On Sunset Boulevard
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Josefine Mutzenbacher
Jourdan, Louis
Judgment at Nuremberg
Kabinett des Dr. Caligari, Das
Kael, Pauline
Kampf mit dem Drachen, Der
Kanin, Garson
Karasek, Hellmuth
Karlweis, Oscar
Kästner, Erich
Katscher, Robert
Kauffmann, Stanley
Kaufman, George S.
Kaurismäki, Aki
Kaye, Danny
Kaye, Louis
Keaton, Buster
Keller, Marthe
Kelly, Gene
Kelly, Grace
Kelly, LeRoy
Keneally, Thomas
Kennedy, Joseph
Kennedy Center Honors
Kennwort Opernball
Kerr, John
Khachaturian, Aram
Kinski, Klaus
Kinski, Nastassia
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
Kisch, Egon Erwin
Kiss Me, Stupid
Klabund (writer)
Klee, Paul
Klimt, Gustav
Knef, Hildegard
Kohner, Paul; as agent; and Ariane; and Fedora; and refugees; at Universal; and war relief
Kolpe, Max (Colpet)
Kortner, Fritz
Koster, Henry
Kracauer, Siegfried
Kraft, H. S. “Hy”
Kräly, Hanns
Kramer, Maximilian
Kramer, Stanley
Krasna, Norman
Krasner, Milton
Kraus, Karl
Kreimeier, Klaus
Kreisler, Fritz
Krim, Arthur
Kronos Verlag
Krupa, Gene
Kruschen, Jack
Kubrick, Stanley
Kuh, Anton
Kurnitz, Harry
Kurosawa, Akira
Kuveiller, Luigi
Laemmle, Carl
Lally, Kevin
Lamarr, Hedy
Lamour, Dorothy
Lamprecht, Gerhard
Lanchester, Elsa
Lang, Anton
Lang, Charles
Lang, Fritz
Lang, Jennings
Lantz, Adolph
Lantz, Robert
Larmore, James
LaShelle, Joseph
Laszlo, Ernest
Laudadio, Francesco
Laughton, Charles; death of; in Witness
Laurel and Hardy
Lax, Frances
Lazar, Swifty
Lean, David
LeBorg, Reginald
Lederer, Charles
Legion of Decency
Lehár, Franz
Lehman, Ernest
Leisen, Mitchell; Arise, My Love; Hold Back the Dawn; Midnight; Wilder’s animosity toward
Lembeck, Harvey
Lemmon, Jack; The Apartment; Avanti!; Buddy Buddy; Fortune Cookie; Front Page; grant from; Irma la Douce; Odd Couple; Some Like It Hot
Lengyel, Melchior
Lenya, Lotte
LeRoy, Mervyn
Lester, Richard
letzte Mann, Der
Lewis, Jerry
Liebermann, Max
Liebmann, Robert
Liebstöckl, Hans
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Liner, Gisela
Lipstone, Louis R.
Live, Love and Learn
Livingston, Jay
Lloyd, Major David P. J.
Lloyd Webber, Andrew
Loews, Inc.
Logan, Joshua
Lollobrigida, Gina
Lombard, Carole
Lomino, Dan
Lopert Films
L’Ora della Fantasia
Lorre, Peter (Löwenstein)
Los Angeles Examiner
Los Angeles Times
Lost Weekend, The; awards to; filming; realism of
Lothar Stark G.m.b.H.
Lottery Lover
Love in the Afternoon; as Ariane; remake of
“Love in the Afternoon” (Malneck)
Loved One, The
Love in the Air
Lowe, Edward T. Jr.
Löwenstein, Laszlo, see Lorre, Peter
Lubitsch, Ernst; artistic integrity of; in Berlin; Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife; Brackett and Wilder’s work for; death of; Hotel Imperial; influence of; move to Hollywood; Ninotchka; pessimism in work of; and refugees; as storyteller; Trouble in Paradise
Lund, John
LuPone, Patti
Luraschi, Luigi
Lustig, Alvin
Lustig, Hans G. (Jan)
Lyons, Leonard
MacArthur, Charles
McBride, Joseph
McCarey, Leo
McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy, Todd
McClure, Gen. Robert
McCormack, Patty
McGee, Rex
MacLaine, Shirley; The Apartment; Irma la Douce
MacMurray, Fred; The Apartment; Double Indemnity
McQueen, Steve
Madame wünscht keine Kinder
Madsen, Axel
Major and the Minor, The
Malneck, Matty
Maltese Falcon, The
Mandell, Daniel
Manfredi, Nino
Mankiewicz, Joseph
Mann, Abby
Mann, Anthony
Mann, der seinen Mörder sucht, Der
Mann, Heinrich
Mann, Thomas
Manning, Bruce
Marcus, Larry
Marcus, Paul Erich
Margerie (dance coach)
Marion, George, Jr.
Marshman, D. M. Jr.
Martin, Dean
Martin, Paul
Marx, Groucho
Marx Brothers
Maslin, Janet
Mason, James
Maté, Rudolph
Matisse, Henri
Matthau, Walter; Buddy Buddy; Fortune Cookie; Front Page
Mauvaise Graine; remake of
Maxim Films
May, Joe; in Berlin; declining fortunes of; in Hollywood
May, Mia
Mayer, Carl
Mayer, Edwin Justus
Mayer, Louis B.
Mayes, Wendell
MCA Artists
Mehring, Walter
Meiklejohn, Bill
Menjou, Adolphe
Menschen am Sonntag
Merry Widow, The
Metropolitan Opera
Mexico, aliens detained in
MGM; Buddy Buddy; Heil Darling!; and Loews; Ninotchka
Milland, Ray; Lost Weekend; Major and the Minor
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Gilbert
Mills, Juliet
Minnelli, Vincente
Mirisch, Harold
Mirisch, Marvin
Mirisch, Walter
Mirisch brothers
Mirisch Company; The Apartment; Fortune Cookie; Holmes; Irma la Douce; Kiss Me, Stupid; Some Like It Hot
Miró, Joan
Molinaro, Edouard
Molnár, Ferenc
Monroe, Marilyn; in Niagara; in Seven Year Itch; in Some Like It Hot
Monroe, Thomas
Montag Morgen, Der
Moon over Vienna
Moore, Henry
Morris, George
Morris, William
Morton, Rocky
Motion Picture Herald
movie industry: in Berlin; censorship in, see censorship; changes in; as corporate system; in France; German émigrés in; in Germany; independent producers in; Jews in; “packaging” in; plagiarism suits in; risk in; self-puffery in; step deals in; synchronized sound in;
title billing in; vertical control of; in Vienna; see also Hollywood
movies: censorship of, see censorship; cinematography of; cross-section; documentary; entertainment value of; key lighting in; “meet-cutes” in; propaganda; “road shows”; social realism in; as star driven; war reflected in; Wilder filmography; Wilder’s teenage interest in; see also movie industry; specific titles
MPAA, and Production Code
Mrs. Miniver
Murnau, Friedrich W.
Murray, James
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Music in the Air
Mussolini, Benito
My Fair Lady
My Sister and I
Nabokov, Vladimir
Nazis; Final Solution of; atrocities of; and Jews’ emigration; Lindbergh and; and postwar events; and propaganda movies; and refugee crisis; and World War II
Nebenzahl, Heinrich
Nebenzal, Harold
Negri, Pola
Neher, Carola
Neubach, Ernst
New Kind of Love, A
Newman, Walter
New York: Jews in; location filming in
New Yorker
New York Film Critics’ awards
New York Times
Niccodemi, Dario
Nicholson, Ben
Nielsen, Asta
Nilsson, Anna Q.
Nolbandov, Sergei
Novak, Kim
O’Brien, Pat
O’Connor, Donald
O’Connor, Una
Odd Couple, The
Olivier, Sir Laurence
Olson, Nancy
One, Two, Three; as Egy-kettö-három
Osmond, Cliff
O’Toole, Peter
Otto, Crown Prince
Ouspenskaya, Maria
OWI, see War Information, Office of
Pacelli, Eugenio Cardinal
Page, Genevieve
Paley, William
Pal Joey
Pallenberg, Max
Paramount Pictures; Ace in the Hole; Arise, My Love; Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife; Brackett’s solo work for; Double Indemnity; Emperor Waltz; Five Graves to Cairo; Foreign Affair; Going My Way; Hold Back the Dawn; Lost Weekend; Major and the Minor; Midnight; Moon over Vienna; and Parufamet; and plagiarism suits; Rhythm on the River; Sabrina; Seven Year Itch; Stalag 17; Sunset Boulevard; theaters owned by; What a Life; and Wilder as director; Wilder’s contract with; Wilder’s departure from
Paris: Ansonia Hotel in; filming in; Wilder as refugee in
Parsons, Louella; on Brackett and Wilder’s partnership; on Hold Back the Dawn; and Sunset Boulevard; on Wilder
Parufamet agreement
Pasternak, Joe
Paul, William
PCA, see Production Code Administration
Peck, Gregory
Pendleton, Austin
Pereira, Hal
Perkins, Anthony
Petri, Elio
Picasso, Pablo
Pickford, Mary
Pioneer Pictures
Plews, Limey
Poland: Nazi invasion of; Wilder’s birth and early years in
Polgar, Alfred
Pollack, Sydney
Polo, Eddie
Pommer, Erich; in Berlin; and Fox-Europa; in Hollywood; Hotel Imperial; Der Mann; Music in the Air; at Ufa
Porges, Friedrich
Powell, William
Power, Tyrone
Preminger, Otto
Prentiss, Paula
Pressburger, Emeric
Previn, André
Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The; commercial failure of; early plans for, see Holmes, Sherlock
Production Code Administration (PCA): Hays and; as ineffectual; specific films and, see censorship
Proto, Steven
Puget, Claude-Andre
Queen Kelly
Querschnitt, Der
Quiet Place in the Country, A
Rachmaninoff, Sergei
Raft, George
Raphaelson, Samson
Rathbone, Basil
Rathenau, Walther
Rear Window
Redl, Col. Alfred
Reed, Jay Theodore
Reich, Maximilian
Reinhardt, Gottfried
Reinhardt, Max
Reisch, Walter; in Berlin; death of; Ein blonder Traum; escape from Germany; Der Frack; in Hollywood; and Lubitsch; Music in the Air; Ninotchka
Remarque, Erich Maria
Renoir, Jean
Renoir, Pierre Auguste
Republic Pictures
Revill, Clive
Reynolds, Sheldon
“Rhapsody in Blue” (Gershwin)
Rhythm on the River
Rice, Milton
Rich, Ron
Riemann, Johannes
Rivers, Larry
Robe, The
Robert (French dancer)
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Edward G.
Rogers, Ginger
Rogers, Lela
Roman Holiday
Romanisches Café, Berlin
Romanoff, Mike
Rommel, Erwin, and Five Graves
Ronde, La
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Ross, Frank
Ross, Herbert
Rossen, Robert
Rothman, Frank
Rouault, Georges
Roy, Pierre
Rózsa, Miklós; Double Indemnity; Fedora; Five Graves; Holmes; Lost Weekend
Rubinstein, Artur
Rühmann, Heinz
Rumann, Sig
Runyon, Damon
Russell, Rosalind
Ryder, Loren
Sabrina; filming; remake of; script
Sahl, Hans
Sakall, S. Z.
Sale, Richard
Samuels, Lesser
Sanders, George
Sanders, Troy
Santa Barbara, University of California at
Sarandon, Susan
Sarris, Andrew
Scampolo, ein Kind der Strasse
Schenck, Nicholas
Scherl newspaper conglomerate
Schiele, Egon
Schindler’s List
Schlesinger, John
Schlöndorff, Volker
Schnitzler, Arthur
Schüfftan, Eugen
Schulz, Franz
Schulz, Kurt
Schwarz, Hanns
Schwitters, Kurt
Screen Writers Guild
screenwriting: in Berlin; and censorship, see censorship; and directing; in foreign language, no; in Hollywood, see specific titles; Jews working in; music in Wilder’s dialogue; in Paris; per-project hiring of; thinking in film sequences; for Ufa; Wilder’s collaborators in, see collaborations; Wilder’s first American credit for; Wilder’s first signed script
Seeler, Moritz
Seitz, John
Sellers, Peter
Selznick, David O.
Sennett, Mack
Settember, Tony
Seven Year Itch, The
Shaw, Irwin and David
Shawlee, Joan
Sheinberg, Sidney
Sheinwold, Alfred
Shevelove, Burt
“Shoe Store, The”
Shop Around the Corner, The
Shurlock, Geoffrey
Siedlisker, Genia; see also Wilder, Eugenia Dittler
Siegel, Norman
Sieger, Der (The Victor)
Simon, Neil
Sinatra, Frank
Siodmak, Curt
Siodmak, Robert; Der Mann; Menschen am Sonntag
Sirk, Douglas
Sistrom, Joe
Skolsky, Sidney
Small, Edward
Smith, Maggie
Smith, Oscar
Snyder, Albert and Ruth
Sohmer, Steve
Some Like It Hot; casting; filming; success of
Sondheim, Stephen
Sound of Music, The
Spiegel, Sam
Spielberg, Steven
Spirit of St. Louis, The
Spitz, Ernst
Spitzer, Alfred
Splettstösser, Erwin
“Stairway to the Stars” (Malneck)
Stalag 17
Stanwyck, Barbara; Ball of Fire; Double Indemnity
Stapenhorst, Günther von
Steinberg, Saul
Steinhoff, Hans
Steinkamp, Fritz
Stephens, Robert
Sterling, Jan
Stern, Joseph
Stern, Louis
Sternberg, Josef von
Sternhagen, Frances
Stettner, Willi
Stevens, Naomi
Stewart, James
Stone, George E.
Stradling, Harry Jr.
Strasberg, Paula
Strauss, Richard
Strauss, Robert
Stravinsky, Igor
Stroheim, Erich von; death of; Five Graves to Cairo; influence of; Olympia; Queen Kelly; Sunset Boulevard
Stunde, Die
Sturges, John
Sturges, Preston
Styne, Jule
Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin
Sugarland Express, The
Sullavan, Margaret
Sunset Boulevard; as Broadway musical; casting; early ideas for; filming; other films compared to; plagiarism suits; success of
Swanson, Gloria: Music in the Air; Queen Kelly; Sunset Boulevard
Swarthout, Gladys
Szekely, John
Tales of Manhattan
Tamiroff, Akim
Taylor, Davidson
Taylor, Don
Taylor, Dwight
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Sally Rice
Taylor, Samuel
Terry, Philip
Tetzlaff, Ted
Teufelsreporter, Der
Thalberg, Irving
Thalberg Award (1988)
That Certain Age
Théry, Jacques
Théry, Mrs. Jacques
Thiele, Wilhelm, no
Thoeren, Robert
Thomson, David
Thornton, Billy Bob
Thunder in the Night
Tiffin, Pamela
Titanic (Fox, 1953)
To Be or Not to Be
Todesmullen (Death Mills)
Tone, Franchot
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri
Tover, Leo
Tracy, Spencer
Trauner, Alexander: The Apartment; Fedora; Holmes; Irma la Douce; Kiss Me, Stupid; Love in
the Afternoon; One, Two, Three; Witness
Trauner, Lina
Trouble in Paradise
Trueba, Fernando
Truffaut, François
Truman, Harry S.
Tryon, Tom
Trzcinski, Edmund
Tschuppik, Karl
Tutwiler, Tom
Twentieth Century-Fox; Seven Year Itch; see also Fox Film Corporation
UA, see United Artists
Ufa; Ein blonder Traum; cross-section films; Der Frack; Hitchcock at; Ihre Hoheit befiehlt; and Jewish emigration; Menschen am Sonntag; Pommer at; postwar conditions in