That Girl Is Poison

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That Girl Is Poison Page 18

by Tia Hines

  “Did you take any more of them painkillers?”

  “No, not if I’m about to read and stuff. Those pills make me sleepy.”

  “Mmmmm. Well, what time you want me to come back and get you?”

  “I need like two hours.”

  “All right.”

  I got into the library and found a nice comfy spot. I did a full two-hour research on HIV—how it could be contracted, symptoms, treatment, etc. I wanted to figure out what would be the most effective way for me to pass it around. As I already knew, vaginal was one way, but as I read up on the topic, I found out vaginal wasn’t the most assuring way. See, I needed to make sure these people were definitely going to get what I had to dish out. I had to be on top of my game.

  I found out it was harder for a female to give the virus to a male than the other way around. I pondered how I could make sure my victims, after one visit, were left with my semi-deadly disease. I thought maybe through oral sex, but nah, there was no chance. It had not been known that HIV could be passed through saliva. The only method that would make sure a person was going to be infected after one sexual encounter was anal sex.

  I researched some more and found out the particulars about the medicine that needed to be taken to control the virus. I didn’t want to take anything though because I didn’t want it to stabilize the amount of the virus and decrease my chances of spreading the infection. I wanted everyone to be infected with what I had, even if it meant taking it in the rear.

  Chapter 23

  In a week’s time, I had gathered enough information to be able to send people to the clinic wishing they should have wrapped it up. I was officially off crutches, and my shoulder was so-so, but not bad enough to stop me from beginning my mission.

  The library was my landing spot, and my aunt was content with dropping me there all the time. In her eyes, it was a good thing, but in my eyes, it was the home base to start my mission. I packed my bags and had my aunt drop me off, leading her to believe that I was into my studies. Yup, I sure was.

  This particular time, I pretended like I had to do some research for a school project due within the next few days. I told her it would take me about three hours because I had to finish make-up work as well.

  When I walked in the library, I headed straight to the bathroom to set up shop. I parked my things inside of the stall for the handicapped and unpacked a mini makeup bag, a wig, a skimpy outfit and some hooker pumps. After I got all dolled up, looking grown and sexy, I found a corner in the library to hide my stuff. Then it was “go get ’em Johnny” to my first victim. Yeah, I was ready to execute the plan for the day.

  I walked into Walgreens plastered in makeup, wearing a leopard-print miniskirt, a too-small shirt showing all of my cleavage, a brown curly wig, and some knockoff red pumps from Payless. I was looking like a grown-ass woman, and that was the idea. I searched for my victim, hoping he still worked here, and indeed he did. I spotted him standing by the photo center talking to some guy.

  I walked up on him and leaned into him like we were acquaintances. “Mmmm, what’s your name?” I flirted.

  He licked his lips. “Derrick. What’s yours?”

  “You don’t remember me?”

  He stepped back and took a glimpse. “No. From where?”

  “Why don’t we go back in that room back there, you know, where you take the people who steal?”

  He did a double take. “What? You tryin’a set me up or something?”

  “Hell no. I’m just ready now.” I grabbed the bulge between his legs and massaged him. He pushed me back. “Hold on, hold on.” He motioned me toward the back room.

  As we walked through swinging doors, he said to me, “Are you for real?”

  “You think I’m playing.” I lifted my dress to show him I had no panties on, and that was all she wrote.

  We went in the back room, where he lifted up my dress and pulled his pants down. He reached in his wallet and pulled out a condom.

  “Do we really need that?” I asked.

  “I ain’t tryin’a have no kids.”

  I turned around. “I can’t get pregnant through my asshole.”

  “You want me to put it, put it in your—”

  “Are you with it or not?”

  I didn’t know what I was in for when we did the do. Anything bigger than a toothpick is definitely not meant for the asshole. I almost gave up on letting him put it in. He had to pull out some ChapStick to make it go in a little easier. It helped a little, but it hurt a lot.

  I wanted to back down, but I couldn’t cop out. I kept thinking about the way I was treated by my father, my aunt, and especially what the Walgreens man himself had done to me. He deserved what he was getting. I had a pretty good feeling he was going to hear some disturbing news on my behalf in the next six months or so, if he got himself checked out.

  “When can I see you again?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You got a number?”


  “You ain’t got no cell or nothing.”

  “Nope. You can buy me one though.”

  “Yeah, I can. Actually, hold up. I got an extra one you can use. Hold on, let me get it.”

  I walked out of Walgreens popping two OxyContin in my mouth while stuffing the prepaid calling card phone in my purse. I left him sprung already and left myself with a burning asshole. I had a sharp pain shooting through it. Whoa! Anal ain’t no joke! I bled a little from him stretching my booty-hole, and I had an open cut that was throbbing. Next time, I figured I probably should take the OxyContin beforehand. Huh, ’cause with the number of people I was trying to infect, I had to get used to this.

  I did an unnoticeable change back at the library and waited for my aunt to pick me up. When I reached home, I made the bathroom my first stop. I had to take a monstrous shit, and you know it was not the best time to do it either, but I couldn’t hold it.

  I plopped down on the toilet, and Lord have mercy on my soul, my asshole was on fire. The pain sparked up water in my eyes. My hole throbbed with its own beat. That damn research I did failed to mention the pain during and after. Something had to give. I had to get something that was going to make this anal job a smooth process. I knew there had to be something too, because I knew porn stars was definitely getting down with a substance. I needed to find out what it was, get a hold of it, and combine it with my OxyContin.

  I soaked in the tub that night thinking about more research I had to do. Then, after relaxing and soaking, I put my night clothes on and made way to my computer to do some more searching. My newly adjusted aunt had hooked me up with a computer, the desk, a printer, and high-speed Internet access. I got it when I came back from my first library visit. Talk about trying to get on my good side.

  She claimed she got it because my teachers said it would be easier for them to e-mail assignments to me. That was bullshit though because school wasn’t that far away where I couldn’t grab my assignments every day until I was due back at school. They allowed me to be out for a period of time for an excused medical reason. It was actually mandatory. You had to be cleared to go back when you were hospitalized. Whatever, though, the computer came in handy.

  I went to the Yahoo! search engine and typed in the words anal sex. I clicked on what looked like a helpful link. Some naked women appeared on the screen. Then my aunt walked in. I quickly minimized the screen.

  “What you doing?”


  She walked over to me at the computer. “Oh. What homework you doing?”

  Not fast on my feet with a reply, I hesitated. “Ah . . . ”

  Just then, the phone rang, and she turned around to answer the phone. At that moment, a window popped up on the screen with two females and a guy pleasing each other. What a relief that was. I was big boss in the house, but there was still a little discipline in her that I wasn’t trying to release.

  I exited out of the pornographic pop-up window. In less than five seconds, other stuff
kept popping up out of nowhere. I kept clicking out of them. And then there was this one pop-up that read: YOU WANT TO HAVE BETTER ANAL SEX WITHOUT THE PAIN-CLICK HERE. I clicked on the icon.

  There was all this information about something called Anal Eaze, a numbing substance that you apply to the butthole and slightly inside before having anal sex. This was definitely what I needed. The problem now was, How do I get it? I couldn’t order it off the ’Net. I didn’t have a credit card. I may have been doing grown things, but I was still only fourteen. I had to figure out a way.

  I lay down to think and dozed off.

  My cell phone vibrated at about one thirty in the morning. I was sitting on my bed zoned out from the OxyContin I had taken, wishing I had something stronger.

  I answered the phone. “Hello.”

  “Yo, what’s up, girl?”

  “Who’s this?”



  “Walgreens. Damn! You got other dudes ringing you on this line already?”

  “Oh, nah. I was just out of it for a second. What’s up?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  “Tell you what?”

  “A’ight, since you want to play hard ball, when am I going to see you again?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Okay. What you doin’ now?”

  “I’m chillin’.”

  “You wanna get up right now?”

  “Oh, nah. I’m in the bed.”

  “That’s cool. I’ll come get in the bed with you.”

  “Nah, I live with my man.”

  “Shorty, you got a man and you—”

  “Shhh. Let me call you back.” I hung up the phone and laughed out loud. What a dummy! I was already getting a kick out of the shit I was doing, and I was just getting started.

  Chapter 24

  I made plans to get up with Derrick again. He had one more round to go. I even conned him into buying the Anal Eaze, seeing I was too young to go into the adult-only store. Amazing. I made up some lie about possibly getting caught because my boyfriend’s cousin worked in the store, and if he saw me, all hell would break loose.

  Like an idiot, he believed the lie and purchased nine boxes of the Anal Eaze. As usual, my aunt had dropped me off at the library, and I had Derrick pick me up like around five. I did my whole “change thing,” and all went well. We went to Derrick’s spot, and I let him have it one more time.

  This time I was golden. Anal Eaze worked wonders. I was in the money now. Anal Eaze and OxyContin combined was the master plan.

  I lay beside Derrick in a daze, feeling good that I had just infected my first victim.

  “Damn, girl! You can really take it up there.”


  “So you think your man is going to be mad if you stay the night with me?”


  “Maybe? You know he’ll be screamin’ on you.”

  “Nah. He knows I like to do this kind of stuff.”

  “You mean, taking it in the ass.”

  “No, I mean, you know, just fucking.”

  “He don’t care?”


  “Yeah, right. He must not know.”

  “Know what?”

  “What you’re doing.”

  “He does. We cool like that. He don’t care.”

  “A’ight, so why you with him?”

  “Can we stop talking about him?”

  “Cool. Let’s talk some real shit. I’m married, but I’m a swinger on the side. My wife, of course, doesn’t know I swing.”

  “What are you talking about you swing?”

  “I’m a swinger,” he repeated, as if that was enough to answer my question.

  I looked at him confused.

  “You don’t know what a swinger is?”


  “And you like to fuck, while you got a man?”

  “Just what is it?” I asked, getting aggravated.

  “If you stay with me tonight, I’ll show you.”

  “I can’t.”


  “What time is it?”

  “Eight-thirty. Why?”

  “I gotta go.” I got up and started putting my clothes on.

  “Okay. You don’t have to stay the night, but just let me show you what it’s about.”

  “Why can’t you just tell me what it’s about?”


  “Because what?”

  “Just because.”

  “Well, forget it then. Take me back to the library.” I put my shoes on.

  “A’ight, listen. It’s when couples swap partners and have sex.”

  I almost let out a smile. My heart did a happy dance to a hip-hop beat. “You mean like a whole bunch of guys and girls?”

  “Yup.” He smiled.

  I bit my lip in excitement. He was one down, leading me to more.

  I woke up in the middle of a water bed with three guys on my right side and a female on my left. I looked at the time, and it was seven o’clock in the morning. I hopped up out of the bed and glanced at the three guys, thinking how much of a surprise they were in for. Not only them, but the other six that I let hit it last night too.

  I got dressed and looked around for Derrick, but I didn’t see him. I looked outside for his car, and he was gone. “Fuck!” I stood at the window, not knowing what to do. I had no money or nothing. I looked around and the house was still. Everyone was sound asleep.

  I noticed coats on the sofa and took my chances by going through them. I managed to scrape up fifty dollars. This would be enough to get me to the library to get my bag, change, and go home.

  Fear built up inside me again as I thought about home. I had stayed the night out. My aunt had changed, but I wasn’t sure how she was going to react about me staying the night out. I definitely didn’t want to resurrect her evil spirit.

  Chapter 25

  I went home, y’all, and my aunt didn’t say too much of anything to me. I mean I played it slick. The library was open twenty-four hours, so I rushed back there, found a secluded spot in the corner, laid my head on the table with an open book like I was researching, and fell asleep. I stayed like that until somebody came to wake me up.

  Finally, a librarian tapped me, and I woke up pretending not to know where I was.

  “Honey, have you been here all night?”

  “Um, I don’t know. What time is it?”

  “It’s nine in the morning.”

  “It’s nine? Oh no, my aunt’s gonna kill me.” I started to pack my things.

  “Do you need to make a phone call or—”

  “Yes, I need to. I can’t believe I fell asleep.”

  “Just calm down.”

  “See, she is right there,” Auntie Linda hollered, appearing out of the blue with another librarian.

  “Auntie Linda, I’m sorry. I was reading and I—”

  “I found her here asleep with her face buried in a book,” the librarian who woke me up informed.

  My aunt gave her a tired look. Then she looked at me. A little fear set in as I thought my plan hadn’t worked.

  “You ready?”

  “Yeah,” I answered, gathering my things.

  We walked out of the library and got in the car. The ride was silent for a few. Then Auntie Linda broke the ice.

  “You’ve been doing well for yourself. I didn’t think I was still going to find you in the library. I thought you had pulled a fast one, but you’re all right. Keep your head in those books, and next time try to not to stay the night in the library.” She laughed.

  I chuckled. That was my first laugh ever with my aunt. I laughed hard too. I laughed at her. I laughed at my plan working. I was in laughter land. I had it made and stretched it to the max. I didn’t get stupid and pull another all-nighter, but I did stay out late.

  I had my aunt thinking I was really getting my study on at the library. I went so far as to making up assignments that I had to do. I h
ad them typed out like the teacher had assigned it. I was doing the damn thang.

  I was staying out all the time with different guys, keeping my OxyContin and Anal Eaze handy. The guys weren’t hard to find. I’d meet them on the Internet, through friends, or just strutting my stuff on the block. I made sure I paid everyone of them two visits, nothing less. I gained many friends in the process, especially at school. Yeah, I was no longer the center of attention in an embarrassing way, but in a way I had accepted. I became the ho I was rumored to be, and it was fine with me. I turned a lie into the truth. It took me a year and some change to become the classy ho I was today.

  My girl Jen pitched in by hooking a sister up with whoever I asked to be laid up with. Then you know the drill after that. I got down and dirty with them on a double note, unprotected, and left them guessing. I ran into a few problems with dudes tryin’a wrap it up, but when I swung the booty in their face, it was “bye-bye, condom and hello, raw dog.” What a bunch of idiots! But, hey, who was I to judge? I was just supplying the goods.

  I was proud of what I was doing. It shot my self-esteem sky-high. My aunt had no clue either. She thought I was a bad girl turned good. That’s what she was supposed to think. I had to keep her trusting me, while on the low.

  Now, although my girlie-girl Jen helped with the setups, she couldn’t understand why I was doing what I was doing. It wasn’t for her to understand though. This was my thing. My prerogative. The guys I slept with wasn’t ’bout shit anyway. They either had a girlfriend they were cheating on, or they were looking for a quick fix. I was simply swinging the booty in their direction. I looked at it as giving back to the men in the community. Ha! I was cracking myself up.

  Today was one of them days too. There was this end-of-the-year junior hooky party going on, and you know I had to be there. The seniors and juniors did it every year. Jen was rolling with me too. She stayed rolling but never got too involved. She wasn’t like me, sexing and all. She was a good girl, which was cool. I didn’t have a problem with it.

  I’d been in this giveaway game for over a year now, and no one or nothing was going to stop me. It’s a shame how stupid these guys were out here, thinking with their dick and not their head. The sad part about it too was that half of them didn’t get themselves tested. Shoot, they didn’t even know what a clinic looked like, unless their baby’s mama was giving birth or they got shot or stabbed. You’d think with all the “wrap it up” commercials, our men would have more sense than that. But I couldn’t be worried about a nucca’s problem. I had an agenda to attend to, and up next on the list was my high-school friends.


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