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Claimed by Her Bears

Page 4

by Doris O'Connor

  He had originally planned to spank her insolent ass, and then fuck her over his desk, but when she hadn’t appeared, his mood had darkened. For one soul wrenchingly disappointing second he’d thought she’d run out on him, and then his bear had picked up the scent of aroused woman. He’d tracked her down to the ladies’, and just when he thought he’d have to break the door in, she had appeared, and a new plan had taken hold.

  Her untutored responses to him had made the Dom in him roar, and his bear had positively strutted at them. Fucking her now was out of the question. His volatile animal was too close to the surface, and he would not be able to resist biting her. No, it was far safer for everyone involved to consummate their relationship at the safety of the club, where his bear would be easier to control in the company of Jacob and Cat.

  Besides, they had to establish the ground rules, and his little Goldilocks had some homework to do, starting right now.

  He spread his legs and raised an eyebrow at her when she just stood there, staring at him openmouthed.

  “I’m waiting, girl. If you can’t follow a simple instruction then this ain't gonna work out between us.” She gasped at that, and grinning he reached out and shut her mouth with his index finger under her chin. A shudder went through her when he rubbed the pad of his thumb over her kiss swollen lips, and she pouted when he withdrew again.

  “Can’t you just spank me or something, and get that punishment over with, please, Sir?”

  Jason threw his head back and laughed, and her pout deepened, but when he shook his head, she gave an exaggerated sigh, and slowly inched the hemline of her skirt up.

  It was his turn to groan when her pretty pink pussy lips came into view. Delightfully bare, they glistened in her dew, and his bear huffed his need for a taste of the nectar between her legs.

  Jason had to clear his throat to get his voice to work, and the little minx grinned at him.

  “Spread your legs, girl. Give your Sir a good view.”

  With a groan to match his, Goldie complied, and Jason had to rub his aching shaft through his trousers to gain some relief, as her outer lips opened to reveal the bounty therein. Her inner lips darkened in color the longer he stared at them, as the blood rushed to that area. Her engorged clit stood proudly out its hood, almost daring him to devour it with his teeth, and her pussy hole clenched and released, causing more of her juices to trickle out of it and down the inside of her thighs.

  “Now, that is a pretty sight, my girl. I bet you want to come pretty badly right now, don’t you.”


  He smirked at her strangled answer, and taking his phone out of his pocket got to his knees to take some candid close up shots of his girl’s cunt. Both Jacob and Cat would sure appreciate those, not to mention he would, while he imagined himself balls deep inside that pretty flesh.

  “What are you doing, Sir?” Her voice wobbled, but she didn’t close her legs either, and pride surged in him. Maybe this would work out after all. Not claiming her as his was already too painful to contemplate. All three of them would just have to work really hard to make her fall in love with them so that the small matter of them shifting into grizzlies wouldn’t freak her out too much.

  He had a sudden vision of her running away screaming from the club when she found out about them like her namesake in the popular fairytale. He shook his head to free it of those disturbing thoughts, and getting back to his feet showed her the last picture he’d just taken.

  “Just taking a picture of what’s mine, girl.”

  Goldie glanced at the screen briefly and blushed crimson.

  “No need to be ashamed, Goldilocks. You have the prettiest little cunt I've ever seen, and I can't wait to claim it.”

  The hopeful look she threw his way made him laugh, and he shook his head.

  “Not today though.” He pulled the hemline of her pencil skirt down and tapped her nose.

  “You can close your legs now, but remember what I said. No making yourself come, and no panties. I’ll be checking to make sure you follow that rule, and if you don’t…” He grinned at her sharp intake of breath when he swatted her ass twice.

  “You won't be able to sit that pretty behind of yours down for a week, got it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, and he brushed his lips over hers, drinking in the scent of his woman.

  “You have some homework to do first, and when I think you’re ready, we’ll be taking that step at the club.”

  Her eyes widened anew at that proclamation.

  “The club?” she asked. “Not the one all the staff is dying to find out about?”

  Jason tapped her nose again and stepping away, pulled out the list of websites he’d printed off for her earlier out his trouser pocket.

  “The very same, baby, only, you’re looking at the new owner. Well one of them. My sister and brother own a third each.”

  “There’s more of you?” Her voice rose in her astonishment, and he knew now was the perfect time to test the waters.

  “Yes, we’re triplets, and…” He let his words trail off waiting for her reaction, and she didn’t disappoint.

  “Triplets? I guess that makes you really close, right?” she asked, and when he just shrugged his shoulders, she wrapped her arms around herself.

  “Is there a reason you’re telling me this now?” she asked, and he nodded.

  “Let’s just say, we like to share—everything.”

  “Everything?” She whispered her question, her eyes as wide as saucers, and his anxious bear relaxed somewhat. She hadn’t immediately freaked out, which was encouraging for sure.

  “Even with your sister?” That question made him grin, especially as her musk increased. An interesting development for sure.

  “Of course,” he said.

  “Oh.” She seemed to think this over for a minute, and he could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Everything is consensual in this lifestyle, which brings me neatly to this.”

  He pressed the sheet of paper in her hand, and she frowned down on it.

  “What’s this?”

  “Your homework, sweet girl. I’m guessing you have little, if any experience of how this all works, so that’s a list of some of the best resources out there. Take your time, and when you’re ready print out the form on that site.” He pointed to one line on the paper. “That’s a list of hard and soft limits, and a starting point for negotiation.”

  He smiled at her frown of confusion.

  “Trust me it will make sense once you’ve read all of the information, and we’ll talk.” He cupped her face to make her look at him, and the force of his feelings almost overwhelmed him. This woman was his, and he knew with utmost certainty that he would do anything to claim her even if meant going it alone without his siblings. A small part of him would die, but if it meant he could be with her, it would be worth that agony.

  “Will you do that for me, sweet Goldilocks?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll try.”

  Chapter Four

  Those words came back to haunt Goldie over the next two weeks, as she was subjected to not only information overload in the online, crash course on BDSM how-tos, but also received hands on training from Jason himself.

  The first time he’d checked whether she was indeed knicker-less at the office as per his instructions, Goldie had almost disgraced herself in the middle of the crowded conference room. She’d dropped the files she had been carrying at the first bold swipe of his fingers through her exposed pussy lips, which had only encouraged the dratted man. Bent over, as she had been, he had proceeded to finger-fuck her to the brink of orgasm, before he’d withdrawn his digits and licked them clean.

  His actions had been hidden by her skirt, and the huge table, so for Goldie’s peace of mind she chose to believe that no one else had noticed. Harry had looked at her strangely, and asked whether she was feeling well, to which Jason had smirked, before adopti
ng a concerned air.

  “You know you’re right, Harry. Goldie does seem to look a little sickly. Perhaps you better report to Wilma to get yourself checked over.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Harry’s immediate agreement had meant that Goldie had blushed bright scarlet, no doubt confirming her supposed illness to everyone, and to save face, she’d had to visit the nurse. At least it had given her a chance to freshen up, but, really.

  Far more disconcerting than Jason’s on the spot inspections, as he called them, had been the fact that he expected her to reveal her innermost fantasies. Goldie hadn’t been aware she had any, until he made her read up on everything to do with the lifestyle.

  Some of the things she’d read had turned her stomach, and she’d been quick to put those down as hard limits, but the list of soft limits had grown at alarming rates. What’s more, by far the majority of things had made her so horny, she was constantly on the verge of combusting, which was no doubt exactly where Jason wanted her to be.

  Sighing, Goldie washed her hands, and pushed open the door to the office, after the umpteenth trip to the ladies to freshen up. Folks must be wondering whether she had adopted a sudden problem with her waterworks, but one heated look or another private e-mail from Jason was all it took to send the red hot stabs of need through her system. Inevitably her pussy would flood with the liquid evidence of her lust fueled imaginings, and she’d have to make another dash to the loo to stop herself from leaving a stain on her seat.

  Today was worse than usual because it was a butt plug day, and with her ass full to bursting, as she could now take the biggest size, the slightest movement made her pant her need. What’s more she lived in fear of sneezing and shooting the damn thing halfway across the office or something else mortally embarrassing. All this, and the blasted man wasn’t even in.

  The rational side of her did marvel at the fact that she still did as she was told, even though he wasn’t here to make sure she did, but in truth, it didn’t even occur to do anything but what they had agreed.

  And that was the sticking point. She had agreed to this, and she knew that one word from her, and this would all stop.

  Jason had worn the most curious expression on his face when he’d asked her to choose a safeword, and she’d blurted out the first thing that came to mind.


  “Teddy? That’s your safeword?”

  Goldie had stiffened and nodded.

  “Yes, because I still have teddy from when I was little, and he makes me feel safe. So you know safeword, feel safe … well, it makes sense to me.”

  He’d laughed at her pout and shaking his head, kissed her until she’d had a hard time trying to remember her own name, let alone why she’d gotten annoyed with him.

  “Teddy it is then, Goldilocks. Just make sure you use it, if you need to.”

  The heated intensity in his dark eyes had taken her breath away, and it had also fanned the flames of hope higher that he would finally take their relationship to the next stage. After all she had jumped through every hoop, signed a myriad of forms, which were apparently required for entry to the club, and bared her innermost thoughts in ways that made her blush just thinking about it. Especially when he’d asked her what fantasy she’d like to pursue first.

  Goldie had blurted out the one thing she had dreamt off ever since she’d watched her first pirate movie. She wanted to be captured. Not necessarily by a pirate, but…

  Thoughts like these were definitely not helping, and as he wasn’t here, she would have to spend another long weekend trying not to combust from horniness, instead of experiencing everything she secretly yearned for at the club.

  Cursing under her breath at the injustice of it all, Goldie made her way back to her desk and promptly froze. A huge teddy bear sat in her chair, with a note tied around its neck. What on earth?

  The symbolic nature of the teddy wasn’t lost on Goldie, and she hastily yanked the plush toy off her chair, and slid down onto her seat, before her wobbly legs failed to support her. With a furtive glance round the office to make sure nobody was watching her, she disentangled the note, written on Jason Stanhope’s heavy, embossed personal stationary, from around the bear’s neck, and kicked the teddy under her desk and out of sight.

  Really, he couldn’t have picked a less conspicuous way of getting her attention? Then again, having her all flustered and embarrassed like this had no doubt been part of his evil master plan. Her Sir—despite her embarrassment she had to grin at that thought—liked to keep her on edge in more ways than one.

  If you come to the club tonight, you're sure to get a surprise…

  Heat flooded Goldie's cheeks, and her breathing sped up to such a degree that she was in danger of hyperventilating.

  Finally. Now that the moment had come, she wasn’t at all sure she was ready for it, mind you, especially when she turned over the note and read her instructions.

  Not turning up is not an option. Wear something sexy, your stockings, and no underwear. Prepare to be captured, Goldilocks.


  She barely suppressed a groan at the erotic images that evoked in her brain, and lord only knew how she made it through the rest of the afternoon. The day seemed to drag on forever until the buzzer signaled the end of the working week, and the start of the long three day weekend.

  “Oh, someone likes you.” Amanda, the notorious office gossip narrowed her eyes and looked at the teddy Goldie was carrying as she bumped into the woman outside the lift.

  “Oh, this?” Goldie mentally crossed her fingers, and smiled. “Just a present for my neighbor’s little girl. It’s her birthday today.”

  Amanda smirked and raised her eyebrows.

  “Really? I know you got a pay raise when the old witch left, but that bear is from Harrods. I saw the guy who delivered it right to your desk. So pull the other one.”

  The arrival of the elevator saved Goldie from having to answer that, and clutching the teddy to her as though her life depended on it, she hid her flaming cheeks in its soft fur. Really, that man was too much.

  “Hey, you don’t have to tell me. Lord knows you deserve some fun, and I guess I can’t blame you for not wanting to spill the beans. Tell Amanda telegram, I know.”

  Goldie really wanted the ground to swallow her up now, especially when the woman continued.

  “That’s what they call me, I know. I can take a hint.”

  Lips pursed and nose raised in the air, Amanda stared straight ahead, and Goldie sighed. Ah, well, she’d get over her snit soon enough, or at the very least when the next bit of juicy gossip landed in her lap. Goldie had more important things to worry about, not least what on earth did one wear to a BDSM club.

  Something sexy, he’d said.

  The problem was still uppermost in her mind three hours later, when Goldie stood in her bedroom with all the clothes she owned thrown all over the place. Nothing really spoke sexy enough to her. And she wanted to be sexy, not slutty. In the end she settled for a little black dress. Bought on impulse about a year ago, because it had been reduced in the sale, it was a size smaller than she normally wore, and thus made it extremely tight. In fact, she mused to herself, it was just as well she wasn’t allowed to wear underwear, because even a thong would have been visible. The slightly textured fabric shimmered in the light when she moved and showed off her curves, without having her tits hang out, which had been why she’d bought the dress in the first place.

  Goldie’s boobs tended to get in the way, and she was sick and tired of folks speaking to her boobs instead of her face. This dress had a modest neckline, and dipped lower in the back, while the hem ended just above her knees. With one last nod for courage at her reflection, Goldie picked up her bag and car keys, all ready to set off when the doorbell rang.

  Who could that be at this hour?

  Before she could get to the door, the thing literally bounced, as whoever was on the other side pounded against it.

  “Goldilocks, get on o
ut here.”

  Heated arousal instantly flooded Goldie’s system, which no doubt really did mean she was entirely perverted, but there was only one man who called her Goldilocks. The deep gravelly drawl didn’t belong to Jason, but it held enough familiarity for her to assume this man was sent by her Sir, and not some random weirdo who’d decided to break her door in.

  She risked a peek through her peephole, but all she could see was one massive chest, clad in a tight white t-shirt that emphasized this guy’s muscles. He had to be as tall as Jason, and she jumped when he pounded on her door again.

  “I can smell you’re in there, and this sorry excuse for a door isn't gonna stop me. Don’t make me come in and get you.”

  This man’s voice dropped an octave, and the growled words made her insides flip over in excitement, even as she sniffed her armpits.

  What in hell did he mean, he could smell her?

  “I don’t smell, and I’m not letting you in.”

  There, that almost came out in her normal cadence—almost—not that it seemed to have any effect on the mountain behind her door. She still couldn’t see his face when she had another peek, and the huge chest was chuckling in amusement. Sure enough his laughter wrapped itself around her, until she, too, grinned.

  “On the contrary, sweet thing, you smell delicious, and I can’t wait to taste you, and see if you’ve followed Jase’s instructions. Now, be a good girl, and open this door, or the first thing you’ll experience at the club will be a good old punishment.”

  Goldie was almost tempted to string this out a bit, not least because she could listen to this man’s voice for hours. Softer than her Sir’s, it still held the unmistakable edge of command, and before she could second guess her actions she slid the bolt free, and opened her door.


  Jacob Stanhope damn near swallowed his tongue when his prey finally opened the door. Her eyes widened as she took him in, and when he quirked an eyebrow at her, she dutifully lowered her gaze to his chest. She had the most amazing cornflower blue eyes, which combined with her expressive face made her extremely easy to read, just like Jase had said she was. His bear growled his approval at the mate his brother had chosen for them all, and goosebumps popped out on Goldie’s arms. Seeing their girl react like that to his beast made Jacob’s grin deepen. She might have no clue about their bears, but her body instinctively responded to them.


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