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The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV]

Page 12

by Robbie Collins

  Sle'nel’ moved and kissed her Queen on her cheek, “I know of no other place I would rather be."

  The High Queen closed her eyes for a moment, realizing that she had forgotten about such feelings. She pulled Sle'nel’ close to her, kissing her. Sle'nel’ returned the kiss, fully. The High Queen moaned, surprising herself that she could feel anything after being so weakened. She pulled slightly away, then studied her Elf, enjoying the sight and feeling of her.

  The High Queen thought that she might fall soundly asleep if she were to lay down, so remained as she was with Sle'nel', standing and enjoying the moment. She looked into Sle'nel's golden eyes, then saw that Sle'nel’ was wearing her tied shirt. She slowly untied it, thankful for the wondrous sight of Sle'nel's breast. She shivered, surprised at her own desire even this tired.

  "You shiver. Are you cold?"

  She raised an eyebrow, “Hardly this.” She began to move her hand to touch her breast, but thought better of it given that they were in full view of the others.

  "I would have thought you well exhausted."

  "My senses would seem to be fully awakened by your presence and great beauty."

  Smiling, Sle'nel’ took her High Queen's hand into her own and began to guide her away, “Come. Your attendants await you. Your Force Leader has commanded that since there is enough water, you can enjoy being clean this eve, as can I since I seem to be the one that is meant to serve your most private needs. There was no complaint by anyone, all of them in awe of what you give to The Realm."

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  Chapter III

  The Grandmother

  The High Queen woke early, seeing that the sun's rise hadn't yet occurred. She turned her head over to her sleeping lover, admiring and enjoying her expression that looked so content. Thinking for a moment on the conversation she had the prior eve with the long-prior teacher, she then recalled that the Dark Sorcerer now awaited her. She departed silently from their shelter as the sun's rise began to think of occurring, and went through her meditations, beginning to return her powers fully back to her.

  Finally completing her meditations, she remained quietly in her first one, reaching into the minds of all those about her. She heard Ann'wn speaking to The Healer of her love for her, Uthrn pushing herself onto The Highest yet again, Meera and Caitha whispering quietly in each other's arms. She heard An'ther'on fulfilling her desires in the arms of a guard, and Sele', who was now beginning to rise, plotting her escape from her sorcerers. The High Queen smiled a little, recalling the sounds of life to her, as she recalled The First High Queen's words: Life is more precious than can be known. She moved slightly into the Master's mind, finding that she had just been fulfilled in Mil'der'in's very knowing arms.

  As she brought herself more fully into The Realm, Sle'nel', Ann'wn and Meera had all risen and left to guard their Queen. Although well apart from one another, they guarded The High Queen silently as she continued to return her strength.

  Ann'wn sighed as she watched and guarded her, fulfilled and overjoyed in her love with The Healer, hoping that she gave to The Healer that which The Healer now gave to her. In spite of all her prior lovers, none came close to giving her the feelings she now enjoyed in The Healer's love and touch.

  Meera looked on silently, never fully approving of the locations The High Queen used during her meditations, noting that the locations were ever fully exposed. It was the reason she chose to try to always watch over The High Queen while she was in her meditations. Sle'nel', per her usual, stood quietly behind a tree, observing fully, open to all that was about her.

  Suddenly, a medium-sized whirlwind of sand appeared near The High Queen, bringing everyone to their full-attention. The High Queen sensed it and quickly removed herself from her first meditation and thoughts, waiting for what she knew would appear from it, well beyond disappointed that she hadn't avoided it.

  Ann'wn and Meera were astounded as the whirlwind dropped itself to the ground, leaving behind an overly old, but beautiful woman now standing before The High Queen.

  The old woman looked at San'lr'in’ with much contempt, “So! You have finally returned to me. You took overly long."

  Ann'wn and Meera looked on quietly, uncertain of what to do, but remaining fully prepared. It was apparent the woman knew The High Queen.

  Her strident yet unwavering voice grated in San'lr'in's ears, but she looked upon the old woman without emotion, unmoving in her stance, “I pass by only. It wasn't My intention to see you."

  "You display me no respect. Are these a High Queen's manners, then?"

  The High Queen bowed her head once, sighing, “Grandmother."

  "What? ONLY THIS? KNEEL before me."

  "I will not do this as I have no respect for you."

  The old but beautiful woman walked slowly around The High Queen, as if looking upon her. Meera took note that the old woman walked with a cane, thinking her basically helpless.

  The old woman cackled, “You think yourself yet better than me, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'? Have you not yet learned of my usefulness?"

  Sle'nel’ wondered who this woman was who spat out her words so angrily. She saw that San'lr'in’ knew this woman well, but didn't seem to have any regard for her. Sele’ had walked over to Sle'nel', as Sle'nel’ raised a finger to her lips. Sele’ nodded her understanding, as she sent her thoughts to her Birth-Mother: It is Grandmother.

  Sle'nel’ looked down at her, fully surprised in her statement.

  "I disturb not you or your realm. I pass this way only, and had no intent in regard to you. I only wished to avoid you."

  "You trespass upon my lands."

  "These are The Realm's lands, not yours. You live in the UnderRealm. I disturb these not."


  San'lr'in’ chose not to respond, wishing her Grandmother hadn't appeared. It was why she had wanted to hurry through these vast lands, hoping to avoid her. The woman continued to walk in a circle around San'lr'in', examining her.

  Sam had enough of Uthrn for the morn, so had risen and walked over to Meera. She saw that Meera was deeply engaged in watching over her sister. She whispered her question, “Who is that?"

  Meera spoke over her shoulder, also whispering, “I know not, but The High Queen appears to know her well. She also appears not to like her."

  "Bow to me, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'. Show me your respect, and all will be forgiven."

  "I have no respect of or for you, Grandmother. Calling you by this name and acknowledging My place within part of your lineage is the furthest respect I can bring forward to My now retching-throat."

  The old woman laughed a wicked laugh, “So. I yet can cause you to feel great hate. It is your greatest weakness, this hate within you. If you had remained with me, you would be the greatest who will ever yet to come. You are great now only because of me, yet you are also weak. Pity."

  Sle'nel’ saw the look of disgust and hate in her lover's eyes. Without knowing it, she fingered her arrows lightly, readied for any occurrence.

  "BOW TO ME!"

  San'lr'in’ had quit watching her Grandmother and stood in full contempt of her, “I did not do so then, and I will not do so now."

  "I will give you one of my remaining powers, should you do this for me."

  "You have nothing that I desire.” San'lr'in’ was struggling to maintain control, yet facing away from the one she had longed wish to avoid.

  Why did I allow Ann'wn’ to bring us through these lands?

  The old woman suddenly lifted her cane and brought it down with full force upon San'lr'in's back, then again, and again. San'lr'in’ fell to the ground on her knees, catching herself but falling onto one hand as her other hand held her now screaming back.

  Within a flash, an arrow streaked in front of the old woman, just missing her, while Ann'wn, Sam and Meera's sword tips were, as suddenly, pinching against the skin of her throat. San'lr'in’ was on her knees groaning from the great pain, holding onto her back. Hate showed in
her eyes, as did pain. Sle'nel’ called for The Healer.

  The High Queen rose slowly, but with great difficulty, looking upon her Grandmother in even greater contempt. As Sle'nel’ saw blood coming through her lover's gown, she wished she hadn't chosen to miss the old woman with her arrow.

  The High Queen raised an arm out, preparing to rid herself and The Realm of this so contemptuous one, but Sele’ halted her, “No, Mother High Queen. You must not do this. Allow her not to tempt you toward this. This is what she wants. She wants your powers."

  The High Queen looked down at Sele', thinking for a moment on what she had said. Looking back to her Grandmother, who was now laughing, The High Queen lowered her arm, knowing that Sele’ was correct. Her eyes seethed with hate at her Grandmother, “You are nothing but a despicable worn-out worm."

  The old woman laughed, “For all your training, you have never mastered this hate of me away from you. You have failed, and you embarrass me in this regard."

  Sle'nel’ had come up to the old woman once she saw that Meera, Sam and Ann'wn now held her at sword tip. She walked right up to her, staring directly into her face, “And who shouldn't hate such a cowardly act as this? Is this how you think all should be taught? To be so treacherous as this?"

  "Ah, the Elf speaks. I saw your arrow. Did your shot miss, Elf?"

  "No. Nor will the next."

  The Grandmother looked to San'lr'in', who was yet in great pain from the blows to her back, “Even your Elf controls her hate far better than you. You know you want to take your revenge upon me, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'. Go ahead. Now is your long-awaited opportunity. Do so."

  Sam had returned with The Healer, who was now helping The High Queen to stand more fully.

  The Healer spoke softly to San'lr'in', “You are bleeding, Highness."

  "It will have to wait a few moments, Healer.” San'lr'in’ turned to Sam, “This is your long-prior Grandmother, from your Mystic side, Highest."

  Sam looked at the old woman, amazed, but having seen what she had done to her sister, she wanted no part of her, “We cannot help our lineage. It is not our fault.” She looked upon her sister with tenderness, “Are you greatly hurt?"

  "What a soft bunch of cowards you are. Is this how you have trained your forces, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'? If so, all my training is wasted on you."

  Sele’ looked back up to her High Queen, “She sounds like your other sister, High Queen. Does she not?"

  San'lr'in’ had never thought on this possibility, but now did, laughing lightly. Sam looked at her as if she were crazy, “What is as humorous as this?"

  "Sume'n'tinel'ti'non. As the Young One says. This old woman trained her, as well. I would now wager that even our other sister hates this one. What say you on this, Grandmother? Does anyone like or respect you?"

  "At least have the decency to tell your most pathetic guards to remove their swords from my neck, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'."

  "Personally, Grandmother, I care not if they push those tips even further into your neck. It would rid Me of having any further dealings with you. You are nothing but loathsome to Me. I should have left far sooner than I did from your evilness and depravity. You disgust Me. The Young Future Supreme Sovereign is correct, however. I will not allow My hate of you to blind My thinking. None of My powers will come your way. You will not have them to control."

  The Grandmother looked down at Sele', “So, this is yet another Granddaughter of mine. Come over here, Young One. I want to see you better. We yet know not each other. Perhaps I would have greater luck with you."

  Sele’ stood slightly in front of her, but apart from her as well, “I know you well, Grandmother. I have been given these memories of you. And I will never train with you. This will not occur."

  The Grandmother looked upon her through narrowed eyes, wondering, “Who gave you these memories of me that you hold so dear to your heart as if they were truth?"

  San'lr'in’ was well interested in how Sele’ stood so firmly against this Grandmother of theirs, wondering what memories of her she had been given.

  Sele’ stood fully erect, brave in her delivery, “Your Mother, Grandmother."

  All heard the slight gasp from the Grandmother, “So. She yet betrays me. Even in her death."

  San'lr'in’ began to move away from her hatred, “I have had enough of you, Old One. No more will you linger in My mind. I will now hold this final meeting between us as a great one, as no further will I have any need to reflect on our moments together. Everything I have long wondered on has now been displayed as truth. You are solely wicked and evil, and wish nothing but harm to others. We leave you to your realm of sand and dust. It is where you belong. The First High Queen was correct to leave you in these barren lands. Never will I tread upon your door again."

  The Grandmother was desperate to hold San'lr'in’ to her, knowing that her granddaughter left her once, but was now leaving her again permanently. She couldn't have this as so, “I can help you go through the Sorcerer's Forest easily."

  San'lr'in’ waved her hand, “We will manage, and as I have done all these cycles without your assistance, as you refer to such."

  She began to walk away again when the Grandmother said, “I can help you find and capture the Dark Sorcerer."

  San'lr'in’ turned around and stared at her, thinking. Sele’ walked back to her, “We can do this ourselves, High Queen."

  San'lr'in’ looked down at Sele', then to her Grandmother, “Tell Me."

  Fon'elnn’ had also walked over, hearing the commotion, wondering what was going on. When she arrived, she saw the Grandmother, and gasped, “Not being her!"

  San'lr'in’ had watched the Master's emotions change as she saw the Grandmother, then realized that this was the First High Queen's Birth-Mother's Birth-Mother. She found it odd that after all these cycles, Fon'elnn’ would re-enter a realm knowing no one but this so-loathed Grandmother.

  The Grandmother looked at Fon'elnn', then laughed wickedly, “So. You have finally returned. Your beloved couldn't manage it though, could she? And even she refused to use my powers to bring you back. She left you there, Fon'elnn', even knowing that I could help return you to The Realm, easily."

  Fon'elnn’ staggered a bit at this remark, unsure of the truth within it, but stunned at the possibility that her High Queen had the way to bring her back but refused to use it.

  San'lr'in’ intervened, “Fon'elnn'. Listen not to her deceit. No High Queen could risk using her powers for something such as this. You know this well. It comes at overly high a cost. Think on this. It would have cost your High Queen her realm. All of it. She would always be indebted to this one. She couldn't sell The Realm to this one. Never. You know this to be truth. She loved you well, Fon'elnn'."

  The Grandmother cackled again, “Not well enough, it would seem.” She turned to Sle'nel', “See, Elf? Even your great love won't use my powers to save you if such occurred."

  Sle'nel’ showed no emotion, “I would be disappointed in her if she did. But you are correct, gratefully, she wouldn't."

  Fon'elnn’ turned to The High Queen, “She could having saved me?"

  San'lr'in’ felt saddened for Fon'elnn', but angry at her grandmother for having used her so well. These evil manipulations of others are what helped force San'lr'in’ from her, long prior.

  She nodded, “Yes, Fon'elnn'. She could have saved you, but would have risked all The Realm for it. It was against all her vows, though. It was part of the test to be High Queen. We cannot go so far against our vows. This one that now manipulates your heart so well cannot use her powers alone, as great as they are. She must have a vessel to do so. It is why she has sought every High Queen to her, so that she can use their powers to control The Realm. No High Queen would allow this to occur, Master. You know this well. Allow this one not to control your heart. You will be forever sorry for it."

  The High Queen winced from the pain in her back, but looked at her Grandmother, “Tell Me how you could help defeat the Dark Sorcerer."
  Sele’ pleaded, “No, High Queen. Listen not to her. Her words are like sweet poisoned wine."

  Everyone was startled at Sele's analogy. The High Queen laughed lightly, “An interesting example you use, Young One. At another moment, you will have to tell Me more of this.” She looked back to her Grandmother, “Tell Me. What have you withheld from The Realm for your advantage?"

  The Grandmother looked offended, “You trust me not, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'? After all I have given you, you use such words as these against me?"

  San'lr'in’ laughed in a half-crazed, maniacal fashion, “Trust you? I trust you, Grandmother. This is most certain. I trust you well to be who you are.” Suddenly, she turned serious, “Tell Me what you withhold from Me, but will now share to capture My attentions."

  "He is of your line."

  Everyone gasped, including Sele', but San'lr'in’ rolled her eyes, “I care not if he is My brother, Grandmother. He will die by My hand for his long-prior deeds. Per chance, Grandmother, was this one also trained by you?"

  The Grandmother knew she was losing ground with San'lr'in', “A union between you and he would create the strongest ruler to ever live, Granddaughter. No human could ever step foot onto our Realm again. Ever."

  San'lr'in', while yet in great pain, felt herself finally move her mind away from this long-hated Grandmother, “You are tedious in your petty attempts, Grandmother. I can see you have nothing to offer Me but barren bribes and empty words."

  "The Spirits of the Falls were correct. You should have been killed when you were born. We never could trust you. I told them that you wouldn't interfere into their affairs, but I was wrong. You did. And the Future Supreme Sovereign should have been theirs to command. I should have killed you when I had the chance. You never were any good to us."

  The High Queen looked hard at her, studying her, “So ... you were the one behind their deception of Woden and The Realm. I should have guessed this far long prior. You have been in continual contact with the Spirits of the Falls, would be my guess. While I know not how you managed as such, now I know this as truth. What did they give you as payment for your services, Grandmother? More young pretty girls that you are so overly fond of to play with at your desire? Perhaps young Woden girls?"


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