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Sniper: Book Six (Princes of Prophecy)

Page 26

by L. Ann Marie

  Voice three: “What about Driscoll and Jackson?”

  Voice one: “I got them myself. Every week they leave at the same time. They won’t know what hit them. Not a fuckin’ real cop in the building that will help them and all their thugs will be out on bogus calls.”

  They laugh and I want to run through and shoot the motherfuckers. We hear the stairs, but not what they’re saying. “You good Taylor?”

  I look at Uncle Danny. “I need my gear.”

  VP laughs. “He’s good.”

  Darren looks at me. “Good, because we need the explosives moved and the three due at three taken out quietly. When that’s done, you’re moving with Jessie and VP to get rid of the pussies moving through the tunnels. You make your way toward the daycare in case you’re needed.”

  “I’m on it VP.”

  He nods and looks at Jessie. “Two inside and two out. You run the tunnels taking out everyone you can. That door never gets open. I’m saying three-thirty, four. By five you’re closer to the Club.”

  Jessie throws him chin. “Roger VP.”

  “Brantley get them the night vision glasses and find them a place to stockpile bodies. They are bodies. I’m not doing this again. I want the faces of the three we just listened to.”

  “Got them on my desktop.” He moves and VP nods.

  “Dakota you’re in the air. Find me where they’re coming in.”

  “A very sound plan VP. I will be ready.”

  “VP, I need the pussy in Surveillance that’s helping them. Can you walk through and see if you get anything?” Uncle Steve throws him chin and walks to the Surveillance door. I smile.

  “Dad you’re with the MC stopping them from moving to the Club. I don’t give a fuck how. We have their plan recorded and their faces. These three I want alive. Driscoll and Jax leave PD at five on Fridays. Be ready at four, four-thirty.”

  “Got it VP.”

  “I’ll get Sheila and Eliza the Op and Aaron the update. The other half of the MC is daycare and Compound.” Now that he says it, I’m relieved the MC is here. He was smart to pull them in. “Am I missing anything?”

  No one has anything. “I’ll be in my office, call if you need me or you think of anything I missed. Thanks Brothers.”

  Brantley hands me glasses and I’m ready. I slap his back walking toward the door. “Got explosives to move. Let’s go Delta.”

  I get a ride to the church and run through the tunnel with Brantley in my ear. The glasses make this so much easier and I don’t need to alert anyone with a light.

  I get the boxes to the Club door and Jessie disables the guns to open it. The boxes are driven away in a truck. “Where are they putting them?”

  “The vault. Darren doesn’t want VP getting at them.” He’s smiling.

  I run back through the tunnel laughing. Brantley gets me to a room we can store bodies. “This will work. It’s not big, but they won’t mind,” I tell him. He laughs.

  I hear something and click. Looking out the passage I see VP with Alpha and Omega. “Good glasses.”

  I nod. “Jared is awesome. He took the new SWIR, or short-wave infrared, and put them on regular frames. They last something like fifteen thousand hours. If you’re hit with light it won’t blind you. They change the opacity, but you can still see—it’s like shooting ghosts.”

  “Smart kid.”

  “This will work for bodies on this side. I’m running the tunnel up closer to the Club for a room for Jessie.”


  “They’re already out.” I start running and push everything out of my head. We find a room between Security and the Club. It’s an old cellar that’s right off a side passage and will work for what we need. I run toward the Compound and find a passage we missed. It’s small, but we can use this if we need it. I come in at the ‘rents and grab my gear from Brantley’s. “Brant did the ammo get placed?”

  “Roger Sniper. You’re stocked. VP has a spare and he put a bow and arrows at the Club entrance.” I can hear his smile as he says it. Fuckin’ VP. I grab the bag with my bow and close the safe laughing. Might as well have some fun. Delta follows me to the gate and we get a ride back to Security. I get him some water as soon as I walk in. “I need a fuckin’ drink too.” I throw some bottles in my bag. I can leave them with the bow when we get back down there.

  We head to Ops and Delta waits at the door. “Is that them getting ready to meet?”

  Brantley turns back smiling. “They think it’s past our feeds—the stupid pussies have no fuckin’ clue.” I laugh. That is pretty fuckin’ stupid.

  I have an hour, so I run my avatar through the passage ways. Watching the tracking on the map I’ve got a good handle on how they merge and split. At two I stand and stretch. Time to go to work. Sheila and Eliza come in. “If you need help, have Brantley patch you through to me. I’m working my way toward you.”

  “I will. You’re good down there?”

  “Yeah. I’ve been running them and Brantley has an avatar I was running with. It’s cool as shit.”

  They laugh as I’m walking out. I think it’s cool, so I ignore them. “Let’s go to work Delta.” He’s up and ready.

  I get a ride to the church again and put my glasses on as we’re going down. This time I’m walking and make my way toward the meeting room they used. I drop my bag and the bow at the body room and keep moving. Delta moves against my leg and I stop. He stands still while I look around. Movement catches my eye and I realize it’s a dog. VP must be at the passage across from me. I click and move forward, he shows then steps back and I keep walking. Standing against the wall I run the passages through my head. Being a sniper I’ve learned to keep my mind busy while my body isn’t. The pussies come down the stairs loud. I’m shaking my head at them. Since they’re making so much fuckin’ noise they don’t hear me move back to a passage. As they pass I snag one back and snap his neck. I run through and up to the next connecting passage and wait.

  “Where the fuck is Tom?”

  “Pussied out?”

  “The boxes should be around here. The map says the building is off this tunnel.”

  “At least they brought the boxes up here.”

  I cover his mouth and pull him back. He tries to turn and my knife sinks in then up. Laying him down I wipe the knife on him and move out following the last pussy.

  He turns with his light showing an arc. I slide the heavier knife out and wait. When he’s two steps in I throw.

  “Nice aim,” VP says scaring the shit out of me.

  I turn around and throw him chin. Holy shit. We drag the pussies to the body room and I pull my bow out of the bag.

  He laughs. “Thought the same thin’.”

  “Sniper to Coder, clear.”

  “Roger Sniper.” We have some time so I get the dogs water and sit.

  “Sniper we have a call from a woman saying Smithy was put in a car in cuffs, she said she knows you from the bakery. She thinks they were PD, but they weren’t dressed. We followed the car and it’s behind the store where that meeting room is.”

  Fuck! “Roger Coder. I’m heading there now.”

  I get up telling Delta to come and we run. They want him to run the tunnels. Fuckin’ pussies. He’s got to be in his late sixties.

  “Sniper that room is filling with voices.”

  I click and keep running. I hear them as I get closer. We slow down and walk to just outside the lighted area. I move to the side and aim an arrow at the doorway. Smithy’s being held by a pussy from one of the classes. He’s a lousy shot and has a slacker attitude. When he raises his hand with the gun in it I let the arrow go and move to the other side pulling my guns. One is a face that’s a breather. I shoot the other two rapid fire and walk out. “You could be next.” His hands go up and Uncle Steve walks out with duct tape.

  “Nice shot, but late.”

  “What are you talking about I got them all.”

  He starts wrapping the pussy and laughs. “Split my arrow.” />
  “Bullshit.” I walk over to the pussy that I hit and look. Smithy’s on the floor and I give him a hand up. “You split mine. Looks like you were late.”

  “Not fuckin’ likely.”

  He’s wrapping duct tape all the way up to the guy’s elbows. “Fuckin’ red, white and blue arrow is mine and embedded in his skull. Yours is sitting outside just waiting for mine to move.”

  He pushes the pussy down and walks over. “Huh, nice shot.”

  “Fuckin’ late.” I smile walking away.

  “You think you can argue later? You’ve got company coming.” Brantley sounds like he’s smiling again.

  Fuck. We move the pussies to a back passage and I get Smithy into a side passage. “Move back a hundred feet and wait against the wall,” I whisper. He nods and starts walking. I look around, but don’t see Uncle Steve.

  “Six coming down Sniper. Two pulling up.”

  I click. This is more than we expected down here. I hear something behind me and turn pointing my guns then turn back. Cade stands beside me. I sign for him to stay left and I’m right.

  “Sniper, two entering.” I click and move.

  We watch two walk in then down the passage heading away toward town three. What the fuck? The rest wait. I look at Cade and sign three. He nods. The last two come in and he shoots. Fuck. I hit the three and duck under his arm while he hits his last. “Get to Smithy and get him toward the Club to wait. He’s a hundred feet in.”

  He clicks.

  I stop running when I see VP coming my way. “Late.”

  “What the fuck ever.”

  We move the bodies and I drop my bow in the bag. As we’re walking, I fill my clips and holster my guns. “Coder, the first two were going the wrong way. Do you have anything showing on the other side?”

  “Every fuckin’ thing is going on. The MC just stopped the pussies that thought they were out of view. Uncle Danny has a grenade launcher aimed at a truck. Jessie is moving through the tunnels and said clear at least seven times. You’re clearing pussies that haven’t shown down there before. Aaron won’t answer, but keeps clicking. I hate the fuckin’ click. This is more than we counted on.”

  “Jesus relax Brother. Is Sheila doing okay?”

  “Nothing’s showing there Sniper.”

  I look at VP. We start running. He veers toward the main tunnel that runs back to Security. “No this way, it goes straight to the Compound.” He follows me down with the dogs running behind him. Delta stops so I do. That’s when I hear the voices.

  “This shit didn’t hit like it was supposed to. Everything is off. Water should have flooded the tunnels after the building went down. If they didn’t flood it, the building isn’t down.”

  “It’s down. Too many people showed for them to walk away. Providence alone sent almost twenty. They ain’t walking away. They hate the fuckin’ MC. This group is the kids. They’ll clear them just to hurt the MC.”

  I look at VP and know right away that he’s in machine mode. Fuck. Motherfuckers deserve this one. He nods to the left. I throw chin and step out when he does.

  “Hands up,” he says.

  When my guy moves, I shoot him and point my gun at the other pussy. “You know who he is?”

  The pussy nods. “Knight.” His hands go higher.

  I pull duct tape. “The only way you see tomorrow is by telling us every fuckin’ thing you know.” I take his gun and tape his hands up to his elbows like VP did. Since his hands are duct tape stubs, I leave him. I tell VP what they planned and run toward the daycare.

  “Coder, VP will need directions to the Compound.”

  “Roger Sniper. Get to the daycare and set up.” His words are clipped; he must be busy.

  At the Compound, I run up the stairs and out the back just in time to see Dakota blow up a boat. Nice. It’s like the Fourth of July. We run toward the gate. “Princes HS Team Lead Taylor Blackhawk coming over!”

  “Yeah Brother.”

  I jump and scale the wall. I tell Delta to go around and drop to the ground fixing my bag on my back. “Get me on with Sheila.”

  “Roger Sniper.”

  I hear the click. “She Dog, I’m outside headed to the roof. My dog is coming around, get someone to let him in.”

  “Roger Sniper.”

  A Brother is standing by the fire escape. “Give me a hand up.” He nods and drops a knee to the ground putting his hands together. I run, step on his hands and jump catching the rung in one hand. Swinging forward, I steady with my feet on the building and start climbing.

  “Talk to me Coder.” I drop my bag and start building my gun.

  “A truck is headed from the north with an escort. It has a tank on the back. VP said whatever it takes.”

  “Roger Coder.” I run to the air unit and climb up setting the gun. I adjust the scope and wait. I see a pickup with a bubble light. They are fuckin’ stupid. I wait until the flat bed is in my range then shoot the driver of the pickup. As soon as it veers I hit the driver of the flatbed. It rolls to a stop. “Clear.” The passenger jumps out and starts running. Uncle Danny and Bob play with him—making him run all over the fuckin’ place then shoot him.

  I laugh and wait for Brantley to tell me to get back to Security. Uncle Danny and Bob lay it out heading toward the highway. VP flies out the gate following them. Fuck! What now? “Coder I’m clear. Am I waiting for another order?”

  “Sorry Sniper. You’re clear to come to Security.”

  “Roger Coder.” I break the gun down.

  “She Dog, VP wants a check on the kids then you can come in. Keep two on perimeter. MC is leaving that detail to keep the Compound clear.”

  “Roger Coder. Sniper I’m sending S22 up with your dog and to open the door.”

  “Roger She Dog.” I pack my gear back up and get to the door.

  Delta comes out first and I pet him. When I stand, S22 is holding a gun on me. What the fuck? Delta jumps and a shot is fired, but not from S22’s gun. “Stand down,” I tell Delta in Mohegan. He sits on the side of the pussy.

  Cade comes through the door. “Finally I get to do something. You’re a fuckin’ action hog.”

  I laugh. “Thanks Brother. How did you know?”

  “The stupid fucks were talking while Smithy was in the car. He said they had someone inside the daycare. Your radio was switched, so I came up to tell you.”

  I crack up. “Did you mention it to Coder?”

  He shrugs, “He sounded busy. I figured you’d tell him.”

  I shake my head going down the stairs. At the bottom, I look around. No one is here. “Where are the kids?”

  “They weren’t here all night according to the pussy on the roof.”

  I’m glad they weren’t. Outside, I get a ride to Security. I pet Delta as he sits on my lap to get to the window. He’s a good dog.

  When we walk in I get him water and a treat. He carries it to Ops and lays down by the door eating it. Alpha and Omega are here so I go back for the water bowl and treats for them. I watch the boards as Clean-up is moving bodies and Brothers are moving breathers. Dakota comes in with Smithy following.

  I man hug Smithy. “Glad you gave Cade the Security pussy. Thanks for your help Smithy.”

  “You saved my life, it’s the least I could do.” He looks around.

  I know he’s hoping for Uncle Danny. “The MC were called away. I can get you a ride home.”

  He nods. “Thanks son. That would be good. Emma is probably worried sick.”

  I give him my phone and have Billy call a Prospect for him. He walks back to me smiling. Billy tells him his ride is waiting. “Thanks again Taylor.”

  I throw him chin then look at Dakota. “Why’d you let him in?”

  He smiles. “He needed a little excitement. Emma is going to bingo without him.”

  I laugh. Jessie comes in and Darren turns to us. “Meeting room.”

  We walk out and thumb into the meeting room with the three dogs following us. Brantley comes running in as if
he’s late. Darren walks in shaking his head. Driscoll, Jax, Sheila and Aaron come in. I’m surprised Aaron is here, but I’m glad he is. He deserves to be.

  “VP called the MC back, but Pres left the detail that’s at the Compound. Apparently, the extra bodies are something to do with ongoing shit between the MC and Providence PD. They aren’t the only PD that showed. I’m waiting for Pres to call me. He said to expect that tomorrow. VP is going off. I guess that means it will be settled by morning. The problem I have is that I have no clue what to say for status. I don’t want the Brothers to know everything that happened or what the MC is doing or did.”

  “Walk in and say we did good with no injuries. No one expects you to be Prez. They’ll be surprised you showed to say anything,” Jessie says and I bite my cheeks.

  “You could wait until tomorrow and tell what you can from Pres. This isn’t all Princes shit. Too many other departments had a beef with the MC and came at us as a way to get back at them. I’d like to know how they got this and showed here.”

  Darren nods. “I like that. Thanks Driscoll; we’ll do status tomorrow. I’ll get José to send the text.” He looks at all of us. “Are there any questions or anyone I need to recognize?”

  Jessie looks at Driscoll. “What happened with you two?”

  Driscoll nods at Jax. “We knew someone was inside so we kept everything off the radio. Bogus calls came in, but we didn’t have anyone showing for them. They made a play as we were walking down the stairs, but we had Brothers placed and they came up behind them. It was a five-minute thing. No shots.”

  “For PD, they played this whole thing stupid. They’re not much for planning,” Aaron says disgusted.

  “What happened on the roof?” Sheila asks me.

  “S22 came up with Delta and pulled a gun. Delta jumped for him and Cade shot him.” I shrug.

  “Jesus,” Jax says.

  I smile. “He was too close. There was no way he was firing at me. Aaron’s right—they were stupid, but the plan that pulled from other PDs should concern us. We have a couple of breathers that we need the information from.”


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