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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

Page 20

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  "I saw her!" he shouted. "I saw Deryn!"

  "Did you?" asked Xander, cocking an eyebrow. "Let me guess. Blonde hair with bangs, blue eyes, and makeup to cover those stubborn freckles of hers?"

  Dakota's eyes widened.

  "I told you she was fine you fucking -"


  The four of them dispersed in different directions as a gust of fire shot down the alley, blasting a hole through the metal building behind it. Xander looked and saw Soren marching towards them.

  "My knight in shining armor!" said Xander while climbing back to his feet. He stepped between Soren and the three Resistance members. "The president will want them alive."

  "Don't get in my way, Xander! I'm going to kill this ... this little shit!"


  He was aiming for Dakota, but Dakota didn't give him another chance to strike before he was heading for the same manhole his comrades had disappeared through. Laramie and Nita jumped in first, then he took one last look at Xander before following after them and pulling the cover shut behind him.

  "No!" shouted Soren, running over and pulling at it. But it had locked behind them. Soren attempted to blast it open with his Element, but no damage was done.

  Xander stared blankly at the spot they had just been. So they were planning to take him through the underground. How would they ever manage that without getting caught by a S.U.R.G.E.? And then he recalled the strange satellite guns they had in Willow that took down the robots. Hadn't he seen something fitting that description poking out of Dakota's belt?

  Pressing his back against the building, Xander used it to lower himself to the ground. A shadow flew overhead and he looked up to see President Saevus riding a hover-bike he had somehow acquired.

  The president descended towards him and Xander frowned. This was going to be bad.

  Chapter Twenty

  "I'm telling you, it was her! It was her! It was fucking her!" Soren shouted at his brother as all of the Guardians gathered with the president in his conference room. "And I would've had her if Luka hadn't tripped me!"

  "It was an accident," spat Luka. "You got in my way while I was trying to get to that damn Trigger."

  "So you both had two of Leon's closest allies in your grasp and failed," said the president. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, a sight that had everyone on edge. "You have disappointed me today. All of you." His eyes shot back open, landing right on Xander. "And Xander. You were their target."

  Xander kept the man's gaze, took a deep breath and said, "It seems that way, sir."


  "They were asking me about the location of Deryn Leon."

  "But why you? Would not any Guardian suffice?"

  Xander took another deep breath. "If you recall, during our mission in Willow I had an encounter with Dakota Triggs. I may have implied to him that I knew where she was."

  The president's nostrils flared. "And what was your reasoning for doing that?"

  "We are out a prisoner, sir," explained Xander. "We have no one in our possession to hold over Godfrey Leon anymore. I thought if Triggs believed I had her then he might agree to an exchange. His life for hers. But he claimed to not believe me, and then Aila showed up and fucked the whole thing -"

  "He's lying!" shouted Soren, pointing at him accusingly. "President Saevus, surely you can see that he's lying! He was speaking too calmly with the Resistance when I arrived! Something's wrong with -"

  "You dare call me a liar?" snapped Xander, lunging forward and standing up straight so he was glaring into Soren's eyes. "You and your brother have been getting on my last nerve, Sorey! If you spent half the energy you use fucking with me on serving our president then maybe it wouldn't have been so easy for me to take your seat!"

  "Xander, you're already on thin ice," said Atticus, stepping forward and grabbing his son's arm. "Maybe it's time for you to just back off and -"

  "No!" shouted Xander. "No, I will not back off, Father! I will not give in! I have been nothing but loyal to the president for years, while this bastard plans to run away with a toxic slave the first chance he gets!"

  All color drained from Soren's face as his brother moved to his side.

  "How dare you," spat Veli. "My brother would never run away with that toxic trash. He's already agreed that her execution is eminent."

  "Really?" scoffed Xander. "Is that why I saw him buying a box of hydration and starvation pills, as well as a tent at the Black Market a couple weeks ago? Not to mention the mind control chip he claims he has stashed away for her."

  Soren's face tensed. "You fucking little -"

  "If this is true, Xander, then why didn't you bring it to my attention sooner?" asked the president.

  "I'm sorry, Mr. President, but he offered me a deal for my silence. He's the one who gave me information on the mind control chips and told me how many there were."

  Veli looked at his brother in disbelief. He slowly backed away until he was no longer by his side.

  "I was going to inform you of his plan the moment we recaptured her," said Xander. While he hadn't intended to throw Soren under the primitive, wheeled tram just yet, it was important for him to direct President Saevus's anger elsewhere. His punishment was inevitable, but maybe now it would be slightly less severe.

  Several silent moments passed that were absolutely deafening. Xander had always prided himself on how well he read people, but President Saevus was the one person he'd never been able to figure out. He knew he was angry, that was simple enough, but there were always many more layers to it. Disappointment? Definitely. But did he feel so horribly betrayed that he would want to shed blood for this?

  Just as Xander's mind began to wander, the president grabbed Elvira's knife from the holster on her hip and tossed it at one the guards, hitting him straight in the heart.

  Xander noticed Lona move to help him, so he quickly held up his hand to stop her. The president had made his decision. This man was suffering the fate that should have been Xander's, and there was nothing any of them could do about it.

  "Elvira, take your husband home and locate his chip and pills and anything else he has gathered together," instructed the president, turning to his most trusted Guardian while the guard continued to die on the floor. "Once you locate everything, the two of you will return here. Neither of you have escaped punishment for your failures today."

  "Yes, Father," said Elvira with a nod. She took Soren's arm, guiding him out of the room as if he were her prisoner.

  "Guards, move my table off to the side."

  The guards quickly obeyed.

  "Xander, stand in the center of the floor, remove your shirt and drop to your knees."

  "As you wish, Mr. President," said Xander. He took off his coat and shirt, then kneeled and awaited further instructions.

  "I am disappointed in you, Xander. You've been keeping secrets from me, not just about your encounter with the Resistance, but about Soren, as well." President Saevus turned and looked around the room. "Every last one of you will be punished for your failure today. And Xander." His head slowly moved back in his direction. "You will suffer the pain right along with them."

  Xander kept a calm face and said, "Yes, Mr. President." He had to fight the urge to scan the room and count how many Guardians there currently were, because he really had no idea. At least twenty. Probably more. His insides cringed.

  "Mr. Voclain, step forward."

  Barath obeyed but the president held up his hand and said, "Not you. Luka."

  Luka's eyes drifted to Xander as he stepped out of the crowd. "Am I first, Mr. President?"

  "No, Luka, today you will be last. Until then, I will need you to use your Element to whip Xander every time I do the same to one of my subordinates."

  His eyes still on Xander, Luka took a deep breath and asked, "Why me, sir?"

  "It seems only fitting," answered President Saevus. "Xander deserves punishment, and who better to administer it than his one true ally."

  "But -"

  "Do not argue, Luka," said Xander, staring sharply at him. "The president has made his decision. I must be punished."

  Luka bit his cheek and nodded slowly.

  "Show no mercy," instructed President Saevus from beside him. "Veli, you will have the privilege of going first."

  "Yes, Mr. President." Veli walked over, dropping his coat and shirt as he moved, and then kneeling beside Xander. They glanced sideways at each other, Veli not even trying to hide his joy.

  The president and Luka moved so they were standing behind them.

  "Ready, Luka?"

  "Yes, sir."

  They each raised their Elements, aimed them at their respective targets and shot out a whip of blue light.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  "Where are they?"

  Deryn frantically paced around the living room, her wet and swollen eyes never leaving the door as she tried to will Xander and Luka to appear.

  "Deryn, please just sit and calm down," encouraged Bronson from the couch. "Xander and Luka will be fine. They -"

  "No!" shouted Deryn. "No, I will not calm down! This is my fault! They were after Xander because of me, and the president will be angry. He'll be so, so angry." She sobbed, stopping her pacing for a moment to steady herself while her body shook uncontrollably.

  Quigley walked out of her and Xander's bedroom carrying her radio. He placed it on the coffee table and switched it on.


  "If you're worried about the president killing him for this it's really not necessary," said Bronson. "Xander's his favorite. He would never -"

  "There are things far worse than death, Bronson," Deryn said weakly. "While Xander may be strong there is only so much one person can take before they break."

  Suddenly, the static on the radio became smoother, and then someone was speaking. "Attention all Resistance members," said the familiar voice of Talon. "Today, the first of January, we administered an aerial attack on the city of Utopia during President Saevus's infamous New Year's speech. While we were unable to retrieve what we went for, we ended up with something much greater. Deryn Leon ..." A pause and a breath. "... my sister has escaped. She was seen inside the city's walls and in perfect health. That being said, we would like to take this time to offer a reward of ten-thousand coin to anyone with information leading to the return of -"

  Before he finished speaking Deryn marched over, picked up the radio and threw it hard against the wall. Her face was red and her breathing erratic as she stared hypnotically at the shattered remains on the floor. Her fists were clenched so tight that her nails burrowed into her skin, drawing blood that trickled down her fingers.

  Bronson sighed and stood. He went over to her, rubbing her hands until they relaxed. While she cried, he opened her palms and wiped them on his sleeve. "Who saw you?" he asked, guiding her over to the sink so he could clean the cuts properly.

  "Dax," she answered in a strained voice. "I wasn't able to reach him but I ... I saw him." Deryn paused. "Xander was right. He does look angrier." She laughed through her tears, but it wasn't long before her smile faded and she was thinking of Xander once more. "When I saw him I was so happy but ..." She closed her eyes and whimpered. "... but now all I can think about is the price Xander will pay for Dax's actions. I can't lose him, Bronson. He's everything to me."

  "I know," he said, releasing her clean hands and using his thumbs to wipe away her tears. "You're not going to lose him. Please, just sit down and we'll wait for him. Alright?"

  Deryn nodded. Bronson put an arm around her shoulders and walked her to the couch. Quigley had picked up the remains of the radio and was currently trying to fix it. He glanced sideways at her and smirked. "Happy New Year, am I right?"

  Deryn chuckled halfheartedly. "Seriously."

  * * * * * *


  Xander closed his eyes and let her image take hold of him. It was the only way he could endure the pain. His teeth clenched together so tightly he thought they might crack, but he had to keep her name from slipping through his lips.

  If it weren't for her then he would have given up already. Which was exactly what the president was trying to make him do. To see if he was breakable.

  Another flash of a whip.

  Xander tried to hold in his screams, but the faint sound of someone in agonizing pain kept ringing in his ears. It must have been his cries, but he was dead to them now. Sixteen. That was how many times he had been whipped so far, and through the haziness in his eyes, he could make out at least ten unrecognizable figures still waiting for their punishment.

  "On your knees, Xander," he heard the muffled voice of the president say.

  Xander moved his aching body, his shaky arms nearly giving out as he tried to push himself to his knees. About halfway up, they buckled and Xander collapsed. His throat stung as he coughed, blood spurting out of his mouth and onto the floor beneath him.

  "President Saevus, please, he has suffered enough," said the familiar voice of his father as one of the blurry figures stepped forward. "I will take on the rest of his punishment. You may even double it if that's what you -"

  "No!" shouted Xander as he jerked his head in the direction he was fairly certain his father was in. "No, you will not take my punishment away from me! This was my failure, I deserve this!"


  Closing his eyes, Xander envisioned her face once more, giving him strength to pull himself to his knees. He stayed there on shaky legs while the next Guardian appeared beside him.

  "Xander, you don't have to do this," said Atticus, his voice strained.

  "Yes I do, Father." He opened his eyes again and looked over his shoulder at President Saevus. "I'm ready."

  The president smiled wickedly. "You heard him, Luka. Continue."

  Xander and Luka locked eyes, Luka's beginning to water as he unsteadily lifted his Element. He gulped, pressing a button and releasing a flash of blue light.

  Xander clenched his eyes, his teeth, his fists, his entire body as he tried to hold himself together. He could do this. He could fight the pain. During his first years as a Guardian, he had trained himself to become numb to it. The only reason he felt it now was because of the extremeness of it all. He had never been whipped this many times before.

  Xander closed his eyes.


  And then he saw her again. Only this time she was different. Looking at him and smiling happily as they stood in the center of the bustling streets of Utopia. He looked down at their clasped hands, noticing the jade ring sparkling in the sun on her left ring finger. Luka was there, laughing with Bronson and Quigley while the latter had his arm linked with a girl who greatly resembled him. His sister. Or Xander's version of her. Del walked up, holding Ronan's hand. She wrapped her arm around Xander and hugged him in a way that felt so familiar. It was just like how his mother used to hug him. Even Talon and Trigger were there. For Deryn, not for him. And her father. Godfrey Leon.

  And Deryn ... She was right there, always looking at him in a way that made his heart feel light. Like nothing could ever hurt him, ever touch him. She lifted her free hand and stroked his cheek. "I love you, Xander."

  "I love you, too."

  And then she was leaning up, standing on tiptoe to kiss him in front of everyone. This was what Xander wanted. A future. With her. In a world where they had won, and they could be together without having to hide. He loved her. He loved her so much that it hurt. But it was a pain he could endure. A beautiful pain that he could never get enough of.

  This pain consumed him, taking him over and bringing him to a blissful state of unawareness. A euphoria where there was nothing but this feeling. And then someone was calling his name, sucking him back from this place he had found and never wanted to leave.

  Xander opened his eyes and glanced sideways. Luka was there staring at him. He was kneeling beside him hunched over, signifying that he had just taken his own punishment. He looked a lot worse than the others.

  "How ...
m-many times did he whip you?" Xander asked in a shaky voice.

  "Three," answered Luka. "For my failure in catching Triggs."

  "Th-that's not f-fair."

  Somehow, Xander had managed to stay on his knees through the last of it, but, being brought back to this state of consciousness so suddenly, he felt his legs give in and he fell forward. Luka lunged and caught him before he hit the ground.

  Lifting his eyes, Xander could now see that his father was standing where Luka had once been, clearly the one who had struck him these last three times.

  President Saevus held his hands behind his back as he continued to gaze at them. Xander met his eyes, his breathing heavy as he tried to convey that he did not fear him. Which was true. The only thing Xander feared anymore was losing Deryn, and he would be damned if he died before saving her.

  Several silent moments passed while Saevus and Xander continued to stare at one another. Finally, the president moved his eyes to Luka and said, "Take Xander into the parlor and lay him down. Not on his back, of course. Everyone else is dismissed." He walked out first.

  The Guardians all began to vacate the room, Veli smiling smugly as he walked by Xander. Finley and Wyatt went over to help Luka bring him to his feet. Lona stood back a little, looking unsure if she should help or not.

  "Lona!" her father called from the doorway. "Leave him be. This doesn't concern you."

  Lona turned and stared at him defiantly before going over and helping Finley steady Xander's left arm.

  Once he was up, Luka wrapped an arm around Xander's waist, careful not to touch any of his wounds. "You should all leave before the president says something," he told the others. "I can take him the rest of the way."

  Wyatt and Finley looked at each other skeptically, but they eventually nodded and walked out of the room. Lona stayed, though, and asked, "Are you alright, Luka? The president seemed to put more power into his attacks on you. You shouldn't -"

  "I'm fine," he interrupted. "Just go."

  Lona looked sadly at him and nodded. "I know you care about your friend, but don't forget to take care of yourself tonight, as well."


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