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Page 4

by Ahren Sanders

  The empty bottle of water Robbie is holding falls to the table as he does a double take between us. His mouth hangs open. The astonished look on his face is hilarious.

  “Don’t look so shocked, I know it’s hard to believe, seeing how good looking I am, but it’s true. Females have never really done anything for me,” Cruz says seriously, which sets off another round of giggles.

  “Ahh, how I love the sound of that laughter.” Alex surprises us by walking in the kitchen. He looks at Robbie and stops suddenly, taking in the surroundings. His eyes squint, then he comes to me and kisses my cheek softly. “How you feeling?”

  “Better now. Thanks for taking care of me last night.”

  “Babe, anytime.” He stands back up and reaches out his hand to Robbie. “Alex Carson.”

  “Robbie Hayes.”

  Nervous anxiety runs through me because he just met two of the most important people in my life.

  “You still meeting Randy tonight?” Cruz asks me.

  “Yeah, he’s going to help me work through an idea.”

  “The black one?”

  I nod and see another confused look on Robbie’s face. “Randy is my design mentor. He was a professor of mine and helps me occasionally when I stumble upon a problem with one of my sketches.”

  He gives me a small smile.

  “Since we both know you’re perfectly fine after a night of complete blotto, Alex and I will leave you two alone. See you when you get home tonight.” Cruz cleans his dishes and gives a chin jerk to Robbie on his way out. Alex does the same, and two minutes later, the front door closes.

  “Now, you’ve met Cruz and Alex.” I gather my drawings.

  “Ember…” Robbie’s hand covers mine, and the heat of his touch shocks my skin. “I’m really sorry about last night. Truly.”

  “It’s really okay.”

  “You’re really genuine, and I like that. Most girls would be holding a grudge.”

  “I’m not like most girls, Robbie, and I’ll never be.”

  “Can we try this again?”

  “Try what?”

  “Let’s talk about that date.”

  “I thought we had plans on Saturday.”

  “Are you going to make me wait that long?” The hand that covers mine moves over my wrist, and he turns my hand so our fingers interlink. At the same time, he lowers his forehead to press against my own.

  I stop breathing at the intimate gesture. The warmth of his skin seeps through mine, and his scent envelops the small area.

  “How about tomorrow night? Let me come to the shop with dinner, and maybe we can grab a beer afterwards.”

  Thump, Thump, Thump. The racing beat of my heart is ringing in my ears so loudly I’m sure he hears it. “I-I-I’d like that,” I stutter.

  “Are you nervous, Ember?”

  “A little.” Understatement of the year. What girl wouldn’t be nervous with Robbie Hayes looking at her with such tenderness?

  “As adorable as it is, never be nervous with me.” He kisses my forehead softly and steps back. “Let’s get this put away so we can talk a little more before you have to go.”

  My body is frozen in place as I watch him start to clean the counters and put leftovers in the refrigerator as if we didn’t just share the most intimate moment of my life. Pathetic as it is, the skin where he placed his lips tingles and an unfamiliar sensation runs through me. My brain is scrambled. What’s happening here?

  Chapter 5

  Worth the Effort


  When I walk into Clyde’s on Tuesday, I’m surprised to see Cruz behind the counter. He’s thumbing through some paperwork, and Ember is nowhere around.

  “She’s in the fitting room with a customer,” he tells me without asking.

  “You guys busy?”

  “Yes and no. We’re getting into the season— weddings, formals, proms. I’m actually late for class but wanted to handle this one order before leaving. I’m glad you’re here, though.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Ember would kill me if she knew I was even talking to you about this, but Alex and I agreed that it needed to be done.”

  “What needed to be done?”

  “What are your intentions with Ember?”

  “No offense, but that’s between me and her. I haven’t known her long enough to have intentions.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. According to Ember, you met a while ago and you didn’t give her the time of day. Then you show up last week on an errand for your sister and end up asking her out, only to cancel on her. I was shocked as shit when I walked in yesterday and you were sitting at my kitchen table, looking at her sketches. So, yes, there are intentions, and I want to know what they are.” He crosses his arms over his chest and stares at me with no emotion. This isn’t the same guy I sat shooting the shit with yesterday.

  He glares at me. There’s no doubt he can hold his own. We’re about the same height, but I have at least ten pound of muscle on him. It’s been a long time since someone has stood up to me like this.

  “What are you really asking me? You think I have some kind of ulterior motive?”

  “I don’t know you well enough to make a fucking judgment, but we need to get something straight up front. Ember has had a shitty lot in life, and no one looked out for her. That all changed when she was forced to become a woman faster than she should have been and hauled her ass up to Nashville. It’s taken five years for her to feel safe, comfortable, and finally at home. You can probably tell she’s shy, but there’s a whole lot more to her. So what I am really asking you is are you going to dick her around?”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I practically growl and cross my own arms, glaring at him.

  “Not one bit. If you’re looking for a quick lay or casual hookup, it’s time to move along. I won’t allow for her to be wrapped up in that.”

  “You’re really starting to piss me off. Who the hell do you think you are? I’ll repeat, what’s happening here is between her and me. Obviously, you are in her fucking business so you know this is new. Neither of us knows what’s going to happen next.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. Ember is one of the most important people in my life, and she has extreme self-esteem issues that stem from her past. You may not know where this is heading, but I bet you she has lain awake, calculating exactly when you’re going to send the next text canceling a date.”

  “Jesus Christ, I’ve already apologized about that- three fucking times! What do you want me say? I like her, okay? I fucked around the last few months because I thought she was too sweet and innocent for a guy like me. I’ve seen dark- really dark. I buried six of my brothers and deal with the aftermath of that every single day. So yeah, we’ve known each other a while, but I tried to stay away. I decided I didn’t want to stay away anymore. It was time to make my move and get to know her.”

  “Why?” he challenges me, which pisses me off more.

  “Because she’s different. She’s beautiful, kind, and the whole sweet thing has started to grow on me. Because after I walked her to her car in December, the look on her face was the only thing I thought about for weeks. I can get laid anytime, Cruz. That’s never been a problem, but that’s not what I’m after with her.”

  “Good.” As a smile breaks out on his face, my anger boils more.

  “Good? What’s your deal?”

  “My deal is that you needed to know where I’m coming from, and I needed to rile you to see if you were seeing her for the right reasons. You’re spot on about her innocence, but unfortunately, it hasn’t always been that way.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It’s her story to tell, but I’ll tell you a secret. Know why her nickname is ‘Little Star’?”

  I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish because I’m not in the mood to play guessing games.

  “Because she has always been a shining star in a sky full of darkness. She’s had it rough,
Robbie, and finally, she’s shining bright. If you do anything to take that away, I’ll beat the shit out of you.”

  “Is there something you should tell me? I get the feeling there’s something here I’m missing.”

  “Let’s hope she’ll open up to you. She’s different than any other girl you’ll ever meet.”

  “Do you think I’m a douchebag? I know she’s different. That’s one of the things that draw me to her. You have no idea who I am or my past, but I’ll fill you in on something. I have a sister that means the fucking world to me. Anything or anyone that ever hurts her will answer to me personally and probably won’t walk away unscathed, so your little interrogation is unnecessary.”

  “Only time will tell.”

  “Listen, Cruz, you got something else to say? Out of respect for Ember, I’m putting up with this shit. I know the whole big brother protective thing. I’ve been there. So spit your shit out and get it over with.”

  “I’m totally crossing a line here, but tread carefully with her.” He shakes his head but then raises his eyes to mine and stares intently. “She has layers. Deep, delicate layers. The way she was looking at you yesterday, laughing with you, talking about her sketches, was real. She’s not like any other twenty-three year old. She doesn’t play games. She doesn’t even know how to play games.”

  “I think we’ve established this is not a game.”

  “Okay, one more piece of advice. She’s a call type of girl. Texts are fine for most everything except breaking plans.”

  “Jesus Christ! We’re bringing that up again?”

  “I’ll never mention it again if you tell me you understand what I’m saying.”

  I hold his stare and nod.

  Ember walks out of the fitting room followed by two men. “Thanks for everything, Ember. I’ll call you in a few days,” one of them says and bends down to kiss her cheek. His eyes roam up and down her body. My muscles tense and teeth clench.

  I do not like seeing another man’s lips on her perfect porcelain skin, even if it is only her cheek.

  “Don’t mention it. Anytime, Jonas. Tell your mom not to worry. You’re taken care of.” She smiles up at him.

  “Sure you can’t come with me? It would be great for my image to have the prettiest date in the room.”

  My chest tightens, waiting for her response. Who the fuck is this guy?

  “You’re charming, but I told you, I have plans this Saturday night.” Her sparkling eyes meet mine, and her smile widens.

  Jonas follows her line of sight, and he straightens, giving me a once over. “Remember, I’m an athlete. I thrive on competition.”

  I’m a Marine and know how to kill people, comes to my mind.

  I give him a sly grin, watching his face fall.

  “Jonas! Stop it. Come back and see me Friday. I’ll have both your suits ready.”

  “Deflect! She’s shutting you down, man,” the other guy says and winks at her. Both men give a half wave before walking out.

  “What’s their deal?” Cruz asks.

  “Some sort of formal dinner Saturday night. It’s taken care of.”

  “Of course it is. Gotta run. See you later.” He gives me one last look and goes toward the back entrance.

  As soon as he leaves, her nervousness returns. She runs her hands down her pants and looks anywhere but at me.

  “Hey.” Her eyes finally land on mine.

  My conversation with Cruz replays in my mind, but instead of getting aggravated, I understand where he’s coming from. Although it was unnecessary, he needed to know my intent was genuine.

  “Hey yourself.” I walk over and scoop her into a hug, kissing her cheek lightly. “How’s your day?”

  A blush creeps up her cheeks. “It was great. Busy. What about you?”

  “Interesting to say the least. Who were those guys?”

  “They play basketball for Vanderbilt. Today’s the first time I met them, but Jonas’s mom called yesterday in a panic about finding a suit for her seven-foot two son and his teammate. I assured her it was no problem, so they came in today.”

  “Hmmm, Jonas was pretty smitten with you.”

  “Smitten? Did you just use the word smitten?” She giggles, and her body vibrates against mine.

  “What’s wrong with that? I was trying to be polite.”

  “Robbie, smitten is what my aunt would say. Doesn’t sound quite right from your mouth.”

  “Would it sound better if I said the guy looked like he wanted to fuck you?”

  “Stop it! No, it doesn’t sound better, and it’s entirely not true!” She continues to laugh and steps back from my embrace.

  “You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?”

  The room stands still, and she literally gapes at me.

  Splotches start to break out around her neck as the blush returns.

  “Thanks for not canceling on me for another offer,” I refer to our date.

  “You’re welcome. How long have you been here, anyway?”

  “Not too long, but there’s been a small change in plans. I was hoping you’d let me take you out to eat instead of me bringing it here. The Italian restaurant around the corner has a great special tonight, and a Styrofoam container wouldn’t do it justice.”

  Her smile returns. “We can’t have that. Give me a few minutes to close up.”

  “Isn’t it too early?”

  “Usually, yes, but we’re making some changes. Marlow gave her resignation, so Aunt Chloe made the decision to change our hours. We’re going to start closing at six and only stay open late for appointments. We’ll see how it goes and make adjustments if we need to.”

  She walks to the counter, and I take the time to appreciate the way the tight black pants mold to her body. For someone so shy, she dresses like a vixen. I can’t blame poor Jonas for trying; she’s sexier than she knows.

  “What the hell!” she shrieks, causing me to jerk. “What did Cruz say to you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Please tell me he didn’t say anything to embarrass me.” She waves a small piece of paper. “According to him, you’re ‘not playing games’. What did he say?”

  Her chest is heaving, and her hands clench at her hips. “Babe, we had a chat. Nothing to be alarmed about. He gets where I’m coming from, and I know where he stands.”

  “That is ridiculous. He needs to mind his own business.” She stomps and I can’t stop my grin. Her agitation is adorable.

  “He loves you. It’s expected.”

  “And he wonders why I don’t date that much. Nosy ass.”

  Her statement amuses me, making me laugh. “Ember, come here.”

  She walks to me slowly, never breaking our stare. Even with the four-inch heels, she’s shorter than me. I gently cup her chin and lean down into her. “Never get mad for someone looking out for you. He had every right to question me. Maybe he went about it a little aggressively, but I can appreciate that.”

  Our faces are so close I can feel when her breath catches in her chest. Her eyelids flutter slightly, and she tilts her head in invitation. The moment my lips touch hers lightly, she relaxes into me. Intentions of going slow and gentle disappear when her tongue slips through my parted lips. My hand slides up and fists her hair, pulling her whole body into mine. My arms twitch, wanting to reach down and lift her, to have her legs wrapped around me.

  A burn builds inside as she clutches my waist tightly. Our tongues swirl together fluidly. A small moan escapes, and my cock goes rock hard. I pull back slowly, nipping a path to her ear. “I’ve wanted to do that since we were interrupted yesterday.”

  Her breath comes in pants on my neck, and I grin. She stays pressed against me as I rub my nose along her jawline. “You ready to go?”

  “Yes.” When she looks up at me, her eyes are glossy, her face flushed, and her lips slightly swollen.

  Reluctantly, she steps back and goes to lock the door, then motions for me to follow her out the back entrance. This
time, as I watch her walk, my eyes are glued to her ass. With the taste of her still on my lips, it hits me. She’s definitely worth the effort.

  Chapter 6

  Killing you Slowly


  I stare at the sketches on the kitchen table and sip my coffee, trying to decide on fabric colors. My mind keeps replaying last night, and I touch my lips remembering the kiss Robbie gave me when he dropped me off at my car. The feel of his mouth still lingers on mine.

  Cruz walks in, followed by Alex, both wearing flannel pajama bottoms. I can’t help but smile.

  “What are you smiling about?” Alex squeezes my shoulder and goes to the coffee pot.

  I don’t respond but point between the two.

  “Not talking this morning?” Cruz asks.

  “Do you really want to hear what I have to say? I can’t believe you cornered Robbie yesterday. What exactly did you say?”

  “Oh, don’t get your panties in a bunch. It was just a friendly chat.”

  “Were you trying to embarrass me?”

  “No, it was a good talk. Stop stressing. I had questions. He had answers. It’s all good.”


  “Don’t say anything else, Ember. You may not realize this, but big brothers look out for their little sisters all the time. Robbie respected me for it.”

  “But I’m not your little sister!”

  He raises one eyebrow, challenging me to go further, but I snap my mouth shut.

  “Don’t be too hard on him, Little Star. I encouraged it too. We wanted to know his intentions were solid. This is the first guy you have shown interest in. It’s not lost on us that the other guys you’ve gone out with were nowhere near long term material. Robbie is.”

  “Are you going to tell me what you talked about?”

  “Nope, it’s not really relevant. Did he treat you differently?”

  I drop my head to the table and nod. “Yes, but in a good way. We went out to dinner and talked for hours. Your little chat led to him telling me about his first confrontation with Declan Collins when he found out Raven was dating him. The night seemed to fly by, and when he took me back to my car, he asked to see me again tomorrow.”


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