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My Soul Laid Bare: Book 4 (The Soul Keeper Series)

Page 13

by Solis, Melissa

  “Is this alright? Am I hurting you?”

  His question snapped me out of my reverie. I planted my lips over his heated neck. It was like licking molten glass, hot and pliable molding under the strong caress of my tongue, and he sighed into me. “You could never hurt me,” I whispered.

  “I love you with all of my soul, Brennen. I promise. I will never hurt you.” The moment for softly spoken words was over and what came next was the door opening to a whole other world. A world once entered, you can never return from. A bond once shared can never be forgotten. Elijah and I had arrive there together. Every step had come at a steep price. A fare I would have gladly paid ten times over to be with him until forever.

  The moonlight worshiped his glorious body as he admired me from just above my nose. Our breaths panted out in unison attempting to quell the storm that had just passed over our bodies. The air was quiet, the only sound beside our heavy breaths was the ocean waves coming in from the open balcony. We were all alone in Elijah’s private country, his world. Our World.

  “I do,” Sam states sliding a cool gold band over my ring finger. And just like that, I’m back in the real world with a whole new reality about to be signed in blood.

  “And do you Brennen Hale, take Samuel Montgomery to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  The pastor completes the ceremony, but I don’t hear a word he says. The pain is back, and the illness is in full force. My only escape is to go back to Elijah and our honeymoon. Sam’s lips cover mine, and in my twisted mind it’s Elijah kissing me now. It’s the kiss we shared after making love. Sam pulls back looking as if he’s perplexed by me.

  “If I knew you’d kiss me like that on our wedding day, I would have popped the question freshman year.”

  I nearly faint as the pain grips my head, trying to decapitate me and send me to the grave on my wedding day. Sam leads me down the aisle and far away from Elena’s healing hands. Once outside, he kisses me again and once again I slip off to the other world. The only place where the pain can’t get to me. Finally, relief begins to ebb into my head, and I realize Elena has pulled me aside and is healing me again.

  “I don’t know if you are going to make it to your honeymoon unless Elijah shows up.”

  I grab her by the arms and shake her.

  “No, Elena! I’d rather die than have Elijah pay witness to that.” She shakes my grip and tightens her fingers around my wrists.

  “He’s going to pay witness to it when he gets back either way Brennen, and it’s my job to keep you safe. Be sides, after tonight, you can bet you’ll be Sam’s greatest addiction for the rest of his natural life, and Elijah will have a front row seat.”

  I cringe at the thought. If I could I’d run off and never come back to this life, I'd be the first one to board that train.

  “You will keep healing me Elena. I’m not giving in.”

  “I’ll do my best, but if things get too serious you can forget about it.”

  Sam rounds the corner just as her nails unhook from my arm.

  “Hello Mrs. Montgomery.”

  “Hello husband.” I smile back playfully, and he scoops me up for a kiss. I hear the guest beginning to make their way from the barn for cocktails while we are supposed to be taking our photographs. An image of Elijah sitting at the foot of my bed with a bowl of popcorn flashes through my mind. His stuffs a mouthful of the snack in his mouth and washes it down with a glass of chardonnay while watching Sam hover over my lingerie clad body. God, what was I thinking marrying Sam?

  Lexi jumps on Sam’s back like a little monkey while he still holds me in his arms. Just then the photographer flashes a snapshot capturing the moment perfectly while also managing to blind me momentarily.

  “Marry Sam, Brennen, have lots of little green eyed babies running around. That’s what I want for you.” Elijah’s words resonate from a long forgotten memory. He's here taunting me even though he's a million mile away right now. Supposedly Jesson is keeping him occupied by feeding the hungry like he used to do with me. I hope he's okay. For all I know, he's in agony right now. The only difference is, he can't die.

  We take a slew of candid portraits and finally make our way to the reception. Bare vintage light bulbs on strings hang across the dance floor. Each table has a centerpiece of fresh cut lavender sitting in pretty jars. A song comes on and for some reason it reminds me of my life, my impossibly crazy life. I've heard it before and try to remember the name of it. Our guests are having a good time mingling and downing the free alcohol like we may change our minds at any moment and start charging folks. Now I remember. It's called Human. Yep that about sums me up.

  A small girl from Sam’s riding class comes up beside me and takes my hand. She swings it back and forth as she smiles up at me like she’d just been in the presence of a member of royalty. She runs off just as quickly back to the dance floor with the other children pretending to be at a ball. As I watch her, I think about Sam. I don’t know how he still finds the time to work with the charity, but he always makes it a priority. And I realize I just answered my own question. I married Sam because despite everything, I do love him. He deserves me to love him, wholeheartedly, and that’s just what I’m going to do.

  The band announces our arrival and introduces us as Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. Our guest clap as we enter the dance floor for our first dance. The words melt me because I know he handpicked this song for our first dance. Just look at you, girl. Standing' here beside me, starlight on your hair looking like a dream I dreamed somewhere. It goes on to say how I mean everything to him and how when he’s with me he feels like he can do anything.

  Music is a big part of who Sam is. There’s always a song on his mind for every emotion, for every occasion, and I love that about him. Our memories are always tied to songs, and later when I’m alone, driving in the car or in the shower with the radio on, a song will come on and bring back the memory of that particular time. Ten years of memories we’ve created together so far, most of them good, but some were horrific and best forgotten. But they are our memories.

  Tonight I choose to take the bad and good and the future memories we’ll make and accept our love as it’s meant to be. Tonight, I let Elijah’s memories fade to the background. I know there will be times they will surface, but tonight I vow to never let them stand in the way of what Sam and I have. Elijah and I will have our time later. Sam’s arm secure me against his chest as we round the dance floor. He can still make me float.

  I smile softly against his shoulder as the song ends. His lips seal over mine as he dips me inches from the ground, and the cheers erupt again. I shake my head at him as he lifts me back up, giggling like a teenager.

  After the dance, we mingle with old friends and family. I catch up with Lexi who tells me she's having a girl. Mia and Maci both have steady boyfriends that go to school with them. Sam pretends not to like them, but I know he’s just trying to play the role of his father and keep a watchful eye on the girls. He’s going to make a great father one day.

  The reception features the usual fare, cake cutting, champagne toasting, bacon wrapped filet mignon and a drunken conga line. We end the night with our guests waving sparklers in the air as we race to the getaway car. I don’t allow my mind to compare the two events because there is no comparing them, two very different nights, for two very different men. I take in a deep breath once the limo pulls away from Sam’s estate. Sam has booked us at a luxury resort for tonight not far from home. We leave for St. Lucia in the morning, a small island fourteen hours away by plane.

  Not even thirty minutes after leaving the party, the mysterious illness comes rearing its ugly head around the corner. I wince as it claws at my heart. It sinks its flesh ripping fangs into my organs and I cry out, just as Sam nibbles on my neck. The back of the car is dark, and the music drowns out the whimper. Elena sits across from us, invisible to Sam, keeping me safe in Elijah’s absence. If Elena lights up her hand now, Sam would see, so she jus
t glares at me from across the limo taking pleasure in my pain no doubt.

  “I don’t know if I can wait until we get to the hotel,” Sam teases.

  “Do you really want to consummate our marriage in the back of a car?”

  “God, as long as it’s with you, it can be on the roof of this car.” He seizes the chance to kiss my bare neck again.

  He has no idea that I’ve already ventured down that road. Hell – carved out a well-marked path is more like it. Elena smirks as she holds back a full on laugh. Then again, it was so long ago, the memory of what it was like has dulled over the years. So tonight will be all new, all us. I give in to his lips as we pull up to the hotel. Our door is opened and after a while, the driver clears his throat when we don’t exit right away.

  I excuse myself to the restroom while Sam checks in.

  “Elena please?”

  “I can’t keep doing this. You’re draining my strength too you know?”

  She grips my arm, and once again the pain is relieved.

  “I know and I’m sorry. Please just for tonight at least.” She purses her lips together and holds the door open for me. “It’s horrible. How are you and Jesson able to bear it?” I whisper as we walk back to the lobby.

  “Jesson may be my spirit husband, but he is not my soul mate. It’s an unbelievably rare thing for two souls to meet their match. Yet, here you are tossing it aside like a wet newspaper.”

  My eyes moisten as I look up at her. “I need your support in this choice Elena. I don't have anyone else here I can talk to.”

  Her face softens a bit as she breathes out a soft sigh. “Of course I support you. This marriage was etched into your destiny. Elijah knew this from the get go.”

  “Thank you Elena. You are a good friend to me.”

  She tears up at my admission, and she rolls her eyes laughing at herself.

  “Thank you Brennen, for seeing me as a friend.”

  I meet Sam in the middle of the grand foyer. He pulls me into a hug, planting a kiss to the top of my head. He shows me to our room, the honeymoon suite in the penthouse. The luxurious room glows with soft light and the bed is adorned in rose petals. A bottle of chilled champagne sits in a bucket of ice next to a tray of chocolate covered strawberries. The attendant offers to serve us but Sam declines and sees him to the door. He tugs at his tie and I help him out of it the rest of the way. He smells so edible right now. I can’t help but kiss his neck just below his ear. He lets out a low moan and it sends a wave of need through me.

  “I feel so lucky to have found you baby,” he whispers.

  “I’m the lucky one. You are everything I need, and everything I didn’t know I needed, all rolled into one gorgeous package.”

  My words make him laugh, and blush. It fills my heart to the brim knowing he chose me to spend the rest of his life with.

  “You were the most beautiful bride I have ever laid eyes on tonight. When I saw you for the first time standing at the end of the aisle, I said to myself, she is marrying me. Me? I felt like my life stopped, and started the moment you put this ring on my finger.” Sam intertwines our left hands together and I admire the sight of our rings on each other. It drives home the fact that he is mine forever, and I cherish him for it. His lips pour a kiss over mine so sweet and indulgent that I physically ache for him.

  The intensity between us grows heated as our love feeds the flames of this inferno. Only tonight I won’t be putting a hand on Sam’s chest to slow things down. Tonight, I will get to experience something with Sam that I’ve been craving for such a long time – too long. The anticipation bubbles through my veins and makes me feel like I may float away. But Sam’s hands gently bite into my flesh and tie me to the ground. Clothes fall to the ground and before I know it, I’m lazily falling onto the bed as a flourish of rose petals jump up to greet me.

  Sam covers my body with his own, and I revel in the feel of his skin against mine. Being with Sam so intimately is euphoric. He feels like he was made for me. “I love you baby,” his words come out like an admission. Something about the way he says it, turns the key in my heart as if he had locked himself inside, imprisoned himself in the very core of my heart. He will always be there, but there will be no confining this love. It’s bound to bleed into the universe as fast, and as far as it’s expanding.

  “And I love you sweet man.”

  Chapter 10 ~ Discoveries ~

  Two years later

  The moment my head bounced off the hard ground, I knew I was hurt. The fall off of Clancy knocked every ounce of breath out of me. I was vaguely aware that Sam was trying to help me. My last thought before I lost consciousness was, “Why didn't Elijah save me. Why isn't he saving me now?”

  Stupid demon birds. I don't know why I even try to ride Clancy he seems especially prone to being spooked by them. I swear if I never see another pair of day glow yellow eyes it will be too soon. My eyes drift open and close again. I'm being adhered to a board, strapped down like Hannibal Lector on the verge of madness. That blasted horse should be the one getting strapped down and castrated while they're at it. I wince as pain sears my head like a hot branding iron. The severity of the blow sends me back to the black abyss.

  Sam's velvety voice calls to me from so far away I can barely make out what he's saying. The wind carries his gentle words away. But finally he calls again, closer this time.

  “Baby, open your eyes for me.”

  I try and obey and can't get my lids past a blurred glimpse. I just want to go back to sleep. I'm overcome with exhaustion.

  “Brennen you have to wake up, baby.”

  “Five more minutes I try and tease out but it comes out sounding more like a cow complaining in moo's.

  Sam's voice gets stern. “Damn it Bren, look at me.”

  My eyes dart open and stare at me husbands beautiful face wondering why he's angry with me. I'm only trying to sleep.

  “There she is.” He smiles and slips his fingers through mine. The gesture warms me and my confused expression is replaced by a sleepy smile. “You have a concussion and it's very important that you stay awake. I know you're tired baby but you have to stay focused on me okay.”

  I nod and the pain throbs in my head all the way to my eyeballs. A nurse walks into my room and directs herself to Sam. I recognize the mint circle wallpaper as St. Luke’s, the hospital Sam is completing his residency with.

  “Dr. Montgomery here are the test results you asked for.”

  He thanks her and looks over them briefly. I try and prop myself up so I'm not tempted to go back to sleep. Sam helps ease me to an upright position in the bed. “What's this?”

  “I had them run a full work up on you because I was curious about something.” He glances over the papers once more. “This is exactly what I've been looking for.” Sam smacks the edge of the bed with the stack of papers nearly sending it scattering.

  “What? What is it?”

  He's already off the chair and pacing. He's lost in his head. He gets like this when he's on to something brilliant. Finally after a while he stands at the edge of my bed. “When they were asking me all about your medical history it dawned on me, you have never been ill. You've never had a cold or the flu, even last year, when you nursed me and my sisters back to health, you never caught the virus, even though you were exposed to it in gregarious amount. I believe you have a super immune system.”

  Suddenly fear begins to trickle in quickly turning into a flood of emotion. What does my blood work show? What if my angel bloodline has me looking like some genetic freak? How could he run blood work on me like that without asking?

  “I have a theory that cancer can be fought by synthesizing the immune system of individuals like you, but this... This is off the charts.” Sam starts sputtering out medical jargon in lieu of real people words and loses me somewhere between light chains and free radicals. Whatever he's spouting off about has him excited and immediately puts a smile on my face. He laughs out and trails off. “Sorry, you know how I ge
t. Didn't mean to go all Japanese on you.”

  I chuckle even though my head kills right now. “No, I speak Japanese that was more like ancient Greek.”

  “Well all it means is that I need to borrow some more of your blood, when you're feeling better that is. For now let's see if they'll let me take you home.”

  “Please, I hate hospitals.” I swear the picture of the seagull gliding over a rolling sea must be a requirement in all hospitals nationwide. Sam heads out of the room to search for the doctor in charge. My fingers softly delve into my hair to find the tender spot at the back of my head. It's too sore to even get close to. I sigh at my misfortune.

  “Elijah, are you still here?” Silence.

  “Well of course you can't answer, I forbid you to see me unless I'm dying. I could have died you know, so I'm just wondering if you're still around. For all I know the Keepers have abandoned ship. Maybe I am all on my own, but it be nice to know. I would probably stay off of easily spooked giant horses for example.” Still no response. I wince as I try and rest my head on the pillow. Sam comes in just in time to see my pained expression.

  “Baby, let me help you.” Being Sam's patient is a secret guilty pleasure I must admit. He's in a fresh pair of blue scrubs, presumably because he had blood on his own clothes. He reaches behind me and helps me get more comfortable. I inhale his familiar scent and my hand finds its way to the thin layer of fabric covering his hips. Maybe I'm not in that big of a hurry to get home.

  “I like the way your injured brain thinks Mrs. Montgomery,” Sam says with a sly grin lighting up his face.

  “Ah hem,” an older doctor over exaggerates in the doorway. His name tag reads Dr. Hendrix, and I remembering hearing Sam's anecdotes about him at home.

  “No finagling the patients Dr. Montgomery, beautiful wife or not.” The doctor breaks into a grin and a nurse follows in behind him. “At least for the next twenty-four hours.”


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