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Defeat Into Victory

Page 71

by Field-Marshal Viscount William Slim

  in Battle of Break-Out

  224 Group, supporting 15 Corps

  at Chittagong

  in Arakan

  supports Irrawaddy crossings

  covers operation ‘Dracula’

  Royal Engineers, at Kyaukse

  in Monywa

  at Ye-u

  in Arakan

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  build bridge over Mu

  at Irrawaddy crossing

  Royal Horse Artillery


  Royal Indian Navy, in Arakan campaign

  Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers

  Royal Marine Commando, in 3 Special Service Brigade

  Royal Marines, in Retreat

  occupy Cheduba

  occupy Penang Island

  Royal Navy, unable to help in coastal defence of Eastern India

  warships on the Chindwin

  work of task force in Arakan

  covers operation ‘Dracula’

  Royal Tank Regimentnd. See also Armoured Brigade.

  Royal West Kent Regiment



  Sagaing, Chinese to hold

  Corps H.Q.

  Japanese in

  capture of

  Sagaing Hills, Burmese officials in

  Japanese in


  Sakurai Seizo, Lieut.-General

  in Irrawaddy Valley

  opposes third Arakan offensive

  break-out of army of

  army of, in Pegu Yomas

  Sakurai Tohutaro, Major-General


  Salween River, Chinese Army on

  Chindits plan to cross

  enemy advance on

  Chinese advance across

  Japanese in valley of

  Sameikkon ferry


  Sato, Major-General

  Savory, Lieut.-General Sir Reginald

  Scoones, Lieut.-General Sir Geoffry, in command on Central front

  ‘floater model’ of defence of

  preparations of, for advance into Burma

  defence plans of

  responsible for ordering withdrawal

  prepares for Imphal–Kohima battle

  strength of forces under

  in H.Q. of

  reassembles divisions

  plans offensive

  in pursuit of enemy

  promotion for. Mentioned

  Scott, Brigadier Tony

  Scott, Major-General Bruce

  and morale of troops

  in air attack at Taungdwingyi

  air attack on H.Q. of

  in battle near Taungdwingyi

  in battle of Yenangyaung

  code talks with

  attack on H.Q. of

  at Imphal



  Seagrim, Major



  Sepoys, rations for


  Shan Hills, Japanese forces in

  escape route to

  troops from, advance on Toungoo

  Shan States, forces tied in

  Chinese in






  Shwebo, airstrip at

  retreat through

  Stilwell at

  advance to

  road to

  capture of

  Shwebo Plain, advance to

  plan to force battle on

  Japanese give no fight in

  33 Corps clears

  irrigation works of


  Shwegyin, road to

  British battalion in

  river crossing at

  Japanese artillery attack on

  occupied by East Africans

  author revisits

  Shweli River

  Shwemyo Bluff

  Siam, British-American air raids on

  no intelligence organization in

  Japanese reinforcements from

  included in area of S.E.A.L.F.

  occupation of

  Sikhs, cross Irrawaddy


  Silchar-Bishenpur track

  fighting on

  Simpson, Lieut.-Colonel F. C.

  Singapore, fall of

  Burma’s defence transferred to

  reinforcements for Burma sent to

  plan for reconquest of

  included in area of, S.E.A.L.F.

  occupation of

  formal surrender of Japanese in

  Singkaling Kamti


  Sittaung (town)

  occupation of

  268 Brigade near

  bridgehead at

  Sittang River, destruction of bridge over

  plan to recross

  Japanese gathering east of

  Old Channel of

  Sakurai’s men try to cross

  Sittang Valley, telephone line down

  Chinese in

  Burma Division holds

  Slim, General Sir William, sent to Burma

  meets Alexander at Maymyo

  given command of Burma Corps

  flies to Burma

  task before

  plans counter-attack

  appoints Intelligence Service officers

  and morale of troops

  in air attacks at Taungdwingyi

  orders demolition of oilfields

  first command of Chinese

  only quarrel of, with Stilwell

  rails against Army H.Q.

  in attack at Shwegyin

  white beard of

  says good-bye to Burma Corps, and journeys to India

  on causes of defeat in Burma

  self-criticism of

  takes over 15 Indian Corps

  assesses tasks

  moves to Ranchi

  trains 15 Corps

  visits Arakan

  plan of, for Arakan offensive

  on leave

  no operational control in Arakan

  given control

  plans second offensive

  Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Command

  Commander-in-Chief, Fourteenth Army

  major anxieties of

  tabulates foundations of morale

  speeches of, to troops

  changes H.Q.

  attends conferences at Supreme H.Q.

  and command of Burma campaign

  Stilwell under command of

  H.Q. organization of

  system of operation planning of

  daily routine of

  and Wingate

  prepares to meet Japanese main offensive

  visits Northern front

  and fly-in of Wingate’s Force

  adjudicates between Stilwell and Lentaigne

  wants battle before entering Burma

  and timing of withdrawal to Imphal

  underestimates qualities of Japanese

  laid up with malaria

  plans advance into Burma

  regroups and rests formations

  revisits Shwegyin

  prefers air supplied to airborne operations

  plans to force major battle before Mandalay

  relieved of Arakan front and communications area

  moves H.Q. to Imphal

  forced to alter battle plan

  loses three squadrons of Dakotas

  warships of

  visits 19th Division

  flies over Japanese-held territory

  jungle H.Q. of

  anxieties of, as to crossing Irrawaddy

  faced with far superior forces

  asks for 36th Division

  loses support of Chinese forces

  threatened with loss of U.S. aircraft

  visits Meiktila

  narrow escape of

  wireless location unit of

  hoists flag over Mandalay

  urges amphibious attack on Rangoon

  plans advance to Rangoon

  visits Toungoo

  plan for clearing up Burma

  and Aung San

  becomes Allied Land Forces Commander

  on leave in England

  and surrender of Japanese officers

  Slincy, Colonel C. W.

  Smyth, Major-General J. G.

  Snelling, Major-General A.J. H.

  supply problems of

  and operation planning

  and air supply to Arakan

  and Imphal supplies

  Lethbridge and

  calculates air-lift needed for attack

  ‘Snipers’ Triangle’

  ‘Sob’ operation

  Somra Hills

  South-East Asia Allied Command

  Supreme H.Q. of

  conference at

  planning offensive of

  Plans amphibious operations

  and Yunnan forces

  directive to

  plans of

  repatriation problem of

  reorganization of higher command of

  South Lancashire Regiment

  Special Boat Section, at Irrawaddy crossing

  Special Service Brigade

  Special Training Brigade

  Stalin, Marshal

  Stevenson, Air Vice-Marshal D. F.

  Stilwell, General Joseph, in command of Chinese

  Chinese disregard orders of

  character of

  discusses disposal of Chinese Armies

  promises and recalls 200th Army

  counter-stroke of

  conferences with

  accuses British troops of shirking

  recalls 38th Division

  march of, to Assam

  difficulties in command of

  reconstituted divisions of

  and Mount-batten

  advance of force of, to Myitkyina

  refuses to come under Giffard’s command

  under author’s command

  loses command of U.S. air forces

  Air Force supporting

  author visits

  faith of, in Ledo road

  American opposition to strategic ideas of

  forces under

  takes command in field

  strategy of

  and Wingate’s Force

  victories of troops of

  threat to communications of

  offers Chinese Division to author

  attack of, on Myitkyina

  passes from author’s command

  lives up to nickname of Vinegar Joe

  and Lentaigne

  opposes withdrawal of Fourteenth Army

  recall of

  true forecast of


  Stopford, Lieut.-General Sir Montague, joins Fourteenth Army

  and Imphal–Kohima battle

  in pursuit

  commands whole Central front

  revised plan for

  and crossing of Irrawaddy

  in advance on Rangoon

  and clearance of enemy from Irrawaddy Valley

  in command, Twelfth Army

  congratulates Rees for initiative


  Strategic Air Force

  at Bishenpur

  bombs Gangaw

  supports Irrawaddy crossings

  at operation ‘Dracula’

  Stratcmeyer, Lieut.-General G. E.

  Sudan Defence Force units

  Sultan, Lieut.-General Dan, in command N.C.A.C.

  advance of forces under

  co-operates in Mandalay battle



  Sun Li Jen, Lieut.-General

  Commander’s need for orders from

  at battle of Yenangyaung

  and retreat into India

  at Ye-u

  escapes to Imphal

  at Ramgarh

  takes Lashio

  Sunderbans flotilla

  Supply problems of Fourteenth Army, transport



  Surma Valley

  Swift, Brigadier C. C.

  Symes, Major-General G. W.


  Tactical Air Force, 3rd

  carries supplies to Arakan



  Take Force

  Takeda, Lieut.-General




  Tamu, on escape route

  Burma Brigade sent to

  20th Division at

  capture of

  bridgehead near

  Corps H.Q.

  dummy H.Q. at

  Tamu-Kalewa road

  all-weather surface for

  Tamu-Palel road

  Tamu-Sittaung road

  Tanahashi, Colonel

  Tanaka, Major-General, order of


  Tanks, of Burma Corps

  put under Chinese command

  at Yenangyaung


  loss of fuel for

  cross Ava bridge

  at Chindwin crossing

  destruction of, at Shwegyin

  in jungle

  warfare; for Arakan

  cross Mayu Range

  technique of against Japanese strongholds

  counter-attack Japanese

  of 4 Corps

  battle between at Moreh

  losses among commanders of

  in pursuit of enemy on Tiddim road

  Japanese human mines against

  poor state of, for advance on Rangoon

  night battle between

  Tarauchi, Field-Marshal Count, Japanese Supreme Commander

  surrendered sword of



  Taung Bazaar, Japanese in

  retaken and held

  Taungdwingyi, holding of

  Chinese fail to take over

  air raid on H.Q. at

  enemy cut road to

  evacuation of

  recapture of



  capture of

  cutting of road at

  recapture of

  on enemy line of defence

  Taungup, attack on

  Taungup-Prome road

  refugee escape route

  Japanese retain possession of

  need for attack along

  enemy escape route






  bridgehead at





  Thazi, air attack on

  enemy cut road to

  Chinese retreat through

  Japanese in

  capture of

  Theebaw, Palace of

  Thipha Ga


  Thomas, Lieut.-Colonel W. B.

  Tiddim 7th Division at

  question of holding

  withdrawal from


  Tiddim road

  construction of

  monsoon conditions on

  retreat along

  fighting around

  17th Division blocks

  pursuit of enemy on

  abandoned as supply route

  Lushai Brigade on




  Tortoise, the, attack on

  Toungoo, airfield of

  Chinese in

  Ist Burma Division in

  loss of

  Japanese stand at

  4 Corps and enemy converge on

  capture of


  Toungoo-Mawchi road

  Toungoo-Nyaunglebin area

  Transport: in jungle warfare

rganization of

  losses of, in Retreat

  disadvantages of too much

  feats of staff and units, in supplying Fourteenth Army

  relation between tactical mobility and number of vehicles

  Treasury Hill, Kohima

  Troop Carrier Command

  to help Wingate’s force

  and air supply to Arakan

  and airlift to Imphal

  Tu, General

  Tuitium Saddle

  Tuker, Lieut.-General F. S.

  Tulloch, Lieut.-Colonel D. D. C.

  Tuphema-Khorasom-Somra track

  Twelfth Army

  in Battle of the Break-Out



  Ukhrul, on enemy line of advance

  brigade group in

  enemy attack on

  advance on

  attack on, and capture of

  Ukhrul road

  fighting on

  offensive starts on

  Japanese escape along

  monsoon conditions on

  Una, H.M.S.

  United States Army Air Force, in S.E.A.C.

  in Arakan

  helps fly-out wounded

  in China

  with Stilwell at Jorhat

  bombs enemy at Kennedy Peak

  helps in Imphal–Kohima battle

  to help advance of N.C.A.C.

  and recall of Stilwell

  helps advance of 4 Corps

  supports Irrawaddy crossings

  threatened withdrawal of, to China

  in third Arakan campaign

  in Mandalay-Meiktila battle

  removal of all aircraft of, from Burma

  Uyu River


  ‘V’ Force, in Arakan

  brings evidence of Japanese offensive preparations

  attacked on Chindwin

  detachments in Lushai Brigade

  in Battle of Break-Out

  Vass, Air-Commodore G. H.

  Victoria Point airfield

  Vincent, Air Vice-Marshal S. F.

  H.Q. of, at Imphal

  debt of Fourteenth Army to

  in support of Irrawaddy crossings

  jungle H.Q. of


  ‘Vital Corner’



  Walsh, Major-General G. P.


  Warren, Major-General D. F. W.

  in Arakan

  and defence of Dimapur

  in pursuit on Tiddim road

  death of

  Wavell, Field-Marshal Earl, accepts Chinese Armies

  appoints author to Burma command

  and India Air Force

  at Allanmyo conference

  sends Wingate’s brigade into Burma

  succeeded by Auchinleck


  Wedemeyer, General A. C., adviser to Chiang Kai-shek

  Wei Li Huang, General


  Welchman, Brigadier G. de V.

  West African Brigade, 3rd

  West African Division, 81st

  plan for advance of

  air supply of

  builds road and airstrips

  advance of

  Reconnaissance Regiment of

  driven back

  in third Arakan campaign

  withdrawn from 15 Corps

  for operation ‘Roger’

  West African Division, 82nd, in third Arakan campaign

  West Yorkshire Regiment, 1st Battalion


  Wheeler, General R. A.

  Deputy Supreme Commander

  ‘White City’


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