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A Brush of Her Skin (The Reglashien Book 1)

Page 10

by April Zyon

  “I have to agree,” Jett said with a grin. “Especially since he knows so much about the other half of me, that part of me that I have never been taught about.” The whole part about her having to feed when she became pregnant seriously had thrown her for a huge loop.

  “Yes, having someone that can teach you that part of you is good. Though why your father never did is beyond me. I would have thought that would have been lesson one as soon as you came to live with him.” Carver lifted her over a downed tree and then hopped over to join her before they began to move uphill slightly.

  “He knew that I hadn’t had to feed before so he was hopeful that I was more human than vampire. Weird I know.” She knew that it was just a part of her father’s weird way of trying to keep his mate with him even though she was gone. The more human Jett was the better for him.

  “He still should have told you. Because he would have known that even if you only had a small amount of Vampire DNA you’d need to feed during pregnancy. It’s the one thing even I know about Vampires. No matter their mix or purity, during pregnancy the females have to ingest blood.”

  “Maybe he hoped to wait to tell me until I was married or whatever?” She had no clue why her father had not told her about the whole feeding when pregnant thing but that was neither here nor there. “You guys knew, that’s what counts. Right?”

  “Very true,” he nodded and pulled her into a small grove of trees. In the center was a little clearing with wildflowers growing all over the place. The moon overhead filled the space with a soft light and it was absolutely, completely silent. “So, do you like my little hideaway?” he asked letting her hand go so she could look around.

  “Oh this is stunning.” She admitted to him with a smile. “How in the world have you hidden this gem of a spot? I’m shocked that there aren’t a million people coming out here.” She turned in a circle and grinned. “I love it.”

  “Well, I run around the outside pissing everywhere and it keeps them away,” he said. When she looked at him he had a perfectly straight face but it cracked after a moment and he grinned. “A few of the Pack know about it but it’s always been my place to get away. Even as a kid and in my early training to take over the Pack. They don’t intrude here out of respect though I don’t mind if others come here if I’m not around.”

  “That’s actually really marvelous.” She whispered. “For them to care enough about you to allow you to have this space. I love it.” Jett smiled and looked up at Carver. “So, you gonna come over here and take me in your arms and make love with me?”

  “Actually, I’m going to come over there, strip you, turn you around and bend you over. Then I’m going to do just what I said I’d do while we were dancing. After that I’ll make love to you as many times as you want,” he said with a smile. He started to stalk towards her, slowly, his head down slightly and his eyes watching her closely.

  “Oh I love how you make that sound.” She felt herself getting wet at his words and licked her lips. “Damn I love how that sounds.” She whispered honestly to him. “A lot.” She began to pull her dress up, watching him as she did so and grinning. “Come on big guy, waiting on you here.”

  “You’re wet for me,” he said, a statement, no question in his voice at all. He let out a low growl and then moved fast, spinning her in his arms to kiss her hard. His hands were under her dress, on her ass and he was rubbing his jean covered cock to her pussy, rocking his hips into her as he devoured her mouth.

  “I am always wet for you.” Jett admitted to him. When he turned her fast in his arms to kiss her she kissed him right back. “And you are hard.” She moaned against his lips. “So how about you shimmy out of your jeans so that you can fuck me Carver? Please?” She added nicely.

  “I don’t even know the definition of shimmy but I get your meaning, sort of.” Kissing her hard he spun her around, “Hands on the tree,” he growled low. Air kissed her ass a moment later as her dress was pushed up and the back tucked into her neckline. His hot flesh was pressing to her soon enough, rubbing through her moisture.

  “Oh that is perfect.” She pushed back against him and shivered in reaction. “That feels fucking amazing.” She moaned. “Please, please don’t stop.” She wanted his hands on her body, wanted to feel every inch of his thick cock pressed into her pussy and knew he needed it as well.

  Laughing quietly he gripped her hips tight and pressed a kiss to her cheek. When she softened slightly he thrust into her hard. “I would never stop, not until we are both sweaty and limp.” Another hard thrust had her rocking forward onto her toes.

  “That’s a very, very good damn thing.” Jett shuddered as she pushed back against him time and time again. “Because nothing less will do.” She grinned and added, “We will have to leave Tremayne to find us and carry us back. Well me at least.” She cried out when Carver pushed just a bit harder and faster into her body. “Fuck,” she cried out.

  “Won’t be needed,” he growled softly, nipping at her throat. “By the time he could find us I’ll have my second wind and you’ll be otherwise preoccupied. And definitely in no position to be carried anywhere at all.” Thrusting harder his balls slapped to her clit just as he cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples and rolled them.

  “Thank god.” She moaned and shuddered again. “There, god damn that feels so damn amazing.” She moaned. “I can’t believe how good this feels. How amazing it is to have you taking me like this.” Outside, where they were wild and free, at least that’s how it felt.

  “I’d do it everyday if you’d let me,” he said with a rough chuckle. His lips were right next to her ear as he fucked her. “Out in nature, with only me and the forest life to hear your screams and pleas as I take you, hard and fast.”

  “I would totally let you too.” She moaned. “I think we should. At least every day.” She shuddered. “I know that we should do it every single day.” She loved it. So very much. “More than once a day in fact.” Another loud moan from her. “Oh God, yes.”

  “You’re babbling,” he whispered, laughter blowing air over her cheek. “Concentrate on feeling. The way your pussy opens to take my cock, the rub of my flesh to yours. The pinch at your nipples as I toy with these tight little buds. Even the sensation of the tree bark under your palms as you clench around me every time I pull out.”

  “Fuck.” She said simply and moaned. She focused on simply feeling, she focused on feeling this man, feeling him fucking her and loved every single second of it. “Focus on how tight I am.” She moaned right back to him. “Focus on how wet that I am, all because of you. Focus on your cock thickening so that every single drop of your seed spills deep inside of my tight pussy.”

  “You’re so wet I can feel your slick cream on my thighs, which means your thighs are coated with it. You’re so tight it’s like a hot wet fist squeezing my cock hard, making my balls tighten. When I come you’re going to feel every drop of my seed splashing into your waiting womb.”

  “Good.” She wanted that. God she couldn’t wait for that. “Please.” She begged him then. “I need.” And she did need. She needed so very, very much. “I want to feel you knotting up inside of me. I need to feel you knotting up inside of me. I have to have that. I need to have that. I love the way that it feels when you do.”

  He yanked her away from the tree, her back hitting his chest abruptly. One hand dropped to her pussy and toyed with her clit as he slid his tongue to her throat. “I love you,” he whispered. Slamming into her deeper, harder he pinched her clitoris just as he came, the knot in his cock stopping all movement and sealing him inside.

  Leaning heavily against him her back to his front she screamed. Her orgasm overtook her with such intensity that her vision seemed to splinter. The feeling of his cock knotting inside of her making her scream over and again in pure and intense pleasure. Finally however she went limp against him. Her eyes closed and a grin on her face. “God I love you.”

  Chuckling hoarsely he gave her a sq
ueeze. “Hold on,” he said quietly. Bending her slightly he lifted her legs out from under her slowly. Then, with careful movements, he found them a seat. On a stump no less. It was nice, it allowed her to drape in his lap and there was no loss of contact.

  Jett didn’t know how long she was draped in his lap and finally shivered. “Okay honey, my front is cold. My back is wonderfully warm but my front is cold.” He was deliciously warm, but she was more easily affected by the elements and right now she was cold. Very cold.

  His chest vibrated at her back, he was laughing. “You can get up if you wish and we’ll get you dressed again. I’ll even let you wrap my shirt around you so you stay nice and warm in that very cute little dress you have. Not exactly outdoor loving wear but it’s very sexy.”

  “This is very true. It was amazing though wasn’t it? The loving that we shared felt so deliciously wonderful that I really and truly believe that we should do it often. I rather love this little place where we are now.” She said with a grin.

  “Well, whenever we are here we will come out and enjoy the peace.” Helping her to her feet he straightened her clothing and passed her his t-shirt to wear over top. Then he drew his jeans back on and did them up. “Come on, love, let’s get you back to the house and warmed up.”

  “That sounds good to me. Maybe next time we will build a fire so we can spend more time out here together.” She asked with a smile. “I think that would be lovely, don’t you?” She asked quietly. “I love being out here in nature with you like this. Very much so.”

  “On a warm night we’ll bring out some sleeping bags and stay here. I’ll even bring out some netting to keep the nasty bugs off of you if you want. Though most don’t bother us Wolves, they know who the bigger, meaner predator really is.” Taking her hand he led her out of the little oasis and back onto a path.

  “Yes, netting would be necessary for me because bugs seem to love me. I don’t know why but I guess my blood is like an aphrodisiac for those buggers.” She laughed at the way that sounded but there it was. “God I know that I sound like a freak, but its true. Even now I’m sure that I have some bug bites.” She grinned at him and added, “And a wolf bite but damn I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

  “Just a small nibble from the Wolf in question,” he said with a laugh. “But I don’t see any bug bites, but you’ve been pretty damn close to me as well. So more than likely you got lucky,” he said with a smile to her. “We won’t test that and get you home and checked out. I do have some stuff kicking around if you do have any to help with it.”

  “That’s very good that you have it because I’m more than a little positive that I have a few bites on my arms and hands if not on my legs.” Which sucked ass. “However let’s hope that I don’t have any because its just not any good at all to have me all itchy and stuff.”

  “Well, you can grab a shower and then we’ll inspect every single inch of your skin,” he said. But he did so with a huge grin on his face. “Not exactly a hardship of any kind,” he added softly, giving a light laugh as he squeezed her closer to his side.

  “Oh, I like how that sounds.” She said with a smirk. “And I would hope that it wouldn’t be a hardship because I know that I will enjoy every single moment of you checking over every single inch of my skin. I just ask that you do it slowly, very slowly.”

  “There’s absolutely no other way to do it,” he assured her enthusiastically. As they approached the party again he led her around the edges then stopped. Letting out a low whistle he tipped his head a moment later and led her off again.

  Jett frowned and looked up at Carver, “What’s going on? I thought that we were going back to the party? Why are we headed back toward our home?” She was more than a little confused, to say the least. He had stopped and whistled so what the hell?

  “We’re going to get you showered, check you for bites and then, if you want to come back, we can. But you may want to wear a shirt and jeans to cover up your lovely skin, no bug bites that way. Especially in places I’m very fond of,” he said hugging her close. “And I was just letting Tremayne where we were going. You know, in case he felt like following along.”

  “That sounds like a plan to me.” Jett just laughed, “Those are places that I’m fond of as well.” She then felt Tremayne at her side and sighed happily. “Hey you.” She whispered and slipped her hand into his as well as Carvers. “I look forward to the two of you both checking over every single inch of skin that I have.”

  “She thinks she may have a bunch of bug bites from our romp in the wild. I don’t think she does but I promised we’d look over every single inch,” Carver said in explanation.

  “Ahh,” Tremayne nodded and squeezed her hand. “Bugs don’t tend to hang around the Wolves. You shouldn’t have many if you have any at all.”

  “Well I guess that is a good thing.” She said with a smile. “Because I really like the idea of not having bugs biting me at any given time when we are outside but what about Vampires? Do they like you Tremayne?”

  “Not even a little,” he said with one of his regal looking shrugs.

  “Probably realize that Vamps are the top of the blood sucking chain,” Carver whispered in her ear.

  “I heard that,” Tremayne muttered with a dark look. “I don’t know why they don’t bother us. Actually, for most of the supernatural world, bugs are not a bother in the least.”

  “Then why is it that I can walk outside and I’m all but attacked by bugs? I’m not even kidding a little. I get outside and bugs all but swarm me. It’s seriously maddening.” She let out a frustrated sigh. “I am not even kidding, not a little, and it really drives me batty.”

  “Probably your human blood,” Tremayne said. “Makes you more appealing than the rest of us. But a few more weeks with us and they’ll start to leave you alone. You already carry our scents but once they are so ingrained into your skin it’s permanent, they’ll be hard pressed to want to get near you.”

  “That’s a very good thing. The sooner that bugs aren’t all out to get me the happier that I will be.” She teased. “Even if it does mean that I have to smell like my guys.” She laughed then, she couldn’t pull off making it seem as if that prospect bothered her.

  “You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing,” he said, shaking his head at her. “It is if you factor in the Wolf Man over there,” he shot a look past her. “He does have a specific eau de aroma going on. Not sure if you want that clinging to you.”

  Jett snickered, “I happen to really love the way the both of you smell so please stop being grumbly toward him. The two of you have got to figure out how to live together because I am so not choosing between the two of you. So if it is with these teases, let me know?” So that she didn’t snipe at them.

  “We’d never make you choose Jett,” Carver said. “I’d just kill him off and then there would be no need to choose.” He was grinning as he said it, he was teasing.

  Tremayne though, when he replied, it took her longer to figure out he was joking too. That man had one hell of a poker face. “Like you could fur ball. You’ve been trying for decades to no avail. And I’ve only left you alone because you are slightly amusing.”

  Jett shook her head. “Oh you guys are so bad. Good thing that I love you both like crazy or I might want to beat the two of you.” For making her worry about them and the relationship that they would all share among other things. “Silly men.” She teased softly. “I do love you though, very much so.”

  They each hugged her, Tremayne around her shoulders and Carver around her waist. “We love you as well, darling,” Tremayne said softly. “We might not always get along, but we only will ever have your best interest at heart. Any bloodshed will be taken out of doors where you can’t see what’s going on. Promise.”

  “That’s a very, very good thing that you love me. And thank you for taking any and all bloodshed out of doors and ensure that you are all cleaned up before you see me again.” She teased. “
That’s all that I am saying.”

  “We’re just thinking of you,” Carver said with a laugh. As they went up the stairs he fell back a step and let her go through with Tremayne first. Then he came in, shut and locked the door and then nudged her towards the stairs. “Go up and shower, darling. I’ll dig out the first aid kit, I’m pretty sure that’s where the bug stuff is, if you have any. And I’ll get some drinks to bring up as well.”

  “Well thank you for thinking of me.” Jett told him. She hoped she didn’t have bites but as she looked back at her men and flashed them a smile she knew that they would take care of her. “God, I am so happy to have you both in my life. I’m glad that I snuck out when I did.” She whispered softly. “I’m happy. I’m glad that you boys are happy as well.” She said quietly.

  “Always,” Carver touched her cheek. Tremayne was behind her, his hands on her shoulders. “You are everything to us Jett Valeria Jemar. And we would take on the entire world just to see you smile for us. Know that, believe it and we’ll do just fine.”

  “I know that. I know that you both adore me and all that I am. We are a family now. All of us. Somehow the Pack and Clan will come together because we have all come together so that’s what matters.” She hoped.

  “It is what matters,” Tremayne told her. Both men stepped closer, wrapping her in their different heats and their arms. “We’re together, we’re a unit and we’re completely dysfunctional. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

  Jett smiled, leaning her head on Carver’s shoulder and sighed. “That’s all that matters.” That they were happy, that they had found each other. “Now, what do you two say about getting me naked so that you can check every single inch of my body for bug bites?”

  “Shower first,” Tremayne said, giving her a squeeze. “Come, let’s go see what other buttons we can find in that massive space he calls a shower stall. Then we will lay you out, check you inch by inch and then love you over and over.”


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