On Sunset Boulevard
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On Sunset Boulevard would not exist without Rick Kot, who had enough confidence in me to buy the book for Hyperion and to see it through the midway point, and Jennifer Barth, who pared it down with a sharp eye and tough, demanding taste, and shepherded it with superb skill and commitment. Gratitude also goes to Lesley Krauss and her production team at Hyperion as well as my copy editor, Shelly Perron, and indexer, Nancy Wolff. My agents, Edward Hibbert, Neil Olson, and Peter Steinberg at Donadio and Ashworth, remain true champs. Bless them for keeping alive the graceful spirit of their friend and mentor, Eric Ashworth.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Aafa (AlthofAmboss Film A.G.)
Academy Awards: The Apartment; Arise, My Love; Double Indemnity; Lost Weekend; Ninotchka; Some Like It Hot; Stalag 17; Sunset Boulevard; Thalberg Award (1988); Witness
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Ace in the Hole; as box-office failure; casting; nastiness in; script
Adler, Alfred
Adorno, Theodor
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The (1938)
African Queen
Albers, Hans
All About Eve
Allen, Steve
Allen, Woody
Allied Artists
“All the Livelong Day” (Gershwin)
Alperson, Edward
Ameche, Don
American Film Institute
Anderson, Maxwell
Andrews, Julie
Ansen, David
Antonioni, Michelangelo
Apartment, The; awards for; casting; and film noir; success of
Ariane; see also Love in the Afternoon
Arise, My Love
Army, U.S.: and postwar films; and PsyWar
Around the World in 80 Days
Arsenic and Old Lace
Arthur, Jean
Austerlitz, Dr. Robert H.
Austria: and Anschluss; café tax in; citizenship in; FBI surveillance of émigrés from; Kristallnacht in; Wilder’s award from; and World War I; and World War II
Axelrod, George
Bacali, Lauren
Badner, Judith Wilder; see also Wilder, Judith Coppicus
Bad Seed, The
Balaban, Barney
Baldinger, David
Baldinger, Grandmother
Balenciaga, Cristóbal
Ball of Fire
Balthus, Count Balthasar
Bardot, Brigitte
Barnes, George
Barrie, Elaine
Barrymore, John
Bass, Saul
Baxter, Anne
Begelman, David
Behrman, S. N.
Békessy, Imré
Bells of St. Mary’s, The
Benchley, Robert
Bennett, Joan
Benny, Jack
Berger, Ludwig
Bergman, Ingrid
Bergner, Elisabeth
Berlin; between wars; Brandenburg Gate; cafés; cross-dressing in; cross-section of films in; escape from; gigolos in; Hotel Eden; Jews in; movie industry; newspapers; nightlife; and One, Two, Three; post–World War II in; Reichstag burning in; restaurants; Ufa in, see Ufa; Universal office in; Weissensee Jewish cemetery in; Wilder as screenwriter in; Wilder’s decision to leave; Wilder’s move to
Berliner Börsen Courier
Berliner Zeitung am Mittag (B.Z.)
Bernardi, Herschel
Bernheim, Alain
Betti, Henri
Bevan, Donald
Big Carnival, The
Billy Wilder: Eine Nahaufnahme (Karasek)
Biro, Lajos
Bishop’s Wife, The
Blakely, Colin
Blaue vom Himmel, Das
Blue Angel, The
Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife
Bluhdorn, Charles
Blum, Edwin
Bobby Deerfield
Bogart, Humphrey
Bolvary, Géza von
Bonacci, Anna
Bonanova, Fortunio
Borchert, Brigitte
Boyer, Charles
Brackett, Charles; Academy president; background of; death of; Double Indemnity; income of; Lubitsch’s eulogy by; as producer; Screen Writers Guild president; solo projects of; Wilder’s collaboration with, see Brackett and Wilder; as writer
Brackett, Elizabeth Fletcher
Brackett and Wilder; arguments of; Arise, My Love; Ball of Fire; Bishop’s Wife; Bluebeard; breakup of; Emperor Waltz; as executive writers; as famous team; Five Graves to Cairo; Foreign Affair; Hold Back the Dawn; Life profile of; Lost Weekend; Major and the Minor; Midnight; Ninotchka; Oscar nominations; other writers working with; Parsons on; plagiarism suits; Polonaise; Rhythm on the River; Sunset Boulevard; That Certain Age; What a Life; writing methods
Brand, Harry
Brando, Marlon
Braque, Georges
Braun, Curt
Brecht, Bertolt
Breen, Joseph; see also censorship
Breen, Richard L.
Bressart, Felix
Brief Encounter
Briskin, Sam
Broidy, Steve
Broken Blossoms
Brown, Clarence
Brown, Joe E.
Brynner, Yul
Buchholz, Horst
Buchwald, Art
Buckler, Edra
Buddy Buddy
Bühne, Die
Bunsch, Inga
Burnett, Carol
Butterworth, Charles
Cady, Frank
Cagney, Jimmy
Cahiers du cinéma
Cahn, Sammy
Cain, James M.
Calder, Alexander
Canby, Vincent
Cannes Film Festival
Capra, Frank
Carlson, Stephanie Joan
Casino Royale
censorship: absence of; Ace in the Hole; Arise, My Love; Das Blaue vom Himmel; Breen and; Double Indemnity; Emperor Waltz; Five Graves to Cairo; Foreign Affair; Hays Office and; Irma la Douce; Johnston and; Kiss Me, Stupid; Legion of Decency and; Lost Weekend; Love in the Afternoon; Major and the Minor; Midnight; PCA and; Seven Year Itch; Some Like It Hot; Stalag 17; Sunset Boulevard
“C’est Si Bon” (Betti)
Chaliapin, Fyodor
Champagne Waltz
Chandler, Raymond
Chaplin, Charles
Chateau Marmont Hotel, Los Angeles, in
Chevalier, Maurice
Chmara, Gregory
Christie, Agatha
Christie, Julie
Christie’s auction
Churchill, Randolph
Ciment, Michel
Citron, Herman
Claire, Ina
Clemens, Paul
Clift, Montgomery
Close, Glenn
Cohn, Harry
Colbert, Claudette
Coleman, C. C. “Buddy”
collaborations: with actors; with Axelrod; with Blum; with Brackett, see Brackett and Wilder; with Chandler; and control; with Diamond, see Diamond, I. A. L.; with directors; dissimilarity in; with Garrett; harmony in; with Kraft; with Kurnitz; with Lederer; with Lehman; marriage compared to; with Mayes; with Newman; with Taylor; with Trauner; verbal indignities as part of
Collins, Floyd
Collins, Stephen
Color Me Dead
Columbia Pictures; Joe May in; Wilder’s ticket to U.S. from
Columbus, Chris
comedy: adultery; bad taste in; black; drag; drawing room; émigré writers of; feel-bad; ironic; pol
itical farce; romantic; satirical; screwball; slapstick; strains on credulity in; vulgar
Communists: and blacklisting; and Committee for First Amendment; HUAC and; Nazis and; Red-baiting and
Connie Goes Home
Conversations with Billy
Coogan, Jackie
Cooper, Gary; in Ball of Fire; in Bluebeard; in Love in the Afternoon
Cooper, Jackie
Coppicus, George
Coppicus, Judith Frances; see also Wilder, Judith Coppicus
Cornell, Joseph
Corniglion-Molinier, Edouard
Costello, Dolores
Costello, Frank
Cotten, Joseph
Counselman, William
Count of Luxembourg, The
Cover Girl
Cowan, Lester
Coward, Noel
Crawford, Joan
Creative Management Associates
Crosby, Bing
Crowd, The
Crowe, Cameron
Crowther, Bosley
Cruise, Tom
Cukor, George
Cunningham, Joe
Curtis, Tony
Cziffra, Géza von
Czinner, Paul
Darrieux, Danielle
Davis, Bette
Davis, Eddie
Davis, Elmer
Davis, George W.
Dean, Barney
Death Mills, see Todesmullen
de Havilland, Olivia
Deinler, Richard
DeMille, Cecil B.
Denby, David
Design for Living
Desny, Victor
De Sylva, Buddy
Deutsch, Armand
Deval, Jacques
Diamond, Barbara
Diamond, I. A. L.; The Apartment; Avanti!; Buddy Buddy; death of; Fedora; Fortune Cookie; Front Page; Holmes; Irma la Douce; Kiss Me, Stupid; Love in the Afternoon; One, Two, Three; solo work by; Some Like It Hot; working with Wilder
Dieterle, Charlotte
Dieterle, William
Dietrich, Marlene; in Berlin; Blue Angel; death of; A Foreign Affair; Hotel Imperial; Judgment at Nuremberg; Medal of Freedom to; Midnight; Witness
DiMaggio, Joe
directing: actors moving into; art vs. revelation of character in; awards for; back problems from; collaboration with; control obtained in; and editing; and fame; flow of motion in; one’s own screenplays; postwar propaganda films; and power relationships; screenwriters moving into; Wilder moving into; Wilder on; Wilder’s first image in; Wilder’s masterpieces of; see also specific films
Döblin, Alfred
Dommnici, Itek, see Diamond, I. A. L.
Double Indemnity; casting; censorship; Chandler and; Oscar nominations
Douglas, Kirk
Douglas, Melvyn
Douglas, Paul
Dowling, Doris
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Dozier, William
Dr. Knock
Dunaway, Faye
Dunne, Philip
Dupont, E. A.
Durbin, Deanna
Dwan, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Eames, Charles
Eames, Ray
Ed Sullivan Show, The
Egger, Willy
Eggerth, Marta
Egy-kettö-három; see also One, Two, Three
Ehlers, Christl
Ein blonder Traum
Ein Burschenlied aus Heidelberg
Ekland, Britt
Emil und die Detektive
Emperor Waltz, The
Englund, Ken
Epstein, Julius
Es war einmal ein Walzer
Esway, Alexandre
Etry, Jack
European Film Fund
European Relief Fund
Evans, Ray
Ewell, Tom
Eyman, Scott
Fairbanks, Douglas
Faktor, Emil
falsche Ehemann, Der
Fanfaren das Liebe
Fapp, Danny
Farber, Stephen
Farr, Felicia
Farrow, John
Faylen, Frank
FBI, surveillance by
Fedak, Sari
Feldman, Charles
Ferrer, Jose
Fiedler, Leslie
“Fifth from the Right, The”
film industry, see movie industry
Film Quarterly
Film Society of Lincoln Center
Fiscus, Kathy
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Five Graves to Cairo
Föld, Aurel
Fonda, Henry
Fontaine, Joan
Fontaine, Lillian
Forbes, Bryan
Ford, John
Forda, Eugen
Foreign Affair, A
Forst, Willi
Fortune Cookie, The
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The
Fox Film Corporation; see also Twentieth Century-Fox
Frack mit der Chrysantheme
France; see also Paris
Francis, Arlene
Frank, Ladislaus
Frank, Leonhard
Frank, Paul
Franz Josef, Emperor
Fräulein Else
Freeman, David
Freeman, Y. Frank
Freud, Sigmund
Freund, Karl
Friedhofer, Hugo
Frings, Katherine Hartley (Ketti)
Frings, Kurt
Fritsch, Willy
From Here to Eternity
Front Page, The
Fulda, Hans
Gable, Clark
Gaillart, M.
Galicia, Jews in
Galitzenstein (Maxim Films)
Garbo, Greta
Gardner, Ava
Garrett, Oliver H. P.
Gaumont British Picture Corp.
Gay, Peter
Geist, Kenneth
Gentleman’s Agreement
Germany: escape from; FBI surveillance of émigrés from; films financed in; and Final Solution; homesickness for; Kristallnacht; language of; movie industry in; Nazis in; see also Nazis; postwar events in; propaganda movies of; Wilder’s awards from; Wilder’s decision to leave; Wilder’s return (1945) to; see also Berlin; World War II
Gersh, Phil
Gershwin, George
Gershwin, Ira
Ghost Music
Giacometti, Alberto
Gill, Anton
Ginsburg, Henry
Glass Alibi, The
Glazer, Benjamin
Gliese, Rochus
Glück, Wolfgang
Godard, Jean-Luc
Goddard, Paulette
Goering, Hermann
Goetz, William and Edith
Going My Way
Golden Boy
Goldsmith, Clifford
Goldwyn, Frances
Goldwyn, Samuel
Goldwyn Studios
Gollub, Herman
Gone with the Wind
Goodbye Charlie
Gordine, Fiorenzo
Gordine, Julie
Goulding, Edmund
Goyle, Edward G.
Grant, Cary
Gray, Judd
Green, Ernie
Gregor, Nora
Griffith, D. W.
Griffith, Richard
Grosz, George
Haensel, Carl
Haines, William
Hammett, Dashiell
Hampton, Christopher
Hands Across the Table
Hapsburg family
Harari, Robert
Harrison, Doane: Arise, My Love; death of; Emperor Waltz; Five Graves to Cairo; Major and the Minor; One, Two, Three; Sabrina; Seven Year Itch; Spirit of St. Louis
Harrison, Rex
Hart, Moss
Hartwig, Hella
Harvey, Lilian
Hawks, Howard
Hawn, Goldie
Haworth, Ted
Haydn, Richard
Hays, Will; see also censorship
Hays Office; see also censorship
Hayward, Leland
Hayworth, Rita
Head, Edith
Hecht, Ben
Heemstra, Baroness Ella van
Heifetz, Jascha
Heilbut, Anthony
Heil Darling!
Hellman, Sam
Hemingway, Ernest
Henie, Sonja
Hepburn, Audrey; and Ariane; Love in the Afternoon; Sabrina
Hepburn, Katharine
Hernandez, Helen
Herzog, Werner
Heston, Charlton
Hiller, Arthur
Hindenburg, Paul von
Hirschfeld, Al
Hirschfeld, Ludwig
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitler, Adolf; death of; rise to power of
Hockney, David
Hoffenreich, Ludwig
Hold Back the Dawn
Holden, Ardis
Holden, William; death of; Fedora; Polonaise; Sabrina; Stalag 17; Sunset Boulevard
Holiday, Hope
Hollander, Frederick (Friedrich)
Holloway, Stanley
Hollywood: European filmmakers moving to; gossip in; see also specific columnists; Redbaiting in; and refugee crisis; Schwab’s Drugstore in; studio system in; Wilder’s first credit in; Wilder’s move to; Wilder’s rise in; see also movie industry
Hollywood Reporter
Holman, Russell
Holmes, Sherlock; see also Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The
Homolka, Oskar
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hope, Bob
Hopper, Hedda
Hornblow, Arthur Jr.; Arise, My Love; Hold Back the Dawn; Major and the Minor; Midnight; and Witness
Hotel Imperial
Houston, Bruce
Howard, Cy
Howard, Thomas
HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)
Hugenberg, Alfred
Hughes, Howard
Hunter, Tab
Huston, John
Hutter, Andreas
I Hired a Contract Killer
Ihre Hoheit befiehlt
Ilse (Viennese girl)
Ilse (character in Sherlock Holmes)
Imitation of Life
Immigration Act (1924)
“I’m a Poached Egg”
Irma la Douce
“Isn’t It Romantic?”
Jackson, Charles
Jackson, Stephen S.
Jacobi, Lou
Jankel, Annabel
Janson, Viktor
Jawlensky, Alexey von
Jews: in American movie industry; in Berlin; books burned; escape from Germany; Final Solution; Galician; holidays; immigrants; in Kraków; Kristallnacht; in New York; in Vienna; violence against
Jim, der Mann mit den Narbe
Johnson, Nunnally
Johnston, Eric