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The Madmen of Beldon Hall

Page 12

by K. Sterling

  The man in the photo could have been Alastair and it could have been taken just hours earlier. The man sitting across from Byron and the man in the photo could have been twins. Alastair read the back and the color drained from his face.

  Wedding of the 12th Lord Waldeford, 1961

  “That was taken at his first wedding. He was much older when he married your mother and you would have remembered him very differently,” she said and Alastair shook his head as he jumped to his feet. The picture floated to the ground as he continued to shake his head.

  “No.” He stumbled back and caught himself with the fireplace’s mantle then rushed from the room.

  “Alastair!” Byron called as he stood and scooted around the table but the front door slammed and a moment later the Jaguar roared as it sped off toward Beldon Hall. Byron swore under his breath then turned back to Miss Culbert. “I’m sorry. He’s actually a really good and normally rational person,” he said as he returned to his seat. She looked unsure as she stared at the door.

  “I thought he was his father, for a moment. Just about took the last few years off my life, I’ll tell you,” she said and Byron winced.

  “He had no idea,” he said and she hummed as her eyes became unfocused.

  “The old Lord Waldeford was a much older man when his lordship left Beldon for school. And he was just a boy. I don’t know if the old Waldeford realized just how alike they were. And I can’t tell you if they ever saw each other after he left for Eton,” she stated and Byron chewed his lip for a moment before he leaned closer.

  “We were hoping he was illegitimate. We really didn’t want the old earl to be his father,” he confided and she snorted.

  “There wasn’t a person at Beldon who didn’t pray the day he was born. We all hoped he wasn’t his father’s son.”

  Chapter 31

  “Holy shit,” Byron groaned as Belford Hall came into view.

  “What do you think happened?” The cab driver asked as he drove as quickly as he could through the perilously deteriorated drive. Flames and smoke leapt and billowed from the windows, doors and several different areas of the roof. Byron’s lips pulled tight and he shook his head as his heart raced and his hands became slick. He had a very good idea about what happened but he wasn’t going to say anything incriminating. He jumped out of the cab as soon as it stopped at the end of the front courtyard and sprinted toward the house. Alastair was reclining against the door of his car with his arms crossed over his chest and he appeared to be quite pleased with himself.

  “What did you do?” Byron demanded and Alastair’s lips curved into a very wide, content grin as he watched a large section of Beldon Hall’s roof collapse.

  “I’m not quite sure what happened but it did seem to really get going once the fire reached the cellars,” he explained as he pointed and Byron’s hand drug down his face as the sky began to glow in shades of pink and orange around Beldon Hall as the sun set.

  “I get why but…” He whimpered as his shoulders fell and Alastair chuckled softly as he threw his arm around Byron and squeezed.

  “It was quite a shock and there was nothing I could do to stop the fire but I was able to save the journals and all of your work,” Alastair said and Byron exhaled loudly as intense relief washed through him. “And our laptops and cell phones,” Alastair added. “And a few cases of the Chateau Latour and the Raphael.”

  “Please stop talking. I don’t want to go to jail,” Byron sighed as he rested his chin on Alastair’s shoulder. “I know you were hurting but I wish you hadn’t done this. You could get in trouble,” he scolded gently and Alastair snorted dismissively.

  “I really didn’t have a choice, Byron. I couldn’t get you to leave without those journals and I couldn’t take them out as long as Beldon Hall was still standing. Now, we can leave,” he explained and Byron’s nose scrunched.

  “You could get in serious legal trouble for this,” he repeated and Alastair grinned as he pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “As you said, I’m Waldeford, I’ll do whatever I fucking please,” he replied then kissed Byron’s forehead. “My family’s maintained control of Beldon Hall because we’re too rich and powerful to be pushed around by the National Trust. I’ll smooth things over with them.”

  “How are you?” Byron asked and Alastair’s eyes seemed to search the flaming ruins.

  “I’m profoundly relieved,” he stated and Byron’s eyes widened. Alastair shrugged. “It was always a possibility. I never wanted him to be my father but part of me was always afraid someone would come forward or someone would break into Beldon and find something.” He winked and Byron stuck out his tongue. “I’ve felt like a liar and a pretender my entire life and the only thing that gave me comfort was the fact that I wasn’t the son of a monster. But I know now and it doesn’t feel as bad as always being vigilant and afraid,” he murmured then sighed as sirens wailed in the distance. “Prepare to act deeply concerned,” he said then squeezed Byron’s arm reassuringly. Byron gave him a hard look as he shook his head.

  “I’m sure I can manage but you could try to look less like a man who’s won the lottery.”

  Chapter 32

  “Welcome home, my lord,” Mrs. Canter said as Waldeford House’s doors were swept open by two footmen as Alastair jogged up the steps. He hummed as he tilted and kissed her cheek.

  “It’s good to be home,” he said then turned and waved toward Byron. He was still staring in awe at the massive crystal chandelier and the thousands upon thousands of tons of pristine marble surrounding them. He’d passed by Waldeford House several times while in London and was always impressed by its neoclassical elegance. It was four stories tall and required an entire block, and sat just off the Mall but he was still stunned by the grandeur and opulence. “You remember Dr. Granger,” Alastair said and Byron shook his head and tried to look less like an idiot as he offered his hand.

  “It’s wonderful to see you again, Mrs. Canter,” he said and her expression was flat as she shook his hand.

  “I was under the impression his lordship had concluded his business with you,” she replied and Alastair squeezed her arm scoldingly.

  “Be nice. Dr. Granger’s going to be staying, I suggest you get used to him,” he advised and her eyes widened in confusion.

  “Staying?” She asked and Alastair winked at Byron as he leaned toward her.

  “I’ve grown very fond of him, Canter,” he whispered conspiratorially. “Very, very fond,” he added then nudged her with his elbow suggestively. Her face pinched with disapproval as she looked at Byron.

  “But, my lord,” she complained stiffly. “Mr. Grenierre has left several messages,” she whispered and Byron’s jaw fell as his head snapped toward Alastair.

  “I’m aware and I’ve handled that,” Alastair said firmly then tightened his arm around her. “Dr. Granger makes me very happy,” he said and her eyes softened as they met Byron’s.

  “Welcome to Waldeford House, sir,” she said then curtsied. Byron wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do so he curtsied back.

  “Thank you,” he said then frowned as Alastair hooked his arm around his and straightened him.

  “That’s all for now. I’ll show him where my rooms are and we’ll rest until lunch is ready,” he said and Mrs. Canter ducked her head before she marched across the large foyer then disappeared around a corner. Alastair waved them toward the grand staircase then tugged at his tie as he rushed up the steps.

  “Gervais Grenierre?” Byron whispered loudly as he followed and Alastair offered him an apologetically sheepish smile.

  “I’m afraid Mrs. Canter was very, very fond of him. But I ended things with Gervais weeks before we left for Beldon,” he whispered back as they continued to climb. Byron felt a little queasy.

  “I don’t blame her. I’m very, very fond of him myself,” he muttered and Alastair snorted as another door was opened for them.

  “I won’t be introducing the two
of you, then,” he said and Byron laughed. Gervais Grenierre was a wealthy playboy, race car driver and philanthropist.

  “I doubt he’d notice me,” he said absently as he turned in the middle of a massive suite. It had to be half of the entire third floor. The walls, carpets and upholstery were done in a soothing soft grey with crisp white molding and furniture with gleaming silver fixtures and accents. The art was all extremely modern, in pastel shades of blue and grey.

  “He would notice you and he would want you as desperately as I do,” Alastair said as his arms slid around Byron’s waist and he was pulled against his chest. His breath was hot and tasted like mint as it huffed against Byron’s cheek. He leaned back against him as his legs turned to water.

  “Are there more people hiding behind any of the doors in here?” Byron whispered as he rubbed his cheek against Alastair’s beard. Alastair cleared his throat as he looked over his shoulder.

  “We’d like to be alone,” he said loudly and Byron’s face felt hot as several doors shut softly around them.

  “That’s so weird,” Byron declared and Alastair shushed him as he turned him in his arms.

  “You’ll get used to it,” he said and Byron shook his head.

  “I promise, I won’t,” he stated. “Should we lock all the doors?” He asked as he looked around.

  “Those doors won’t open until I call for someone,” Alastair said and Byron relaxed. “I think I should show you the bedroom,” he breathed and Byron’s eyes rolled and he shivered as Alastair’s teeth dug into his neck.

  “I’d really like to see the bedroom,” Byron said as he turned and attacked Alastair’s lips.

  “It’s just through here,” he growled as his hands locked around Byron’s ass. His feet barely touched the floor as Alastair danced them down a short hallway and through a door.

  “It’s a nice room,” Byron panted as he licked and sucked on Alastair’s lips and they bumped into a sofa. Alastair nodded as his fingers worked at the buttons of Byron’s shirt.

  “I like it,” he murmured then hummed as his hands pushed the halves of his shirt wide then glided down Byron’s chest. “It’s even nicer when you’re not wearing clothing,” he said before his tongue swirled around Byron’s.

  Byron wrapped his hands around Alastair’s face and kissed him urgently as he backed him through the room to the bed. Byron wasn’t sure what he was doing in one of London’s smaller palaces but he felt like he finally had a home, for the first time in his entire life when he was in Alastair’s arms. Byron laughed against Alastair’s tongue as his finger’s scraped through his beard.

  “What?” Alastair asked as he rubbed the tip of his nose against Byron’s.

  “I’m so happy. This place kind of scares the hell out of me but if I just look at you, it’s not that bad,” he said and Alastair laughed softly.

  “Some people actually enjoy this sort of thing,” he said and Byron squeezed an eye shut as he winced.

  “Your chandelier is as big as my entire flat,” he said and Alastair’s brows pulled together.

  “Which one? There are several in Waldeford House,” he said and Byron laughed.

  “I don’t care. I was happy in Beldon Hall when it was just us and we didn’t have electricity. This is beautiful and absurdly luxurious and overwhelming but you’re all I care about. I just want to be naked and alone with you.”

  “I need to taste you and you have to fuck me,” Alastair said as he dropped onto the bed and attacked the fly of Byron’s jeans.

  “I can do that,” Byron said as his fingers clawed at Alastair’s shirt, pulling it up his chest. Alastair made an impatient sound as he sat back and quickly unbuttoned his sleeves and collar so he could pull it over his head. He tossed it at the armchair behind Byron then whipped his undershirt off. “If I can last long enough,” Byron groaned as his hands swept over Alastair’s shoulders and down his back. “How is this real?” He cried. Alastair’s chest, stomach and back flexed and twisted as he eased Byron’s boxers and jeans down his legs.

  “I don’t know. This still feels like a really good dream,” Alastair murmured as his eyes drank in Byron’s hard-on. They were heavy and dark as they slowly slid up Byron’s body until they met his eyes. “God, I need you.” His voice was gravelly and deep, it made Byron’s sack throb.

  “Anything you want,” Byron said as he kicked his pants away. Alastair’s hand locked around his hip as his lips slid down Byron’s cock, taking him deep in his throat before he sucked hungrily. Byron gasped as his head fell back and his vision blurred. Alastair’s hands were everywhere, sliding over Byron’s skin, pulling at his back, kneading his balls and stroking his shaft in time with the rise and fall of his head. Byron didn’t know how it was possible for a man like Alastair to want a man like him. And he didn’t understand how a relationship with Alastair would work. Men like Alastair couldn’t publicly date visiting professors. If a man like Alastair openly dated a man, he would be someone like Gervais Grenierre.

  Soft wet heat and exquisite sucking pressure engulfed Byron’s cock. Pleasure swirled in his groin and his concerns evaporated as his brain melted. Heat washed over his body as it tightened and his nerves flickered. Byron curved his hand around Alastair’s jaw as he pulled his hips back and Alastair scowled up at him.

  “You’re always so impatient,” he complained and Byron laughed softly as he lapped at his lips.

  “My turn,” he whispered as he dropped to his knees between Alastair’s legs. He pushed against his chest until he fell back on the bed and tugged his belt free then unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers. Byron groaned as he slid them down Alastair’s legs then tossed them aside. Alastair’s cock was hard and large as it pushed against the front of his boxer briefs. His eyes swept up Alastair’s body and Byron sighed appreciatively as he watched the ridges of his stomach ripple as he panted. “I don’t know how I managed to get any work done at Beldon,” he mused as his fingers curled around the elastic of Alastair’s briefs and eased them down, revealing the head of his cock. Byron moaned in delight as he lowered his head and licked the slit. A tiny bead of nectar burst on his tongue as Alastair hissed and Byron sucked gently until he coaxed another from him.

  “Byron!” Alastair cried as his hands hovered around Byron’s head and shoulders as his chest heaved. Byron purred as he eased the elastic just a little lower. His tongue flicked and Alastair became desperate. He whimpered as Byron’s lips swept back and forth over the head, coating it in slick sweetness.

  “You have no idea how hard it was for me to concentrate,” Byron murmured and a ragged groan spilled from Alastair.

  “I swear, I do! Please!” He sobbed and Byron shushed him.

  “Just relax,” he whispered and an anxious laugh burst from Alastair. Byron grinned wickedly as he teased the waist of his briefs a little lower. His lips cruised down Alastair’s length slowly until they pushed against his sack. It was warm and tight beneath the smooth fabric and Alastair jumped as Byron bit gently. He rubbed his lips up the length of Alastair’s shaft until he reached hot, smooth skin then lapped and hummed silkily. “Think calming thoughts,” he said then wrapped his lips around the end and sucked. Alastair pulled in a shuddering breath and his hips twitched restlessly as he clawed at the bed.

  A long, tortured moan filled the room and Byron reveled in it. It was thrilling, making Alastair beg. He was devastatingly handsome, powerful and refined and Byron could make his legs shake and his toes curl. He slipped Alastair’s underwear off and greedily licked as his hand pumped his shaft. Alastair’s head thrashed on the bed as he begged Byron’s name and his fingers tangled frantically in the duvet. Byron continued to stroke as his mouth glided down his length and he nuzzled his lips and nose in his sack. He smelled warm and soft and Byron was deliriously happy as he took one of his balls into his mouth.

  “Christ!” Alastair squeaked then screamed around a knuckle as he twisted on the bed.

  Byron chuckled as he settled A
lastair’s legs over his shoulders and tilted him so his tongue could slide into the cleft of his ass. A long groan poured from Alastair and his shoulders came off the bed as Byron’s tongue swirled and probed, washing over his puckered flesh. He was crisp and bright and Byron’s fingers dug into his thighs as he feasted. Byron held on tight as Alastair bucked and cursed until drool dripped down his chin and his tongue burned.

  “You don’t seem very relaxed,” he said as he sat on his heels and pulled a condom from the pocket of his jeans. Alastair swore as he rolled and reached for the bedside table. He threw the drawer open and Byron laughed as a bottle of lube was hurled at him. It took him seconds to sheath and coat his cock despite his shaking fingers. He couldn’t remember being more turned on, his dick hurt and all he could taste was Alastair. He set a knee on the bed as he stretched toward Alastair’s lips. “You’re quite tense, actually,” he purred as he hooked Alastair’s leg around his waist.

  “Shut up and fuck me,” he said and Byron laughed then grunted as the room turned and he found himself staring up at Alastair.

  “You’re always so impatient,” Byron said and Alastair pushed off the bed and nodded as he settled his knees outside Byron’s hips.

  “My turn,” he said as he gripped Byron’s shaft and lowered. Byron licked his lips as his hands dragged down Alastair’s chest.

  “That’s so good,” he said as he rose on his elbow and sucked on Alastair’s chin. “I’ve never felt anything this good,” he whispered and Alastair’s fingers twisted in Byron’s hair and he pulled his lips to his.

  “I want us to get tested,” Alastair said and his jaw fell as the head of Byron’s cock pressed into his tight hole. “I want to feel you, when you come deep inside of me,” he breathed and Byron nodded in agreement as he fought to keep his eyes from crossing. The muscles gripping Byron’s cock relaxed and Alastair hissed as he took more of his length into his passage.


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