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Page 8

by Linz Lenay

  “So, Dasia is here, do you guys want to do dinner with me and this new girl I've been seeing? We can invite Kristof if you want, too?” Drew asks as we're getting quick showers and changing back into street clothes.

  “Uh, sure, but let me check with her. I'm not sure if she can stay another night or not. I know we have a game tomorrow, but I don't know the Basilisk's schedule unless we're playing them. And we can invite him and Monica if you want. I'll message Dee when I get back to my cub.”

  I rinse the soap from my body and turn the water off, drying as I walk back to where my phone is in my stall to text my girl.

  How are the dogs and my girl? - G

  Driving each other insane in the backyard, yes that includes me. How did practice go? - D

  Good. Just getting dressed now. Do you want to do dinner with Drew, his new girl, Kristof and Monica? - G

  Pictures or it didn't happen. - D

  I could eat with people. When and where are we going? I cleared it with the office and I can work remotely again tomorrow since there's an away game. - D

  I laugh at her wanting dirty photos, but I take one of the wolf on my thigh and send it. Under the neck are the words, Keep Fucking Going, just like above the locker room doors, since it's a personal motto as well.

  I'm not sure of either, Hillman just asked me, so I texted to check your plans. - G

  Fuck, Gaige. I know that wasn't a dirty photo, but I feel like I'm in fucking heat with seeing any part of your body, especially if it's inked. Get home soon, but safe. We can talk about dinner after dessert. - D

  That text makes me groan out load and rest my head back to calm myself. I do not want to get a hard-on in the locker room while half dressed. But unfortunately, Karter catches it and starts to snicker. Which leads to some of the other guys getting dressed to look over, including Lex.

  “What the fuck, Cap? You getting dirty pictures over there? Going to share with the rest of us?” Lex mocks.

  I give him a glare that tells him to shut the fuck up or I'll do it for him, then turn to Drew.

  “Dude, Dasia and I are in for tonight. Just let me know a time and place. In the meantime, I'm getting the fuck out of here and going home for an afternoon dessert.”

  I get dressed quickly, while the guys who can hear me laugh and try to give me fist-bumps. I ignore those, I pushed the line already, I'm not disrespecting Dee by making it seem like a booty call.

  I'm still feeling the effects of Dasia's and my late afternoon delight, while I get dressed for dinner. It's casual, jeans and a Henley are my go-to, while Dee's wearing her own jeans and an off the shoulder sweater. We didn't plan it, but we're both wearing black tops and dark blue jeans, we match, making her giggle when she notices.

  I kiss her lips gently, smiling, then lead her down the stairs to head out with our friends.

  On our way to the taco bar Drew suggested, Dasia is silent. It's comfortable, but it feels like something is on her mind, so I ask her about it.

  “It's not much. I know we haven't known each other long, so I'm not close with your friends or their significant others, but I'm just hoping this girl is with Drew for the right reasons. I worry about all the guys, but with him having a similar past to yours, but he was married and has a young child, it makes me more concerned for him. There are a lot of pieces on the board for him to defend, and I'm hoping this chick isn't out to fuck him over.”

  Hearing her talk about playing mama-bear to Drew and his little girl, Rae, has two effects on me. One, I want to get her pregnant, because fuck it's hot that she's protective. And two, she's already fitting the Captain's Wife position perfectly. On every team I've ever been on, the captain's girlfriend or wife has kind of been the mother figure for the team. She's the one who hosts, helps with fundraisers, volunteers where she can; she's his and the team's backbone in a sense. Most guys look to the WAGs for relationship advice, too. When Baily fucked me over, Traci Quinn was the first one to make sure I was eating and taking care of myself. I still keep in touch with her husband, Ross, who was also there for me. Knowing that Dee will be there for my guys, it's a relief and empowering at the same time.

  “Thank you.” I tell her gently.

  “Why would you thank me? I haven't done anything.”

  “The fact that you don't think you have makes this even better. I didn't have any doubt that you would take on the role, but I didn't know when you would be comfortable enough with the guys to play the Mother-hen role. Every team I've ever been has had someone on the WAGs that does it, and most of the time it's the captain's girl. I didn't want to force it on you, and the guys never would either, but I'm sure you know how important the WAGs really are for a team. They're behind and in front of the scenes, supporting the team. When Baily fucked around with Crosy, Cap's now-wife, was the first one to check on me. She made sure I was taking care of myself, when I wasn't. Every player on a team is important, and that includes the ones who aren't on the ice, too.”

  She's looking at me, with a watery smile on her face. Gods, I didn't mean to make her cry. Fuck.

  “Oh, baby, don't cry. It's a good thing. It makes me love you even more.”

  She gasps, before answering me.

  “These are good tears for one, and did you just tell me you love me?”

  “I guess I did. I'm not taking it back. I love you Dasia Ksena.”

  “Pull over.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Just pull the fuck over, Gaige.”

  I do as she says, pulling off onto a side road and finding a safe place where we won't get hit. As soon as I have the truck in park, she crawls into my lap and kisses me with a passion I can't resist. I pull her closer and she grinds down onto my aching cock that sprang to life the minute her lips were on mine. The kiss lasts for mere moments, but I could stay here forever with her.

  “I love you, Gaige Rozen.”

  The sweetest words I've heard from her lips. I crash mine to hers in another kiss that shows her just how much it means to me. She's already agreed to live with me, now she loves me. Some people would say this is moving too fast, but when you know she's the one, you keep her and there's no time limit.

  We makeout for a little while longer, before she becomes the voice of reason, saying her stomach is protesting and needs food. So she crawls back into her own seat to buckle up and we head to Taco Bout It. Somehow, even with our pit-stop, we get there before Kristof and Monica do. Drew and his girl are sitting at the bar with a buzzer beside them, he's drinking water while she has a pink drink in a martini glass. He sees us and stands up, then helping his date out of her chair to introduce us all.

  “This is Eva. Eva, this is Gaige, the team captain and his girlfriend, Dasia. Our table isn't ready yet, so we thought we'd at least get drinks while we wait.”

  “No worries, that's a good idea. It's nice to meet you, Eva. I look forward to getting to know you.” Dasia, ever polite. I greet Eva too, with a hand shake that she tries to turn into a hug. She didn't do that with Dee. I don't like this. Dasia gives me a look that says she doesn't either, but I also know she'll be polite now and fuck her up later if this goes on.

  Kristof and Monica have good timing, because they come in just as the buzzer goes off, telling us our table is ready. It's also their turn for introductions, and Eva does the same thing. No hug for Mo, but a nice tight squeeze for Kris. I see Monica and Dasia exchange looks of being unimpressed.

  We go back to the hostess stand and follow her to a table, and Eva grabs my and Kris's arms like we're escorting her. We both politely remove ourselves from her grip and stand beside our women, walking to our seats. All us guys play gentlemen and pull out our girls' chairs then sit down ourselves.

  Our waiter comes to take our drink order, all of us but Eva getting water either with lemon or seltzer; She orders a refill of her martini. We make idle chit-chat while perusing the menu, trying to get to know Eva. Dasia asks how she and Drew met.

  “Oh that's a silly story. I'm originally from Fi
rebirds territory, so about three hours south of here, and I decided to come to their away game. While looking for the fan-zone, I got lost and Drew was coming out of the home locker room. I ran right into him and he caught me before I fell on my ass. I was so grateful that I asked if I could repay him by buying him a drink. We went out to a bar and I have yet to actually buy him a drink, since he always orders water.” She laughs. It's nasally and kind of reminds me of that actress from The Nanny.

  Dasia has a forced polite smile on her face when she responds.

  “That's cute. So did you move closer to be with him, or do you commute?”

  “OH! Well I kind of moved right in. It just happened. I'd come to stay when he was home, I'm a freelance model, and somehow the next thing I knew all my things that I needed were just at his place, so I didn't renew my lease and had the rest of the stuff moved into storage back in Potterson.”

  I can see the rage on Dasia's face, and squeeze her hand gently, giving her a look that asks if she's going to be okay. She nods and excuses herself to the ladies room. Monica hot on her heels.

  “So, do you boys enjoy your jobs? It looks like you have a lot of fun on the ice, and not to mention the paycheck is phenomenal.”

  I'm glad that Mo and Dee aren't here for this, because my nostrils flare. Before I can respond though, Kristof responds.

  “We love the game, even if we were getting paid in pennies, the ice runs through our blood. Our need to hold the cup is always persistent, so while we're focused on that, we work our asses off to earn our way into the playoffs. That's our ultimate payment.”

  “But the money must be a bonus at least?”

  “Both Kristof and I live in modest homes that we've renovated ourselves. A lot of the guys on the team either have two bedroom apartments or small homes they rent if they don't have a significant other. The ones who do, have homes similar to ours. Our team likes having the money, yeah, but we aren't the types to blow it all. We're realists and know that any hit could take us out of the game, meaning the money could stop at any time. Yes, we own our cars and homes, but that's more out of security than because we can just spend.” I respond before Kris can.

  She doesn't seem happy with the answer, almost pouting. That's when the ladies return from the restroom and our waiter comes back to take our orders. The subject of money is left out of all conversation from then on. There is actually very little said from Eva the rest of the night. Drew barely talks either, which I know he's a quiet guy, but around us he at least chirps in every once in a while. As we're paying the bill, arguing over which one of us is taking the turn, I realize Drew isn't arguing nor has he said anything other than his order since he introduced Eva. She is just staring at us like a ping pong match, discussing who’s paying.

  Dasia gets up to go to the restroom once more, Monica following her, and Kristof and I seem to have the same thoughts. Something is off with Drew. This isn't him, and I think it has everything to do with the woman sitting beside him. I don't like this.

  “Are we ready to go?” Dee asks as she and Mo come back to the table.

  “No we still have to pay the bill.” I say

  “Nope. Already taken care of. Monica and I split it evenly. We're all paid up.” She grins like a Cheshire cat, giving a wink at Mo.

  I scowl at the table, unable to actually stay angry because we probably would have been here another hour trying to sort it out. When I look at her I have a smile on my face and roll my eyes.

  “Figures you would be the smart ones. Kris, Drew and I would have been here for another hour if you two hadn't taken action.”

  I stand and kiss her lips softly. Kristof does the same with Monica and we all head out to the entryway. We all hug Drew goodbye and shake hands with Eva. Kris and I don't allow her to pull us in for hugs this time. We tell Drew that we'll hang out again soon, and all head out. Kris parked right next to me, so we talk about getting Drew alone tomorrow night after the game at his and Monica's place. He says that Dasia is more than welcome to come if she'll be around, and I let him know that I think she will be, since the Basilisk's are away this weekend and one of their games is against us two nights from now.

  The next night we have a 3-2 victory, so everyone wants to go out and celebrate. That is, everyone except Kristof, Drew and myself. Drew seems to be beating himself up about the two pucks that went in the net. Unfortunately, it wasn't all his fault. One should have been goalie interference, because the guy got right in his line of sight then pushed back into him as his teammate shot it in over Drew's left ankle. The other one got knocked in by Lex. He was trying to defend Drew and didn't see the puck, so when he pushed the guy and the puck was behind his skate, it went right in without anyone seeing it, not even the Gremlins team. Hopefully Drew will just learn from it and keep focus. Sometimes the puck doesn't bounce your way, you keep going and learn from it. We still won tonight; Jaq, Ty and myself all getting goals. Jaq made the game-winner and is being interviewed now, while I dress and wait my turn. Tonight I'm not feeling it, I want to have Dasia in my arms, not talk with people asking the same questions they always do. It's monotone and repetitive.

  Once dressed, Cat calls into the locker room for me, leaving Ty for last since he's still in the shower, postponing the media as long as he can. If he had the choice he'd have it put in his contract that he was off limits to the paps.

  I meet Cat outside of the media room, and she has a strange look on her face, but doesn't say anything as I take my place in front of the Griffin's logo background they set up for these things. The questions start out like they always do, about playing the game, winning, making a goal, then someone surprises the fuck out of me.

  “So are you being traded to the Basilisk's? Our resources tell us that you've been dating their PR chick, Dasia... Ksena. Is this why you're moving?”

  “There has been no talk of trades or contracts pertaining to me, so I believe you have your facts wrong. As for dating Dasia, yes we are seeing each other and things are serious.”

  “So if you do get traded, wouldn't that be a conflict of interest? She does work for the team, so you'd be coworkers. It's normally in bad taste to date within the office.”

  “As far as I know, I'm not being traded, so it's a moot point. Moving on.”

  “You've been dating Ms. Ksena for a bit now. Things seem to be moving along fast, since we've seen her here more than in Lykan, is she pregnant? Are you getting married? Moving in together?”

  “This interview is over.” Both Cat and I say at the same time as I make my way out the doors. I need to see my woman. “Where's Dee?” I ask Cat.

  “She's in the WAGs box. She was down in the stands, but during the third period she called me asking if I could get her up there or somewhere with security. She'd been being harassed by press and fans alike, mostly with the same questions you were just bombed with, but the female fans were a bit more harsh. When I went down to meet her and take her up, I heard some of the things they were saying and it wasn't pretty. I had one security guard escort that group of girls out. They're season ticket holders and will be banned from renewing if these actions keep up. This was their warning. John and I took Dasia up to the players box and Monica is staying with her. I need to get the office on her pass. It should have been done already, but sometimes these interns don't hop when I say jump.”

  Mo must have already been up there, since I can't imagine she wouldn't try to get her up there before Dee called Cat. We're in the elevator and heading to the box when I get a text from Dasia, confirming she's up there. It's a second notification, since it was sent fifteen minutes ago, around the time I started interviews. I'm surprised I didn't feel or hear it go off, then again the press had me distracted.

  As soon as the elevators are open, I jet out the door and down the hall to the players box. The door slams open, scaring the girls inside and John grabs his taser, ready to stop trouble. I swoop Dasia into my arms, crushing her to my body before checking her all over with my hands and eyes. She
cups my face, making me look at her.

  “I'm okay. Nothing physically happened, but I wanted to be cautious. Those girls were vicious, you have quite the fan club. I hope that not all the girls get that treatment when they start dating a player. Not even Eva deserves that shit. Oh fuck a duck, I said that out loud.” She rests her head, eyes closed against my chest, while I chuckle.

  Monica laughs too, and so does Cat.

  “Think you're safe with this crowd, babe.” Cat says.

  “Not all the girls go through it, but the ones who are dating guys more in the light than others get the brunt of the Puck-Chasers.” Mo assures her.

  “That makes sense. I'll have to watch home games from up here if I want to attend them, for a while at least.”

  “Well I for one, am pissed they haven't given you a family pass. I'll be setting their asses on fire in the morning, Since I asked for it after the first time we met.”

  Dee looks up at her and nods, before looking at me.

  “Can we get out of here now? Are we still heading to Monica and Kristof's?”

  I look at Mo to confirm and she nods that we're good to go on the plan.

  “Yeah, Bloodfeather, we're heading over there. Kris was ordering pizza's from the brick oven place we went to a few weeks ago with Sari.”

  Her eyes light up at the mention of food and I'm glad that the spark is back in her eyes, the worry pushed to the side. I kiss her forehead and we all head to meet up with Kristof in the employee parking lot.

  Drew shows up at Kristof's about twenty minutes after we do, even though we all left around the same time. He has a duffle bag in his hand and I give him a curious look. He holds his hand up that says “later.”

  We all make our way to the kitchen and grab slices before heading to the step down living room just around the corner. It's a nice set up having to go through the kitchen, then down a few steps to get to the gathering area. You can look over the whole set up from the banister, and it's also the only way to get to the full set of stairs going up to the bed rooms. There's a door in the kitchen that leads out to the patio, but no extra entries to the living room or upstairs.


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