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Page 9

by Linz Lenay

  Once we're all settled, Mo and Kris on the couch, Dee and I on the chaise, and Drew in the recliner, he speaks up.

  “Eva wasn't happy that I was coming over here after the game. She went to visit friends at home, and I told her that I was coming alone whether she went or not. She flipped her shit and I figured it was a safe bet I should bring an overnight bag in case I decide to take it out on alcohol.”

  This makes Dasia gasp and cover her mouth.

  “Don't let her do that to you Drew. You are stronger than that, and I know you haven't drank a drop since you found out you were going to be a dad. Not only that, but if she seriously thinks that she can control you like that; where she can go wherever she wants without you but the coin doesn't flip the same for you. You're worth more than that. And that leads me to what I think all of us wanted to meet up with you for. We're concerned she's using you, Drew. I saw the way she looked at Gaige and Kris when we all met. Monica and I also got the ice cold shoulder. We meant nothing to her, which means she's not in this for the right reasons. When I first got with Gaige, I was nervous about making a good first impression, not only on you guys as his friends, but also the WAGs. Monica and I discussed it and she was the same way. We want to get along with everyone, because we know this is a tight-knit family, not just a team and a job.” Dee takes control of the conversation.

  “Dude, we know that you like her, but her just accidentally moving in after a week screams red flag. I've loved Monica from the moment I laid eyes on her, but if she had just moved her shit in after a week, I would have broke it off and told her we needed a break, because you ask someone to do that, or do it over time, not just BAM! Here I am.” Kris puts his two cents in.

  “We want to give her another chance, but I don't believe it's going to make a difference. Especially, now that I'm hearing she was pissed that you were making plans for when she wasn't going to be home. When you guys are on the road, do I want Kristof to call me and check in, of course, but I'm not going to helicopter over his telling him he can't go out with the guys. That's the biggest part of a relationship, you trust the other person. And I don't want to play therapist on you, but I've seen too many times with couples, where one person is controlling what the other is doing, or getting jealous, and they're the ones that are doing something wrong. Whether it's cheating, or doing something they've been asked not to, like smoking or drinking, I couldn't tell you, but it's usually along those lines. Their guilt projects off them and they put it on their partner, when it's not always warranted. Yes in some cases it is, but in most of the cases I've worked with, it's not.” Monica interjects.

  Monica is a relationship therapist and works with all different kinds of people from couples to families to friendships. The friends are rare, but she's had one or two of them in the past two years come in looking to fix whatever issue people think they're having. She's brilliant in her work, and she rarely brings her work into our own circle unless we've asked her to.

  “They're right, Drew. You've supported me since I was traded to this team, even when I didn't want to get close to anyone nor did I want to date after what happened with Baily and Crosy. Yes, Karter was my best friend, but you were the first one I learned to trust on the team that I didn't know from before hockey. I want to be that friend for you. I've already seen a change in you, not in your game, but in the way you act. You avoid going out with us even if it's just dinner, and I saw how nervous you were when you asked about us meeting Eva. I thought it was because this might be the one, but it seems you want her to be The One, but you can't even see it. I've also never seen you become more quiet, like you did at dinner. A woman should love you for who you are, not want to change that.” I finish.

  “You're all right, but I don't think it's going to be as easy as telling her things are over and moving her out.” Drew responds, a look of defeat on his face.

  “What do you mean? You know we're here to help you in any way we can.” Kris says.

  “She told me the night after she met you guys that she's pregnant. I can't just kick her out.”

  “But she was drinking.” Dasia outrages.

  “She showed me the positive test. We have a doctor's appointment on Monday.”

  “But she was drinking.” Dasia says more like a whisper of horror.

  I pull her closer to me and kiss her temple, hoping to give her some comfort. We've revisited the conversation about children and she very much wants to be a mother, not only to one we create together, but she wants to adopt a child in need as well.

  “I don't know what to do. If I kick her out and accuse her of lying, she'll probably go to the media and I'll have that to deal with. Not to mention I could lose privileges of seeing Rae. If I let her stay, I'm getting my soul sucked out and subjecting Rae to her toxicity. I don't love her, but I saw what you both have and wanted it so badly, I thought I could too.”

  Dasia moves to the foot of Drew's chair and takes his hand in hers.

  “Oh, Hun, you can't force it. It comes to you when you least expect it. And that little girl of yours should always come first.”

  We all nod at him when he looks at us, agreeing with her.

  “Then I need a plan. Even if she is pregnant, I don't think it's mine. She may have moved in, but we've only had sex twice. I know that's all it takes, but I wrapped it up.”

  “Then we start with finding out if she's really pregnant first, then we go from there. We'll probably need Ally in on things either way, so we can head off the vultures.”

  Chapter Nine


  Saturday's game of the Griffins versus the Basilisks is going much better than the one when Gaige and I met. The guys all play well, and there are fights, but no one targets one certain person. Monica and I watch from the players box and I'm missing the action from the glass, but there are sacrifices I have to make to assure things smooth out in the media. The good thing about being up here is that we don't have to go far for snacks and drinks. There's a fully stocked kitchen, so we have many options to choose from, like this fresh fruit bowl I couldn't resist. It has grapes, cut cantaloupe, watermelon, honey dew, and bananas. I may have drizzled a little honey over it, too.

  It's the middle of the third period and I watch Lex go after Tripp, following him down the ice toward Drew in the Griffin's goal. Tripp fakes to the left, but Lex is ready for him and the next thing I know he's checking him into the ice and Tripp skids straight into Drew's legs, taking him and the goal post out. The refs blow the whistle and signal for Lex to head for the sin-bin, but he wants to argue. Tripp is slowly getting up, but also trying to help Drew up. Lex notices and skates straight to him, pushing him back down before helping Drew up himself. That pisses Jack off, and he starts yelling at Lex as he helps his teammate up. Jack, may be a defense, but he's not the Goon, since Alice is usually at the games and he tries to keep his hits legal. He looks like he's ready to go right now, though. It makes me wonder what Lex is chirping down there on the ice.

  “Oh, fuck a duck.” I say out loud.

  “Yeah. This does not look like it's going to end well. What the fuck is Vadik thinking?”

  “I'm not sure, but Jack usually doesn't fight, if he's upset and showing it, something is seriously wrong.”

  Jack yells something over his shoulder in response to whatever Lex is saying, as he helps Tripp back to the bench. It looks like he might be a little off balance. It's then I see the replay on the jumbotron, Tripp trying to stop himself from taking Drew out, but also hitting his helmet into one of the bars as it topples over. I look back to the ice and Lex is now being told to leave the ice. He's going back and forth between yelling at the refs and the Basilisk's bench. Gaige hops the boards and skates out to the refs and takes Lex by the arm, trying to get him to calm down while also escorting him off the ice. Lex starts screaming at him, then does the unexpected. He hauls off and punches Gaige, knocking his head back, helmet falling to the ice and him off balance. What Lex didn't take into consideration was Gaige still
has a hold of his jersey and pulls him down as he falls. I imagine the sound of his head hitting the cold surface and I jump up, ready to run down to him. Monica gasps and grabs my hand, reminding me to not jump to conclusions, but it only gets worse. Lex pulls himself to his knees and punches Gaige again when he tries to right himself.

  “What the fuck is happening here!?” I cry out. “Stop him!” I yell at the refs who can't hear me.

  We watch on in horror as Lex throws more punches as Gaige tries to block him and throw Vadik off of him. Karter and Drew get there, just as Gaige throws his own punch, and Lex falls back into Karter's hands, who wraps his arm around Vadik's shoulders so he can't retaliate. Drew tosses his mask and gloves to the ice so he can help Gaige up better, and pulls his arm over his shoulder. They skate toward the hall to the locker room, I'm assuming to get checked out. I can't take anymore and start out the room, Monica being tugged out of her seat by the hand still attached to mine. She tries to keep up, knowing I need this. He's okay, but I'll feel better hearing it from the PT.

  We take the elevator to the basement where the locker room is, and I barely let the doors open before I'm pulling Mo out of them and toward my man. I slam through the swinging door that leads to Gaige and almost run right into Drew and Karter who are coming out.

  “Is he really okay?” I beg them.

  “He's fine, had worse. But I bet seeing you for a minute will make everything worth it.”

  I nod at them and I keep going, Mo still attached to me. When I get to Gaige, the PT is giving him a concussion check, and it looks like he's passing. I let out a relieved breath and make my way all the way to him. When the PT moves on to the actual wound on the back of his head from the ice, he sees me and gives a small smile, then winces when Nick touches the back of his head. I respond with a watery smile and I see the guilt in his eyes.

  “Don't. You didn't do anything wrong, do not dare to feel guilty about being a Captain and trying to handle a situation that was flying out of control. What the fuck was Lex thinking!?” I ball up my fists, making Monica squeak because that means I squeeze her hand, too.

  “He wasn't. I don't know what his problem is lately, but this may be his last chance. Coach has been watching him, he's not playing as well as he was, his tempter simmers way to close to the surface, and he's been blowing off all the PR that's been assigned to him. Coach asked me to talk to him, but as soon as I pulled him aside, he told me to fuck off. He talks to the rookies and that's it. His actions tonight are probably earning him a hefty fine and suspension. Not only was it an illegal hit on Golden, but Vadik going after him while he was down, disrespecting the refs, and attacking a teammate, is going to put him in a position that no player ever wants to be in; The Hot Seat. Player Safety is going to have a field day with him, and if he's not careful, he's getting sent to another team. The GM and Owner will probably discuss it with Coach about sending him to anger management or therapy first, but his time is running out at this point.”

  Nick finishes up, having to give him two stitches, then leaves us alone, Monica following out the doors. I reach my hands up to cup his face, still checking him over with my eyes.

  “I know this is all part of the game, the fighting, getting hurt, but that doesn't make it easier when you do get hurt. With this time being from one of your own team, it's hard to wrap my head around.” I tell him, looking into his eyes.

  “I know, but you're my little Bloodfeather. You can handle anything, even if that means taking a breather first, or a minute to figure things out. And anything you can't, we do together. I got you.” He wraps him hands around mine and brings each one to his lips.

  I leave the locker room shortly after, hearing the buzzer I know the game is over and the guys will be coming in soon. I make my way to the family lounge to wait for Gaige, and see Ally heading toward the press room on the other side of the hallway.

  She comes up to me without a word and hugs me, and I return the gesture.

  “That asshole is in hot shit. Not only will the owner and GM be discussing his position with this team, the PSA is going to be slapping him with shit, which all means that the press will be having a field day. And do you know what that means? A pissed of PR Cat. I'm going to fucking kill him for putting himself and me in this spot. And to fucking hit a teammate, his own fucking captain!? “ She lets out a growl then a frustrated breath. “How is Gaige, by the way? Are you okay?”

  “We're better now. He needed two stitches, but passed his concussion check, so he'll be fine to play, but he's not happy about wearing the full cage, he said. I told him, that even though it's not a face injury, it's still a way to tell other players to back off.”

  “Good, I'm glad to hear. Have you heard anything on Tripp? I haven't been to the visitor's locker room to check.”

  “No, I haven't been over there, but I can if it'll help you. I should check on him, I didn't think about it, because my first priority was Gaige. I'll let you know what I can find out.”

  “That'd be great. I'm so glad you fell in love with Gaige and we can be friends. There are a lot of PR reps that refuse to work with me or with others. We're all looking out for our guys, but we need to stick together at some point.”

  I nod and head toward the visitor's side. The press is blocking the doors to go in, but I push my way through telling them to back up or they won't be getting anything from the guys. Then I close the door in their faces. I open the second door in, and check around for our PT, Zack.

  “Ladies present!” I yell to the team. They laugh, knowing that I don't give a shit and neither do they. On my first two trips to the locker room, I did, but after that, it's just a naked body. Now that I have Gaige, his is the only one that sparks my appetite anyway.

  Forest Marks and Sid Benson, both assistant captains, point me toward Zack and Tripp, knowing where I'm looking to go. They're in the back corner, where there's a makeshift cubicle for medical. They're just talking at this point, until Tripp makes eye contact with me and gives me a forced smile. Zack turns to see who's behind him and smiles genuinely.

  “Hey, big guy. How's the head and shoulder?”

  “Meh, I'll probably be out for a couple weeks as a precaution, but I'll make it. Three stitches in the noggin, the shoulder dislocated, but Zack got it back in place, so it's just the healing process I have to endure and try not to fuck up.”

  “I'm so sorry about everything. I watched Lex push you right into Mac and I was so pissed. Every single one of you out there apart from him were playing a friendly game. I don't know what his problem has been, but he's on my shit list.”

  “Dee, you didn't do anything, you were up in the box, not on the ice. There's nothing you could have done. Unfortunately, I think I may have figured out his issue while Gaige was coarsening him off the ice. He said something about his “bitch” being a prude and not taking one for the team. I'm not a hundred percent on what he meant, but I can guess that he was saying you wouldn't sleep with everyone on the team, including himself. If he thinks that's what the WAGs are for, he needs a reality check and quick, because that's not going to fly for any team. I'm surprised Rise didn't lay him out first.”

  “Rise? Who's Rise?”

  “Your boy? No one's called him Rise in front of you before? Dee, you're slacking on your PR duties! Nicknames, especially. Gaige has been Rise since he made the trade to the Griffins.”

  “Oh. No, the guys usually call him Cap or Captain.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense. But I still can't believe you've never heard us call him that. Well now you know. Anyway, after Vadik, which his nickname should just be Cock because he is one, laid Gaige out, Karter told him that he could have any other woman, why did he want Bloodfeather. I'm assuming that's you?”

  “Yeah, but normally Gaige is the only one to call me his Bloodfeather. I've never heard the other guys use it, so it's weird. Maybe he was using it so you or Jack wouldn't go apeshit knowing it was about me?”

  “That's possible, but we could guess,
even with my head pounding and in pain. I'm glad you came to check in. How's Gaige and Drew?”

  “Drew was fine, in and out before I got down to the locker room from the player's box. Gaige is good, but Nick wants him in a full cage for a bit as a precaution.”

  “If it weren't for my shoulder, I'd be in the same boat as him.”

  “I'm glad you both are okay. I still so furious at Vadik.”

  “We all are, but until he gets his shit straight with whatever is bothering him, he's just going to spiral and get worse.”

  “If this is about me, should I try to talk with him?”

  “I'm not sure that's a good idea. If he's pissed you won't give it to him, then going to talk isn't going to help.”

  “What if Gaige went with me?”

  “I think that would be worse, like rubbing it in his face. Dee, I know you want to fix this, but maybe letting the owner, GM, and their team handle it is for the best. You don't know what this guy is capable of, even if we've seen him fly off the handle on the ice.”

  “You're right. I'm going to head back to the family lounge, I'll check in with you guys on Monday. Be good.”

  “What fun is that?”

  I give him a playful glare and head back to wait for Gaige, saying goodbye to the guys before I'm out the doors.

  Once Gaige gets done with interviews he meets up with me in the Family Lounge, where I'm talking with Monica about a fundraiser she's helping with in a few weeks. He wraps an arm around me, kissing my forehead, but doesn't interrupt. He's so thoughtful like that. He just stands there holding me as Mo and I finish our conversation, and his touch is so very distracting.


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