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Alien Intrusion

Page 30

by Gary Bates

  Why is it that the mention of the name of Jesus affects these beings so badly? Why are they afraid of a name that is often disregarded and derided or used as a swear word in our modern culture? The messages of these beings are often aimed directly at discrediting the traditional view of Christ. The space brothers frequently claim that Jesus is not the Savior of all mankind but one of a few good religious leaders who have appeared on this earth, or even that he is a UFOnaut like them. All their efforts seem focused on undermining the Bible and the Christian view that Jesus is the Savior of mankind, and replacing it with the view that they are the saviors instead. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that these beings actually believe Jesus is the One He claims to be. If He is God incarnate, and they are merely deceivers, we can now realize their motives for seeking to discredit Him.

  Should one trust these deceptive beings’ claims to be our saviors? Be careful — to be “deceived” means to believe a lie. Who should we believe? Beings with questionable origins who abuse humans and treat them with disdain? Remember that people who have encountered so-called aliens have been transformed emotionally and religiously as a result of an encounter with a spirit, but often it is an unpleasant experience that leaves them with a sense of being violated, depressed, and even suicidal.

  Abduction researcher and hypnotherapist Donna Higbee became alarmed at the dramatic change in the attitude of people who had undergone an abduction experience. She wrote:

  I noticed a drastic change … in the attitudes of several of the abductees from one meeting to the next. People who had been traumatized all their lives by ongoing abductions and had only anger and mistrust for their non-human abductors suddenly started saying they had been told/shown that everything that has happened to them was for their own good, that the abductors are highly spiritual beings and are helping them (the abductee) to evolve spiritually. By accepting this information, the abductees stopped fighting abduction and instead became passive and controlled. When I checked with other researchers, I found that this was a pattern that was repeating itself over and over again around the country. I became concerned that abductees were accepting these explanations from entities that we know can be deceitful, use screen memories to mask real memories, use virtual reality scenarios to implant images into abductees’ heads, and manipulate and abuse. I wrote an article for the MUFON UFO Journal (September 1995) and encouraged abductees to seriously think about what they were accepting as their truth, in light of the evidence, not the explanations offered them by these non-human entities.[3]

  A spirit of love

  Contrast this with the claims of Christians about their encounter with Christ, who, rather than controlling people against their will, laid down His life in the service of human beings. No one could deny that the theme of Christ’s ministry on this earth was one of love, forgiveness, and acceptance. Most people today would like to live in a world with these Christian values, but they don’t want to accept what they regard as the “religious baggage” that goes along with it. This attitude results from the common view that Christianity is just another religion. But as we shall see, the UFO debate is not just about a religious point of view, but about a spiritual battle of epic proportions and of such importance that not a single person alive on the planet should ignore it.

  It is commonly observed that people who make a conscious choice to become Christians undergo a transformation. They become passionate about their newfound beliefs, and try to tell everyone else about it because they believe they have hit upon the foundational truth that gives meaning to their existence. That’s big news in a world where the prevailing world view teaches that life, including you and me, is nothing more than evolved pond scum, and that there is nothing but death and oblivion at the end of our lives. The Bible implores Christians to love, forgive, and serve others, using Christ as their model. According to the Bible, Christians are transformed because they’ve met with a spiritual being who changed them. But unlike alien abductees who encounter a spirit of deception, for Christians it is a “close encounter” with a spirit called the Holy Spirit who comes from Jesus Christ. The Bible says that Christ is actually God the Creator, who came in the flesh so that we might understand the nature and person of God himself and believe in Him. The Bible says, in Hebrews 1:3:

  The Son [Jesus] is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being… .

  Although this may sound a little confusing, the Bible claims that God exists in three persons but He is one God (historically called the Trinity). The three “persons” are God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. This God claims to be unique. There is none like Him.

  Change can be dramatic among folk who become Christians. Murderers, criminals, the abused, the broken-hearted, suddenly become full of life and become new people. The Bible says they have become “born again,” which is a far cry from the transformations that take place among alien abductees. Many are startled at the rapid transformation that Christians undergo. In John 3:3, Jesus says:

  I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.

  The very words of Jesus indicate that no one can see, enter, or understand God’s kingdom until they have had this new (spiritual) birth. Christians have available to them “spiritual glasses” to help them discern a spiritual realm that we cannot naturally see or understand. This lack of understanding about the spiritual realm helps to explain why so many researchers and abductees fail to determine the true nature of an encounter with a “space brother.” Not only do they fail to see through the charade, but they can become very much aligned with the “mission” of their abductors. Researchers Missler and Eastman explain:

  The tragic lesson here is that while the UFO phenomenon has the ability to engender tremendous personal devotion and self-sacrifice, it also has the ability to perpetrate a massive deception.[4]

  The apostle Paul was initially hostile to Christianity (he even killed some of Jesus’ followers), but when he had a personal encounter with Jesus he became a believer and laid down his own life in the service of his faith. He was born again, and as a result, the Bible says he received the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit), who dwells in every Christian believer. To explain why non-Christians are unable to easily understand the true nature of spiritual things, Paul wrote, in 1 Corinthians 2:12–14:

  We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us… . The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

  Paul says that the world cannot correctly understand spiritual things. In the past, traditional Christian views caused many to believe and understand that there was a spiritual dimension to our existence. But evolution, masquerading as modern science, now advances the belief that “atoms are all there is.” The New Age movement (NAM) has also embraced this idea, saying that matter itself is a unifying force — a god or self-perpetuating energy or entity in its own right, similar to the “force” of Star Wars fame. The idea that there is an impersonal god or some “force” behind the universe has become the most popular view today. Once again, this is in sharp contrast to the message of a supreme deity who has personally communicated through Christ and the Bible. New Age beliefs, which the space brothers endorse in a variety of forms, appear to be a counterfeit or substitute religion designed to keep people away from the knowledge of the true Creator God of the Bible.

  This is an immense effort on the part of the deceivers, and you may wonder why. It is clear that the “space beings” believe in the God of the Bible, or else they would not be expending so much effort to convince us otherwise. Simply stated, they are the adversaries of God. One of Jesus’ disciples, a man named John, saw this spiritual battle and wrote warning Christian believers to be careful about what we believe, and also warning them to be mindful of God’s enemy, whic
h he called “the spirit of the antichrist.” This phrase describes a being who is “anti,” that is, against or instead of Christ, the Son of God, and who is presently working to deceive non-believers. John wrote:

  Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world (1 John 4:1–3).

  In earlier chapters we mentioned that these “ET” entities and their earthly evangelists seemed to be obsessed with the Bible. We shall now look more closely at its teachings to find out what it really says about the origin of this battle and who is really overseeing this deceptive plan — and as we shall see, the Bible explains that the lie is as old as time itself. Well in advance of this modern era, that book warned the world that God’s spiritual enemies would try to deceive us.

  Back to the beginning

  According to the first book of the Bible, before the world or even the universe began, there was God. He is self-existent and needs nothing to sustain Him (see Appendix: Who Made God?). When God created the universe, at that same moment, space and time, as we understand them, came into existence. Although God is outside of our space and time, He interacts in it. He also created a spiritual realm or another dimension (although the “spirit” beings in their dimension may have “physical” attributes — though different from ours). The Bible describes Jesus Christ as the Creator:

  He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Col. 1:15–17).

  Note that the passage says that Jesus created visible and invisible things for himself. By definition, if He made the universe and everything in it, then He owns it. The invisible things — “whether thrones or powers, rulers or authorities” — include beings from the spiritual or unseen realm. If God created “all things,” it must also include these spirit beings and their realm. Therefore, some of these beings must be the same ones who are now waging war against him. The Bible claims in Ephesians 6:12:

  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

  This makes a pretty clear claim. There is a war going on in the unseen or heavenly realms. According to these passages of Scripture, the beings discussed in this book are commonly known as angels. I have deliberately avoided using that expression for them until now because the word “angels” usually invokes the image of a beautiful heavenly being, dressed in flowing white robes and “fairy” wings. This is far from the teaching of the Bible, which describes that there are good angels and bad ones. But to find out how it became this way, we need to go back to the very first book of the Bible. It tells us about all the players in this conflict.

  First, there was God. According to Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The word translated as “God” is the Hebrew word Elohim, which is a plural word (implying the Trinity), but the word is used singularly (with a singular verb) to describe (the one) God as the Creator. (The Raelian cult deliberately misuses this word to imply that we had multiple creators, namely ancient alien astronauts.)

  According to verse 26, on the sixth day of creation, God said to himself, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,” and so Adam (his name means “man or mankind”) and subsequently the first woman, Eve, were created. This does not mean that Adam was created in God’s physical likeness but in His spiritual likeness. This verse teaches that we have a spirit, too.

  So when were the angelic beings created? In the Book of Job 38:4–7, a dialogue is recorded between the man Job and God himself. God is reminding the man Job that He is the Creator:

  Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone — while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?

  Although it is poetic language, this passage also conveys historical truth. The passage tells us that the angelic spirit beings had already been created and were watching God perform His handiwork. Therefore they knew that God was their Creator also.

  Angel, a Greek (the language of the New Testament) word and its parallel Hebrew word malak (the Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew), both mean “messenger.” These messengers were used as agents of God to carry out His purposes. These angelic beings are mentioned in the Bible on literally dozens and dozens of occasions. Here is what we can glean from some of the passages (it would be prudent to look at a Bible and check out these references for yourself):

  • They are spirits (Heb. 1:14), yet they always appeared to humans as men/males when doing God’s bidding (Gen. 19:1; Luke 24:4).

  • They number in the hundreds of millions or perhaps more (Heb. 12:22; Rev. 5:11).

  • They were given names such as Gabriel, Michael, and even Lucifer (Luke 1:19; Jude 9; Isa. 14:12).

  • There are various types and categories of angels mentioned, e.g., cherubim (Gen. 3:24; Ezek. 10:1–20), seraphim (Isa. 6:2, 6) and watchers (Dan. 4:17, Authorized Version). They also appear to differ in rank and dignity, some being described as archangels, princes or rulers (1 Thess. 4:16; Jude 1; Dan. 10:20–21, 12:1; Eph. 6:12).

  • They are/were called holy and elect (Luke 9:26; 1 Tim. 5:21).

  • They are more powerful than mankind (2 Thess. 1:7; 2 Pet. 2:11).

  • They can appear among, and interact with, humans, even killing them on occasion (Gen. 16:9, 19:15; 1 Chron. 21:15; Ps. 78:49; John 20:12). In Exodus 12:23 God’s destroying angel killed all the firstborn in Egypt (except for those of the Hebrew families who followed God’s instructions for protection), and in 2 Kings 19:35 an angel sent by God killed 185,000 soldiers in one evening.

  • They can appear physically and so real to humans that we do not recognize them as angels (Gen. 18:1–16; Heb. 13:2).

  • They are not to be worshiped (Rom. 1:25, NKJV; Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10).

  Many of the descriptions of these angelic beings conform to the “spiritual yet physical” characteristics attributed to aliens. It enables us to understand why, when masquerading as aliens, angelic beings are able to perform such incredible physics-defying feats.

  Here’s where the trouble begins

  In the beginning, though, God created one particular high-ranking angel. He was described as a “guardian cherub,” and many believe that he was in charge of all the other angels. His name was Lucifer. In parallel with a description of an earthly king, God apparently describes Lucifer’s position:

  You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you (Ezek. 28:13–15).

  Lucifer had it pretty good. He was the number one spirit in the neighborhood, and was in charge of at least several million other angels. But he had a problem — pride. Having authority delegated to him wasn’t enough. He wanted it all, including God’s throne, and so he conspired against the One who made him. Of course, he is now generally known as Satan (which literally means “adversary” or “accuser”) or the devil. The na
me change was apt, as we shall see.

  Most people are familiar with the account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Bible says that Eve[5] was deceived by the serpent that lured her into eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God had already warned Adam and Eve that to eat of this tree would result in the curse of death befalling them and their descendants. It didn’t refer to instantaneous physical death, but literally meant “dying you shall die,” i.e., the process of death shall begin and “you will surely [eventually and inevitably] die.” It also caused a spiritual separation from God their Creator. This curse of death has befallen all mankind because we have all sinned (rebelled against God and broken his laws). Romans 3:23 says:

  … for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

  Like Lucifer, the first people had everything they would ever need, as God their Creator had provided for them. They could have lived forever in fellowship with God, who used to walk with them in the garden at a time when everything, including Adam and Eve, was perfect.


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