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Sniper: Book Six (Princes of Prophecy)

Page 27

by L. Ann Marie

  Darren nods. “We’ll get that.”

  “Where are the kids?” Aaron wants to know.

  “Taylor’s basement watching movies. He doesn’t have kids so it wouldn’t be a target. The old ladies are with them,” Sheila says smiling at me. “Beth stopped and bought them bags of popcorn and a candy bar so they’d feel like they were at the movies. They were all in sleeping bags when I checked on them.” I shake my head smiling.

  “We didn’t say where they were going. They got loaded in an SUV and driven away without radio. Jax told us about the pussy inside, but we didn’t know where. The only team that we knew was clear was yours, Taylor, then VP went off.”

  Brantley looks at me. “What was with the fuckin’ arrow?”

  I laugh. “Pussy had Smithy and raised his gun hand to hit him. I shot then VP did. He said I was late, but it was his arrow that split mine. I was fuckin’ with him.”

  Jessie looks at Darren. “I want to be on his team. I didn’t get fuckin’ arrows.” Everyone laughs.

  “Cade said he’s an action hog.” Brantley smiles at me.

  I give him a look. “We had a plan and I followed it. Cade hit three in the tunnel and one on the roof. How much more action does he need?”

  “Bet he wanted fuckin’ arrows too.” Jessie gets everyone laughing again. I roll my eyes.

  “If we’re done I got shit to do. I’ll do status tomorrow. Good fuckin’ job Brothers.”

  Driscoll sits up. “VP, before you go, I lost a quarter of my department. Some I don’t need to replace, but I need officers.”

  “Fuck, yeah. We have Security and two techs for your replacements. Bull has the lineup. Sorry Brother, I have too much going on.”

  Driscoll nods. “You did a good job too Brother. Prez will be proud.”

  Darren throws him chin. That means something coming from Driscoll.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  One month


  I stop at Brantley's to pick up my guns and get to Security. Delta follows me in and sits at the back of the classroom by the door. “No one is here Delta. You don't have to sit all the way back there.” He just looks at me. He is like Hyde. I go back to the computer. The new trainees are doing better than we expected. I'm happy with the standings and can't wait to get rid of the next batch of useless PD.

  “Did you hear what the 'rents did last night?” I look up at Jessie as he's walking down the aisle and shake my head no.

  I'm almost afraid to hear. They got rid of the entire studio from the trafficking Ops as if they were never there, took out some big wigs in the Providence PD, hit fuckin’ cops at their houses all around the fuckin’ state and still have Driscoll's second and a pussy from the tunnel in their dungeon lockup. Now that I think about it, I don't really want to know what they did last night.

  “They finally gave in and got the old ladies their own cuts. My mom is fuckin’ ecstatic.” He's smiling like he won the lottery.

  I let out a breath. “I'm so fuckin’ relieved. That’s great. It took them long enough. I'm glad they're seeing the women as part of the Brotherhood—the women earned it. They're all unbelievably talented in what they do. They've been crazier than normal lately. I thought they did another fuckin’ crazy Op.”

  “They took over the PD in the City too, but that was during the day. Jamie said they rode over, walked in and just started moving people out.” He laughs.

  Fuck. “Don't they ever get old? How the fuck are they going to police the City?”

  He shrugs. “Like they do everything else, Badass.”

  I laugh. “Yeah. Fuckin’ 'rents. I'll have to call my mom. I'm surprised she didn't call.”

  “They all went missing. Ricky thought they were showing appreciation.”

  I put my hand up. “I don't want to know.”

  He nods still smiling. “Prez said you had a bad night. You doing okay?”

  “Yeah. I went back to sleep.” I laugh at his expression. “It's the first time that's happened, but I woke up feeling good.”

  “It's getting easier. That's something.”

  I smile. “It's everything. I'm not exhausted, dreading tonight or a dick to everyone that talks to me. I got this.”

  “Yeah you do. How many do you have from this class?”

  I look at my computer. “Eighteen in the first class.”

  He's surprised. He hands me a page. “Who isn't going?”

  He does ride and shoot, sniper and pop up classes so a dick doesn't always show in those. I mark five that are dicks with a D or not assertive with an N. “Dicks or not assertive.”

  He nods. “Fernandez is a dick? Shit he's good too.”

  “Not for PD. We could put him in events, but I'm not sure he's a good fit. I have him and the other two meeting Bull.”

  He nods. “What about the not assertive?”

  “Meeting with Bull, they both did well in computer, can shoot and will follow orders.”

  “Thanks Brother so we're not dropping anyone?”

  I smile. “Not this time. We must be getting better at picking them.”

  He stands. “I'll get this to VP and Driscoll. Why are you here so early?”

  “It's a training day. My dad left a little while ago.” He nods walking out. I guess that was our meeting for today. I pull my schedule and see he took off the meeting for this afternoon. Fuckin’ nice.

  I shut the computer down and head up to Ops. “Brantley, I can do the tunnels today. My afternoon is free.”

  He's shaking his head no. “Your schedule isn't free. Prez wants to see you.”

  Shit. I hope it isn't for a job. Precious Beth wants to get the honeymoon settled tonight. “Up to Prez's Delta.” He runs. When I get to the office hall Delta is sitting at Prez's door. It always makes me smile. I knock and get a yell. “You wanted to see me?”

  He nods closing folders on his desk then looks at me. “You slept?”

  I smile. “Yeah.” I sit and Delta waits by the door.

  “I shouldn't be surprised. Nothing about you happens the way we expect it to.” I shrug. I have no clue what to say. “I wasn't sure today was going to work, but you're smiling. A reporter is coming to do a segment on PTSD. The focus is on what's needed in communities for support. I put them off, but this is a collaboration from two stations on a national level. They'll run it together. Your part is just a piece of their program, but it's an important one.”

  I nod, but fuck. National? “What do I have to do?”

  “Just answer their questions. They're trying to get a spotlight on it to open up programs nationally. What's happening now isn't addressing the problem, and it's costing a fortune. Our programs use less money, are funded by donations and are more effective. People in the community are willing to help if they know what to do. With the program, we give them a plan and they're happy to help. The reporter is with Lily first so she can explain the program. You just answer questions and they'll do the rest.”

  I nod. “I can do that.”

  He smiles and opens his drawer. “After the reporter, you're off for the week. Take Beth and Delta up to the cabin. Pres and Nick cleared it. I have Emma working with Nick while you're gone.” He hands me a key.

  I'm shocked. “We were talking about this tonight.”

  “It's an off week so go while you can. Nothing has hit you that you can't bounce back from. Beth and Delta get you back without help from anyone else. Take your girl away Brother. Get some time alone before the next war breaks out.” He's smiling.

  “I will, thanks Prez. I hope it doesn't happen while I'm away.”

  He laughs. “It's crazy to come back and hear all the shit that happened while you were gone. Everyone learned they could deal without me right here. It was good for all of us. Except José. He's still threatening to shoot people for calling him with stupid shit. I don't know what the fuck happened with him, but if that's the worst that came out of the PD fiasco I'll take it.”

  Oh fuck. I stand up. “Is the reporter
coming here?”

  He gives me a funny look. “Yeah at two.”

  I throw him chin and get the fuck out of his office. In Ops, I tell Brantley I'm running home. He nods with his fingers still typing and watching his boards. “Let’s run Delta.”

  I get to the church and we run the tunnel up to the 'rents. I think about José and the calls. What the fuck is he supposed to say? The crazy fuckers shouldn't be calling him anyway. The whole way I can't figure what else you could say to them so I let it go.

  Dropping my guns, we run in the house and I pull out a suitcase throwing clothes in. Jeans and t-shirts are easy. I get her panties and bathing suit in then leave it open so she can put her other girl shit in. Packing a backpack with our hiking boots and socks, I think I did pretty good. Picking up my guns we run back to the church and get to Security. I shower and brush Delta out.

  I get to my class and we run the range for the last time. The trainees are excited and shooting straight. Every one of them runs moving targets, making me smile. This is how classes should be. When they go to computer, I go to eat. I have one more class then the reporter. It's been a good day. I can't wait to see Precious' face when I tell her we're out.

  Darren sits with me. “You think we can use the tunnels to train?” I ask before he says anything.

  “Might as well. Right now, you're the only one in them. Come up with a plan and I'll take it to Prez.” I nod thinking about the best way to use them; I need to talk to Jared. “You talk to Prez?”

  “Yeah. A reporter is here today.”

  “He told you about your time too, didn't he?” I nod. “If you need someone close, call.”

  “I will, but I'm good. Even after last night I'm not worried. Beth said Prez just waited with her, he didn't say a word, just waited and watched me get back with her and Delta.”

  He nods smiling. “Good.”

  I stand up. “I have a class. I'll get you a plan for the tunnels when I get back.” He throws chin.

  We get to the class and are ten minutes in when Jason comes in. “You're needed in Ops.”

  Me and Delta run the stairs and walk in. “Meeting room,” Billy tells me.

  I thumb in and I'm surprised to see Beth here with Prez and Dakota. My heartbeat sounds in my head and I put my hand down for Delta. “What's wrong?” She smiles and my heart slows down.

  Dakota steps toward me. “Before you take your time we need Beth to share her news.” He wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t something bad.

  She's still smiling, but my heart is beating fast again. “Precious?”

  She steps closer. “I'm pregnant. Three months.”

  My body freezes. Pregnant. Dakota and Prez are here. My hands hit my knees. “I can't. I hurt a baby?” Jesus, I can't breathe and the pounding isn't covering the screams. A baby.

  “Listen to my voice Brother. You don't hurt the baby. We're here in case the news is too big for you to get alone. That's it. You don't hurt the baby.” The baby. I don't hurt the baby. I don't hurt Beth. They're safe.

  “They are Taylor, they are safe and you are a great father.” They're safe.

  “I don't hurt the baby. Beth is safe.” The beat slows in my head. I don't hurt the baby. “I got this. Beth is safe. I got this.”

  I'm moved. “Sit Brother. Relax. You have it, everyone is safe and you got this.”

  “Yeah. The baby is safe. I won't hurt the baby. Our baby.”

  “You will not Taylor,” Dakota says and I think about breathing. Dakota said I won't.

  I close my eyes and breathe. A baby. When I open them, Precious Beth is in front of me smiling sunshine. “A baby. We're having a baby that I won't hurt.”

  She laughs. “Yes my tattooed biker we are.” I look back, but no one is here. “They said you were good.”

  I nod. “I got this.” A baby. I hold her face and kiss her. “You're giving me a baby. When?”

  She giggles and I listen smiling. “Six months or so.”

  I push through foggy and kiss her again. A baby in six months. I got this. She pulls away from me. “I have to get back to work. I took my lunch to come and tell you. Nick told me we're going on our honeymoon tonight and I know I'd let it slip. I'm so excited.”

  I kiss her lips and smile. “Me too. Thank you Precious. A baby in six months.” I hold her until she moves. “Go so we can be done with today.”

  She laughs getting up. “I'll meet you at the house.”

  I sit. A baby. Everything is going through my head. All the lessons my dad taught me. I need to teach them to my baby too. We need baby shit. I can't wait to get a bike the same color blue as mine.

  Prez laughs and my head spins to the door. “I had the same thoughts when I found out. Dakota says you're a great dad. You know Dakota, if he didn't see it, you wouldn't get that from him.” He's right. “I was just making sure you're still good.”

  I smile. “Yeah Prez. I got this.” A fuckin’ baby. I laugh standing up.

  He slaps my back as I walk out. “Congratulations Brother.”

  My phone rings and Prez follows me to Ops. Brantley looks back at me. “I need you at the church, Jessie's on his way down.”

  I nod and run down to the locker room. Jessie comes in and grabs his jacket. I hand him spare ammo and we're out. Delta sits at the door and watches us leave.

  Jessie: “Ghost ready to roll Coder.”

  Brantley: “Boards are set, but you're at the back of the church.” Shit, not another crazy Vet.

  Jessie: “Roger Coder.” We roll out and make the church in minutes—like three.

  A group of people are surrounding a dumpster. The Pastor walks to us. “The reporter was just asking questions. I tried to tell her these are the unstable men, but she went in anyway. As soon as the cameraman started the camera they were on him. You can't just throw bright lights on them. They don't react like everyone else.”

  “We got it,” Jessie tells him.

  I look over the side of the dumpster and smile. “Let’s get you out of here.”

  “Is he gone?” I nod looking around. The men nod. “He took my reporter. I'm getting fired if I lose her.” Fuck.

  I look at Jessie. He's pissed. “You stayed until he was gone knowing he had your reporter?”

  “Did you see that guy? He's fuckin’ nuts!”

  I walk away from the pussy. He can stay right the fuck there. “Did anyone see where he went?” They point at the church. “Is he armed?” They nod. Fuckin’ great. I hope she gets her story. “Pastor, get who you can out.”

  “He goes to the tower,” an older Vet in an army jacket says.

  I tell the Pastor to forget it and look at Jessie. “Figures.” I smile at him. “Coder we're going on the million-step march for the reporter. Prez may want to send Dakota to smooth this one over.”

  Brantley: “Roger Ghost.”

  Jessie looks at me. “Is he fuckin’ laughing?” I shrug, yeah he's fuckin’ laughing, but I'm not getting Brantley hung in pop ups.

  We make the stairs and start up. I can hear the guy talking. I look at Jessie and he nods to me. We move against the wall. “Brother, it's Sniper from Princes!”

  “Ain't got no Brothers they're all dead.” Shots are pinging around the stairs. Jesus. Whoever thought taking out the old set of wooden stairs for these was fuckin’ wrong.

  When the pinging stops, I try again. “It's Taylor Blackhawk. I know the light fucked with your head. You took a reporter that doesn't need to be there with you. She's no threat to you Brother.” We're up another twenty steps.

  “Taylor?” We keep climbing.

  “Yeah Brother. It's Taylor and Jessie. Are you with me?”

  “Are you shooting me again?” Jessie slaps his hand across his mouth. I clench my jaw.

  When I know I won't laugh, I look up. “I promise I won't shoot you Gus, if you put the gun down. We made a deal Brother.”

  “They came in and started shooting we gotta defend ourselves!” He's yelling in the fuckin’ stairway of a million m
etal stairs.

  “Stop!” He does. “No one was shooting at you Brother. It was a camera. If you start yelling again, I'm shooting your ass for the headache you caused. Put the fuckin’ gun down and go to the window where I have a good view of you when I'm at the top. That way you know I'll see you and you won't get shot.”

  “You're not shooting me?” We’re almost up.

  “Did you put the gun down?”

  “I'm at the window Taylor!”

  Jessie's laughing. Fuckin’ Brother. “Did you put the gun down?”


  We run the rest of the way and Gus is at the window with his hands up. “Good job Brother. Stay right there for me.” I'm walking to the reporter. Jessie walks to Gus. “Are you okay?” She's scared as fuck, but nods. I uncuff her and tell her to wait there.

  “What the fuck were you thinking with a gun in your hand?” Jessie asks him.

  His head is down. “I drop it like you say, but today it was busy and I forgot. Then the lights—and I don't know what happened.”

  Jessie gets in his space. “You keep showing the gun you'll end up hurting someone. Since we answered, you didn't get shot. Not everyone knows you. New PD are coming out and might shoot your fuckin’ ass. Drop your fuckin’ guns!”

  Gus nods. “I won't forget again.”

  I smile. “I said those same words Gus. Since that day, I haven't forgotten to drop them. You got this Brother. You drop at the door. Jessie's right, it will be you that gets hurt.”

  He looks at me and nods. “Go eat before all the food is gone,” Jessie tells him.

  “You're letting him go?” The reporter whines out. This is going to be good.

  “Yeah. Are you hurt?”

  She shakes her head. “He kidnapped me!”

  “Ten minutes of your life was spent with a man that you shoved a camera and microphone at. You got your ten minutes with him, we got to reinforce the drop your gun rule and no one died. Putting him in a cell isn't giving you anything and won't help him. You come into our town you play by our rules. You don't get to call PD because you did wrong and got caught in it.”

  Her hands are on her hips and I'm watching like a tennis match. “What exactly did I do wrong? I do have rights here.”


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