Alien Intrusion
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Some might argue that genuine born-again believers have been abducted, too, citing the “Andreasson affair.” Betty Andreasson claimed to be a Christian, but she experienced ongoing abductions over many years. This is a well-documented and researched case, but the reports indicate that she presumed they were real aliens and she accepted their invitation to participate.[48] The evidence suggests that very few born-again Christian believers show up among abductees.[49] Of course, you can be a Christian and believe that aliens do exist on other planets, but it would imply that you have not taken the Bible’s history of origins seriously — see the section “Did God create aliens?” in the appendix. Some Christians might also accept the idea that God used evolution on the earth and/or elsewhere. However, this is adding external religious philosophies to the Bible, violating its own clear warnings against this compromise. If Christians can be deceived, then it would appear that they can also be subject to abduction experiences, albeit this is much rarer than with the general population. (And, as shown, if they call on the name of Jesus, the experience stops.)
Such an experience befell Robert Prentiss, a former California policeman with degrees in sociology, nursing, psychology, and counseling. Shortly after he became a Christian, he and his wife saw a multitude of UFOs in a variety of shapes and colors over a period of weeks. After watching an apparent landing, they ventured to the site where they came upon an area of red-colored scorched earth with depressions in the ground. Prentiss said:
During these weeks of tantalizing sightings, I became totally obsessed with the UFOs, convinced that something great was about to happen. I abandoned my daily Bible reading and turned my back on God [emphasis in original].[50]
Many evenings he would wait in anticipation of contact, waiting for some great event to happen, at the same time immersing himself in UFO literature. But the sightings stopped. Feeling betrayed, confused, and angry, Prentiss immersed himself in a debauched lifestyle and alcohol. Having abandoned his Christian lifestyle, he entered into a period of deep depression. In hindsight, he believes that God used these experiences to open his “spiritual” eyes to a Bible-based world view. He says he realized he was being deceived:
… my thought processes were influenced … to embrace the concept of extraterrestrial beings with its concomitant theory of naturalistic evolution which would, of course, serve to negate the biblical truth that Christ died once for all. Since then … as I have allowed Jesus Christ to become Lord of my life … inner convictions have been reinforced through study of the Scriptures, as well as the preponderance of scientific evidence supporting the biblical account of creation [emphasis in original].[51]
The evidence suggests that meddling in the occult can open a doorway to the spiritual realm where there is a battle going on, and that you could become a casualty of war. Former abductee Virginia Miller-Witmer, who halted her abduction in the name of Jesus, said:
Although I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior as a child, I have not always lived as I should. After being hurt by molestation, I sought a way to bring power and control in my life. I dabbled in occult practices. I made a childish attempt at witchcraft, participated in childhood séances and as a teen, experimented with meditation… . During all these experiences and many more, I believe God never left me. I grieved Him tremendously but He never left me.
Alien encounters were the last thing on my mind in 1987. But one night I found myself in the clutches of an evil presence. I believe that if it had not been for the experience, I might not have ever repented my occult involvement. I had not thought about my occult involvement for years and considered it experiences of a child. Now I know that both God and Satan took my involvement seriously. It really made no difference if I took it seriously or not [emphasis added].[52]
Many researchers, notable abductees (like Strieber), and others (like the lady above), have clearly understood the link between abductions and occultic New Age beliefs. Let’s briefly recap. Clark says:
After 50 years of the modern UFO era we have literally millions of eyewitness accounts, hundreds of photographs, and in recent years many examples of video documentation, but we still do not have one single piece of hard physical evidence, in spite of thousands of eyewitness reports over the years. This suggests they are not physical, but spiritual manifestations. Even physical landing traces can be explained as a type of “counterfeit creation,” or manipulation of mass and energy, not to mention shapeshifting and many UFOs’ ability to make 90 degree turns [at impossible speeds] and other maneuvers that are considered to be impossible in the physical realm.[53]
Even the world’s most respected UFO researcher, J. Allen Hynek, was forced to confront the obvious:
Another peculiarity is the alleged ability of certain UFOs to dematerialize… . There are quite a few reported instances where two distinctly different UFOs hovering in a clear sky will converge and eventually merge into one object. These are the types of psychic phenomena that are confronting us in the UFO mystery.[54]
Substitute “spiritual” for “psychic,” and then compare the spiritual nature of UFO sightings with the character of alien abductions, and surely we have to begin to realize that these entities are not real physical ETs from other planets. They are from another dimension, just as Vallée, Keel, Mack, and so many other UFO researchers, from differing sides of the fence, have concluded. So, to find their source, one needs to wear “spiritual glasses.” Unfortunately, most of these modern-day researchers have embraced a humanist-based view of the world, with the theory of evolution serving as the creator of both them and the aliens. This opens them up to spiritual deception and, in turn, has blinded them to the claims of the Bible, which makes God the Creator. I suggest that the answers they have been looking for but do not want to hear may be — “God is real, and the Bible is true.”
This possible interpretation is further supported by the space brothers’ single-minded obsession with undermining the Bible’s account of the nature and mission of the only “One” who appears to be able to stop them — Jesus. In the next chapter we are going to attempt to wear “spiritual glasses” to discern exactly where these beings might have come from and what is motivating them.
[1] Roald D. Story,editor, The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, in an article by Scott Corrales (London: Constable & Robinson, 2002), p. 759761.
[2] “Screen Memories: UFO Mythology and Science Fiction Films,”
[3] “Alien Abductions,”
[4] Ibid.
[5] “Paradigm Wars: Examining Competing Views on Alien Abductions, by Michael Miley,”
[6] Jacques Vallée, Confrontations (New York: Ballantine Books, 1990), p. 159, cited in Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman, Alien Encounters (Indianapolis, IN: Koinonia House, 2003), p. 253.
[7] “Screen Memories: UFO Mythology and Science Fiction Films,”
[8] Story, The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, in an article by Philip J. Klass, p. 362.
[9] “Aliens are Coming … or Are They Here?”
[10] Story, The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, in an article by Thomas Bullard, p. 4–10.
[11] “Paradigm Wars: Examining Competing Views on Alien Abductions, by Michael Miley,”
[12] Ibid.
[13] “International Center for Abduction Research — Straight Talk,”
[14] Story, The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, in an article by Thomas Bullard, p. 4–10.
[15] Ibid., in an article by Martin S. Kottmeyer, p. 364.
[16] Ibid., in an article by Thomas Bullard
, p. 4–10.
[17] Dr. Karla Turner, “Aliens — Friends or Foes?” UFO Universe, spring 1993, cited in “The Premise of Spiritual Warfare,”
[18] “UFOs and Alien Abductions,”
[19]Story, The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, in an article by Thomas Bullard, p. 4–10.
[20]Turner, “Aliens — Friends or Foes?” UFO Universe, spring 1993, cited in “The Premise of Spiritual Warfare,”
[22]Panel discussion on hoaxes, The International Fortean Organization, Fortfest ’90 conference, Mclean, Virginia, November 10, 1990, cited in Alnor, UFOs in the New Age, p. 229.
[23]Story, The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, p. 300–302.
[24]Ibid., in an article by David M. Jacobs, p. 331–332.
[25]“Nova Online/Kidnapped by UFOs/John Mack (Interview with John Mack),”
[26]“Are Aliens Already Here? Harvard’s Controversial John Mack,”
[29]“Nova Online/Kidnapped by UFOs/John Mack (Interview with John Mack),”
[31] Story, The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, in an article by Hilary Evans, p. 545–547.
[32]Ibid., in an article by Robert A. Baker, p. 113–114.
[33]Ibid., in an article by Kevin D. Randle, p. 663–664.
[34]“Abduction by Aliens or Sleep Paralysis,”
[35]“Alien Abductions,”
[36]“Exploring Mind, Memory, and the Psychology of Belief,”
[38]“Screen Memories: UFO Mythology and Science Fiction Films,”
[39]“BBC News/Alien ‘Abductees’ Show Real Symptoms,”
[40] Ibid.
[41]In Acts 9:3–18, Saul, a persecutor of Christians, had an encounter with Jesus (after Jesus’ ascension to heaven) on the road to Damascus, resulting in him becoming a Christian. His name was later changed to Paul, the famous Apostle of the early Christian church.
[42] “A Letter to the Mufon UFO Journal,”
[43]“The Premise of Spiritual Warfare,”
[44]“CE-4 Case Files,”
[45]“The Premise of Spiritual Warfare,”
[46]“ ‘Spiritual Warfare?’ Some Look to Bible for Answers to Alien Abductions,”
[47]John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse (Lilburn, GA: Illuminet Press, 1996), p. 192, cited in Missler and Eastman, Alien Encounters, p. 247–248.
[48]“Return of the Nephilim? by Chuck Missler,”
[49]“UFOs and Alien Abductions,”
[50]Robert B. Prentiss, December 25, 1976, cited in Clifford Wilson and John Weldon, Close Encounters, A Better Explanation (SanDiego, CA: Master Books, 1978), p. 297–302.
[51] Ibid.
[52] “Encounter by Virginia Miller-Witmer,”
[53]“The Premise of Spiritual Warfare,”
[54]J. Allen Hynek, interview in UFO Report Magazine, p. 61, August 1976, cited in “The Premise of Spiritual Warfare,”
The Gospel According to ET
Who are you going to believe?
All the evidence we have looked at points against these “alien” entities as being “extraterrestrials,” i.e., from other planets. However, they seem to be interdimensional, in the sense that they seem to be emanating from another dimension or realm. The evidence suggests that, despite their capability of interacting within our own physical reality, both they and their source are spiritual in nature. Despite their own claims to be an advanced or highly evolved alien species, the entire hypothesis that aliens come from other planets, star systems, or parallel universes appears to be an elaborate masquerade. In other words, they are lying and trying to create an illusion of something that is not real. If this interpretation is correct, what could possibly be their motive?
Given the deceptive behavior of these spiritual beings and their intentional campaign of misinformation, they must be trying to hide their real motives. They appear to be operating in a covert manner, similar to a “fifth column.” Their efforts resemble a propaganda war that tries to convince the enemy that their intentions are not hostile, that is, that “we’re the good guys.” Human combatants have used similar methods in conventional warfare on this planet, where one side tries to “soften up” a country prior to invasion, giving the impression that they are no threat. It is classic deception.
As the CE-4 researchers discovered, there is a battle going on in another dimension or a spiritual realm, and control of humankind and the earth appears to be the goal. Remember the conclusions of researchers Vallée and others: they noticed that these beings seem intent on changing our traditional view of the world — in short, our view of reality. Achieving this goal is not as difficult as one might think. As we have repeatedly shown, the evolutionary world view, coupled with a diet of science fiction and a decline of traditional religious beliefs, has prepared the world for the arrival of the space brothers and their new religion.
Allegedly authentic photograph taken in the 1950s of a dead alien “gray”
It appears that these beings want to bring the world into a new order; that is, one great unifying religion under their auspices. Yet this religious agenda is not new. It is one that has been around for as long as mankind has been on the earth — this new religious order is supposed to embrace all faiths, but it is noticeably intolerant of biblical Christianity. Therefore, it should be of no surprise that the abductors have generally left genuine Bible-believing Christians alone because these Christians may be able to spiritually discern the true nature of this attack on their beliefs. Unfortunately, many Christians believe the whole ET scenario is nonsense, probably because they have never been exposed to this phenomenon. And although they may recognize some aspects as spiritual in origin, most do not realize how widespread this enemy campaign appears to be.
CE-4 discovered, by means of practical research and not a pre-existing belief in Christianity, that the Bible provided answers to the nature of this spiritual battle. It has been written of these researchers:
Jordan and Clark didn’t start out as “Bible pounders with a point.” In fact, quite the opposite. They were just looking for truth like everyone else, and what they have found will cause the UFO/abduction phenomenon to never be viewed in exactly the same way again. It was the research they did and the data they found that made believers out of them.[1]
Researcher Jordan not only spoke with fellow directors in MUFON, but he contacted several of the leading abduction researchers in the United States. They all requested anonymity, but off the record every single one of them claimed to have cases of abductees halting their experiences in the name of Jesus Christ. These experts, not knowing how to deal with this knowledge, simply disregarded it.[2] The fact that they wanted anonymity also suggests that they didn’t want their
own pre-existing belief system challenged, which was likely to be already entrenched in New Age concepts and practices. In addition, with the abduction phenomenon at plague proportions, one can make a good living by being a “specialist.”