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Nowhere to Run (Stephanie Carovella)

Page 7

by Nina D'Angelo

  He interrupted her. “What Gena? You can’t expect us not to want to hurt this guy, even to kill him for what he did to Angel.”

  Gena shook her head angrily. “Of course I understand it, but this is what I’m here for. It’s what the law is here for,” she said fiercely, softening her tone at his disgusted expression. “God, Jess, I couldn’t bear it if any of you were hurt. Angel would never want that.”

  Jesse was non-committal, muttering, “We’ll see.”

  Gena scowled at his evasive answer. The last thing she needed was to protect her friends from their own stupidity. Seeing the determination in Jesse’s eyes, she acknowledged it mirrored the intense fury she’d seen in Stephanie’s. It was pointless arguing with him, the same way it was pointless to ask Stephanie to leave this alone. They were both as stubborn as each other.

  All she could do was make sure they didn’t interfere with her own investigation, and protect them if they needed it.


  He watched Stephanie Carovella throw dirt onto the coffin, smiling lovingly at the anger in her eyes. She was fire and rain. Lord, he had forgotten how glorious she was. He’d forgotten her fire. He’d missed her. He savored the thought of her, remembering the first time he’d seen her.

  It was the way she held herself which first caught his attention. She held herself like it was she against the world, and she planned to kick it in the ass. He’d never met a woman who had had as much determination as she did. She’d been so much more driven.

  This had made him want her just a little bit more. He’d wanted her more than he’d wanted any other woman. More than he had ever wanted Angel, more than Carolyn.

  He’d watch her and imagine breaking her spirit. He’d think about having her on her knees, begging before him. Time and time again, the very thought played through his mind. He’d been so close once.

  He’d missed her so much. She had come home, home to him. Just like he knew she would. This time he didn’t plan on letting her go.


  Stephanie moved quietly away from the fellow mourners, sinking down onto a headstone. Breathing deeply, she fought for control, willing herself to shut out her own pain. A hand clasped her shoulder gently but firmly. Lifting her head, she stared in muted surprise at the man standing in front of her. Closing her eyes, she took another deep breath. Opening them, she looked up at him standing patiently in front of her.

  Standing up, she slipped into his arms, feeling them tighten around her reflexively. “I thought you were a figment of my imagination,” she whispered, lifting her lips to meet his descending ones.

  Ben glanced over to where Stephanie sat solitarily, whispering softly to Ana, “I’m just going to see if Stephanie is okay.”

  He didn’t wait for her reply, quickly walking towards her. He paused when a stranger approached her, watching her reaction to him. He scowled darkly when she embraced him, lifting her mouth to his.

  Ana resignedly watched Ben move towards Stephanie and pause mid-step. Her own gaze slid past Ben to where Stephanie stood embracing a man. Her lips curved into a smile, knowing instinctively who he was. Her smile faltered, noticing Ben’s annoyed expression. Her heart ached, comprehending the possessiveness behind his scowl. She watched him turn to meet her own gaze, and she turned away, blinking back hot tears.

  Stephanie sighed softly, when the kiss ended. Reaching out to stroke the man’s jaw, she whispered, “Leigh, what are you doing here?”

  “Miss me?” he asked, staring down at her with a roughish smile.

  She nodded mutely, opening her mouth to speak then closing it. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”

  “Believe it baby, I am,” he murmured, his arms tightening around her.

  “How did you know where…?”

  “Does it matter?”

  She shook her head no. Smiling brilliantly, she said, “No, of course not.”

  He returned her smile, drawing her back into his embrace. He didn’t see her smile fade or the way she stiffened briefly, before she forced herself to relax within his arms.


  “It would seem some people just can’t keep their hands to themselves, and of all places, at a funeral,” Jase Devlin mocked, moving to stand beside a scowling Ben.

  Ben’s scowl deepened. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he looked contemptuously at Jase.

  “Devlin,” he acknowledged.

  “Not that I blame him. From what I hear, Stephanie Carovella is quite a woman.”

  “Stay the hell away from her,” Ben growled; his voice harsh with undisguised fury.

  “Or you’ll do what, Reynolds?” Jase asked lazily, enjoying the anger he’d provoked in Ben.

  “Angel might not have been able to see you for what you really are, but I do. Stephanie is completely off limits.”

  Jase gave him a mocking smile, one that didn’t reach his eyes. “I never said I was interested. I just wanted to see your reaction,” he said with a smirk. Glancing at Ben’s furious expression, he added, “It’s what I suspected. I wonder if the lovely Ana knows she’s second best?”

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Ana is not second best,” Ben bit out.

  “You could have fooled me. You may see me for who I really am, but I see you for who you really are too, Reynolds,” Jase bit back, nodding towards where Leigh was embracing Stephanie. “It looks like she’s already taken. I guess Ana’s not the only one who’s second best.”


  Stephanie lifted her head from Leigh’s shoulder at the commotion. “What the hell?” She whispered in muted surprise, moving out of Leigh’s arms and turning to see a furious Ben standing over Jase Devlin.

  “Get up, Devlin. Come on, I dare you to.”

  She strode towards the growing crowd with a reluctant Leigh following. Reaching Ben, she touched his shoulder. “Ben, what’s going on?”

  “Yeah, go on Ben. Why don’t you tell everyone just why you hit me?” Jase jeered, wiping his bloody mouth.

  “Shut up or I’ll hit you again,” Ben growled, raising his fist.

  Jesse grabbed Ben’s arm. Dragging him away from Jase, he growled, “What the hell has got into you?”

  Shaking Jesse’s arm off him, Ben snapped, “Nothing, I just don’t like the guy, okay?”

  “This is Angel’s funeral, god damn it. You couldn’t wait until another time to hit him? You had to do it here, today, at Angel’s funeral,” Jesse asked incredulously.

  Ben dropped his eyes to the ground, shifting restlessly, he sighed, “I’m sorry. I just lost it. He said some things; things I couldn’t tolerate...I won’t tolerate.”

  Jesse’s eyes narrowing, he shot Jase a warning glare. Evenly he asked, “Was it about Angel?”

  “No. Not Angel,” Ben said, his chest rapidly rising up and down as he struggled to maintain control of his temper.

  “Ana?” Jesse probed.

  “No, it had nothing to do with Ana. Just drop it Jesse,” Ben said warily.

  Jesse studied him silently, nodding. He saw Ben watching Stephanie extend her hand to Jase Devlin, and frowned. Instinct told him Ben’s fight with Devlin had been about Stephanie. Seeing where Ana stood solitarily, watching Ben watch Stephanie, he shook his head. Troubled times were ahead for them all. He just knew it.

  Chapter Eight

  “Here, use this.” Stephanie said, handing the man in front of her a tissue. He accepted the tissue, dabbing his bloodied mouth with it.

  Putting her hand on her hip, she studied the man in front of her with a raised eyebrow. “So, you’re the infamous Jase Devlin?” she drawled.

  Jase chuckled, glancing at the redhead in front of him with a mixture of surprise and pleasure. “And you’re the famous Stephanie Carovella,” he drawled back.

  “Famous?” She asked with a husky laugh, quirking an eyebrow again.

  Jase nodded, studying Stephanie. Sizing her up, he decided she would be a worthy adversary and even worthier friend. He whistled between
his teeth. “The stories Angel told me about you.”

  Sinking into the couch opposite him, she groaned, “Don’t believe everything she told you.”

  “Then you weren’t married to Dominic Delaney?”

  “Well, yes,” she admitted.

  His smile widening, he continued in amusement, “You didn’t leave Jesse Carlisle to traipse to the end of the earth?”

  “I wouldn’t call it the end of the earth,” Stephanie said mockingly, inclining her head, “But yes, I did.”

  “And of course, you weren’t Reynolds’ one-time lover?” Jase pushed on.

  Stephanie put up her hand. “Okay, okay. Please, no more trips down memory lane.” She cast her eyes to where Ben stood, nursing a drink and glaring darkly at them. “What exactly did you say to Ben to make him so furious?” she asked, studying the man opposite her, with unabashed curiosity.

  She’d already decided, in the short time talking to Jase Devlin, that he was a complex man, one she would enjoy getting to know. He could be useful in her search for Angel’s killer.

  “You honestly don’t know?” Jase asked, wondering if Stephanie could be as oblivious as she acted. Seeing the curiosity on her face, he watched her shake her head in denial and smiled lazily. “I only told him what he already knew. He just didn’t want to hear it, not from me – or in fact, anyone.”

  “And that was?” she prodded.

  “The truth.”

  “What exactly is the truth?” she quizzed, her curiosity growing.

  Jase chuckled at her unwavering determination. He was beginning to see why she’d been so good at her job. Leaning back into the couch, he slid an arm on the sofa’s head, asking softly, “Why don’t you tell me?”

  Seeing the confusion on her face, he grinned at her. Jerking his head to where Ben stood, nursing a drink moodily, he said, “I think our conversation should stay between Reynolds and me. Let’s just say he didn’t appreciate me telling him what was right in his face.”

  Stephanie frowned, wanting to question him further. Watching his face close off, she dismissed the idea. Settling comfortably on the couch and smiling sweetly at him, she cajoled, “Devlin, how do you feel about helping me catch a serial killer?”


  Ben stood leaning against the bar, his gaze riveted on Jase and Stephanie, taking in the way they were talking animatedly. His grip tightened on the drink he was nursing, and he scowled, disliking the way Jase angled his body closer to Stephanie’s.

  He turned slightly when a voice, to his left, murmured, “You’ll break your glass if you grip it any tighter.”

  Recognizing the man beside him as the stranger who was kissing Stephanie, he nodded his head curtly.

  “I’m Leigh,” the man said calmly, holding out his hand.

  “Ben Reynolds,” he replied abruptly, ignoring the extended hand. Taking a deep gulp of his whisky, he enjoyed the feel of the fiery liquid sliding smoothly down his throat. Insultingly, he slid his gaze over the man beside him, observing the designer haircut and matching stubble, Versace suit, diamond wrist cuffs, expensive watch and leather shoes. “Let me guess, you’re Stephanie’s latest accessory,” he drawled, taking another gulp of his whisky.

  “I wouldn’t use the term accessory, but Stephanie and I are together,” Leigh said, scowling at Ben.

  Ben shot him a shark-like smile. Giving him a mock-like salute, he shot back, “Sorry. Her lover, boyfriend, fuck buddy, or whatever you want to call it.”

  Leigh studied Ben with growing irritation, disliking his obvious connection to Stephanie. His irritation turned to anger at the blatant rudeness directed at him and Ben’s obvious possessiveness of Stephanie. With a smile not reaching his eyes, he glacially corrected Ben. “Try husband."

  “Yeah right, Stephanie wouldn’t marry someone without telling Jesse or me,” Ben snorted, placing his glass onto the bar top and nodding his head to the bartender. Ignoring the man beside him, he picked up his glass and swallowed its contents in three gulps.

  Leigh impatiently tapped Ben or the shoulder. Not waiting for Ben to respond, he growled, “I don’t know who the hell Jesse is, but I can tell you she would and she did.” Smiling in satisfaction at the way Ben froze, he picked up his own drink and toasted him, enjoying the shock on Ben’s face.


  Stephanie’s eyes narrowed when a furious Ben stalked towards her. She hadn’t missed Ben’s conversation with Leigh, nor the self-satisfied smirk she could see on Leigh’s face as he leaned against the bar watching them.

  “You and I need to talk,” Ben growled.

  With growing concern, she reached out to touch his arm. He shook it off, glaring at Jase. Between gritted teeth, he added, “Privately.”

  Stephanie nodded and stood up. Turning her attention back to Jase, she gave him a sparkling smile, saying quietly, “I hope we can finish this conversation later.”

  “It will be my pleasure,” Jase said, winking at her and giving Ben a look of ill-concealed mischief.

  “Ben, you’re hurting me,” Stephanie said softly when Ben grabbed her arm, dragging her into an empty room. “Ben!” She exclaimed, shaking off his arm, surprised at the anger she could feel radiating from him.

  His face contorted with anger, he closed his eyes, taking deep breaths.

  “Ben, what’s wrong? Why are you acting this way?”

  Ben opened his eyes, staring at Stephanie, his face devoid of emotion. “I just had the most riveting conversation.”

  “Really? Was it with anyone I know?” Stephanie asked, still unsure where the conversation was leading, but not liking the sinking feeling in her stomach.

  “You should. Apparently he’s your husband,” Ben said with a calmness he didn’t feel.

  Stephanie let out a string of expletives, almost making him smile. She gave a deep sigh, deciding she needed to talk to Leigh about their marriage before the night was over. Nodding, she said calmly, “Yes, it’s true. I got married.”

  She winced when Ben exploded. “You got married? Married without even bothering to tell us?” He yelled.


  With a heavy heart, Ana paused in the doorway, watching Ben’s swift and furious reaction to Stephanie’s confession. She’d seen him talking to Leigh by the bar, and watched with everyone else as he’d dragged Stephanie into another room. It hadn’t taken a genius to figure out Ben knew Leigh was Stephanie’s husband.

  Her cheeks reddened with embarrassment at the sympathetic glances she was receiving from fellow mourners. Lifting her head up high, she walked in the direction of the room Ben had dragged Stephanie into. Entering it, she moved silently to where he stood, touching his arm gently. “Ben, please calm down.”

  Ben continued to glare at Stephanie, asking between clenched teeth, “How long?”

  “Two weeks,” Stephanie said. Touching her forehead lightly, she murmured, “Call it a brief moment of insanity.”

  “Ben, it’s not a big deal. Stephanie just didn’t know how to tell you. She knew you’d react like this. We both did,” Ana said softly, stroking his arm soothingly.

  “We?” Ben bit out slowly, turning to glare at Ana, seeing her for the first time.

  “Stephanie told me a few days ago,” she confessed, giving him a reassuring smile.

  “You knew? And what, you just forgot to tell me?” he asked icily.

  “Ben, you’re overreacting,” Stephanie said, rolling her eyes.

  “Overreacting? You remarry and don’t bother to tell me, and you think I’m overreacting?” he asked in disbelief. He stared at her, grief shadowing his eyes. “Do I mean so little to you Stephanie? So little you couldn’t even share your happiness with me?” he bit out, waves of pain shooting through him.

  “Ben,” Ana began.

  He shook her hand off his arm, glaring angrily at her. “And you! My own girlfriend knew and you never said one damn word.”

  “I did what I thought was the right thing,” Ana whispered tearfully, her own pain enveloping her.r />
  “Well you were wrong,” Ben said sharply, shaking his head furiously. “I can’t even trust you Ana. I can’t trust anyone. To not tell me, that’s just...”

  “Ben,” she implored, her hand moving to caress his shoulder.

  He shook it off angrily. “Don’t touch me, damn it. Don’t touch me, Ana. I can’t even look at you right now.”

  Ana bit her lip, dropping her eyes to her feet, tears sliding down her cheeks. Ducking her head, she rushed out of the room.

  “I never did this to hurt you, Ben,” Stephanie said solemnly, reaching out and touching his back.

  “No? Then why Stephanie, why do it?” He asked, twisting around. Anguish filled his expression and she dropped her head to her chest, trying to shut out the pain.

  “Ben, we didn’t tell anyone. We had a civil ceremony, with no friends or family. It wasn’t even planned,” she said softly.

  “Two weeks Stephanie,” he choked out, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “I know. I should have told you. I should have told Jesse, but I was so unsure about everything. I’m still not sure if this is what I want, if it’s the right thing for me. You know what I’m like. I jump in head first without thinking of the consequences. I wanted you to be happy for me, but was so afraid you wouldn’t approve. The only person I told was Angel,” Stephanie said quietly, biting back a sob. Lifting her hand to her mouth, she turned away from Ben.

  “I never planned on hurting you. I just couldn’t face your disapproval. I wanted to tell you, but needed to find the right moment.” She wiped the hot tears from her eyes. Casting a furtive glance at him, she whispered forlornly, “Then Angel died and it just didn’t seem right to tell you or Jesse.”

  “Does he make you happy?” Ben asked stonily.

  “ don’t really know anymore. I thought marrying him was the right decision, but now I’m not so sure. It’s not like it was with Dominic, or even what it was like with Jesse. I just know that with Leigh, I’m not just an empty shell.”


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