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Page 10

by Linz Lenay

  Monica excuses herself, letting me know that she'll keep in touch with me, when our conversation has come to a close. I turn into Gaige's arms and hug him, then we head out.

  On the way home a song plays on his playlist that I've never heard before, and it's making me squirm. He doesn't live that far from the arena, but this song has me hot. What is it about this slow rap song?

  “You know if this were us, I wouldn't doze off on you while you're pleasuring me.” I say

  He snaps his head to look at me before turning back to the road and adjusting himself.

  “I'd also let you keep it in. and I'm not wearing panties or a bra.”

  “Miss. You're playing with fire.”

  “And you fuck me right. I don't care about the money, but you give great dick.”

  There's a dirt road up ahead, and the next thing I know he's turning onto it and pulling off the road into a little field. He hurriedly puts the truck into park, unbuckles and pounces.

  His lips are on mine, the seat is pushed back as far as it will go and he still barely fits between my open thighs. We're fumbling with each other's zippers, not wanting to separate our lips. He gets my pants undone first, tugging them down one leg at a time, but leaving them hanging on one ankle. I finally get his unbuttoned and push them over his hips with one hand, while finding his cock with the other hand, making his breath hitch.

  “Fuck. I need inside you. Now.”

  “Then get inside me, Sir.” I pull him closer to me, rubbing the head of his dick up and down my slick pussy.

  He lets me do this once or twice, teasing both of us, before he pushes my hand away and guides his cock to my opening, slamming home. I cry out feeling every inch of him and squeezing, while trying to pull him in further with my legs wrapped around his thighs. He takes the hint and shallow thrusts into me staying deep and hitting that spot that makes all women go stupid.

  “Yes. Right. Fucking. There.”

  “There?” he asks with another thrust, staring into my eyes, captivating me.

  “Harder. Please.”

  And he does. Shallow, hard thrusts that drive us both insane. I swear the truck is shaking, but I don't fucking care. I need him. Everything tonight; my worries, the stupidity of Lex's actions; I just need to feel Gaige. All of him.

  My hands roam up into the longer strands of his hair, my nails scraping against his scalp and making him moan low and deep.

  He thrusts once more, and I lose it. I squeeze his cock so tight falling over the edge, that I'm only partially worried about hurting him. The rest of me is in so much bliss that I think I may be blacking out. Gaige's hand cups my throat, and I open my eyes finding his teeth gritted, his eyes burning so intense that it sets my soul on fire. When I clench, still riding the wave, mixed with the pleasure of his thumb pressing into my skin right on that pressure point, I watch his mouth drop open, face relaxing, and his cock swells inside of my pussy. That sets me off all over again and I squeak with the air I have left, mouthing his name and this time I do pass out from the intensity.

  When I come to, Gaige is cradling me in the passenger seat. He's sitting, while I'm on his lap, head against his shoulder.

  “I'm sorry, Bloodfeather. I think I may have squeezed a little too hard.”

  “You're fine. It didn't hurt, I'd welcome that again. It was so intense and, FUCK, so so good. I'll let you know if it becomes too much. That was perfect. If I didn't think we'd get caught I'd want to go again.”

  At that, I feel his dick grow hard again, and I say fuck it. It'll be worth it if we get caught. I look into his eyes as I move to straddle him, sinking down onto his cock and staying there, for just a moment, relishing in the feel of him all over again. I move slowly, staring into his eyes, watching emotion play over his face. Lust. Want. Pleasure. Awe. And last is love. So much love in those Cerulean eyes. I hope that mine shines in my eyes as I ride him.

  “Fuck you're beautiful. Especially like this.” He puts one hand at the center of my back, the other on the center of my chest and leans me back against the dashboard, changing the angle.

  My hips meet his as he thrusts up inside of me, hard but slow, building the pleasure this time, instead of being hurried. He takes his time with me this time, torturing us both. It's too much, yet not enough. Out of nowhere I break and pull him with me, surprising us both as I spasm around his cock, screaming his name into the cab.

  When we're both spent, he pulls me into his arms and just holds me to him as we catch our breath. As our breathing comes back to normal, I pull his lips to mine, gentle and chaste, to show my gratitude of having him in my life.

  “I love you.” I say simply, pulling away just enough to see his eyes.

  “Always mine, Bloodfeather.”

  He doesn't have to repeat my words, those are enough, and mean just as much to me. He started responding that way a few days ago and it makes me melt.

  He reaches back behind his seat into the pocket and pulls out the wet wipes I started keeping there the more time I spent with him. You never know when you're going to need them.

  We clean ourselves up, and I miss the feel of him inside me already. We put our pants back on, never having removed our shirts. He crawls back into the drivers seat while I adjust mine back to the way it was, and head home.

  Chapter Ten


  It's been a month since the indecent with Lex. Christmas and New Years passed in a blur. Dasia's parents aren't in the area, so we spent both with my Grandmother and sister. New Years was spent at home with some of our friends, low key. We still haven't found a place we like that's within reason, both in distance to our jobs and price wise. The realtor has been overly picky for me, knowing I want a good neighborhood and something that if we have to sell will be in a good market area. She knows I have no issue with a home that needs some fixing up, since that's what I did with this one. I've also decided to rent out the one I'm in now, it's a good side business and even though I don't need the money, I can save it for the future.

  We have a series of away games this week and next, so Dee and I are limited to calls, texts, and video chatting whenever we can make time to. This isn't the first time, so we know the drill. It still sucks though, so I'm throwing myself into work outs, practicing, and games. She's on my mind, but focusing on other things when I can't talk to her helps time go faster.

  Lex's first game back was last night, and he's avoided me. Pretty sure he blames his suspension on me, but oh well, tough shit. I told him as much when he was suiting up. I also told him to suck it the fuck up because we're a team, we have to work together and we all have the same goal; to get The Cup. We can't do that with players dropping off like flies because they lost their shit. He glared at my skates and wouldn't look me in the eye, but he's gone back to playing and keeping his mouth shut unless it's to the rookies he hangs out with.

  Traveling today, I get off the plane and right onto the bus. I find my seat and power up my phone, so I can check in with Dee. It's late at home, ahead by three hours since we play Vegas tomorrow night. When the phone turns on, I have a ton of notifications. A few from Sari, wishing me safe travels, a few from my agent wanting to discuss some opportunities with athletic clothing and healthy food choices. Then there's missed calls from Dasia. She knows I wouldn't have my phone, and there's no voicemail, or any text messages. I immediately call her back and it goes to voicemail, doesn't even ring. I try Storm next, hoping that she's with Dee and her phone just died or something.

  “Hello?” Storm answers groggily.

  “Storm! Is everything alright? I have a bunch of missed calls from Dasia, but no voicemail or messages. I'm worried.”

  “Gaige? Uh I haven't talked to her since this morning. She asked me if I could check on Monster because she was going to have to work late tonight and tomorrow, but she should be home by now. She's not answering?”

  “No. It' goes straight to her voicemail. I'm hoping her phone just died and she's home sleeping. I don't want to frea
k out, but she knew I was traveling today and usually doesn't call. She's never had an emergency to warrant it.”

  “That is weird. I'm going to run over there and check to make sure she got home alright. I'll message you when I know something.” Wide awake now.

  I thank her and we hang up. I was exhausted, ready to get a work out in before crawling into bed at the hotel. Kristof and I are rooming together this series, so we both have the same routine on the brain. It's him that sits down next to me, looking just as tired as I do.

  He pulls out his phone to do the same as I did, but he gets a hold of Monica. Their conversation is brief, but I can still feel the importance of it. When he hangs up with her he rests his head back on the seat, then rolls it to look at me.

  “How's Dee?”

  “I have no idea. She called multiple times while we were in the air, but there aren't any messages to go with it. I called her back, but it went to voicemail. I don't want to lose my shit over nothing, so I called Storm and she's going over to check on Dee. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do from here.”

  “How long ago was-” He's interrupted by my cell phone ringing.


  “Go.” I answer her.

  “Dasia isn't at home. Monster was hiding in the laundry room when I came in, but we also just had a storm so I don't want to jump to conclusions. I'm heading to the arena now to see if she's there. She may have fallen asleep at her desk or just forgot her charger and has a dead battery.”

  I let out a frustrated groan. I want to be there and I'm praying that it's just something stupid.

  “Hey, I just thought of something, Gaige. Don't you have the Tracking Friends app that you share with Dasia? Could you check that and see where her last login was? That might help us figure this shit out.

  “I forgot about that. Yeah, let me see if I can check it while I'm on the phone with you. Hold a moment.”

  I pull up the app and wait for it to load an allow me to click on her name. When I do, I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Storm, this says she's at the arena. Thank gods. I'd still like you to check it out if you're close enough. Think you could?”

  She affirms she can and we hang up.

  “Hey man, I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding and she's okay. Really need to get her a backup charger for that office, and her car.” He laughs.

  “Me too. Now I just need to talk to her and figure out why she's trying to kill me.”

  We sit in silence the rest of the trip to the hotel, get checked in and our room assignments, and head up to unload.

  As soon as we get into out rooms, we drop our bags on the beds, and Kris heads to the bathroom. My phone rings and I'm assuming it's Storm, so I answer without looking.

  “Hey, was Dee alright?”

  “Gaige! Just the person I wanted to talk to. You have to help me get Drew back.”

  “Uh, sorry. Who is this?”

  “It's Eva.” She growls. “Now are you going to help me get my baby daddy back or not? Because I'm pretty sure that Dasia is going to help me.” A text comes through then.

  It's a picture of Dasia asleep on her office couch, snuggling up with the stuffed giraffe I got her for Christmas. There's a hand in the photo pointing a taser at her.

  “Now, about you helping me. What do you think?”

  “Eva. Don't do anything stupid. Leave Dee out of this.”

  “Why should I do that? She helped break Drew and I up. I saw the way she was looking at him, he broke up with me because he has feelings for her. So, you Gaige, need to help get him back together with me so he doesn't steal your girl.”

  “Drew doesn't have romantic feelings for Dasia. They're friends and she's my girlfriend so of course they're going to have a friendship with me being captain. The only reason he broke up with him, is because you were using him. How did you get this number anyway?”

  “Oh I took it from Dasia's files. She's a little under the weather and wouldn't wake up, so I took a different route.”

  I'm getting frustrated with Eva. She's threatening my woman and I'm not there to protect her. I send a message to Storm while I keep Eva on the phone, to warn her of what she's walking into, before I respond.

  “Eva. You need to leave Dee alone. I will talk to Drew but it's up to him if he wants to try things with you again, which I don't think will happen. You can't just take over his life, spend his money, and have double standards for him. You also need to leave the rest of the team alone, we're not your personal harem.”

  “Oh I'm so glad you see things my way. You just have to tell him that we're meant to be and that this baby needs his daddy just as much as a mama.”

  She ignores the rest of what I say, focusing on the parts she wants. I want to throw my phone. A text message comes through and I check, seeing it's Storm.

  I'm on my way up the elevator with two security guys. I gave them the rundown and they're ready for anything. - Storm

  I sigh in relief, but realize too late that I'm still on the phone with Eva.

  “What was that? Why are you all of a sudden happy about this? Why are you happy sighing?” she's rambling off questions without taking a breath. It almost sounds like she's on something, but I can't be sure.

  “I'm just glad we could work something out. Now I'll talk to Drew and you'll leave Dasia alone.”

  “Oh no. That's not how this works, Baby. You talk to Drew, I get him back, and I keep Dee with me until that happens.”

  “Eva! We're on a road trip right now. We're not expected to be back until the end of next week. You can't keep her hostage until then.” I force myself not to completely lose my temper, but this is Dee we're talking about. I will set the world on fire and not let one lick of flame touch her.

  “Watch. Me.” Then the line goes dead.

  “FUCK!” I toss my phone at the padded headboard of my hotel bed.

  “Whoa, man. What's going on? Why did Eva call? How can I help?”

  Just as I'm about to answer him, my phone goes off with a text notification.

  Storm has sent a photo of Eva in zip ties, lying on the floor of Dasia's office, and Dee looks like she's just woke up from a terrible nightmare in the background, clutching her giraffe tightly.

  Is she okay? - Gaige

  Shaken up. She has no idea how she slept through everything. I'll have her call you in a few, when security wraps up. Dee doesn't want to call the cops since nothing really happened, but we're having the night guards call to report it. - Storm

  I sigh in relief, then explain everything to Kristof, leaving nothing out of my conversation with Eva. He agrees with me that she's turned batshiz crazy and Drew made the best decision for himself. He had told us that the pregnancy was real, but the way the doctor talked, she was further along than they had been together. Eva tried to play it off like them adding weeks in was just how the pregnancy thing works, but Drew wasn't buying it. He dropped her off at a hotel, paid for three nights and left her there to go home and pack up all her things. He had the locks changed and everything just before we left on our road trip.

  We decide that it's going to take a while for everything to wrap up with Dasia, and change to head up to the sky gym. This hotel's gym is on the top floor, the ceiling is glass but has shades to reflect the sun off it during the day. It also attaches to a rooftop pool and bar.

  We're about halfway through our sets when my phone rings, this time it's Dasia's ringtone and I almost drop the barbell on my chest in my hurry to get to it before voicemail picks up. Kris laughs at me as he grabs the bar to stop me from hurting myself. I scramble up and grab the phone, swiping to accept the call.

  “Bloodfeather.” I breathe in relief.

  “Hey you. I'm so sorry about earlier. I don't know what happened, but I was so tired, that I left my phone on the coffee table and decided I could take a quick nap before getting back to work, but I would hear it when you called. I slept longer than I expected and from what Storm said I called you multiple times while you w
ere in the air. Eva must have gotten my phone open to call you, because I was asleep and I knew you were unavailable. She turned my phone off before calling you, because my battery is fine.” She sounds so frustrated and I just let her get it out, knowing she needs this. “I don't know all the details yet, but I'm assuming she was trying to blackmail you into helping her?”

  “It's fine, Baby. Now that I know you're okay, I can breathe again. I know you don't normally call when I'm unavailable, and that's what scared me. Turns out you were in danger, you just didn't know it. I'm glad you slept through it all, and what she wants is never going to happen so it's a moot point. I heard you didn't want to call the cops, but I'm glad you did. Now if something happens again or if she starts harassing you, they'll have a record to go off of.”

  “Yeah, that's what Storm said, also. That's the only reason I was okay calling them. security had everything else handled, and they're sending a flier to the Griffin's office to let them know she's trouble and to be on the lookout for her. She's been banned from this arena, but it'll be up to your bosses to make a decision about their own playing field.”

  “If Ally Cat has anything to do with it, she'll have her blackballed across the state.”

  This makes her laugh and I'm so glad to hear it.

  We catch up for a few minutes and she lets me know she's almost home, having called me as she drove there, Storm following her and planning to spend the night. When she opens her front door is when we say our goodbyes and I finish my workout before heading back to my room to get some sleep.

  Nothing eventful happens the rest of the road trip. No attempted kidnappings, no brawls on the ice between teammates, we lose a few, we win some. We all watch footage after we lose so we can figure out what we missed and it worked.

  When I step foot off the plane back in Portage, I can't get to my truck quick enough. Karter is riding with Kristof and Drew, so I just have to worry about myself. Though when I get to my truck I see someone standing beside it, the hairs on my arm raising. I stop before I get completely there, a person,a woman going off the petite frame, is hidden in shadow. She starts walking toward me, the lights finally showing her face from the center of the parking garage. I drop my bags and practically run to Dasia, scooping her up into my arms and pressing her into the side of the truck.


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