in an enchanted forest, where a unicorn drinks from the spring that feeds them.

  Whether true or not, Moondale Tea is traded throughout the Five Kingdoms, and always at a premium.

  -Lady Sterling, Merchant of the Span, and Proprietor of the Gryphon Peak Trading Company



  The merciless manticore is one of the Eight Beasts of the Knight's Bane.

  Resembling a great, maned lion, the creature’s true nature is revealed upon sight of its giant, dragon-like wings and powerful scorpion's tail.

  It is further distinguished by multiple rows of sharp teeth, and the ability to terrorize its prey in most known languages.

  The range of a single manticore can span twenty or more miles by air. It is usually the dominant predator in its territory, and tends to change that territory every few years in pursuit of fresh game and fresh peoples to antagonize.

  The hide of a manticore is prized by fur traders. Its teeth make exceptional arrow points, and its venom can fetch upwards of 150 talens per vial.

  At those rates, one would expect to see more Manticore hunters in the world. And perhaps you would, were it not for all the Manticores.

  -Daedra the Elder

  "Elder's Bestiary"



  For as rare as gryphons are, the hippogryph is rarer, still.

  The rivalry between gryphon and unicorn is well documented, but the hippogryph is proof that not all horses are prey for the gryphon. It is unknown what circumstances cause this union to take place, though it is suspected that a gryphon and horse share their mating time on some magical or scared place such as a faerie ring, or the site of a wizards' duel. The resultant union then produces a hippogryph, which has the hindquarters of a horse, the front parts of a lion, and the head, talons, and wings of an eagle - a mixture of three proud beasts, to become noblest of them all.

  The hippogryph, though part horse, is near impossible to domesticate. The only person known to have done so was a knight by the name of Lady Ermyne. Tales are still told in the kingdom of Highnorne of the Lady swooping into battle on her majestic mount.
The beast's name was ‘Tempest,’ after the storm from which Lady Ermyne rescued him from as a colt. Now, some two hundred years later, his image can still be found on the heraldry of the Lady's descendants.

  Though it is known far and wide as a noble creature, there are those villainous monsters and sorcerers who hunt the hippogryph, hoping to take its eyes for scrying stones, its feathers for reagents and potions, and its hooves for talismans of flight. These degenerates should, at all costs, be left hog-tied next to a gryphon's nest to be fed to its young.

  -Daedra the Elder

  "Elder's Bestiary"



  The Texta Demonica is a treatise on the infernal powers, collected into multiple volumes. At the time of this writing, there are eight volumes. Three were written by famed demonologist, Akbeth Hatori. Three more were finished posthumously by his descendents, including one addenda volume by the Demonology Ring of the White College of Magi. No one knows who penned the final volume. It was discovered miraculously intact in the burned-out ruins of the Library of Menzan. The book was so frighteningly accurate, including never before known information on the Demon Home Realm, that it was included without editing as the eighth volume.

  The series includes general information on the summoning and handling of demons, as well as a comprehensive list of known demons, their abilities, and suspected means for destroying them.

  The monks of Arcolith Abbey have since taken up the copying of the Texta Demonica, providing a new set of volumes about every three years.

  -Ebaran Gnossoss, Archmage of Skyguard Tower

  "Volumes of Substance"



  Deep within the Sea of Wrath, and beyond the great chain, lies what was once known as Jasper Island.

  The Kings of Jasper were wealthy beyond measure, holding the largest civilized port between FangReach and the Five Kingdoms. But their prosperity ended the day that King Nelswyth summoned the demon.

  His romantic advances having been rebuked by the Queen of the Redwater Pirates, the king turned to dark sources in an attempt to force her love. But, dark sources bring dark ends, and somewhere in the summoning, the jilted king lost control of a demon too powerful to have ever been called, and was possessed by him.

  It did not take long for the island to descend into horror as the possessed king unleashed his infernal will over all who lived there. It was thus that Jasper became known as the Isle of Nightmares.

  -Bro. Jaspen, Master Scribe of Arcolith Abbey



  For as long as men have remembered, tales have been told of the great Eldritch Prison where the vilest of tyrants, necromancers, and demons are locked away till the end of time. Many are the fables of valiant knights and stalwart priests who have beaten the wickedest of villains and drug them bound and prone to be left in the dark vaults of Karna, never again to trouble the good people of the land.

  But for all the tales, there is very little in the way of details as to the nature and location of the magical prison. This is doubtlessly necessary to retain the secrecy of the place, lest like-minded villains attempt to free their evil kin.

  It is speculated that the road to Karna is only revealed when one has captured an adversary worthy of its vaults, and then, can only be accessed by the hero responsible for bringing the cur to justice.

  Possible Random Encounters: Unknown

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible.



  What has been called Hell by many peoples, is referred to by its inhabitants as "The Deep Darkness."

  It is a place unmarred by light of any kind, where demons and devils make their origin. Within its harsh expanses of sharp crags and deadly bogs, stand castles and fortresses of unimaginable design - the bulwarks of an eternal struggle for dominance between the lords of demonkind.

  It is a world of harsh truths and bitter ends, where those mortals unlucky enough to find themselves within, meet a torturous and horrible end.

  It is, in fact, lucky that as mortals, we are incapable of entering the Deep Darkness except by extreme means. A sorcerer of only the most exceptional ability has a chance of crossing over in physical form. But for most who wish to see the realm of the dark powers, astral projection is the only course available. It can, however, only take place where the veil between the two worlds is at its thinnest, and that is at a depth of at least 36 faetons below the surface of the world - a depth that in and of itself, makes the possibility near impossible.

  -Akbeth Hatori

  "Texta Demonica" Vol. 1



  Of the Seven Dungeons, perhaps none is more infamous than DreadHollow. Called "Ixthian" in the old tongue, it is a labyrinth that pierces so deep into the world that nothing has ever been written of its lowest reaches.

  Home to all manner of dark things known and unknown, it is the deadliest pit in the Five Kingdoms. As such, it may hold the most fabulous of treasures, unseen by the people of the surface for thousands of years.

  That said, adventurers who wish to try their luck in the depths will need to make an appeal to the King of Ascentia, for a magical barrier has been erected around the dungeon in order to keep its evils from spilling forth, and the royal family holds the only key.

  Possible Random Encounters: Vargan, Goblyn, Hobgoblyn, Ebony Creeper, Arachnarch, Fellmurk, Imperial Worm, Bugbear, Dwarven WatchWarden, Tomb Spectre, Tomb Wight, Gloom Wraith, Mist Wraith, Wyrthaint, ShadowRaker, Lizardman, Depth Horror, Fire Skull, Troll King, Unclean Thing, Dragon.

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  At the height of the Copper Empire, the Siegereach Mountains marked the Empire's northern most border. The Copper Emperor commissioned his vassal, Lady Abynthine, to erect a wall across the mountains, breaking the routes of enemy raiders.

  A thousand years has now come and gone. The Copper Empire has fallen, and the enemies they faced have long ago been forgotten. Now, the mountains have returned to wild country - the hunting ground of a dragon with scales the color of sunset, and the few people who dare to live in its shadow.

  But the wall remains...a border without a outpost without a war...a crumbling reminder that people had once cared about the region. The statues of those same people still grace its high foundations, speckled with bright green moss, their names long forgotten, and their features slowly stolen by seasonal mountain storms.

  Possible Random Encounters: Mountain Cat, Narwolves, Ur-goblyns, Gargoyles, Ghosts, Crag Horror

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  Of the Five Kingdoms of Men, Ascentia is the north-easternmost realm. It is ruled by the line of Copperward - a line of Kings unbroken since the death of the Black Conqueror.

  Ascentia boasts one of the finest militaries in the Five Kingdoms, and is home to the famous Palantere Order of Knights.

  The capital, Holdengrad, is built on the remains of the ancient city of Thalos Myr - a point of pride to the Ascentians, and they have adopted its venerable architectural style, which can be seen in government buildings and royal institutions across their country.

  Summerland Castle is the seat of power for the monarch of Ascentia, and is a fortress of surpassing splendor, the innermost structures of which date far back into dark antiquity.

  -Bro. Jaspen, Master Scribe of Arcolith Abbey



  Built by the legendary Necromancer-turn-Lich, Hahruzen Astremoth, it has been the central location of many legends and heroic tales involving the rescue of maidens and the retrieval of kingly treasures.

  Many such tales are mere bard's fiction, but several are tr
ue. Since the deposing of the Lich-Lord by the Mage-Knight of Moondale, the tower has gone through many re-occupations by the likes of evil wizards, witches, bandit warlords, hobgoblyns, black knights, and even a clever Wyvren.

  Something about the tower continues to draw malicious masters to take up residence within its walls, and though these villains are eventually defeated and cleared out, the tower rarely stays unoccupied for more than a generation.

  The land on which the building is situated is also somewhat up for debate, with claims by the kingdoms of Pyriam and Ascentia, along with the Druid kingdom of Wynland whose forest surrounds it. As such, no one will tear it down, as no one is willing to risk war over occupying the grounds.

  So, the tower still stands. It is little more than a ruin in these times, but rest assured, some dark power will soon take up management within its walls...if it hasn't already.

  Possible Random Encounters: Ur-Goblyn, Narwolf, Tree Guardian, Mirk Spider, Dark Druid, Road Wraith, Gallow Vine, Arbor Horror


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