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Just a Little Sex... (Blaze, 9)

Page 17

by Miranda Lee

  And now here he was, spreadeagled and helpless. A lamb to her slaughter. The perfect victim for her increasingly insatiable appetite.

  She wasn’t in love with him at all, he finally had to accept. She’d just become sex mad!

  He closed his eyes and groaned when she climbed onto the bed and straddled him once more.

  “Poor Percy,” she crooned as she pressed his rock-hard shaft painfully flat against his stomach. “And poor Aiden. You just have to learn to wait, don’t you?” she said, smiling as she bent down to kiss him long and lasciviously, her tongue a worse temptation than the snake in the garden of Eden.

  He moaned when she stopped.

  “Beg for mercy,” she murmured against his lips.

  “Never,” he bit back.

  She smiled. “So be it.”

  She climbed off the bed and left the room.

  Aiden would have screamed and shaken the bed if his pride had let him. But that was what she wanted. She wanted him to become frantic, and to beg.

  Be blowed if he would ever do that!

  She didn’t come back for at least twenty minutes by which time things had thankfully subsided somewhat. But when Aiden saw she was carrying a tray of ice cubes, Percy snapped to attention once more.

  “Don’t,” he croaked before he could stop himself.

  “Don’t what?” she asked in mock innocence. “You don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  Yes, he did, because he’d done it to her yesterday. Used ice cubes on her nipples. And other places.

  She smiled, popped an ice cube into her mouth and climbed up onto the bed.

  Aiden gritted his teeth and tried not to cry out. But the sensations threatened to overwhelm him. Talk about fire and ice!

  Fellatio on the rocks was a first for him and quite an experience. After the initial shock, the ice made his blood cool and his erection retreat, but that didn’t last long. Eventually the cube melted and she didn’t stop to get more. She kept on doing what she knew he liked best, taking him closer and closer to a climax. His hips began to lift from the bed and his mind and body strained toward the finishing line.

  He couldn’t believe it when she abandoned him again, right on the brink. When she got two more ice cubes out of the tray, it took every ounce of his control not to beg.

  “Don’t worry,” she said with wildly glittering eyes. “This won’t hurt a bit.” And she rubbed them over his male nipples.

  His body jerked, his mouth gasping open, his arms snapping his bonds tight as he fought to break free.

  He swore. A lot.

  She gave him a stunned look. “You don’t like it? But I did when you did it to me. I thought it was incredible.”

  “I can’t stand it,” he bit out, terrified that if she kept on, he’d be doing worse than begging. He’d be embarrassing himself, totally.

  “Well, you only had to say so,” she said, looking unsure of herself for the first time that day. “I wouldn’t do anything I didn’t think you were enjoying. Do you want me to untie you, too?”

  Did he?

  “No,” he had to admit. He hadn’t been this excited, or this hard, ever before. “Not yet. But please, Zoe. Stop all that other stuff and make love to me. Properly.”


  Zoe was taken aback. He hadn’t used that particular phrase all week. He’d called what they’d been doing everything else but.

  A traitorous warmth curled through her stomach ‘til she reminded herself they were still just words, especially in the mouths of men. Did any of them know what making love meant? Or what love meant? Did she anymore, for that matter?

  She’d thought she loved Greg. She’d really thought she loved Drake. But both had been an illusion and neither had been able to make her feel what Aiden could make her feel. He only had to look at her and she wanted him. He only had to touch her and the craving would return.

  It would be so easy to think of those feelings as love.

  But they weren’t. That was the hard lesson she’d learned this week. It was just sex. What they’d been doing for the last three days had been just sex. What she was about to do to him was still just sex.

  But what the heck? If he wanted to call it making love then she wasn’t about to object. He could call it whatever he darned well liked. She wasn’t going to go all gooey over a silly phrase.

  “My pleasure,” she murmured, and moved to get one of the condoms which were always at the ready on the bedside table. She had it on him in seconds, having become an expert at the task. He liked her doing it. He said he found it a turn-on.

  Not that he needed turning on at that moment. His erection was huge. At least he wanted her. That she was sure of.

  “Take off the T-shirt,” he said thickly when she straddled him once more. “I want to see all of you.”

  She shouldn’t have done what he wanted. She should have smiled and told him that he was hardly in the position to give orders. This was her game. She was the one with the whip hand.

  But there was something in his voice and in his eyes which she couldn’t resist. So she crossed her arms and took the hem of the T-shirt and slowly lifted it up over her head before tossing it away. Staying up on her knees, she watched his eyes while she ran her hands over her breasts.

  He groaned. “God, don’t do that. Not without me inside you. Put it in, Zoe. For pity’s sake.”

  For pity’s sake?

  She had no pity for him. But she still did what he wanted.

  He sighed with pleasure and closed his eyes. Just in time, too. Because as she took him deep into her body, something happened to Zoe, something perturbing. A great wave of emotion flooded her chest, and tears pricked at her eyes.

  That stupid phrase, she thought despairingly. That stupid, stupid phrase!

  If only he hadn’t said it. If only he’d used one of those other four-letter words they’d both bandied around all week. Why did he have to mention love?

  Angrily, she began to move on top of him in the way he’d shown her, desperately trying to focus on nothing but the sex. Physically, it was even better than it had ever been. He was so big. But emotionally, she felt distraught and empty. Suddenly, she didn’t want him tied up and she didn’t want to be on top. She wanted to be beneath him, with their arms around each other and their mouths locked. She wanted tenderness, not kinkiness. She wanted his whole body, wrapped warmly and securely around her.

  In short, she wanted Aiden to make love to her properly, not just have sex with her.

  Zoe groaned her dismay at what this meant. She had fallen in love with the man. Against all common sense, and all her best resolves. It was irrational to love him, but it was no less real. Awfully painfully real.

  “Zoe?” he choked out, his eyes opening. “Why have you stopped, darling?”

  She wished he hadn’t called her darling. It was like a dagger into her heart because it was so patently false. But it gave her focus. And courage. And some return to common sense.

  “Just giving poor old Percy a rest,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “He doesn’t need a rest,” Aiden groaned. “He needs you.”

  “Really. Well, come next week, he’ll have to find someone else, won’t he?”

  He stared at her and she knew all of a sudden that he wouldn’t let her go quite that easily. She’d been more than a good lay over the last few days. She’d been his very own love slave, ready and willing to accommodate him twenty-four hours a day.

  Her silly female heart fluttered wildly before she took hold of it once more. At least he doesn’t know you love him, she reminded herself. He knows nothing except what you tell him.

  Be strong. Be firm. Be assertive. There’ll never be a better moment to show him what you’re made of, with him flat on his back and unable to move.

  “Don’t look so down in the mouth,” she said blithely, and returned to her rising and falling rhythm. “A man like you won’t take long to find a replacement.”

  “And what if I d
on’t want a replacement?” he grated out.

  “You can’t always have what you want in life, Aiden,” she said as she continued her ruthless rhythm. “I’ve certainly learned that. I’m surprised you haven’t. Money doesn’t buy everything, you know.”

  “I know that, but I… Oh…” He gasped, then grimaced.

  Understandable. She’d begun squeezing him tightly with her insides. She had to do something to shut him up and change the subject.

  “Do stop talking, lover,” she advised dryly. “We both know that men can’t do two things at once, unlike us clever little females.” I can even do this and break my heart at the same time! “Close your eyes again and just let it go.”

  And let me go, she willed fiercely.

  He closed his eyes and came with a rush.

  Depressingly, so did she.

  Zoe had never hated a climax more.


  “I’M GOING SURFING,” Aiden said, and waited for Zoe to say something.

  She was lying on her stomach on the bed, her arms curved up under the pillow, her face turned away from him. She’d flopped down there after she’d untied him, saying she was exhausted and needed a nap.

  “Fine,” she said without moving an inch. “Have fun.”

  He glowered down at her naked back, then whirled and marched out, wondering what in heaven’s name he’d ever seen in her.

  Okay, so she’d been a real honey when he’d first met her, but she wasn’t anymore. She’d become a tough, cynical, sex-driven bitch!

  “You can’t have everything in life you want,” he sneered as he stomped out onto the front porch. “No kidding!”

  A strong gust of wind startled Aiden out of his mutterings. It was another hot day, but by the look of the darkening sky and the storm clouds gathering on the horizon, a southerly change was on the way.

  Hideaway Beach was not a good surf in these conditions. The waves would get bigger, but dumping. And the tide would become stronger and more dangerous.

  But he was going surfing, come hell or high water. He’d drive over to Fisherman’s Beach which was much more open. The waves there would still be big, but rolling, and less risky. No, he’d walk over to Fisherman’s Beach. It was a long walk, but he didn’t care. He needed a couple of hours away from Zoe.

  Leaving his lighter board leaning against the verandah, he collected a trusty old favorite from the roof of his van, tucked it under his arm and set off across the sand. He briefly thought of going back and telling Zoe where he was going, but that seemed so pathetic. And needy.

  She’d still be there when he got back. After all, she hadn’t had her daily quota of orgasms!

  And if she wasn’t?

  Aiden decided testily that might be for the best.

  ZOE WEPT QUIETLY into the pillow for a long time after Aiden left.

  How could she have been so stupid as to fall in love with him? Mel would be so disappointed in her, but not as disappointed as she was with herself.

  Thinking of Mel, however, reminded Zoe that she hadn’t checked the message bank on her cell phone since she arrived. Understandable, considering her mind had been elsewhere. She hoped no one had been trying to get into contact with her urgently.

  Zoe sighed and sat up, swinging her feet over the side of the bed. Now where was that T-shirt? And where was her handbag?

  She finally found it hanging on a chair in the kitchen.

  Zoe winced as she ran through the messages. Betty had tried to ring her yesterday. Fran, too. Both had left a message for her to ring them back. But Fran had added as soon as possible.

  Which one first?

  Zoe dialed her work number.

  “Phillips & Cox,” June answered.

  “Fran Phillips, please,” Zoe said, using a brisk, business-like voice and hoping June didn’t recognize her. The last thing she wanted to do was answer the office gossip’s questions.

  Thankfully, she was put straight through to Fran.

  “It’s Zoe, Fran. I got your message to call.”

  “Zoe. I’m so glad you rang back. Sorry to bother you when you’re on holidays.”

  “What’s up? Something to do with work?”

  “No. Not at all. But, this is harder than I thought it would be. No one likes to be the bearer of bad tidings but I thought you should know exactly what’s been going on behind your back.”

  “Ah,” Zoe said, the penny dropping. “You’ve seen Drake and Tracy together. She’s blond. Big boobs. Mouth to match.”

  “You know about her?” Fran sounded shocked.

  “I caught Drake with her in flagrante delicto last Saturday night at his party. I dumped him then and there, so don’t worry, Fran. I know exactly what’s been going on behind my back. I dare say it’s been going on for quite some time.”

  “I knew there was something more to your wanting time off than just your father breaking his ankle. I just couldn’t work out what ‘til I saw that disgusting piece of work with Drake at the pool together. She was all over him like a rash. And he was so drunk. I was appalled and I told him so. I can’t tell you the language he used back. And in full hearing of lots of people. Goodness knows what’s got into him. He’ll ruin himself both socially and professionally if he keeps on behaving like that.”

  “Good,” Zoe pronounced. But it wasn’t good. It was rather sad, really. Zoe had an awful feeling Drake had loved her, in his own peculiar way. But he’d been addicted to a certain type of sex, the kind he didn’t think he could get from her.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” Fran asked.

  “I’m fine,” Zoe lied.

  “But you’re not still down at your father’s farm, are you?”

  “N…no,” she said carefully. “Why?”

  “This is awkward, too. Look, I’ll just come right out and say it. The thing is, Zoe, I was so shocked by what happened with Drake that I couldn’t help talking about it. Anyway, I was telling Nigel and saying how upset you must be, and this weird little smile came over his face. When I asked what was going on, he said not to worry about you too much, that you’d met someone a lot better than Drake and if he knew anything about life and love, you’d be coming back to work next week all rosy-cheeked and dewy-eyed. When I pressed him for the name of this white knight he said it was Aiden Mitchell, at which point I nearly had a hernia.”

  “You don’t think Aiden’s a white knight?” Zoe said ruefully.

  “So, it’s true! You’re having a thing with Aiden Mitchell!”

  “A fling, Fran. Not a thing. It’s nothing serious.” Except that her heart was breaking.

  “Are you sure? Nigel seemed to think Aiden sounded pretty serious about you.”

  Zoe’s heart leaped. But only for a second. “Nigel’s a romantic.”

  “And you’re not?”

  “Not anymore.”

  “Oh. What a shame.”

  Zoe was taken aback. “What do you mean what a shame? I thought you thought I was a fool for being a romantic.”

  Fran sighed. “I guess I did, when it came to Drake. But Aiden Mitchell! Now he’s worth being a bit romantic over. He’s one seriously sexy guy. And not quite as callous as the newspapers painted him last year.”

  “Not quite?” Zoe queried, surprised that Fran would have anything good to say about him at all. “What do you mean by that?”

  “Look, I have to admit I don’t know Aiden all that well. He was Nigel’s client. But I recognize a right royal bitch when I meet one and that female who sued him tried to hire me first as her lawyer and I wouldn’t touch her with a bargepole. She was an incredibly nasty piece of work. A clever liar, though. And Aiden, unfortunately, has this perversely honest streak. He refused to lie on the stand and that did him in, because when questioned, he admitted to sleeping with her. Then he foolishly added it had only been the once. No one in that courtroom believed him, other than Nigel.”

  “Nigel believed he was telling the truth?”

  “Yes, he did. And Nigel is a darned goo
d judge of character, except when the guy concerned is gorgeous and gay. Which Aiden isn’t.”

  “No, he certainly isn’t,” Zoe agreed.

  “I gathered that. I won’t ask you what he’s like in bed. I don’t want to be jealous. Whatever, I’m glad to hear you’re not devastated over Drake. But perhaps it’s just as well this isn’t serious between you and Aiden. It’s a bit soon and you’re only young, Zoe. You have all the time in the world. So have your fling. And have some fun. Now…you’ll be back at work next Monday?”

  “You can count on it,” Zoe said firmly.

  “I knew I could. ‘Bye, Zoe. Take care.”

  Zoe hung up, shaking her head and frowning. Hard to keep anything a secret in this world. She should have known Fran would find out, especially with Aiden having contacted Nigel in his pursuit of her.

  Zoe didn’t know what to make of Fran’s revelations about Aiden’s character. Considering her boss’s cynicism about the male sex, Zoe had to take what she’d said at face value. Aiden must have been the injured party in that court case, which certainly would explain why he’d been reluctant to tell her the truth about himself when they’d first met.

  Zoe’s stomach churned at the thought that maybe Aiden was serious about her. He’d said he was, of course. In the beginning. But serious about what? Getting her into bed again?

  Once he’d secured her promise to go away with him and she’d insisted on a strictly sexual affair, he’d quickly dropped all that I-want-a-real-relationship rubbish. Not once, over the last few days, had he tried to change the status quo. In fact, every time she’d asked him a personal question, he’d been quick to fob her off and get back to just sex.

  Okay, so perhaps he wasn’t the liar Drake had been. Maybe he did have some feelings for her other than sexual. He still wasn’t a marrying kind of guy. Being his girlfriend was not going to be a permanent position.

  No. She wasn’t about to give Nigel’s view of Aiden’s so-called seriousness too much credence.


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