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Defeat Into Victory

Page 70

by Field-Marshal Viscount William Slim

  Stilwell’s faith in

  author’s criticism of

  protection of

  Ledwedet stronghold

  preparations to attack

  reduction of

  Leese, Lieut.-General Sir Oliver

  directive of, after Arakan victory

  transfers 15 Corps aircraft to main front

  directive of, to Sultan

  and ‘Dracula’ operation

  and reparation problem

  author succeeds


  Lentaigne, Major-General W. D. A., fly-in of Brigade of

  succeeds Wingate

  at Supreme Commander’s conference

  strained relations between Stilwell and

  Lentaignc’s Special Force. See Chindits.

  Lethbridge, Major-General J. S.





  Liao, General

  Lin Wei, General

  Line of Communications Command


  Lloyd, Major-General W. L.

  in Arakan

  author visits

  death of

  Lo Cho Ying, General

  Loftus-Tottenham, Major-General P. J.




  Lokchao Bridge

  Lomax, Major-General C. E. N., in Arakan

  quality of

  at Chittagong

  Long-Range Penetration Brigaderd 23rd, reinforces Central front

  in Naga country

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  Long-Range Penetration Regiment



  Lushai Brigade

  in Lushai Hills

  road-raiding exploits of

  in Chin Hills

  in Myittha Valley

  advances on Gangaw

  allotted to 4 Corps

  occupies Gangaw

  sent to India for rest

  covers advance to Irrawaddy

  Lushai Scouts

  Lushai Hills

  Lyons, Colonel Burton


  MacAlevey, Lieut.-Colonel G. M.

  MacArthur, General Douglas


  Magwe, airfield at

  Air Wing at

  Japanese raids on

  withdrawal to

  H.Q. at

  Japanese cut road to

  plan to retake

  7th Division near

  capture of



  Maingkwan –Walawbum battle

  Malaria, in Kabaw Valley

  in Burma Corps H.Q.

  in Arakan

  in Fourteenth Army

  forward treatment of

  author laid up with

  Malaria Forward Treatment Units

  Malaya, fall of

  plan for reconquest of

  postponement of landing in

  preparation of forces for

  aircraft taken for operations in

  included in area of S.E.A.L.F.

  landing in

  Mandalay, author at

  Prome criminals shipped to

  air attacks on

  Chinese in

  withdrawal north of

  ferries near

  evacuation of

  air reconnaissances over

  plan to meet Japanese before

  plan to capture

  road to

  crossing of Irrawaddy in relation to

  Japanese concentration for defence of

  36th Division sends brigade into

  launch of attack on

  capture of

  civilian prisoners released in

  Mandalay Hill

  Mandalay–Rangoon railway

  Mandalay–Meiktila battle

  planning of

  disposition of Japanese forces for

  building up supplies for

  around Meiktila

  on Irrawaddy front

  Sultan’s force co-operates in

  Mandalay-Myitkyina railway, Chindits cut

  Manipur River, demolishment of bridge over

  road down valley of

  Japanese cross

  operations east of

  Lushai Brigade in gorge of

  5th Division reach and cross

  Mansergh, Major-General E. C. R.

  in advance on Rangoon

  Mao Songsang

  Mapao Spur


  Marauders, Merrill’s

  at Myitkyina

  exhaustion of

  Marindin, Brigadier P. C.

  Mars Brigade

  Martaban, Gulf of

  Martin, Vice-Admiral Sir Benjamin

  Maruyama, Colonel

  Mataguchi, General

  Matsuyama, Lieut.-General


  Maungdaw, capture of

  Divisional H.Q.

  abandonment of

  plan to recapture

  restoring port of

  Japanese plan to cut road to

  held by British

  river craft round

  Maungdaw-Buthidaung road

  British defence of

  lost to Japanese

  Japanese defences on

  British reach

  capture of tunnels on


  Mawlaik, occupation of

  bridgehead at

  brigade crosses Chindwin at


  Maymyo, Army H.Q. at

  author at

  Alexander at

  air attacks on

  Chinese at

  Japanese Army H.Q. at

  rendezvous of Fourteenth Army and N.C.A.C.

  capture of.


  Mayu Peninsula

  Mayu Range

  road running through

  regarded as impassable

  Japanese cross

  British battalions on

  getting supplies over

  building road for tanks over

  Kubo Force destroyed in

  getting river craft over

  Mayu River

  Meiktila, airstrip

  air attacks on

  Chinese in

  withdrawal from

  Japanese division at

  plan for attack on

  Japanese troops moved from

  advance to

  airfields near

  capture of

  author visits attacking force at

  enemies efforts to recover

  clearing area round

  4 Corps at

  Army H.Q. at

  Aung San in. See also Mandalay-Meiktila battle.

  Meiktila-Taunggyi road


  Mergui airfield

  Merrill, Brigadier-General F. D. See also Marauders, Merrill’s

  Messervy, Lieut-General Sir Frank

  in Arakan campaign

  attacks Japanese

  Japanese overrun H.Q. of

  lost hat of

  in command, 4 Corps

  new plan for

  at taking of Gangaw

  and crossing of Irrawaddy

  at battle of Meiktila

  and capture of Pyawbwe

  and advance on Rangoon

  under anti-aircraft fire

  Milestone 109 camp


  Mingaladon airfield

  Mizukami, Major-General


  Mogaung Valley




  Mong Pai


  Montgomery, Major B. F.

  Monywa, retreat through

  Corps H.Q. near

  Japanese reported in

  loss of

  advance on

  enemy force covering

  capture of

  Army H.Q. at
  5th Division at

  Morale, foundations of


  Morris, General Sir Edwin


  Moslem League

  Moulmein, airfield at

  lost to Japanese

  Japanese troops in

  as objective of advance

  Kimura moves H.Q. to

  evacuation of Rangoon troops to, by sea

  Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis (Earl), Supreme Commander South-East Asia Allied Command

  and Seac

  visits Barrackpore

  H.Q. of

  in conference to plan offensive

  and General Stilwell

  unites air forces under one command

  and Wingate

  at conference on Northern front

  seeks command of Yunnan forces

  transfers Hump aircraft to Troop Carrier Command

  directive of, on relief of Imphal

  support from

  plans of, for Burma campaign

  and Allied Land Forces commander

  and aircraft for supply of Fourteenth Army

  and operation ‘Dracula’

  and Aung San

  and repatriation problem

  and Japanese surrender


  Moyingyi Reservoir

  Mu River

  Mutaguchi, Lieut.-General

  Myebon Peninsula


  Myingyan, transport through

  capture of

  reconstructed as port

  road to Meiktila from


  Myingyan-Meiktila railway





  Myitkyina, airstrip at

  fall of

  road through

  objective of Stilwell’s offensive

  Japanese forces at

  Chindits move towards

  attacks on

  siege of

  fall of


  Myitnge River



  Myittha River, gorge of

  Myittha Valley, retreat through

  hostile Burmese in

  Lushai Brigade’s advance in






  Naf River

  Naga Village

  Nagas, help build Ledo road

  loyalty and courage of


  Namsang airfield


  Nepalese troops

  Ngakyedauk Pass, building road over

  troops and tanks cross

  author crosses

  Japanese threat to

  Japanese in


  Nicholson, Major-General C. C., at Irrawaddy crossing

  Nichugard Pass


  Northampton Regiment

  Northern Air Section Force

  Northern Combat Area Command

  commences offensive

  plan for offensive from

  strength of

  change of leadership of

  connects with Fourteenth Army at Indaw

  advances South

  loses Chinese and U.S. forces

  36th Division leaves. See also Northern front.

  Northern front

  supply routes to

  author visits

  Japanese forces on

  objectives of

  Chinese advances on

  Chinese victories on

  Chindits operations on

  threat to communications of

  Yunnan forces take part on

  Japanese casualties on

  enemy on defensive on

  advance along

  reduction of Japanese forces on

  Chinese withdrawal from

  Japanese from, reinforce Kimura


  Nursing sisters, on Tiddim road


  Nyaungu, crossing Irrawaddy at

  capture of


  Japanese seek to cut communications to



  Oilfields, defence of

  destruction of

  retreat through

  battle of the

  reoccupation of


  Old, Brigadier-General W. D.


  Operation planning, at Supreme H.Q.

  author’s system of

  Orissa, defence of coastline of

  unrest in

  author relieved of responsibility for

  Owen, Frank


  Pacific theatre, diversion of enemy from

  American strategy in

  Japanese shipping losses in


  Pagan, Irrawaddy crossing at

  surrender of

  attacks on bridgehead at

  Pakokku, objective for Fourteenth Army

  plan to force crossing at

  road to

  march to

  Japanese troops moved from

  attacks on

  feigned crossing at

  Japanese forces about

  5th Division moves to

  Japanese troops moved from

  Palel, 20th Division in area of

  airfield at

  fighting around

  airborne brigade at

  Palel road. See Tamu–Palel road.


  Pamela, H.M.S.




  Parachute troops, training of. See also Indian Parachute Brigade.



  Patkoi Mountains


  Patriot Burmese Forces

  Patterson-Knight, Major




  Pegu, Japanese Division from

  Japanese defence of

  capture of. Mentioned

  Pegu River

  Pegu Yomas, forces separated by

  enemy turning movement through

  enemy seek to escape over

  break-out of Japanese from

  Peirse, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert, Allied Air Commander-in-Chief

  Penman, Lieut.-Commander


  Persse, Colonel ‘Atte’

  Phelips, D. C. P.

  Photographic Reconnaissance Force

  Phuket Island

  ‘Piccadilly’ stronghold

  Pick, Major-General L. A.

  Pimple Hill, Kohima

  Pin Chaung River

  battle of




  Pioneers, Indian


  Popa, Mount


  Prisoners of war, Japanese treatment of

  rescue of, near Pegu

  delay in releasing

  Prome, Corps H.Q.

  withdrawal to

  conditions in

  air attacks on

  back-loading stores from

  Japanese in

  capture of

  enemy near

  advance on

  Prome–Rangoon road, clearing of

  Pryce, Colonel G. G.

  Punjabi troops, at Donbaik

  on Ngakyedauk Pass

  at Kohima

  in advance to Irrawaddy

  cross Irrawaddy

  reinforce East African Brigade

  Pyawbwe, evacuation of

  block on road to

  enemy holds

  capture of

  Pyingaing (‘Pink Gin’), 17th Division in

  road to

  advance on

  Pyinmana, air attacks on

  Chinese at
/>   Japanese threat to

  fall of

  Tank Brigade clears



  Pyman, Major-General M. E.



  Queen’s Regiment, at Kohima


  Railway Corridor

  Railways, Burmese

  rioters attack Indian

  Wingate’s Brigade attacks Burmese

  Indian, to serve Fourteenth Army front

  supplying Japanese fronts

  Fourteenth Army aims to use

  Rajputs, at Kohima


  Ramree Island

  capture of

  air-supply base on

  operation ‘Dracula’ starts from

  Ranchi, Burma Corps H.Q. in

  author in

  H.Q. of Eastern Army

  15 Corps H.Q. in

  15 Corps in

  training of Corps in

  17th Division at

  Ranchi Plateau, aboriginal tribes of

  Rangoon, fall of, to Japanese

  air defence of

  airfield at

  British escape from Allied air attacks on

  Japanese Divisions in

  and Burma road

  plan for advance on

  plan for amphibious and airborne operation on

  U.S. aircraft and taking of

  racing the monsoon to

  distance of march to

  risks of race to

  airfields on road of

  abandoned by Japanese

  road to, under fire

  landing south of

  airman lands in

  narrow salients stretching to

  clearing road and railway to

  re-opening port of

  Army H.Q. at

  Rangoon-Myitkyina railway

  Rangoon-Toungoo road, break-out of enemy across

  Ranking, Major-General R. P. L.


  Razabil stronghold

  Rees, Major-General T. W.

  advance of Division under

  in battle around Mandalay

  hymn-singing of

  at Toungoo

  Refugees, Burmese

  European. See also Indian refugees.

  Reinforcement and rest camps of Fourteenth Army

  Richards, Colonel H. U.

  Road construction, to supply Assam front

  to Arakan

  over Ngakyedauk Pass

  into Burma

  in advance on Irrawaddy. See also Ledo road.

  Roberts, Brigadier M. R.

  Roberts, Lieut.-General Ouvry

  ‘Roger’, operation

  Rome, Brigadier F. D.

  Roosevelt, President Franklin

  Royal Air Force, in Burma

  Magwo Wing

  successes of

  compelled to leave Burma

  help in coastal defence of eastern India

  H.Q. of

  in defence of Calcutta

  markings on aircraft in Burma

  organization of, in S.E.A.C.

  nervous strain on pilots in

  flies out Chindit wounded

  221 Group, supporting 4 Corps

  at ‘Broadway’

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  supports withdrawal on Tiddim road

  at Bishenpur

  supports pursuit

  at Kalewa

  supports advance through Burma

  H.Q. of

  Fourteenth Army’s debt to

  at Irrawaddy crossings

  refuses to fly author to Meiktila

  in Mandalay-Meiktila battle

  in advance on Rangoon

  makes first landing in Rangoon

  needs rest and maintenance


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