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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

Page 21

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  She walked out of the room then, her shirt worn backwards so it wouldn't irritate her wounded back and her coat draped over her arm.

  Luka slowly and carefully carried Xander's stiff yet limp body towards the parlor.

  "Did I say anything?" Xander asked quietly while they moved.

  "No," answered Luka, already knowing very well what he was talking about. "You were unnervingly quiet throughout most of it."

  Xander smirked as best he could.

  "Was it worth it?" asked Luka with a sigh.

  Xander attempted a shrug. "I guess we'll find that out when we get home."

  By the time they got to the parlor, everyone else was gone. Luka laid Xander on his stomach on the couch, making sure to carefully place his head on a pillow. Mere seconds later, Atticus walked in with a glass full of a green liquid.

  "Xander, drink this," he said, taking a seat by his side.

  "But the president -"

  "Let me deal with him," interrupted Atticus, propping up his son and pouring the liquid down his throat. Xander drank every last drop.

  "Atticus, if you're quite finished, I would like a word alone with your son."

  Atticus and Luka turned to see the president standing in the doorway.

  "Hurry home, Luka," he ordered, stepping further into the room. "You too, Atticus."

  Luka nodded, looking at Xander one last time before heading to the front door, where a wave was waiting for him, holding his shirt and coat. He put them on and slipped out quickly. Atticus stared at his son and sighed before putting down the glass and following Luka out.

  President Saevus walked over to an armchair and sunk into it. "I'll give you a few moments for that medicine to set in. Though it was just meant to numb the pain, I believe."

  He motioned his hand and a female wave hurried in from the direction of the kitchen, a blue salve already in hand. "Then I believe it's time you and I have a serious discussion about your future."

  "Yes, Mr. President."

  The wave very carefully applied the salve. Xander closed his eyes while she worked and breathed steadily, his body already beginning to tingle from the numbing medicine his father had given him, easing but not erasing the pain.


  More than anything he wanted to leave here. To go home and check on her. To be with her.

  She had seen Dakota. While she'd told Xander she'd chosen him, he couldn't help but wonder if the appearance of her first love might change that. It had been more than five years and, while the world had changed, she was becoming more and more like her old self with each passing day. What was to stop her from wanting her old life? With him.

  Dakota. The simple choice. The better choice. But Xander's heart couldn't take it. He loved her too much to lose her.


  How he longed to say her name aloud. To scream at the president and tell him how much he loved a toxic Outsider. But he couldn't do it. Not now. Not before she was safe. And free. Above all else, he wanted her to be free.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Luka's alarm went off and Deryn shot to her feet. A minute later, he came through the front door, looking shaken.

  "Luka," said Bronson as he stood. "What happened?"

  "I'm fine," said Luka, doing his best to stand up straight so they would be unaware of his pain. "The president's just a little pissed is all."

  "Where's Xander?" asked Deryn, looking expectantly at the door.

  "The president wanted to speak with him privately. It'll probably be a while."

  "Is ... is he alright?" asked Deryn, her voice quivering.

  Luka tried to meet her gaze but eventually had to stare at the floor. "We should probably start preparing some medicine and bandages."

  Deryn's heart sank as she was suddenly overcome with the incredible urge to vomit. But she fought through it and ran to the kitchen, looking through the cabinets for any and every kind of medicine they had. While she searched, she heard soft footsteps come up behind her. Luka.

  "What did he do to him?" she asked between choked breaths.

  "It's not impor -"

  "Tell me," she ordered while turning towards him with wide, red eyes.

  Luka sighed. "Everyone was punished with a whipping. And Xander ... he had to endure it right along with them."

  Deryn whimpered as her jaw fell open. "So he was whipped as many times as there are Guardians?"

  Luka looked ashamedly to the floor and nodded.

  "How many?"


  "How many times, Luka?"

  He sighed again, much deeper this time. "There were twenty-nine Guardians there, including me, and I was hit three times for failing to capture Triggs. So he was hit thirty-one times."

  Deryn gasped.

  "Holy shit," said Bronson from the living room.

  "And he's alive?" asked Quigley in disbelief. "Is he conscious?"

  "Yes," answered Luka. "He was conscious the whole time."

  Deryn turned away and began reading labels on bottles, her hazy vision making it hard for her to concentrate. Thirty-one lashes. In one sitting.

  Luka put his hand on her shoulder. "Deryn, he's going to be -"

  She fell to her knees, keeping one hand on the counter as she sobbed uncontrollably, her tears falling down her cheeks and soaking the floor. To her surprise, a pair of strong arms suddenly wrapped around her. Through her blurry vision she could just make out Luka kneeling beside her. She sank into him, burying her face in his chest as her mind became flooded with visions of Xander, wounded and writhing as he cried out in pain, trying to appear strong as he fought off unconsciousness.

  She knew what it was he feared the most. That if he let the pain, the anger, the president consume him and he gave in then he might never wake up. To him death truly was the worst option, because he wasn't ready for it yet. Not until he had avenged his mother, not until Deryn was safe, not until the world was a place worth living in again. For everyone.

  When Deryn opened her eyes Luka was carrying her, laying her down on her and Xander's bed and pulling up the covers. "Go to sleep," he said, "and when you wake up Xander will be here."

  She nodded, clutching the covers tightly as she tried to let sleep take over. But what if she woke up and he wasn't there? While Xander's greatest fear may have been death, hers was losing him. She wasn't ready yet. She loved him. She needed him ...

  Back in the kitchen Luka was putting the medicine they would need for Xander aside, getting all of the doses ready.

  "We can figure that out when he gets here, you know," said Bronson, coming up beside him. "You can just rest for a moment."

  "I need to keep busy," said Luka, his eyes unblinking. Suddenly, he felt a hand grab onto his and hold it still. He looked over to see Bronson staring at him very seriously.

  "What aren't you telling me?"

  "Nothing," he said, crossing his arms.

  "You're hiding something. Is Ruby worse than you let -"

  "No," Luka said quickly. "No, nothing like that. He's fine, all things considered."

  "Then what is it?"

  Luka looked off to the side and sighed. "The president, he ..." He gulped. "He made me do the whipping. On Xander. Twenty-eight fucking times. And then he made his father take over while I received my punishment. I just ... I don't like torturing as it is. And when it's ... when it's someone who ... who fucking matters -"

  As Luka spoke, he tried hard to fight off the tears. But he couldn't hold them in any longer and they poured out in two heavy pools, burning his cheeks. Bronson pulled Luka into his arms, letting him cry it out. Luka cringed a little when he touched his back, and tried to pull away. "I told you before that I'm not much of a toucher."

  Bronson repositioned his hands so they were around his neck, but kept a firm grip on him and held him in place. "Unfortunately for you, I am. Now, in this moment I am going to continue hugging you and you're going to like it."

  Luka stopped struggling. "I don't understand you peopl
e," he said through his sobs. "You should hate me and Xander for the things we do. We kill people, we inflict suffering, we torture our best friends, and all just so we can survive."

  Bronson chuckled. "While you and Ruby are hardly innocent, it's not like you enjoy the things you're forced to do. You can give in and let the president kill you if you want, Luka, but then who would be around to help people when opportunity presents itself? Without you, Deryn would've been captured today. I saw how close that Guardian was to grabbing her. You saved her."

  "Did I?"

  "Yes, you did. Ruby's strong, he'll get through this. And I'm sure he would rather you were the one torturing him than one of those bastards who have it out for him. I doubt you gave it your all."

  Luka smiled into his chest. "I didn't."

  "There, you see? You helped."

  Luka gave in and laughed. "You have strange logic."

  "But it's still logical. So who cares what roundabout way I had to take to get there?"

  "Hey, I fixed it!" Quigley suddenly shouted from the living room. "Looks like the Resistance is still talking."

  Luka pulled away from Bronson, but Bronson grabbed his wrist. "Three lashes, Luka. Don't think for one second that I missed that. Take off your shirt and let me treat your wounds."

  Luka nodded.

  "Go lie down by the radio. I'll be right over."

  He nodded again before walking to the living room, taking off his shirt and lying on the floor, listening closely to whatever it was those idiots in the Resistance possibly had to say.

  * * * * * *

  "Has that medicine taken affect?"

  "Yes," said Xander, carefully pulling himself into a seated position. He really didn't feel much better, but he wanted to get whatever this was over with so he could go home to Deryn. She would be worried about him, and he was just as worried about her. At least Luka would be there by now.

  The same wave who had treated his wounds hurried forward, helping him back into his shirt. She then draped his coat over the couch and made a swift exit.

  Xander glanced up to see that President Saevus was staring at him, sitting with perfect posture while his green eyes were serious and unblinking. Always unblinking.

  "What is it you wanted to speak to me about, Mr. President?"

  "I was just curious as to why you didn't let your father take over for you in there. You knew I would have let him."

  "Yes, sir, I knew," said Xander. "But it was my punishment and I wanted to endure it on my own. If you didn't believe I could handle it then you wouldn't have inflicted it upon me."

  "That is an interesting notion," said the president, picking up a glass of brandy from the table beside his armchair and taking a sip. He offered a glass to Xander but he declined. His mouth ached from clenching his teeth so hard, and he had no interest in swallowing anything down his raw throat.

  "Yes, well, five years ago I suffered a similar punishment for my failures during the battle in Eagle Center. You called me weak back then. And a coward."

  "Yes, I recall," said Saevus, putting his glass back down. Xander found himself watching the movement of his hand, his eyes landing on the gold band he wore on his left ring finger. One of the few reminders that the monster in front of him had once been human.

  "That day I swore that I would better myself, make myself strong, so that I would never have to hear those words come from your mouth again. Not while directed towards me."

  It wasn't a lie, but the vow had been more about keeping himself alive than being loyal. He was so young back then, so naïve. He didn't understand that the world could be better.

  Xander leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and propping his forehead up with his fingers. "Why am I still here, sir? Have you asked me to stay because you've decided to demote me? To send me back to a lower seat?" It was much easier to sound torn up by this than he expected, when really it would have been a relief. He wasn't sure when he started being the president's favorite but he'd hated it every step of the way. And, worse, he'd dragged Luka along with him.

  "No, Xander, you won't be losing your seat. Quite the contrary."

  Xander's heart stopped. No. "What do you mean, sir?"

  "With your sketchy past as a guard it hasn't been easy for me to trust you. And after learning of your mother's betrayal, someone who I believed to be a loyal servant of mine, I've been skeptical over who I let into my inner circle. Until now Elvira is the only one I've deemed loyal enough to keep my secrets. But I've decided it's time I take on another, and you are the one I have chosen."

  There really were no words for this travesty. But Xander scrambled to come up with some. "I don't understand, sir," he said, trying hard to hide the fear he felt over what this might mean for him. "Why now, when so many of your Guardians have been working so hard to expose me as a traitor?"

  Leaning back in his chair, Saevus stared straight ahead at the flames burning in his fireplace. "I'm aware of what jealousy is, Xander, and you've been known to evoke it in many people." He paused and breathed in heavily. "You've proven yourself tonight by taking your punishment. No traitor would ever endure that much pain for the one they are betraying."

  They would if they had a girl they needed to get home to. Xander had learned what the president wanted a long time ago. He knew what he expected from his Guardians. To never give up until their mission was complete, even if it meant losing their life.

  Saevus's hand went to his glass and Xander's eyes drifted back to that gold ring.

  "What is it about my hand that intrigues you so?" asked the president, tearing Xander out of his daze.

  "Forgive me, Mr. President. I was just looking at your wedding ring."

  "Yes. It is a memento of my past."

  "But why do you still wear it? It's been a good five years since your wife disappeared."

  "Yes, I suppose it has." He paused, his eyes still focused on the flames. "Love makes people weak, Xander. Never forget that. Why, just look at what happened to your poor mother."

  Xander's face grew hot as he fought hard to keep himself in control. "Are you saying you still love her, sir?" he asked in an attempt to contain himself.

  The president chuckled hoarsely. "No. I do not. I never did love her, not truly. But she loved. She loved Elvira and now she is dead because of it."

  Xander gulped. The president had never confessed this story before. To anyone. "Are you saying your wife is dead, sir? And Elvira is the one who -"

  The door to the parlor opened and Elvira entered, carrying a large box and a bag full of supplies.

  "This is all of it, Father," she said, tossing the box and bag on the floor. "His toxic slave was more than happy to assist me, since my husband wasn't exactly forthcoming." She took a small chip out of her pocket and showed it to him before tossing it in the box with everything else.

  Soren slowly stepped into the parlor behind her, his eyes trained nervously on the floor. And rightfully so.

  "Welcome back, Soren," said Saevus, rising to his feet. "It appears that you have purchased a lifetime supply of these pills." He stared down at the box for a moment before lifting his Element and blasting the box and bag to oblivion.

  Soren winced as he watched what he'd considered his salvation destroyed. Xander's smirk finally returned.

  "Father, while I do not condone my husband or his actions, I do believe you should be lenient with him. He's agreed to make a deal with you about our future that I know you will love."

  "Oh," said Saevus, not sounding the least bit intrigued. "And what's that?"

  Soren was shaking as he looked up and met the president's eyes. "When you recapture the slave, if you let me keep her, just me, then I will make sure you finally get that grandson you've been asking for since the day Elvira and I got married."

  The president raised his eyebrows and glanced at his daughter, who smiled proudly at him. "And that is what you want, Elvie? I can always have him executed and you would be free to marry someone who is actually wor
thy." He glanced sideways at Xander.

  Elvira's face dropped. "No, Father. I couldn't care less about Soren's obsession. Once he has his slave full-time it will only be a matter of months before he's bored of her."

  Soren's downcast eyes narrowed. Clearly, he didn't agree.

  Saevus was watching Soren again, contemplating this proposal. "Six months, Soren. That is what you'll get with her before she's executed."

  Soren's head snapped up. "But -"

  "That is the best offer you'll receive, so I suggest you take it before yours is the next death my citizens witness."

  "He agrees," Elvira answered for him.

  "Good," said Saevus, turning so Soren would know the discussion was over. "Xander, you may leave after giving Elvira her punishment, then you should take a few days to recuperate. We will continue our conversation once you are in better health."

  "Yes, Mr. President," said Xander.

  "Soren, you will follow me."

  "Y-yes, Mr. President," said Soren as he nervously followed Saevus out of the parlor.

  Once they were gone, Elvira dropped her coat and lifted her shirt, causing Xander to grimace. She turned her exposed back to him and waited for her punishment.

  He lifted his Element, pressed the button for the blue flash of light and flicked his wrist, but his heart really wasn't in it.

  "That was weak," said Elvira, whose knees had barely buckled from the whipping. "Just how many times were you punished?"

  "Thirty-one," answered Xander. He put his Element away, grabbed his coat off the back of the couch and walked towards the exit.

  "Where are you going? Your president said you must punish me. Do it again," demanded Elvira.

  "No. If you find my punishment unsatisfactory then ask your father to do it himself."

  "Just what was it the two of you were discussing?"

  "My future." He glanced over his shoulder at her and smirked. "It looks like you and I will be equals now." He turned away again. "Have a good day, Elvie. And let your father know I'm taking his car home."

  The car was already waiting outside for him, the president having called for it ahead of time. Xander sat hunched over in the back seat as the car moved through the city, closing his eyes and trying to focus his thoughts away from the pain.


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