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Defeat Into Victory

Page 67

by Field-Marshal Viscount William Slim

  Aung San


  railway line to

  Ava Bridge


  Ba Maw

  Bajbir, orderly

  Baldwin, Air Marshal Sir John, command of

  in co-operation with author

  and supplying of Arakan force

  at fly-in of Chindits

  at Imphal–Kohima battle

  and planning of Burma campaign

  Bandon, Air Vice-Marshal the Earl of



  Barrackpore, 15 Corps H.Q. at

  Army H.Q. at

  author returns to, as Army Commander

  Mount-batten at

  Army H.Q. moved from

  Air Command H.Q. at


  Bastyan, Major-General E. M.


  Bawli Bazaar

  H.Q. at

  26th Division moves to

  roadblock near

  Bawli-Maungdaw road

  Bengal, defence of coastline of

  Non-Congress Government of

  unrest in

  war industries of

  training of troops in

  jute makers of, supply parachutes

  Japanese plan invasion of

  Bengal, Bay of, danger of Japanese invasion over

  Japanese incursion into

  Bhamo, Japanese in

  projected Chinese advance to

  capture of

  Bhamo-Myitkyina road

  cutting of

  Big Tree Hill

  Bihar, unrest in

  author relieved of responsibility for

  Bihar Regiment



  Japanese attack on

  Bishenpur-Silchar track. See Silchar-Bishenpur track.

  ‘Bithess’ road surfacing

  ‘Blackpool’ stronghold

  Boatner, Brigadier-General H. L.

  Border Regiment, crosses Irrawaddy


  Bowen, Major-General W. O.

  Brahmaputra River, delta of

  transport of supplies on

  Japanese threat to valley of

  Break-Out, Battle of the

  Briggs, Major-General H. R.

  in Arakan campaign

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  British Army, complexity of supplies and equipment in

  ratio of administrative to fighting strength of

  special units and formations in

  British Division, 2nd, in Arakan campaign

  reinforces Central front

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  excessive transport of

  needs experience

  recuperates in Imphal–Kohima area

  allotted to 33 Corps

  crosses Chindwin

  advances towards Irrawaddy

  crosses Irrawaddy

  bridgehead of

  in Mandalay–Meiktila battle

  return of, to India

  mopping-up operations of

  British Division, 2nd:

  4 Brigade, in Imphal–Kohima battle

  5 Brigade, in Imphal–Kohima battle

  in Tamu

  crosses Irrawaddy

  at Mount Popa

  6 Brigade, in Arakan

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  crosses Irrawaddy River

  British Division, 36th, in reserve for Arakan

  in Bawli area

  goes into action

  captures tunnels area

  under Stil well’s command

  advance of

  connects with Fourteenth Army

  committed to drive on Lashio

  opposition to

  author asks for return of

  returns to Fourteenth Army

  American transport aircraft of

  return of, to India

  British Division, 70th, at Ranchi

  restores order in Bihar

  author takes over

  in Arakan

  in Army Reserve

  in Wingate’s force

  British soldier, rations for

  response of, to spiritual appeal

  shortage of reinforcements

  repatriation of

  as compared to Asian

  Broad, Lieut.-General Sir Charles

  ‘Broadway’ stronghold

  landing at

  Japanese air attack on

  Brodie, Brigadier T.

  Bruce, Major-General G. S.

  Bruce, Brigadier J.

  Bruce, Captain N.


  ‘Bunkers’, Japanese, in Arakan Peninsula

  near Kohima

  attack on, at Meiktila

  Burma, situation in, March 1942

  weakness of air power for defence of

  airfields of

  supply and maintenance factors in

  jungle-clad hills of

  unpreparedness in

  changes of administrative and operational control of

  no overland communications with India

  shortage of troops and equipment in

  railway of

  lack of intelligence organizations in

  collapse of civil administration of

  author given command of corps in

  need for overriding object in

  poor morale in

  government officials of

  oil-fields of

  defence of Upper

  ‘dry belt’ of

  plans for evacuation of

  demoralization behind lines in

  escape route through

  resistance movement in

  inadequacy of forces defending

  Indians in

  defence of frontier of South

  Wingate’s first raid in

  building road to China through

  Japanese prepare for attack in

  clearing Japanese out of Central

  care and administration of civil population of

  politico military problem in. See also Burma campaign.

  Burma, Battle of Central. See Mandalay-Meiktila battle.

  Burma Army, H.Q. of, at Maymyo

  H.Q. of separated from Air H.Q.

  changes in operational command of

  shortage of troops and equipment in

  needs clear directive

  provision of ferries by

  and escape route

  officers from H.Q. of, at Shwegyin

  poor generalship in

  ex-soldiers of, in Karen Guerrillas

  revival of, and Aung San’s army

  Burma campaign, plans for

  difficulties over command of

  restricted plan for

  Arakan victory the turning-point of

  divergence of British and American attitudes towards

  segregation of fronts in

  Imphal–Kohima battle

  Irrawaddy crossings

  Mandalay-Meiktila battle

  advance to Rangoon

  Battle of the Break-Out

  afterthoughts on

  organization of command of

  overcoming transport and supply difficulties in

  technique of warfare evolved in

  discipline in

  air power in

  airborne operations in

  special units and formations in

  Burma Civil Affairs Organization

  Burma Corpsst, 1st, morale in

  author appointed to command

  first directive for

  H.Q. of

  no hope of reinforcement

  lacks over-all aim

  weaknesses of

  tied to road

  Burmese desertions from

  gap between forces of

  need to lighten equipment of

  medical services of

  mounted infantry for

  without air reconnaissance and support

  withdrawal of

sp; concentrated at Allanmyo

  reorganized transport of

  directives for withdrawal of

  to act as rearguard to Chinese V Army

  crosses Irrawaddy

  escape route of

  Japanese attempts to cut road of

  nerves wearing thin in

  three dangers of retreat of

  crosses Chindwin

  fights last action

  exhausted condition of

  caught by monsoon

  Indian transport meets

  reaches India

  at Imphal

  sickness in, on return to India

  losses in

  ceases to exist

  H.Q. in Ranchi

  Burmese troops in

  Burma Division, 1st

  awaits relief at Toungoo

  C.O. of

  withdrawn to Prome area

  short of equipment

  at battle for Prome

  retires to Allanmyo

  forced withdrawal of

  lacks water

  at battle of Yenangyaung

  losses of

  rest and reorganization of

  escape route for

  revised directive for

  crosses Irrawaddy

  at Monywa

  attack on H.Q. of

  at Ye-u

  crosses Chindwin

  at Kalemyo

  Burmese soldiers from, sent home

  absorbed into Indian Division

  1 Brigade, in battle for oilfields area

  Indians in

  Burmese troops disintegrate in

  at Kalewa

  in battle for Monywa

  reaches Tamu

  2 Brigade, in battle for oilfields area

  on west bank of Irrawaddy

  marches to Myittha Valley

  13 Brigade, in striking force

  in battle for oilfields area

  Burmese troops disintegrate in

  in battle for Monywa

  crosses Chindwin

  Burma Frontier Force

  in the Retreat

  Burma Military Police


  Burma National Army

  at Shwedaung

  in Kabaw Valley

  turns against Japanese

  problem of, after reconquest

  reports for duty with British

  becomes Patriot Burmese Forces

  Burma Naval Volunteer Reserve

  Burma Observer Corps

  Burma Regiment, in Kohima

  Burma Rifles, during the Retreat

  Japanese use uniforms of

  at Fort Hertz

  Burma–China road, air protection for

  Ledo road no substitute for

  protection of newly won

  Burmese, loyal


  desertions of

  unhelpfulness of

  in intelligence service

  saboteurs among

  treachery by

  atrocities by

  officials in Sagaing Hills

  resistance movement among

  unprepared for war

  Burmese Civil Service


  Burmese Defence Platoon

  Burwing, at Magwe

  the end of

  Buthidaung, Japanese in

  capture of

  plan to capture

  15 Corps pulls back from. See also Maungdaw–Buthidaung road.


  Cairo Conference

  Calcutta, air defences of

  Air Headquarters at

  author in

  aerodrome at

  internal security of

  sea defences of

  H.Q. moved from

  organization of, as base

  as leave centre

  rioting in

  railway from

  saluting in

  jute parachutes from

  barrage balloons from

  Calvert, Major M.

  Cameron, Brigadier R. T.

  Cameronians, 1st

  ‘Capital’, operation

  Car Nicobar

  Cavendish, Brigadier R. V. C.

  Central front, Japanese prepare attack on

  planned for offensive

  communications of

  defence plans for

  reinforcements for

  Japanese attack on. See also Imphal–Kohima battle.

  Chambers, Major-General H. M.

  Chang, General


  Chauk, oilfield at

  feigned crossing at

  Japanese forces at

  road-block on road to

  advance on

  in Japanese line of defence

  capture of


  Chaungmagyi River


  Cheduba Island

  Chennault, Major-General C. L.

  Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, sends A.V.G. to defend Rangoon

  offers Armies for Burma defence

  sends troops to India for training

  agrees to Chinese Army coming under author’s control

  and advance in Yunnan

  sends more troops to Stilwell

  and command of Yunnan forces

  insists on Stilwell’s recall

  demands return of all forces in N.C.A.C.

  Chin Hills

  road through

  fighting in

  liberation of

  Chin Hills Battalion

  Chin Levies

  in Lushai Brigade

  China, return routes of Armies into

  British force to be sent to

  Chinese Armies retire into

  air supply to

  building road to

  Japanese aim to isolate

  threat to supply route to

  aircraft deflected to

  Japanese attack airfields of

  recall of Chinese forces to

  Mars Brigade flies to

  Chindits, and Arakan offensive

  to co-operate with Chinese advance

  evaluation of first raid of

  composition of

  air-lift for

  moves into forward area

  to prevent reinforcement of Northern front

  fly-in of

  Japanese reaction to landings of

  cuts communications

  loses leader

  operations of

  under Stilwell’s command

  Stilwell’s quarrel with

  exhausted condition of

  14 Brigade

  16 Brigade, marches to ‘Aberdeen’

  needs relief

  attacks Indaw

  flown out

  23 Brigade

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  77 Brigade, fly-in of

  cuts enemy communications

  takes Mogaung

  III Brigade, fly-in of

  operations of. See also West African Brigaderd,3rd.

  Chindwin River, retreat to

  Japanese moving up

  crossing of

  steamers on

  floating boom across

  4 Corps outposts on

  attack planned across

  Wingate’s force crosses

  Japanese watch on crossings of

  Chinese 22nd Division reaches

  possibility of holding Japanese on

  Japanese cross

  20th Division on

  bridgeheads over

  improved communications to

  enemy retreating to

  Lushai Brigade on

  clearing west bank of

  Bailey bridge over

  crossing of, in strength

  orders for advance over

  advance down left bank of

  construction of shipping on

  shipping from, brought to Myingyan

  Chinese soldiers

  difficulties regarding command of
r />   success of, against Japanese

  lack time sense

  thefts of

  ‘face’ of

  distinguishing from Japanese

  attempt to steal trains

  not the help they might have been

  objective in 1944 campaign

  Stilwell’s faith in

  cease to take part in war

  Chinese I Army

  Chinese V Army, moves into Burma

  at Toungoo

  disregards orders

  withdrawal of

  agrees to take over Taungdwingyi area

  fails to arrive

  in Pyinmana

  escape route for

  protecting flank of

  counter-stroke of

  escape of vehicles of

  Japanese pressure against

  revised directive for

  covering retreat of

  entrainment of

  crosses Irrawaddy

  retreat of, to China

  22nd Division

  and relief of Toungoo

  attacks Taunggyi

  retreat of

  in training at Ramgarh

  at Ledo

  advance of

  takes Kamaing

  returns to China

  96th Division

  retreat of

  200th Division, in Toungoo

  at Kyaupadaung and Taunggyi

  retreats into China

  Chinese VI Army (Divisions, 49th, 55th, 98th) moves into Burma

  in difficulties

  escape route for

  débâcle of

  Chinese LXVI Army

  38th Division, regiment of, at Kyaukpadaung

  artillery and tanks for

  prepares for attack

  in battle at Yenangyaung

  escape route for

  revised directive for

  to act as rearguard

  leaves Ye-u

  retires to India

  American training of, at Ramgarh

  at Ledo

  starts offensive

  advance of

  Stilwell offers to author

  Chinese Division, 14th

  Chinese Division, 30th

  Chinese Division, 50th

  Chinese tank group




  landing on airfield at

  14th Division at

  15 Corps H.Q. at

  docks at

  R.A.F. Group at

  26th Division at

  Japanese aim at

  5th Division in

  ‘Chocolate Staircase’

  ‘Chowringhee’ stronghold

  Christison, Lieut.-General Sir Philip

  in second Arakan campaign

  in third Arakan campaign

  provides airfields for Fourteenth Army

  and operation ‘Dracula’

  in temporary command of Fourteenth Army


  Church Knoll

  Churchill, Rt. Hon. Sir Winston, urges Sumatra offensive

  at Teheran Conference

  and Wingate

  author meets

  Cochrane, Colonel P. C.

  Combat Cargo Task Force (C.C/T.F.)

  Combined Army Air Transport Organization (C.A.A.T.O.)



  hospital at

  Army H.Q. at

  Air Command H.Q. at

  Wingate at

  Giffard at

  H.Q. leaves

  Commando Brigade, 3rd, in Arakan

  for operation ‘Roger’


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