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The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV]

Page 13

by Robbie Collins

  "This is not your affair! You are vicious, San'lr'in'. But yes, I was in contact with them, and they treated me well, as they would have done to The Realm if you had given them the opportunity."

  "Good to The Realm, you say? You cannot think this as truth, Grandmother. They have lied, allowed humans and Mystics to die, and have manipulated many so that they may control The Realm."

  "They should have controlled it, rather than you."

  "I don't do so now. I am High Queen, certainly, but serve all those in The Realm."

  "They are overly stupid to know what they want. They need to be controlled."

  "I know not why I even speak with you. You are a waste of The Realm's moments."

  San'lr'in’ began to turn away once again, when the Grandmother pulled out her last available manipulation, “He breeds, San'lr'in'thel'ineln'. You may kill the Dark Sorcerer, but you know not of his offspring. I do. His off-spring is much like the Young One here."

  Every muscle in San'lr'in's body twitched in her anger at this Grandmother. Given the opportunity, she would kill this one in a moment, but knew that she couldn't do so, as the powers she would use would only strengthen the Grandmother's evilness. No power could successfully be used against her. It would only serve to feed her. And San'lr'in’ couldn't command another to do so, as the same thing would occur. Only an innocent of this knowledge could kill the Grandmother without being commanded. But across all these cycles, none had been able to do this. It further infuriated San'lr'in', but she could only hope that others would take whatever action they deemed appropriate. She couldn't use her powers against this one, or she would lose her powers to her.

  Sle'nel’ had stepped back slightly, observing more of this Grandmother of theirs, listening more carefully to her words. Watching the interactions and hearing the words, she began to discover why her lover couldn't use her powers against this one, and began to suspect the rest of it. Surprising Sle'nel', she suddenly felt her eyes turn cold, as she felt her heart turn to stone. She knew that the Sorrows of the Stones had begun to call to her.

  San'lr'in’ had forgotten about Sle'nel’ being the High Sorcerer of the Sorrows, as Sle'nel’ seldom chose to heed their call. As she began to see the sky turn dark from the clouds that now raced in, she heard her Grandmother mutter quietly to herself, “Yes, Elf. Bring me the powers of the Stones. I have long awaited for such powers as these."

  Of all those about, no one had yet pieced together the story of this Grandmother. None of them yet knew that The High Queen couldn't use her powers against this one, as the powers would only serve to feed her evilness further. None of them had guessed that The High Queens, each in their own era, had each wished for this one's death but could do nothing about it. None of the ones now holding a sword to the Grandmother's neck or standing near her had figured out that this Grandmother could only die by an innocent's hand, except one.

  Sle'nel', now unable to do otherwise, held her staff out from her, beginning to call the Sorrows to her. The High Queen struggled to prevent it, knowing she couldn't use her own powers, “NO! Sle'nel'. NO! YOU MUST NOT! She will take these powers from you. NOOOO!!!!! She must not have these powers!"

  Suddenly, Meera also, unlike all the other innocents far before her, had finally pieced the puzzle together. In the chaos of the moment, and now knowing her Queen's true desire, she suddenly removed the knife from her belt and plunged it deeply into the Grandmother's greedy and hateful heart. But the act wasn't an act of a warrior, and Meera was uncertain as to what compelled her to it, as the Grandmother had been unarmed.

  No one had expected as such, especially the Grandmother and The High Queen. The Grandmother fell to the desert sands, her eyes showing their disbelief. She had been so close to becoming so very powerful in The Realm through the Sorrows of the Stones. She held out her hand toward Sle'nel’ as she fell dying, tasting her new powers, After so many eons, I came so close as this.

  Hearing her lover, Sle'nel’ moved her staff close to her, taking back the powers into her that were unfulfilled, allowing herself the great pain this took, while Sele’ stood calmly aside, pleased in her Birth-Mother and Meera's response, but saying nothing. The High Queen, yet in great pain, looked quickly about at the scene, wondering what made Meera and Sle'nel’ to act in such uncharacteristic fashions. As her eyes darted quickly about, she saw Sle'nel’ move the remaining Sorrows into her own body, Meera troubled in her action of killing the Grandmother, Ann'wn stunned at Meera's action, her Grandmother lying dead, finally, after all these long eons. And then she saw Sele’ standing quietly, as if she had done nothing. Too quietly.

  * * * *

  She turned to her Healer, “Quickly. Help Sle'nel’ to remove her pain."

  She then turned to Sam, “Help Me walk over to Meera."

  When they arrived to the bloody scene, she knelt down to Meera, who was now in shock at her own action, and who was crouching down near the grandmother. The High Queen said loudly enough for all to hear, “Well done, Warrior Woman. After all these eons of evilness, she is finally removed from The Realm. All thanks to your quick intelligence. If I could have done so, I would have, but it required an innocent such as you. I knew that your human background would serve The Realm well, Warrior Woman. I and all The Realm are in debt to you for this service. And all well know as law of The Realm that anyone who touches The High Queen in such a fashion as the Grandmother has, faces a quick death."

  She reached her arm up to Sam, needing assistance to stand. She looked at all those now about her and told the story, “This, in truth, is the Grandmother of all The High Queens. But for all these eons, she has lived in evilness only, removed from The Realm by The First High Queen so that she could no longer feed from the powers of the Mystics. No power could be used against her, as it would only serve her evilness further. Across all these eons, each of The High Queens has wished this one dead, needed this one dead, but couldn't command it as so. Such a command would also feed the evilness within this one. It had to take a quit-witted innocent to solve the puzzle and to take this brave but seemingly murderous action."

  She turned to Meera, “There hasn't been a turn in My lifespan without this one entering unwelcomed into My mind, speaking to Me of bringing The Realm to her knees. There hasn't been an eve without her in My head as I slept, torturing Me as well as each of The High Queen's prior. But we were powerless against such evil. Thank you, Warrior Woman. You have lifted a great weight from The Realm."

  She looked back at Sle'nel’ and saw that The Healer was helping her. She looked at her now disintegrating Grandmother one final moment, “You should have died long prior, Grandmother, when the moment was correct. You outlived your ability to feel kindness and love. You lived on only through feeding yourself from the innocence of others. No longer. We will solve the mystery of the Dark Sorcerer ourselves, as we may, but The Realm has no further need of your tortures."

  "You wanted her dead, my Queen?"

  She turned to the voice, “Yes, Warrior Woman. Each of The High Queens has wished it so, but no innocent has ever stepped forward, in fear that what they did would be seen as murder. You are the only brave one across all these eons. In truth, I would have removed her from The Realm Myself, long prior, if I had been so able. But I will speak more of this to you at a later moment."

  She looked over to Sele', who seemed a little overly pleased with herself. She looked back at Meera and touched her cheek, “You did well, Warrior Woman. You have My word on this. Ann'wn, see to it that this one receives the honor due her this turn. The Realm has waited overly long for this brave deed."

  "Yes, my Queen. It will be done."

  "Sister. Leave Me for a moment. Young One, come to Me."

  Sele’ looked at her High Queen, startled at the voice. She wondered if The High Queen suspected something, so went to her, trying to look innocent. The High Queen crouched down, with great, great pain, placing her hand upon Sele's young head.

  Tell Me!

  You are in grea
t pain, my Queen. I can feel this within you. You should be seen by your Healer.

  Play not with Me, Young One. I have no patience for you at this moment. TELL ME!

  She bowed her head in shame, I bent their minds to my will, Highness.


  And Birth-Mother's, Highness.

  When did you learn to use this power?

  I was born with it, my Queen.

  What other moment have you used it?

  No other. This is the first moment. But, my Queen, I felt it—

  SILENCE! You have much to account for, Young One.

  You are displeased? Did you not want her dead?

  You know I did. You have the memories of all of them, and know full well that all of them have wanted her dead. DO NOT ASK ME QUESTIONS, Sele'm'tinel'ti'non'n. Tell Me, Young One. Tell Me why I am upset with you.

  You think I risked overly, Highness?

  Of course this, but think harder, Young One. I know you are not as stupid as this.

  My Birth-Mother will be angered at me?

  I certainly would guess as much, wouldn't you?

  And Meera? She will be angered at me?

  She now has the legend of killing all The High Queens’ Grandmother, Stupid One. Do you think she wants such a legend tied to her?

  You made her seem as a hero, my Queen.

  Lucky for you, arrogant Young One.

  More, my Queen?

  Yes. Much more.

  I used my powers selfishly?

  What will be a fitting punishment for your actions, Selfish One?

  You want me to tell them, High Queen?

  Sele’ was crying now, unable to halt her emotions, but The High Queen remained relentless, knowing that this Future Supreme Sovereign needed to learn to use her powers far more judiciously. Although she was pleased in the final results, she knew that it had been a moment close to complete disaster for the entire Realm.

  How were you able to use this power against the Grandmother without her using it in return?

  A simple mind-twist, my Queen. She was unable to detect its simplicity.

  How are these sorcerers supposed to train the likes of you?

  High Queen?

  I will have to turn you over to the great Master, most certain. These sorcerers know nothing about handling such as your abilities.

  No, my Queen. Please do this not. I wish to remain with you.

  You have displeased Me, Young One. You selfishly risked all that has been done for The Realm. You did this only for yourself, Young One.

  No, my Queen. It was a gift for you. This is truth!

  You took a life as a gift for Me? Do you not see how twisted this is, Young One?

  She bowed her head again, sobbing, Yes, my Queen, but she deserved to die.

  No one's death should be as easy as this for you, Young One. Who made you judge over all The Realm?

  Everyone who made me. She stood straight now, defiant.

  You allow the dark powers to call to you, Young One. Beware of this.

  No they don't. I know what I do. Just because you don't understand doesn't mean I am wrong.

  The High Queen stood, taking all her energies to do so, from the pain. Frowning deeply, with an eyebrow raised, she looked down at Sele', her displeasure displayed fully upon her face. She spoke softly and slowly, well angered, “Do you dare to speak to The High Queen in this fashion, Sele'm'tinel'ti'non'n?"

  "I am the Future Supreme Sovereign of The Realm. My rank is over yours."

  The High Queen glared at her for a long moment, Sele’ fully seeing that she had just made a most severe error of judgment.

  The tension between them grew heavier as The High Queen continued to glare at her, “I am fully ashamed for you. Never will you be My ruler with this kind of thinking. You play overly with others for My liking, much like Grandmother. No one in all The Realm will ever follow such a callous ruler as this. The Realm's respect must be earned, not commanded. Leave Me."

  Sele’ began crying again, unable to remain in her defiant stance, “Please, my Queen. I am sorry for my actions. Please allow me to remain with you. I only did this for you. I meant not what I just said."

  "I care nothing for your words. You have disappointed Me greatly this turn. If you wish to remain in My presence, then think through your prior and future actions. Give Me a reporting of these reflections, if or when you have managed to pull yourself away from the dark powers. Otherwise, trouble Me no further. I have no need for another such as Grandmother, and this is the direction you now head."

  "Please, High Queen."

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ had begun to limp away from her, then turned back, “You shame your Realm, Sele'. Fully this. And Sele'?"

  She was sobbing and sniffing, but looked up hopefully, “High Queen?” She had heard The High Queen call her by Sele', and knew what this meant. It wasn't a good name to be called by The High Queen.

  San'lr'in’ narrowed her eyes and raised an eyebrow, “If you ever attempt to use your rank over Me again, know that at that moment we will forever be enemies."

  She lowered her head again, fully sorry, “Yes, my Queen. I am truly sorry for this."

  The High Queen bent down once again causing herself great pain, and made Sele’ look into her now well-angered eyes, “Know this, Sele'. You, as Future Supreme Sovereign of The Realm would always regret making Me an enemy."

  "Yes, my Queen."

  "All the legends would know of the truth in it, and would have you banned."

  San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ winced and groaned from her back pain, but looked at Sele', “The path you choose at this very moment will have many consequences for you. Choose it wisely, as I cannot choose it for you. Think, Sele'. Only this. This is the moment to think, and think wisely. Act not in your anger. It will make enemies for you. And I am not an enemy you would desire. Choose your words wisely if you return to Me, as the words you have chosen to share with Me this turn are like a knife in My back. You have injured Me more than what My Grandmother did to Me. Do you understand this, Sele'? I would take her beatings any turn rather than hear these words of betrayal from you."

  Sele’ hung her head, yet crying, fully ashamed of herself, recognizing that she had lost all the trust she had worked so hard to gain from this High Queen, “Yes, my Queen. I understand. Please call me not by this name, my Queen. I know what it means when you do so. I am sorry, Highness. I will do as you say. I will remove these dark thoughts and powers from me. I have heard your words, my Queen, and know them to be correct. I am sorry for the words I have chosen."

  The High Queen moved her fingers under Sele's chin and raised her head, making her look at her, “I love you, Sele'. In truth, I am amazed by you. I want us to continue to grow through our cycles together, but you have done wrong. You have fully betrayed My trust. I need this not from you. I need you to be wise and strong, not murderous and vengeful. I need you to think through your actions. I need to be able to trust you in all things. I have great need to be able to trust every one of your thoughts and actions. I need us not to stand apart, as enemies. But I could never live with another who could take a life, or manipulate their own Birth-Mother as easily as this."

  "I am sorry, Highness. Truly sorry.” She was sobbing beyond control.

  "The dark powers try to turn us all, Sele'. They have a hold on you now, and you will now choose to go that route with the Dark Sorcerer, or to remain true to The Realm. The dark powers call you fiercely to them, as would I if I were them. I want you as fiercely as this also, Future Supreme Sovereign, but you will come to The Realm willingly, or not at all. It is the only choice given to you. I need you strong and wise. I need you to be a strength like never prior. I need you to make Me proud, Young One. I need you to stand tall because what you have done is correct, not to stand in defiance against what is correct."

  "Yes, Highness. Yes, Great High Queen."

  "Long prior, the dark powers tested Me as well, when I was living with this Grandmother of ours. She
vowed Me all the powers I could ever dream of, and told Me that I could use them whenever and however I wished, and on whosoever I wished. It was as a vision, but I saw through her vows. They were nothing but the dark powers calling to Me. Don't go there, Sele'. I will seek you down to your death should this occur. And while I love you well, this act I would do unto My last breath. This is how much I have dedicated Myself to The Realm, Sele'. It is My vow as High Queen. I will allow no one, not even you, to harm The Realm in any fashion. No one will stand against these vows."

  "Yes, High Queen. I am sorry for my jealous actions. Envy has grabbed well hold of me."

  "Go away from Me now. You have offended Me beyond measure. If your act wasn't bad enough, you carved in stone upon My heart with your evil and mean words. Leave Me. Think on what has been said and done here this turn. Come to Me if you have removed yourself from the dark powers."

  After Sele’ left, San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ tried to stand, but no longer could, having overly much pain from her back, and having bent down overly long in having to deal with Sele'. She cried out a little, an unusual moment for The High Queen, and The Healer, Ann'wn, and Sle'nel’ came running to her, having been only slightly apart from her. They had witnessed the occurrence between her and Sele', but said nothing of it, knowing that Sele’ now had to deal with The High Queen's anger directly.

  "I can't move, Healer. The pain."

  "Move your foot for me, Highest."

  She did so.

  "Now your toes. Can you feel your toes?"

  "Yes, yes. Overly so. Thank the mothers."

  Sle'nel’ touched her shoulder, “She hit you with great strength, San'lr'in'. She was a mean one. Had you no kindness from any in your past?"

  The Healer moved her fingers quickly and nimbly across The High Queen's spine, checking her back, “I need to move you to a better place, my Queen. I am going to have Ann'wn carry you back to your shelter. The evil one has well injured your back, but not broken the bones. You are not in this danger.” She placed her hand lightly on The High Queen's head, “Try to relax, my Queen. It is not like prior. I will remove this pain in but a moment. Let us move you first."


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