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Page 32

by K. I. Lynn

  “Okay, but what are you going to tell Cam?”

  “The truth, Ev. We tell him the truth.” She nods, and I’m relieved as hell she’s agreeing. I can’t do this shit anymore. All the hiding and lies are fucking killing me.

  “Can we wait and do it tomorrow?”

  “Babe . . .”

  “I promise, tomorrow we will both sit him down and explain everything to him. I’m just tired, and I don’t think I can handle more tonight. I just want to get some things and get out of here so that I can relax and get some sleep. It’s been a crazy night already.”

  Shit. She’s right. I don’t want to add to the stress of what happened tonight by telling Cam. There is no way that come-to-Jesus moment is going to be a quiet and relaxed conversation between Ev, me, and my son’s uncle. One more day isn’t going to hurt.

  “Okay, Ev. We’ll wait till tomorrow. Grab your things, and I’ll call Cam to let him know what went down tonight and that you’re leaving. I’ll be out here waiting for you.”

  “Okay. It shouldn’t take me long. I can always come back and get more later.”

  “Not alone,” I growl at her. “You don’t come back here until we get the window fixed and the security system set up.”

  I don’t mean to come across as angry, but this dude just will not take fucking no for an answer. I know he knows the baby isn’t his, but he’s using it as an excuse to try and stay in contact with her. Trying to manipulate her.

  Over my dead body. When Cam hears that Tate showed up at Everly’s house and what he said to his sister, there is no doubt in my mind that he’s going to blow his lid.

  “I won’t come back alone,” she says and pushes up on her toes to kiss my cheek. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Good!” I say and slap her ass as she walks away. “I like you much better when you’re sensible.” She snorts as she heads toward the stairs. From behind you still can’t even tell that she’s pregnant. She’s nothing but the baby belly, and it’s sexy as hell.

  I pull my thoughts away from my girl and dial Cameron’s cell. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough, but for now, he just needs to know that we have an issue.

  The phone rings three times before he answers.

  “Cam, I’m taking Everly to your place. You off tomorrow? We have a problem, and she can’t stay alone.” I listen as Cam’s concerned questions come over the line, and note his tone of confusion. “Yeah. Tate broke into her place. I told her to pack a bag, and I’d take her out of here until we can get her window fixed and maybe have that guy Louis knows that works for that alarm company install one here for her before she comes back.” As I listen to Cam and answer whatever questions he has, Everly walks back into the room holding two small bags. I take them from her and wait while she grabs her jacket and puts her shoes on.

  “Yeah, we’ll leave now. I’ll take her to your place and stay with her.” She looks up at my comment, and I shake my head, letting her know it’s all good. I’m sure she figured we’d go to my place, but I knew that once Cam found out that he would want her at his.

  “Of course I will. She’s fine, man. Just a little shaken up and stressed out. She said she wants to rest. I’ll grab her something on the way to your place, and we’ll see you in the morning. Yeah, okay. Later, man.” I click end and Everly just stares. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I just thought we were going to your place. I’m sorry if Tate showing up here made you re-think your wanting to chase me, but I had no—”

  “You think that I would let that fuck scare me away from you? Are you serious, Everly?”

  “I don’t know.” Her bottom lip trembles. “I’m sorry, Niko. I’m just tired and emotional, and I don’t know what I’m saying. Let’s just go. Forget I said anything.” She starts to lift her bag that I left by my feet, but I stop her by grabbing her hand.

  “Ev, look at me.” She does, and I want to swallow her whole. She’s so vulnerable right now and reminds me so much of the younger version of the Ev I knew as a kid. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here for as long as you want me and even when you don’t want me anymore, I’ll spend all my time and energy making sure that you do again, eventually.” I smile down at her and she laughs, tears filling her eyes. God, I hate seeing her cry. It fucking shreds me. “I’m not going to make it easy for anyone to push me away from you. If I wouldn’t let you do it, what makes you think I’m going to let that asshole, Tate, get rid of me? It will never happen. You and baby Callahan here,” I say, placing my hands on her belly. “You’re both my family now. I don’t walk away from my family. Ever.”

  She nods and wipes a stray tear away. I can’t help but note the way she has her hand fisted in my shirt. Like that little bit of touch is enough to comfort her. If it is, I’m okay with her never stopping touching me.

  “Let’s go get you settled at Cam’s and then get you something to eat. You can get a good night’s sleep; then tomorrow after Cam gets home from the station, we can tell him that he’s going to be an uncle.”

  “He already knows he’s going to be an uncle,” she says, rolling her eyes.

  “Yeah, but he has no clue that he’s my kid’s uncle.”

  SLEEP EVADED ME MOST of the night after the incident with Tate. We made it to Cam’s house in less than fifteen minutes, and all I wanted to do was sleep. At least that’s what my body wanted. My brain, on the other hand, had other ideas. I’ve tossed and turned for over an hour now and wish now more than ever that I could actually drink alcohol. I wouldn’t be so miserable if I were curled up with Niko, but staying in Cam’s unfamiliar home, in his spare bedroom, isn’t conducive to Niko in bed with me. Especially since we have no real idea of when Cam will be home. My guess is first chance he gets, he’ll be here.

  A few hours after we got to Cam’s, Niko got a call that Tate was on a plane back to California, which made me breathe a little bit easier. However, it did not send Niko home. Cam didn’t feel I was safe yet and asked Niko to stay. Unbeknownst to my brother, it was no hardship on Niko.

  It did make it harder on me because Niko was a few feet away and all I wanted was his arms around me. He didn’t feel comfortable sleeping with me in Cam’s home until Cameron knew about us. I need Niko more than I care to admit.

  Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how our conversation goes this morning, we plan to sit down and tell my brother everything today once he gets home from work. I guess we won’t have to hide anymore. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about Cam’s reaction to the news. More so of his response toward Niko.

  I never wanted to come between the two of them or their close friendship, but somehow I’ve managed to do just that. I’m praying that Cam will be okay, but the part of me that knows my brother realizes that won’t be the case. I just hope that he can get over it and not push either one of us away.

  When the sun lightens the sky, I head out to the kitchen. Niko is asleep on the couch, and I stop in front of him. He is breathtaking even asleep. I take a quick listen for Cam before leaning over and brushing a few strands of hair from his forehead, placing a kiss. I’m not sure what time he was getting off, but better safe than sorry.

  I make every attempt to be quiet in the kitchen, but Cam’s granite counters make every dish I set down clank and echo.

  There’s a sharp intake of breath before Niko stirs. His hair is sticking up in all directions, and his eyes immediately find me. After a stretch, he pads over to me.

  “Cam home yet?” he asks.

  I shrug my shoulders, and he looks over at the clock on the stove. A smile forms on his lips as he steps up behind me, his arms slipping around my waist. I guess it’s safe to say that means Cam isn’t home yet.

  “How are you doing?” He presses his lips against my neck, and I relax back into him.

  It’s not enough, but it helps to quell the buzzing in my veins.

  “Couldn’t sleep.”

  He rubs his hands over my bump and sighs. “Baby, that’s not good.”
/>   “I need you.” My voice is more of a whine than I intend.

  He turns me around and rests his forehead on mine. “I know. Me too.” His thumb brushes away a tear that slides down my cheek. “Why don’t you go sit down? I’ll make breakfast.”

  With a nod, I reluctantly leave the comfort of his arms. Niko takes over, breaking the eggs as I turn to sit at the table so I can watch him work.

  “What does Momma and baby Callahan want?”

  My stomach growls, our baby flipping, ready for food as well.

  “Scrambled eggs and bacon on cinnamon raisin bread with a slice of cheddar.”

  Niko shakes his head and smiles. “A little weird, but not too off the charts.”

  “I didn’t want pickles today.”

  He quirked his brow in question. “I thought you weren’t down with the pickles.”

  I shrug. “The cravings kicked in last week, and they are getting weirder and weirder. When is your shift today?”

  “I have today off. That’s why us talking to Cam today works out. Well, for the most part. I go in tonight.”

  His schedule is all over the place, and I begin to wonder what he’s going to do when the baby arrives. We haven’t talked about it yet, and I don’t know if he gets paternity time.

  The bacon pops in the pan while I watch Niko move around the kitchen. He knows what he’s doing, evident in the many delicious meals he’s made over the past months. Unlike Cam, who can’t even boil water without burning a pan, Niko’s mother taught him to cook.

  “Are you okay?”

  I didn’t realize I’d spaced out, Niko’s words shaking me, and I nod. “Just thinking.”


  I turn, looking away from him, and swallow hard. “He scared me, and I’m afraid he’s not going to stop.”

  The sound of the frying pan clanking onto a different burner rings around the room before Niko’s footsteps echo. He cups my face, turning me to look at him. Grey eyes that hold a fire stare back at me.

  “I’m glad that you are finally taking this guy seriously, Ev, but I won’t let him anywhere near you, do you hear me? That fucker will never lay a hand on you.”

  He presses his lips to mine before dropping down to his knees in front of me. The feel of his hands on my stomach makes the baby spin, but I don’t think Niko can feel him. I reach out and brush his hair back; his black hair is silky between my fingers. This is the connection I so desperately need right now.

  “I honestly never thought he would act like that. I realized when he cheated on me that I didn’t know him, but yesterday made me see that I never really knew him at all.”

  “People hide in sheep’s clothing. It happens, and you learn from it, Ev, but baby, I won’t let anyone hurt you. I’ll protect you both for the rest of my life.” He leans forward and kisses my belly. “You’re my family, my life.”

  “What the fuck is going on here?”

  My gaze snaps toward the voice, eyes widening as my mouth pops open.

  Shit! Cam.

  His jaw is locked, eyes blazing as he stares at Niko’s hand which is still on my belly.

  Niko slowly stands, his touch leaving me as he faces his best friend. He steps toward Cam, his hand out. “Listen—”

  Cam cuts him off, rushing forward, grabbing Niko’s shirt and pushing him backward until his back slams against the wall.

  “I told you to stay the fuck away from her!” Cam growls, baring his teeth.

  “Cam, stop!”

  I’m powerless to stop anything, stuck as an observer. We knew Cam wouldn’t take us well, but I’m not prepared for this violent of a reaction from my brother.

  “This is your only fucking chance to come clean. Have you fucked my sister?”

  Niko throws up no resistance, his eyes locked on Cam. “Yes.”

  A snarl rips from Cam as his arm swings back and collides like a freight train into Niko’s jaw.

  “Stop!” I cry out, tears falling as I watch the one thing I didn’t want to happen play out before me.

  “You son of a bitch! I thought you were the one person I could trust. How could you?” he asks but doesn’t wait for an answer before his fist connects again with Niko’s face. I hear bones crack, but I can’t tell whose bones it is.

  “Cam, please, stop,” I beg. My plea goes unheard or ignored, punches flying. Either way, this has to stop or they are going to kill each other. I grab the plate that Niko had out for our breakfast, and I throw it against the wall. It lets out a loud crack as it shatters and falls to the ground. Both men stop and look at where the plate now lays in pieces on the floor, then their eyes turn to me. Breathless, bloodied, and nostrils flaring from their brawl, Cam pushes away from Niko who then walks toward me.

  “What are you doing, Ev? You could have fucking hurt yourself or the baby.” He takes my hands in his and looks me over.

  “Tell me you’re not the father,” my brother growls at Niko, who looks at me, knowing this is it. It’s now or never. Can’t get any worse than this, can it?

  Niko turns to Cam as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, a thin line of red left behind. “I could never do that. He’s my son.”

  “You son of a bitch. I warned you not to fuck with my sister. Now you fucking knocked her up, and you’ve got another chick—”

  “Stop!” I yell at him. “Just listen, Cameron!”

  “And you! You have no idea that he . . .” Cam trails off, his eyes wide. I know then the pieces are snapping into place. All the little lies and omissions from both of us over the past seven months I’m pretty sure are running through his mind, adding up. “She’s your Post-it note girl. Everly is the one who ran out on you.”

  “He didn’t know who I was, not that it matters,” I say.

  Cam turns toward me, his lip curled up into a snarl. “He didn’t know who you were? Are you fucking kidding me, Everly?”

  “It’s the truth!”

  “How fucking long?” he asks, and I’m confused. He knows how far along I am. “How fucking long have you been fucking my sister behind my back, Niko?” he yells at me, but the question is for Niko.

  “Since the night she got back into Boston,” Niko says and stares my brother in the eyes.

  “He’s not telling you everything, Cameron. Just listen and stop screaming at everyone.”

  “I’m having a case of what-the-fuckitis right now, so excuse me if I’m not treating this whole clusterfuck with kid gloves. Pun intended, yeah?”

  “Cameron . . .” Niko says, and my brother turns toward his front door, opening it.

  “Get the fuck out of my house,” Cam says, pointing to the outside of his door.

  Niko nods, moving to the couch to grab his bag and keys. I follow behind him, pulling his hand back so he won’t go. Niko turns and stares at me, a look of sorrow on his face, and it crushes me to see it there. He knew this would happen. Knew that Cam wouldn’t forgive him, but he has to. If he would just tell him everything, then maybe Cameron would turn some of his anger toward me and not just blame Niko.

  “No, wait! Cam, just listen. I know you’re angry, but this isn’t all on Niko. Actually, it’s—”

  “Everly,” Niko says and shakes his head no while squeezing my hand. I don’t understand. Why won’t he tell him that it was me that started this?

  I can’t ask him here, but if he’s leaving, so am I.

  I walk past Cam and into my room for the same. My heart hammers in my chest as I throw my clothes and toiletries into my overnight bag.

  “I’m not done with you, Everly,” Cam grits out when I emerge from the bedroom.

  Niko takes my bag from me and slings it over his arm before holding his hand out to me, waiting for the other bag.

  “I’m not a kid you can ground. I’m a fucking adult, Cameron, and I don’t have to do what you tell me to. I’m with Niko. I’m pregnant with his baby, your nephew, and I’m going to stay with him. This wasn’t how we wanted to tell you, and that’s on me. Unfortunately,
this is how you found out.” I lace my fingers with Niko’s. “I’ll talk to you once you’ve calmed down some, but I’ve had enough going on in the past twenty-four hours that I just can’t deal with you too. If you are kicking Niko out, then I’m going with him.”

  “Everly . . .”

  “No, Cameron. You’re angry. I get that. I understand that. I’m sorry that you found out like this and that we didn’t tell you sooner. That’s my fault, but I’m not sorry that I’m with Niko. Call me when you calm down, and then we can talk about this.”

  Niko grabs my second bag and then my hand, and we walk out of my brother’s home. I’m praying that we aren’t walking out of his life too. I’ve never seen my brother so angry before, and that doesn’t sit well right now.

  “WHAT NOW?” EVERLY ASKS, drawing my attention after I merge in with traffic.

  What does she mean? “Now you stay with me, obviously.”

  “Will that work with your dating schedule?”

  I let out a groan, finally understanding. She’s still off her rocker about Siobhan.

  “Everly . . . I just threw my relationship with my best friend out the window for you. For fuck’s sake, you just called me your boyfriend in front of your brother. You’ve been affectionate . . . I thought we were past that shit.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says, but she doesn’t sound convincing.

  “You’re it. My girlfriend, the chick who has my balls and my motherfucking heart.”

  She blinks at me. “Your heart?”

  “Why do I have to be the vulnerable fucking one in this situation when you’re the one with the hang-ups?” I ask her. Because that’s how it always is.

  “Well then, just tell me who that woman was. Is her number stored in your phone?”


  Everly gasps, and I let out another groan. This isn’t getting us anywhere.

  “Just . . . take me to a hotel.”


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