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Claimed by Her Bears

Page 5

by Doris O'Connor

  “I should put you over my knee right now, for makin' me wait out here, sweetie.” Jacob stepped closer and wrapping his hand in her hair, tilted her head up to make her look at him. Her breathing sped up as he did so, and the most delightful blush appeared on her pale skin, under his silent scrutiny. She would mark beautifully under their hands, but first things first.

  A shiver went through her when he bent his head and pulled her intoxicating scent deep into his lungs, while he trailed his free hand slowly down the front of her body. Goldie whimpered when he paused at her breasts, and tweaked first one and then the other nipple, and her eyes clouded over with desire.

  “Hmm, so far so good. Let’s make sure you followed all of Sir’s orders now, shall we?”

  Stepping away from her, he released his hold on her, and made a twirling motion with his fingers. When she looked up at him and didn’t move, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her up against the wall, and grasping her wrists pulled her arms up high above her head.

  “I can see we’ll need to work on your obedience some more. I might be more lenient than my brother, but don’t think I'll let you get away with not following my commands.”

  “Your brother?” Her question was no more than a croaky whisper, and Jacob smiled around his mouthful of skin, as he bit into her neck with just enough pressure to appease his salivating beast, and to let her know who was in charge.

  She flinched when he pulled back, stretching her silky soft skin, and then let it slowly slip out of his teeth. The action left a very satisfying red mark on her exposed skin, and his bear grumbled his approval, while the man tracked the exposed flesh of her back down to where the clingy fabric met soft skin, and then swatted each of her ass cheeks twice in quick succession. Her soft moan in answer and the increased musk of her arousal in the air made him hard as nails. It would be so easy to kick apart her legs, and sink his dick into her wet pussy, but Jase would kill him. As the oldest of the triplets, the privilege of first claim fell to his brother. Right now Jacob had no idea how Jase had managed to be around their delectable human mate and resist taking her.

  Jacob would have fucked her every which way he could by now, that was for damn sure. Best stick to the plan, and get her back to the club, so that they could have at her together.

  Squeezing the awfully nice globes under his hand, he pulled the hem of her dress up, and looked his fill of her exposed cunt.

  Wet and puffy, it called him to taste, and Goldie tensed and groaned when he got to his knees, pulled her ass toward him until she was tilted at just the right angle, and licked along her slit.

  “Sir, please … my neighbors … they might … oh.”

  Her protests stopped when he slid his tongue around her clit repeatedly, and the little bundle of nerves firmed and quivered under his ministrations, and he grumbled his approval as she gushed for him. The little minx tried to push herself further against him, and she squealed when he bit down on her labia and withdrew.

  “You naughty thing, you know darn well, yer not allowed to come yet.”

  He chuckled at what sounded suspiciously like a mumbled swear word, and swinging her back ‘round again, he kissed her.

  Her immediate surrender to the bold strokes of his tongue meant that he took the kiss much deeper than he intended to, and he only pulled away when he heard footsteps coming up the stairwell.

  “Oh, I say.” The female voice belonging to one of Goldie’s neighbor’s made his girl freeze, and she hastily yanked the hemline of her dress back down. Shielded as she was by his body, the silver haired, slightly out of breath lady who now stood at the top of the stairs, would not have been able to see Goldie’s nakedness, but waves of embarrassment rolled off Goldilocks anyway, and Jacob stepped away once she was covered.

  “I say, are you quite all right, there, my dear?”

  “Yes, I’m fine, sorry about that, Mrs. Enners. This is my … I mean … err…” Goldie threw him a panicked look, and the old lady narrowed her eyes, as she gave Jacob the once over.

  “That must have been quite a kiss, if it’s scrambled your brains that much, that you can’t remember your boyfriend’s name, Goldie?” Mrs. Enners winked at Jacob when she said that, and Goldie’s whole body shook in denial as she rushed on to explain.

  “Oh, he’s not my boyfriend, he’s ….er, I mean….” Mrs. Enner’s thin eyebrows shot to her equally thin hairline, but it was the mischievous twinkle in her eyes that made Jacob laugh and add his bit to the conversation.

  “I’m her Dom’s brother, Mrs. Enners, and big bro will have my hide, if I don’t get his girl back to him.”

  A strangled groan escaped Goldie, especially when he pulled out the handcuffs he’d stuffed in the back pocket of his jeans and grasping Goldie’s hands, proceeded to cuff them behind her back.

  “What are you—” He shut Goldie’s predictable protest up by tying a soft gag around her mouth, and then proceeded to hide her beautiful, if outraged eyes, behind a blindfold. Suitably restrained and robbed of her vision, the fight went out of Goldie, even as she tried to talk. Nothing but muffled sounds could be heard, however, and Jacob grinned down on Mrs. Enners. The old lady’s mouth had fallen open, and she shook her head.

  “Well, I never. In all the time, I’ve known her, I had no idea…”

  “If you excuse us, ma’am, we’ve somewhere to be, and I sure would appreciate y’all not calling the cops, now.”

  Mrs. Enner’s frail skin pinked up nicely when he winked at her, and dipping his legs, proceeded to fling Goldie over his shoulder. More unintelligible grumbles from behind her gag could be heard, but she didn’t try to fight him either, and not waiting for a reply from the old lady, he carefully maneuvered the narrow stairwell, mindful to not knock Goldie out by bashing her head against the wall.

  He whistled to himself when he encountered another set of Goldie’s neighbors on the way out. The young couple stared at him, even as the guy held open the door to let Jacob through.

  “Thanks, y’all. I sure do appreciate the help here.”

  Goldie stiffened when the guy’s girlfriend spoke up.

  “Hey, that’s the blonde who lives above us.”

  Her boyfriend pulled her along and into the entrance to Goldie’s block of flats, and Jacob grinned at his reply.

  “Yep, sure is, and damn it. That looks hot. We’ll have to do that.”

  “On your bike, mate. I’m not that sort of a girl.”

  Goldie groaned as she clearly heard that exchange, and Jacob swatted her ass twice to take her back out of her head.

  “Ignore that. This is your fantasy, and nobody else has the right to judge you for it. Are we clear, my sweet?”

  He slid her slowly down his front, and when she finally nodded, pride at how well she was taking this filled him.

  “Good girl. Now slide into that back seat. I’ll strap you in, and if you promise not to talk my ear off, I’ll remove that gag.”

  The speed with which she nodded made him laugh, and once he had her safely installed in the back of his luxury sedan, he removed her gag. He also re-cuffed her hands in front of her, mindful of the hour’s journey ahead.

  Goldie licked her lips, and murmured her thanks when he used the end of the gag to wipe her saliva off her chin.

  “You’re welcome, babygirl. Now just relax and enjoy the ride. Once Cat gets hold of you, relaxing will be out of the question.”

  Chapter Five

  Goldie did her best to try to relax into the soft leather seats surrounding her, but his words had sent her heartbeat into overdrive again. She’d almost forgotten about the sister, but Sir had said he shared everything with his siblings, so did that include her, too? From the glimpses she’d caught of what had to be Jacob, she wouldn’t mind being shared with him one little bit. She grinned at her wanton thought processes. The good old nuns would be appalled at her even considering any of this.

  In truth, Goldie hardly recognized herself. While she hadn’t been a model student, she h
ad mostly stayed out of trouble, and once she’d left the nuns behind had lived quite a sheltered life really. The two steady, perfectly nice, and rather boring boyfriends she’d had had certainly not prepared her for what she was being driven to now. Goldie wished with all her might he’d have taken the blindfold off, too, if for no other reason than she could watch him when he drove.

  Just as tall as his brother, Jacob seemed to have even more muscle mass, and if his inked sleeves were any indication, he also had more tats than Jason. He had an altogether meaner look about him, which was odd, because he seemed far gentler than Jason in his demands, not that she really wanted to test that theory. One heated glance out of his hooded eyes, and she’d wanted to sink to her knees and do his bidding, too, which brought her straight back to the conundrum of what to do about this Cat.

  “How ya holdin up back, there, sweetie-pie?”

  Jacob’s southern drawl, so similar to Jason’s, shook her out of her internal angst, and his soft laughter washed over her.

  “You look like you’re doin' a lot of thinking there. Care to share what's on your mind?”

  Goldie opened her mouth and promptly shut it again, mindful of the fact that she wasn’t supposed to talk, and while he’d asked her a question, he hadn’t given her permission to speak either. She was not falling into this trap, oh no, sirree.

  “No, you don’t care to share?”

  She shook her head, and this time she heard the approval in his voice when he spoke again.

  “Taking me literally at the staying quiet thing?”

  At her nod, he laughed, and before she knew what was happening, he’d tugged the blindfold off her eyes. Goldie blinked in surprise at his action, and gasped when his amber eyes seemed to glow in the dim interior of the car. Before she could doubt her sanity, he’d swung back round again, and drove off. He’d pulled over at the side of a country road, she noticed. It was pitch black outside, and she briefly wondered how long she’d been mulling things over in her head, because they were clearly not in London anymore.

  The club was set in private grounds an hour’s drive away from London, she knew that much, and a sliver of unease crawled down her spine, when she realized she had no idea where they were actually heading.

  “Permission to speak, Sir,” she said, and Jacob’s large shoulders shook in seeming amusement.

  “Granted, pet, and for future reference, I’m not such a hard taskmaster that I would give you shit for answering me when I’ve asked you a specific question. Cat might, if she is in one of her ornery moods, but even she wouldn’t do it to a new sub, so relax a little. This is supposed to be fun for you, you know.”

  She felt rather than saw the long, searching look he gave her, and expelled a noisy breath she hadn’t been aware of holding.

  “That’s better, darlin'. Don’t want you passing out for no good reason, now would we.” He winked at her, and Goldie finally allowed her tense muscles to relax.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I just want to do this right, because Sir—” she grimaced at that, and Jacob laughed again.

  “Jase is known as Master J in the club. If it helps, call him ‘Master’, and me ‘Sir’, so you can make the differentiation in your head. Cat, you’ll address as ‘Ma’am’, unless she wants you to call her something else.”

  “O-okay.” Just like that Goldie went back to worrying, and Jacob shook his head. He turned off the main road into what looked like a small forest, and the further inward they travelled the more Goldie’s nerves kicked in.

  “Sir?” she finally asked. “Are we almost there?”

  “Yes, pet, another five minutes should do it. The members value their privacy for obvious reasons, so the club is rather secluded.”

  “I see.” Goldie murmured her answer and sat forward in her seat when the road opened up into a clearing. Floodlights came on as they approached what looked like a big car park, and she swallowed nervously at the myriad of expensive cars she could see. Several of them had foreign number plates, and her imagination once again went into overdrive.

  What was she doing? She had told no one that she was coming here, wherever here was. Anything could happen to her, and she only had Jacob’s word for the fact that he was indeed Jason’s brother. What if this was all some sort of set up? What if she was about to be sold into some form of sex slavery or worse? These things happened. She read the papers.

  All her thought processes came to a stuttering halt when Jacob wrenched the door open. Cool air rushed into the interior, and she swallowed nervously when she looked up at him. He seemed even more imposing out here in the open, as he regarded with her an impassive expression. Arms crossed over his massive chest, he seemed to be waiting for her to move, and as the seconds ticked by slowly under his silent scrutiny, Goldie’s thoughts warred with each other. She wanted this, didn’t she?

  “Do I have to drag you in there, girl, or are you waiting for me to take off?” The hint of impatience in his deep drawl sent shivers of unease down her spine, but she did move. It was rather awkward trying to get out the car with her arms still tied together, and she thanked every deity she could think of right now, that it was only Sir who saw her flash her whereforalls to the world. Then again, she might well flash far more in the two-story building that loomed large in front of her. The club looked like any other factory building, non-descript and out of place in the middle of the forest. She could hear the faint sounds of heavy dance music, and she swallowed nervously when Sir removed the handcuffs from her wrists. Tingles of awareness shot up her arm when his calloused digits stroked across her wrists. The action soothed the tenderness left behind by the cuffs and sent waves of heated arousal through her body. Her clit clenched, and if her pussy got any wetter, she would disgrace herself with the evidence of her arousal.

  It was insane how turned on she was, despite her fear of the unknown. Or maybe, she was this turned on because she was afraid. It was too much to wrap her head around, and she settled for dropping her gaze to the floor, like a good subbie ought to, and waited for Sir’s instructions.

  Jacob wrapped his hand in her hair and tilted her head up. Amusement danced with approval in his chestnut gaze, and she closed her eyes when he leaned down and inhaled deeply. The deep rumble that erupted from his chest as he did so liquefied her bones, and she’d have sunk to the floor had he not put a hand around her waist to steady her.

  “I can’t wait to taste you, and make you mine, sweet Goldilocks, but first things first…”

  He bit down lightly in the same spot he’d marked before, and Goldie was struck with the oddest notion of belonging, of want. She didn’t really want him to sink his teeth into her shoulder and mark her permanently, did she?

  The country air must be scrambling her brains. Yes, that’s what it was, because when Jacob pulled back, she could have sworn he’d grown bigger and somehow more menacing in front of her, and his dark eyes had taken on that mysterious glow again.

  Before she could follow her convoluted thought processes to any conclusion, Jacob had marched her across the crowded car park. The steel door in front of them swung open as if by magic, and Goldie blinked in the harsh overhead fluorescent lighting. Her heels clicked across the stone flooring, and heat flooded her cheeks when she saw the two burly guys, standing on either side of what had to be some sort of reception desk. The girl sitting behind it wore a thick leather collar and not much else, because the rest of her clingy suit was almost completely see-through.

  “Evening, Sir,” she said, and smiled up at Jacob. “Mistress Cat has asked about your whereabouts twice already. I hope there was no trouble with…” She paused, grinned at Goldie, and then addressed Jacob again. “With your acquisition?”

  That brought Goldie’s head up.

  “I’m not for sale, I’m … ow.”

  The sharp tug to her hair hurt, and panic set in anew when Jacob slid his free hand to her throat and squeezed. Not enough to cut off her air supply, but enough to worry her. Besides with his heat branding h
er back, and utterly engulfed by him as she was, she had nowhere to go.

  “No trouble at all, Mimi. Sign Goldie in, will you. She’s Master J’s guest, and you should have all the paperwork already. Sign the form, Goldilocks.”

  As quickly as he’d grabbed her, Jacob stepped away, and Goldie wrapped her arms around herself. She felt curiously bereft without the support of his body, and she threw a longing glance back to the entrance door. Jacob barred her exit, an immovable statue, and a quick glance at the two other male mountains showed them to be wearing identical expressions.

  Jeez, was it a requirement for membership that every male in this place had to be over six foot of male, brooding perfection?

  “If you’ve changed your mind, now is the time to say so.” Mimi’s soft voice and the sympathy in the other woman’s eyes brought Goldie’s attention back to her. “I remember my first time all too well. It’s scary and exciting all at the same time, but you’re under Master J’s and Master Jacob’s protection. No harm will come to you, and you always have your safeword.” Mimi grinned and flicked a glance behind her, just as the dance music got louder for a beat, before the soft click of a door shutting muffled it again. The girl sat up straighter and sobered to such a degree that Goldie wondered who had just walked in.

  She got her answer when the sultry tones of a woman’s voice pulled Goldie under their spell with the same effortless ease as Jason’s and Jacob’s had.

  “About time. I was beginning to think I’d have to send out a search party for y’all. Awful waste of a good old time that would have been.”

  The click-clack of heels gave Goldie a second’s warning before a slender, manicured hand flicked Goldie’s hair off her face and an impossibly tall brunette appeared in her vision. A mass of long shimmering hair hung down to this woman’s ass, and Goldie couldn’t tear her eyes away from the way her cat suit clung to her curves. From the lethal eight inch stiletto boots she wore to the red tipped fingernails that now dug into Goldie’s chin and the penetrating amber gaze that snared Goldie’s and made it impossible to look away, this woman screamed “Mistress” at her. A sliver of unease trawled down Goldie’s spine when the woman leaned in and sniffed her. Her sultry perfume mixed in with the familiar alluring scent Goldie was used to from Jason and Jacob, and she realized with a jolt of recognition that this had to be their sister.


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