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Jane Millionaire

Page 22

by Janice Lynn

  “I’m not leaving like this. Not without saying goodbye.”

  A perfectly drawn eyebrow arched. “Well, duh, that’s like what we just did.”

  “I have to stay,” Jill paused. Maybe Jessie was right. Maybe it would be better to just disappear. Technically, she had fulfilled the terms of the contract.

  The contract. Now everyone knew she was a fake fake. Oh God. Rob.

  “You idiot,” she blasted. “By coming here you’ve ruined everything.”

  Jessie grimaced. “What are you talking about? I thought you’d be glad to see me.”

  Jill took a deep breath and glanced around. They were alone in the long corridor. “I am glad to see you, but don’t you think someone on the crew might figure out you’re who auditioned for Jane?”

  “So what? I spoke with some guy on the crew before I flew here. How do you think I found you?” Jessie nonchalantly waved her perfectly French manicured hand. “Besides, you got what you wanted. What you needed. A month of men lollying after you.” She grinned, a wicked and naughty expression on her face. “Did you have a good time?”

  Jill wanted to scream. Instead, she took another deep breath. Not that it made a difference. She didn’t think breathing all the oxygen in Europe would help.

  Jessie’s mouth dropped, her eyes danced with bedevilment. “Oh my God.” She did a little bounce that only Jessie could keep from looking ridiculously childish while doing. “Tell all.”

  The last thing Jill wanted was to tell Jessie about Rob. “Jess, you seem to be ignoring the fact we’ve committed fraud by my coming instead of you.”

  Jessie shrugged. “What do they care if you came instead of me? Obviously, you gave them what they wanted. The show’s been wildly successful, and there are only the three episodes left—the one that airs tonight, the honeymoon trip next week and then the wrap up grand finale. America loves Jane. Your picture is everywhere.”

  “My picture?” Jill gulped. Was she going home to a media circus?

  “You’re on the cover of half the magazines on the newsstands.” Jessie pointed a long nail-tipped finger at her. “You, my dear sister, are famous.”

  “Famous?” Why hadn’t she thought about what would happen when she returned to San Padres? Her life would never be the same.

  “There’s even a letter from Playmate magazine at the house.” Jessie crowed. “They want you to pose nude for them.”

  “What?” Jill reached out to a long carved mahogany table along one wall and used it to steady herself.

  “Oh yeah, but for what they were offering to pay, I don’t think you should do it.” Her sister waved a hand dismissively. “At least, not unless you get them to triple the amount.”

  Had Jessie lost her mind? She wouldn’t take off her clothes for a magazine no matter how much they were offering. She could just see the guys on the force having a field day if they ever caught wind of this. She met her sister’s curious look. “And you know this, how?”

  “Because I read the letter.” Jessie gave her a duh look. “Now tell me about the guy.” She lifted a high arched brow and mischievously added, “Or is it guys?”

  “Does my privacy or committing a felony mean anything to you?”

  Jessie waved her hand again. “Well, technically, it would have been my mail if I’d been Jane.”

  “But you aren’t. I am--was.” Jill touched her throbbing temple. This was too confusing, too surreal. She had to be caught up in another dimension. One where her loony sister had just made null and void everything Jill had put her own life on hold to protect. One where a man could bring her to unbelievable heights, yet want her to go on a romantic interlude with another man. One where Jill Davidson had fallen in love only to have her heart broken.

  “Yes, and,” Jessie continued. “I want to hear all about those gorgeous hunks of men I just glimpsed. Especially about #10, Steve. Oh, and the yummy host.”

  No way was she going to talk about a certain yummy host.

  She crossed her arms and shook her head. They were standing in the middle of an open hallway less than twenty feet from the entrance to the room they’d just exited where said gorgeous hunks were. She was not going to discuss men with her sister, period.

  “Oh, come on,” Jessie pouted. “At least tell me if you got laid? Surely to God with this many single men, you quit moping over Dan long enough to help some guy get totally lucky?”

  “I can not believe you just said that.” Jill eyed her sister in total disapproval. Jessie’s audacity amazed her, although it shouldn’t. She’d lived with her all her life. “Let me get this straight. No one’s hurt or dying. Yet here you are making a grand entrance during filming to rescue me after I’ve been here five weeks to keep you from being sued for breach of contract?”

  Jessie shifted her weight in her high-heeled black boots. “Uhm, well, you sounded so pitiful on the phone. What did you expect me to do? I couldn’t leave you here thinking you were miserable.”

  “It’s the very last day. I would have been on the plane coming home in a matter of hours. Don’t you think your rescue comes a little late in the game?”

  “I was only trying to help.”

  And the worst part was that she probably had been. Jessie just never thought things through to their conclusions and when faced with the consequences of her rash actions, always relied on Jill to bail her out.

  “By showing your face here you’ve risked everything. Possibly made my reason for being here a vain effort.” Let Rob in on the fact that she’d lied to him. “Oh Jessie, how could you?”

  “I thought you’d be glad to see me.” Jessie’s lower lip quivered slightly as her brilliant green eyes watered. “How was I supposed to know you were coming home today?”

  Okay, she had a point. Jessie couldn’t have known she didn’t intend to go on the honeymoon.

  Jill sucked in another gulp of air. Reality dawned. “We could go to jail.”

  “No way.” Jessie’s look bordered on total disbelief.

  “Yes, way.”

  “Damn, can’t you sleep with the producer or something?”

  No matter how much Jill tried to prevent it, heat flushed her face at her sister’s suggestion.

  Jessie’s glossy mouth plopped open. “You didn’t.”

  Jill didn’t answer and avoided her sister’s curious gaze.

  “Oh my God. You did.” Jessie did her bounce thingy again, sounding quite impressed. She would be.

  Jill looked at her beaming sister in wry amusement. Jessie’s eyes shined with excitement and love. Instantly, Jill reconnected with her sister in a manner that went a long way in dousing her frustrations at her last minute rescue attempt.

  “Why you little casting couch starlet you,” Jessie teased. “Trying to land yourself another acting gig?”

  Jill rolled her eyes at Jessie’s teasing question. Knowing there was nothing that would tempt her to repeat this fiasco and nothing she could do to change what had already been done, she grinned and gibed right back. “Well, you know how I’ve always dreamed of making it in Hollywood.”

  “Yeah, I know. You plan to sleep your way right to the top.” Jessie giggled and threw her arms around Jill. “God, I’ve missed you!”

  “I’ve missed you, too.” Jill couldn’t help her self. She returned her sister’s hug. No matter what their differences, Jessie loved her. That she’d never questioned. Her sister’s ability to reason, yes. Her love, no.

  They hugged a moment longer, before Jessie pulled back.

  “You know, I really don’t thing we’ll be in trouble over this. I mean, some guy from here called me and, like, invited me. He even sent a plane and arranged a hotel for me.” Jessie’s lip puffed out. “I slept for like sixteen hours after arriving and I’d meant to check out the local studs. But without his help, I could never have gotten into this country.”

  “Someone helped you get here? Who?”

  “James somebody.” Her gaze landed behind Jill. Her eyes lit up like she’d j
ust spotted a winning lottery ticket. Had to be a man.

  Jill turned to see which male her sister seductively smiled at. Her heart fell.


  A pissed off Rob.

  A very pissed off Rob if his narrowed eyes and staunch stance were anything to judge by.

  Fine. She was more than a little ticked at him, too. He’d been willing to let her go with Jeff. And he’d known about Princess Izzypoo or whoever she really was. He’d made a fool out of Jill in more ways than one since crawling out of her bed this morning.

  “Hel-lo.” Jessie’s voice dropped to an almost purr. In direct opposition to Rob, her stance welcomed. Sickeningly so.

  Wait a minute. Wasn’t Jessie supposed to be in love? Engaged? Jill’s gaze dropped to where her sister’s large diamond ring had flashed a month ago. It was gone. Uh-oh. Looked like her European hiatus had been in vain in more than one way.

  Frustration, ripe and raw, seized her. She looked at Rob, half-expecting him to be ga-ga over Jessie. Most men were. His gaze bore into her. His intense, accusing, betrayed gaze didn’t waver. He hadn’t even reacted to Jessie’s blatant invitation.

  As elation that he seemed immune to Jessie’s charms filled her, so did the realization that it didn’t matter. Not one bit.

  Rob’s eyes told her much more than she wanted to know.

  He’d cared about her. She’d known it in her heart. But he didn’t bother hiding it from her now. Or maybe he couldn’t.

  Still, he hadn’t cared enough to stop her from spending a romantic week with Jeff. If Rob had loved her, he would have stopped the show or at least let her know he didn’t want her on a tropical paradise with any man but him.

  She’d hoped. Hoped she meant more to him than scratching a sexual itch as he’d once implied. The tenderness of his touch this morning had solidified that hope. He’d made love to her during their early morning tryst. There had been more between them than just sexual attraction, and not just on her side. He may not have said the words, but he’d shown her in his touch, just as she’d attempted to show him.

  Whatever she’d meant, she could see the cold, harsh reality in his eyes. She’d hurt him and his frosty resolve announced he wouldn’t forgive her lies.

  She’d lost Rob forever. Not that she’d ever really had him.

  “Let me explain,” she began, despite the anger and hurt coursing through her. He’d lied to her, too. She took a step toward him and caught her slipper’s heel on the skirt hem. She stumbled, grabbed hold of the mahogany table again and managed to knock a vase off onto the hard marble floor. The probably priceless urn shattered. A physical semblance of the cracking of her heart at the thought Rob had cared and she’d destroyed that precious flame by not being honest with him. Maybe if she’d trusted enough to tell him everything, he would have risked his heart?

  Her gaze flickered from the broken porcelain to the tense man eyeing her with disgust and disbelief. “I’m sorry.”

  He didn’t speak, just watched as she stooped to clean up the mess she’d made. One of the messes she’d made. Maybe it could be repaired. She was afraid all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put the one in her chest back together again.

  Jessie bent down and covered her hand. “He’s who you slept with?”

  Jill nodded, not meeting her sister’s gaze. Her hand shook beneath Jessie’s steady one.

  “Go. I’ll take care of this.”

  Shocked, Jill glanced at Jess. She’d seen the lust in her sister’s eyes when she’d looked at Rob. It wasn’t like her to back down. “You’re sure?”

  Jessie looked taken aback. “Of course, I’m sure. He’s yours. I should have realized when he called me that you were involved with him.”

  “Rob called you?” He’s who brought Jessie here? He’d known? That didn’t make sense.

  “Right after you did.” Jessie got her duh look again. “I’ll tell you everything later. He just spun on his heels and vanished down that hallway to the left. If he’s the one you want, Jilly, go get him.”

  She looked at the spot where Rob had been standing. The empty spot. Her stomach knotted. “I’d like to ring his neck right now, but,” She dropped the pieces of porcelain she’d gathered. “I love him, Jess.”

  “Like, I kinda figured that. Go get him.”

  “Yeah.” Jill kissed her sister’s cheek, stood, and ran in the direction Rob had disappeared.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Rob took the steps of a narrow back passageway two at a time. He wasn’t sure where he was headed, but the air in the hallway had become too thin and his body had threatened to shut down in protest of its deprived state. He’d had to escape from Jill’s oxygen depleting presence.

  He’d almost shut down because Jill had admitted to being like Mandy. A starlit willing to sleep her way to the top just as an irate-about-his-filing-for-divorce Mandy had an affair with the star of Rob’s first production, leading to the show’s demise when the man walked off the set and refused to finish shooting.

  He paused on the stair-step and clasped his fingers around the wooden rail as blinding pain burned across his chest. How could he have been so wrong about Jill?

  He’d known better than to care about a woman.

  But she’d snuck around his defenses. Or more likely she’d plowed right over them.

  And he’d let her. Because he’d believed she was different from every other woman he’d ever known. That she cared about him, not what she thought he could do for her career.

  He’d been wrong. So wrong.


  “Rob?” the source of his pain whispered from a few steps behind him. He hadn’t heard her. Admittedly in his current state, she could have stomped down the stairs and it was unlikely he would have noticed.

  He didn’t look at her. He’d seen the guilt, the shame, the regret, in her eyes when she’d turned and seen him in the hallway. She hadn’t known he was listening when she’d blurted out the truth. The truth that she’d been faking a whole lot more than just her identity.

  She should do just fine in the acting world. She’d certainly fooled him.

  “Rob,” she whispered again, placing her hand on his shoulder. He flinched, but didn’t jerk free from her scalding touch. “I know none of this looks good, but you have to let me explain.”

  “No, I don’t have to do anything.” Except find better quality air. The stairwell seemed to have been overcome with roses.

  Death by roses. Would he ever be able to smell the flowery fragrance without thinking of her? Somehow he doubted it.

  “Please.” Her fingers tightened on his shoulder, and this time he pulled away, but only to turn toward her. She stood a step above his, which put her mouth at his eyelevel. Memories of that mouth against his reminded him of what he’d thought they’d shared this morning.

  “Please what?” he asked, as a wave of exasperated anger shook him. “Please forget you’re not who you claimed to be? Or please forget you made a mockery of my production by not choosing any of the bachelors? Or, even, please forget I heard you admit you slept with me in hopes of my helping you land another role? Not that you’ll need any help with talent to deceive like yours.” He took a breath. “Please what, Jilly?”

  She met his gaze head-on and except for the slight quiver of her lower lip, she showed no outward signs of being affected by his outburst. “I never meant for anyone to find out.”

  Yeah, announcing she’d only slept with him to advance her career probably hadn’t been on her agenda. Of course, he knew producers who wouldn’t care. Heck, most didn’t care.

  Rob cared. Too damn much.

  “Lesson learned. Next time keep your mouth shut.”

  “Huh?” He had to give her credit. She genuinely looked confused. He watched as understanding dawned on her face. “Oh, you mean that last bit about my sleeping with you.”

  She reached out and cupped his jaw, her soft palms pressed on either side of his face. “Having been right t
here, how can you possibly think I made love with you for any reason other than the fact I’m crazy about you?”

  His heart slammed into over-drive at her words. He wanted to believe, but Jill was a skilled actress, and he’d taken the crash course in Lying 101 courtesy of his ex-wife. He wouldn’t be taken for a fool again.

  “That was just sex.”

  She looked taken aback. “I made love to you, Rob. Couldn’t you tell? Feel it in my touch? My kiss? The way I couldn’t get enough of you?”

  She was good. He could almost believe her. Almost.

  But he knew she was a liar and a fraud, not above breaking rules and laws to get what she wanted. He wrapped his fingers around her wrists, her deceptive wrists, because she was much tougher than she looked. He removed her hands from his face.

  “You should leave. Tonight. Consider your early morning services as repayment for my not prosecuting you and your sister for fraud and no telling how many other felonies you’ve committed by being here.”

  “Rob, don’t do this,” she pleaded.

  “Do what?”

  “You didn’t stop me earlier when you could have, when you should have. I’m willing to put that behind us, but don’t make the same mistake twice. Don’t throw away what we have together,” she said softly.

  He chuckled without humor. “That’s just it, honey. We don’t have anything together. I told you from the beginning you’d never be more than an itch I wanted to scratch. Did you think a tumble in your sheets would change my mind? Not hardly.”

  Her eyes filled with tears and if he thought she was sincere, he’d drop to his knees and beg her forgiveness, but for her this was all just another rung up the ladder of her acting career. Hell, she was good enough he might be tempted to cast her in another role--just so long as he wasn’t physically working on the set.

  No, he’d never willingly have anything to do with this woman again. Her talon-like clutch on his chest had already created gaping wounds. Another go around would likely kill him.

  Her lashes lowered, her chest rose with a deep breath, and she visibly trembled. He had to leave, before he wrapped his arms around her and begged her to go right on pretending because he didn’t want reality.


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