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Gluttony (Seven Deadlies MC Book 3)

Page 4

by Kaitlyn Ewald

  There were a couple of other men floating around the garage as they passed, but no one bothered them.

  As soon as they entered the clubhouse, Scarlett had to admit she was impressed; it was clean, well organized, and decorated far nicer than she’d imagined it would be.

  There were two women at the bar, both laughing and shoving chips into their mouths. Scarlett had to admit that food sounded wonderful, but she was so nervous she hadn't been able to eat anything all day.

  “Rayna, Esme, this is Scarlett.”

  When they turned, Scarlett realized they were the women she’d been admiring from the bar that night- the night she'd let Limit take her virginity.




  If those women were there, that could only mean one thing…

  “Hey! We recognize you! It’s nice to see you again,” The blonde said as she held a hand out.

  Scarlett shook her hand gently as she nodded, her heart ready to beat out of her chest.

  She couldn't stomach the idea of seeing Limit again, but she couldn't out herself on the off chance that he wasn't even around.

  This is about Ox.

  This is about meeting my father!

  And yet, even telling herself that didn't make the tight ball of nerves in her stomach budge…

  Slayer was smiling as he swiped some chips off of the brunette’s plate, who was glaring in his direction.

  “You can’t steal food from a pregnant woman!,” The brunette complained.

  He stuck his tongue out and Scarlett barely got out a, “Congratulations,” before she was ready to pass out.

  Her moment of frustration with Slayer had diminished and she was back to feeling like an outsider.

  “Baby, are you okay? You don't look too good,” Rayna said.

  Scarlett tried to smile.

  “Yeah. I’m just- where is Ox?”

  Rayna’s pretty blue eyes widened, surprised.

  “You’re her?”

  “Please, just tell me where he is. I’m starting to think this was a terrible idea, and I just don't want to see-”

  “Limit?,” Rayna whispered.

  Scarlett sighed and buried her face in her hands before she nodded.

  “Come on this way, I’ll make sure you get to him.”

  Scarlett could have kissed Rayna she was so grateful to just get moving.

  Rayna took her hands in hers and tugged her down a long hallway, stopping after only a couple of feet.

  Without even knocking she threw the door open and revealed a very handsome man sitting behind a desk, his long dark hair loose around his broad shoulders. He had amber colored eyes and a straight nose, much like Scarlett’s- except his was pierced and hers was not. He had on a leather cut that matched the rest of the men’s, except his had a few more patches and looked a little more worn.

  As she stepped into his office he slowly rose to stand, and she realized he was tall.

  Not as tall as Limit, but taller than most, which probably explained her height.

  Maddie wasn't very tall, and while Scarlett would never be a model, she was considered tall.

  “Hi,” She said.

  His lips quirked and she instantly saw why her mother had fallen in love with him.

  That one smile transformed his whole face, and he looked every bit as dashing as her mother had described over the phone two nights prior.

  “I’ll leave you to it then,” Rayna said.

  Scarlett caught her by the wrist before she could escape.

  “Thank you.”

  She had no idea how Rayna knew about her little tryst with Limit and in that moment, she didn't care. All that mattered was the man watching her from across the room.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Rayna patted her shoulder gently before she left them alone, closing the office door behind her.

  Ox cleared his threat and gestured towards a chair across from his desk.

  “Do you want to sit?”

  Scarlett slowly shook her head.

  “No thank you,” She said.

  Ox smiled as he rubbed his beard.

  “This is weird as fuck, isn’t it?”

  Scarlett burst out laughing as she nodded, her shoulders relaxing.

  “Yeah, I …I guess I’m old enough not to need a daddy, so this is a little weird for me. I always knew Carter was my step-father. I just didn't know my real father was still around,” She said honestly.

  Ox chuckled and Scarlett found herself enjoying the sound.

  Ox looked hesitant for a moment before he stepped around the desk.

  “Am I allowed to hug you Scarlett, or no?”

  Scarlett didn't hesitate to step into the circle of his arms; he smelled unfamiliar.

  He smelled like sweet nicotine and gasoline and positively foreign, but the scent calmed her for some reason. His chest was hard and muscular and he was warm as he held her.

  That was something that also differed from her old life.

  Physical affection wasn't something that she was used to, and at home it had been hard to come by.

  Ox didn't seem phased at all as he released her and tucked her hair back behind her ears.

  “You’re the spittin’ image of your ma. She was so beautiful,” He murmured as he smiled at her.

  Scarlett knew she was blushing, but she couldn't help it. Maddie was a renowned beauty back home, but here? It was strange to imagine someone like Ox knowing her.

  Loving her.

  Being my fucking father…

  “You look terrified.”

  Ox’s words had her grimacing, wondering if she was indeed that transparent.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Ox shrugged, but she could tell that he wanted things between them to go well. Scarlett felt a momentary blip of shame scatter across her radar as she stepped away from Ox.

  “Show me around, won’t you? I’m curious about that cage I saw,” She joked.

  Ox held an arm out for her, his tattooed skin meeting hers in a clash of silk and ink.

  Scarlett studied his skin, ran her fingers along the edges of the pictures marking Ox’s arm.

  “I don’t have any ink,” She admitted.

  Ox laughed and she glanced up at him.

  “You stick around here long enough, you’ll find yourself covered.”

  Scarlett found that really hard to believe, mostly because she didn't see herself visiting the clubhouse very often, but for some reason she wanted to see it from his perspective. She wanted to see it from her father’s eyes.

  Still, she couldn't stop herself from asking, “Do you have someone named Limit in your club?”

  Ox nodded his dark head as he opened his office door with her in tow.

  “Sure do. He's my enforcer. Why, he bother you?”

  Scarlett hurried to shake her head no.

  “My roommate mentioned him, I think. Something about thinking he was cute.”

  The lie slipped from her mouth so easily it surprised her, but it tasted bitter.

  It also sounded positively lame, but she had no idea what to say.

  Scarlett hated lying to her…well, Ox, but she was still scurrying to make sense of everything.

  She was still trying her hardest to wrap her head around everything she’d discovered in the past seventy-two hours.

  “These hallways house the bedrooms. We'll have two empty rooms as soon as Fury and Rayna move into their house. She’s having a housewarming party soon, maybe you could come,” Ox said off-handedly.

  Scarlett only nodded as he waved a hand towards the room she'd entered from.

  “This is the great room. It’s where the bar is, obviously. We spend a lot of time hangin’ out here, usually. Follow me outside and I’ll show you the garage and the, uh, cage,” Ox said with a smirk.

  Scarlett was two paces away from blurting out how uncomfortable she was, walking around and seeing the Seven Deadlies's clubhouse as if she somehow fit in there. Scarle
tt had never been around anything like the clubhouse in her entire life, and with every step she took, that only became more apparent.

  “Alright, so back this way is the where the fighting happens. If members of the club wanna blow off some steam, or whatever, they do it in the cage.”

  “Like…animals?,” She whispered.

  Ox looked at her seriously for a moment.

  “Only kind of men around here are animals, Scarlett. Didn’t your mother tell you anything about me or this club?,” He asked.

  He sounded angry, and Scarlett had no idea why he was suddenly mad.

  She slowly shook her head.

  Ox swore and let go of her arm, his frustration palpable.

  “Fuck, she sent you up here blind, didn’t she? Of course she did, because she couldn’t stand it here!”

  Scarlett frowned at his words. Her spine stiffened at his implications, but she already knew her mother had left of her own accord. That was no secret.

  “I moved here to be closer to my best friend. My mother told me that since I’d inadvertently moved so close to you, that I should know the truth: that my biological father is still alive and well. I gather that took precedence over the details of your club,” Scarlett spat.

  Ox had the decency to look embarrassed before he sighed and ducked his head.

  “I’m sorry, you’re right. I just- I don't know what I expected, but I’ll be honest with you. You’re not the kind of woman we usually see around here, okay?”

  Scarlett bristled at his honesty.

  How could she not be offended?

  Her own father didn't believe she could handle the truth about his precious club.

  Much like Maddie had done her entire life, Ox was writing her off.

  “You mean because I have a college degree and I’m not a club whore?”

  Ox’s gaze flew to hers.

  “Rayna and Esme are not whores,” He argued.

  She shrugged, even though his defense of these women she didn’t know cut her just the slightest bit.

  What do they have that I don’t?

  Why would he defend them, and basically scorn me?

  “Look, if this isn't something you're interested in, if I’m not something you're interested in, then tell me now. I’ve lived without you for twenty-two years, Ox. I won’t pretend to need you now,” She said.

  Ox blinked at her before he suddenly smiled.

  “You get that mouth from your mama, you know that?”

  “Yeah, I’m aware.”

  “Scarlett, what happens with this club is serious,” Ox said.

  Scarlett held a hand up before she tossed her hair over her shoulder.

  “I have a better idea, okay? I get that I may seem too clean for a place like this, but in my defense, you don't know a damn thing about me. So, why don’t you let me decide for myself what I can and can’t”

  Scarlett held her hand out at the precise moment something across the garage caught her attention-and all of a sudden, the world came crashing down around her as reality gripped her in its clutches-


  He looked just as delicious as she remembered.

  Maybe his hair was a little longer and maybe he was sporting what looked like some six o’clock shadow, but he looked divine.

  And, Scarlett’s body remembered him immediately.

  Just like she remembered that there was nothing divine about him, because a man like that definitely did more bad than good.

  Flushed, she looked up at Ox when his hand clasped hers.

  “You’re a smart woman, Scarlett Hunter. Smarter than I gave you credit for, and you’re right. I’m sorry.”

  Scarlett managed to swallow her nervousness before she nodded.


  Ox released her hand and gestured towards the clubhouse.

  “What do you say you stay for dinner, if you don't already have plans? I’d really love to start over.”

  Scarlett hated the idea of seeing Limit up close and personal again, but for Ox’s sake (and for her own) she agreed.

  “I’d really like that.”

  Chapter 6

  Scarlett was trying her best to remain invisible as she re-entered the clubhouse. She made eye contact with Rayna almost immediately, and she was greeted with only kindness.

  “Hey, you made it!”

  The brunette, Esme, was right behind her in a heartbeat.

  “This may be a little premature, but welcome to our fucked up family!,” Esme said with a giggle.

  Scarlett couldn't help but join in on the laughter, seeing as how her words instantly broke apart the tension between her and Ox.

  Ox placed a soft hand on her back as he nodded.

  “May be twenty-two years late, but just like you didn't know about me, I didn't know about you. But, she's right. Family is family, and ours is definitely fucked up, but you’re now a part of ours. Of mine.”

  For some reason that had her eyes filling with tears, it had her rubbing a hand over her aching chest, it drove home the facts of the matter.

  “Thank you,” She whispered.

  Esme’s blue eyes were filled with tears and she began to wave at her own face.

  “Sorry, pregnancy hormones!”

  Rayna choked out a tearful laugh as she cupped Esme’s flat belly.

  “Ah! My little peanut,” Rayna murmured.

  Scarlett watched them curiously, but she could see the easy affection between the two ladies.

  Before she could open her mouth, a familiar face made an appearance.

  “What’s she doing here?,” Green asked as he gestured towards her.

  Scarlett’s eyes widened as her and Rayna made eye contact. Esme wasn't far behind either, and for some reason, Scarlett didn't imagine Ox would fare well with knowing she'd slept with Limit.

  Is that even allowed?

  Do I need permission to sleep with anyone, though?

  Scarlett didn’t imagine that she needed permission so to speak, but Ox would certainly have an opinion about her sleeping with someone in his club…right?

  Rayna made her way to Green and wrapped an arm around his waist.

  “Green, meet Scarlett.”

  “Um, I think I’d recognize the woman-”

  Rayna interrupted him by elbowing him in the stomach, making him bend over and gasp.

  “Ox’s daughter,” Rayna finished.

  Green slowly straightened to his full height, his mouth open wide as he looked at her.

  And then he started laughing.

  Cackling was probably a better description.

  “You’re joking, right? This is too good!,” He said as he roared with laughter.

  Ox looked between her and Green, his brows furrowed.

  “Care to elaborate?”

  She shook her head, her cheeks a bright red. Scarlett was half ready to bolt, and she doubted her new friends would even blame her.

  “I think he knows my roommate Emily.”

  “The one who thinks Limit is hot?,” Ox asked, obviously confused.

  Scarlett hid her face in her hands as Rayna and Esme started to laugh along with Green.

  She knew full well her lie was a dumb one, but she’d never been stuck in such an awkward situation before.

  Would Limit really be that mad if he knew she was Ox's long lost daughter?

  It really all boiled down to the fact that she’d never expected to see him again.

  Soon, the absurdity of the situation had her laughing too.

  “Jesus, this is a fucked-up situation.”

  Ox’s hand fell from her back as he slid behind the bar.

  “You need a drink?”

  “I would love one, thank you,” She said.

  Rayna and Esme sat down beside her while Green meandered over, his mouth barely touching the shell of her ear.

  “I’ll keep your secret if you bring that sexy roommate of yours around,” He whispered.

  Scarlett turned on her barstool so sh
e could look him in the eye.

  “Do you believe in the importance of pinky promises?”

  Green slapped a hand over his heart as he smiled flirtatiously at her.

  “My sweet lady, pinky promises are a staple in any trusting, healthy partnership.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling as she held a pinky out to him.

  “Deal,” She said softly.

  Green surveyed her with his pretty jade colored eyes before he hooked his pinky through hers.

  “Deal,” He promised.

  Scarlett breathed a little easier as she swiveled to face Ox again, who was watching them with narrowed eyes.

  “Ya know, I haven't been at this whole ‘dad’ thing long, but I get the idea I’m missin’ something.”

  Rayna and Esme started laughing again as Scarlett swallowed a shot of whiskey that made her think of Limit all over again.

  “Not anything important,” She murmured.

  The doors to the clubhouse slammed open, startling all three women as they turned to see who it was.

  Slayer popped his head in, his blue eyes seeking until they landed on Scarlett.


  As he disappeared, Scarlett dropped her forehead against the bar top and sighed.

  “So, Scarlett, tell me what you majored in at college,” Ox said.

  “Art degree. I love art,” She said.

  “Ohhh, do you draw and stuff?,” Esme asked.

  Scarlett tucked her hair behind her ears as she slowly nodded.

  “I paint mostly, but I can draw.”

  “My ol’ man loves to draw! You should ask him to see some of his stuff, he details all the bikes around here. He even dabbles in tattoos,” Esme said with a dreamy look on her face.

  Scarlett could only smile and nod, because the genuine love the woman had sparkling in her eyes was truly a sight to behold.

  “I would love to Esme, thank you.”

  Ox caught her eye over the rim of her glass as she sipped on more whiskey and gave her the barest of nods.

  Okay, so this is going better than before, right?

  Except for the fact that every man apart from the one I came here for knows I fucked Limit in the parking lot of a bar!

  Besides being ridiculously mortified, Scarlett was feeling more and more relaxed as the whiskey settled.

  “Hey, why don't you call your roommate? Emily, right? Have her come up here and join you,” Rayna said.


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