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The Madmen of Beldon Hall

Page 13

by K. Sterling

  “That might kill me,” Byron said shakily and Alastair’s head snapped back as he dropped and his ass settled on Byron’s hips. “Fuck!” He ground out as he fought the urge to thrust.

  “Just a minute,” Alastair panted as his chest heaved and tears flooded Byron’s eyes. He was so completely and blindly in love. He couldn’t remember a single moment since meeting Alastair that he wasn’t painfully attracted and infatuated with him. Byron’s hands worshiped Alastair’s shoulders and back as his soul strained to get closer to Alastair’s.

  “I’d wait forever,” he said soothingly and there was a warm glow in the center of his chest. He could spend a lifetime with Alastair and he’d still feel like he’d swallowed a dozen butterflies when he walked into the room and his jaw would twinge every time he thought of tasting him.

  “I can’t,” Alastair said as he rose on his knees and pleasure and heat streaked through Byron’s limbs as the tight perfection of Alastair’s ass clung to his shaft. “I’m about to lose my mind,” he said as he slid back down.

  “Sanity is very overrated,” Byron decided.

  He was captivated as he watched Alastair. He found an intoxicatingly slow rhythm as he swayed above Byron, taking him deep then rising until the tight ring of his ass gripped the head of his cock. Blissful pleasure and heat flooded Byron’s groin as Alastair moaned his name.

  “I need you, Byron. I’ve never needed anyone the way I need you,” he huffed as he lowered and his knees hugged Byron tight as he rolled his hips. His breath hissed in and out as he switched to rocking and grinding and his body became taut as the muscles around Byron squeezed tight. “Oh, God! That’s it!” Alastair gasped. His passage clenched and a long, shuddering sigh fluttered in his throat as come shot from the end of his cock and Byron hissed as it landed in scorching ropes on his skin. He drug his finger through a thick drop next to his nipple and slipped it into his mouth. Tart, softly salty sweetness coated Byron’s tongue and he moaned in delight.

  “How can you taste this good?” He asked in disbelief but Alastair didn’t hear him. He was insensate, cursing and gasping as he rode mindlessly, slowly grinding as his passage milked Byron’s shaft.

  Byron’s nerves wound tighter and tighter as his skin became slick and his eyes rolled. Every cell in his body flared with pleasure as his nails dug into the quivering muscles of Alastair’s thighs. Pressure throbbed in his sack and the base of his cock as his back arched and he screamed Alastair’s name.

  “I’m coming again!” Alastair cried and Byron bucked as excruciatingly tight heat gripped his shaft.

  “Fuck!” He shrieked as hot, stinging pressure rushed up his cock and his nerves exploded, sending sparks of electric pleasure through his limbs as molten come filled the condom, causing Byron to twist and gasp on the bed beneath Alastair.

  “Oooohhh, my Gooood!” Alastair yelled as he bowed and jerked as come dribbled steadily from his cock. The rocking of his hips slowed as his chest heaved and his body trembled. Byron shivered as another tremor of pleasure swept through his body and reached for Alastair. He pulled then laughed when Alastair collapsed on his chest.

  “Sanity is definitely overrated,” Byron said breathlessly and Alastair raised his head and snorted. His hair stood in wild tufts and his grin was crooked. Byron knew he was crazy for falling in love with him but he was helpless.

  “Not in my family,” Alastair muttered. Byron laughed again and he wiggled his shoulders until he was comfortable then wound his arms around Alastair’s neck. Their tongues twirled lazily until Alastair sighed and rested his forehead on Byron’s. “I want us to get tested,” he repeated then pressed a kiss to Byron’s lips. “Give Waldeford House a chance. Give us a chance,” he urged and Byron squeezed his eyes shut and nodded as tears spilled from the corners and slid down his temples.

  “Ok. We’ll get tested and I’ll find some way to make this work,” he teased and Alastair made a deeply sated sound as he buried his face in the corner of Byron’s neck. Byron tightened his arms around him and vowed he’d cherish every moment with Alastair, for as long as it lasted. He kissed Alastair’s shoulder then chewed on his lip as he looked at the clock. “You mentioned lunch earlier?”

  Chapter 33

  “In the future, my lord, if you should choose to undertake such an endeavor, I would encourage you to exfoliate more intensively and use a moisturizing beard cream,” Stapleton scolded and Alastair hummed absently. Alastair’s face had been Stapleton’s exclusive purview for close to fourteen years and he was appalled when he returned to Waldeford House to find a beard gracing it.

  “I’ll get your permission first next time,” he promised stiffly as Stapleton delicately scraped a 24 carat gold straight razor under his chin. It was better to just let him run out of steam.

  “I think you’ll find you feel much more comfortable after your face is clean and smooth again,” he insisted. “And one never looks quite refined enough, even when they’re wearing an impeccably tailored suit,” he added and Alastair didn’t disagree. He felt a bit unbalanced as he dressed. It was the first time he’d put on a suit since leaving for Beldon and it was strange as he stood in front of the mirror adjusting it. Not terrible, strange, but he didn’t feel quite like his old self. Which was probably a very good thing.

  “Alastair?” Byron called softly from the hall and there was a tentative tapping at the door and Alastair gestured for Stapleton to pause.

  “Come in,” he said as he sat up. Stapleton stepped back from the reclining chair as Byron walked in. Alastair saw Byron’s lip push out and he chuckled as he reached for a towel. “The three of us are going to have to come to a compromise,” he announced as he wiped all the foam from his exactly half shaven face.

  “My lord!” Stapleton cried. His eyes were wide with terror and Byron’s lips pulled in to keep from laughing.

  “I promise, this is not it,” Alastair said and Stapleton looked dizzy as he relaxed. “Dr. Granger enjoys the beard, and I enjoy him, enjoying it,” he explained and Stapleton looked slightly hostile as he glanced at Byron. “Perhaps we’ll grow it out for longer weekends and holidays?” He offered as he raised a brow at Byron and his eyes became wide and glittered as he reached for the counter for support. Alastair frowned as he stood and tossed the towel at the sink. “Stapleton, why don’t you go downstairs and ask Mrs. Canter to prepare you a cup of tea?” He asked then winked at the older man as he brightened. “You might tell her I suggested she take a break as well,” he added conspiratorially and Stapleton blushed as he studied his toes and nodded.

  “I’ll tell her, my lord,” he said as he lowered his head then quickly backed out of the room. Alastair grinned as he pushed the door shut behind him.

  “Stapleton’s been in love with Mrs. Canter from the moment he first set eyes on her,” he explained and Byron gasped as he looked at the door.

  “He seems very nice. She isn’t interested?” He asked weakly and Alastair nodded as he took Byron’s hand and pulled it to his lips.

  “She’s very interested but she’s spent the last fourteen years playing hard to get. The poor man can’t get more than a cup of tea out of her,” he explained and Byron’s brows pulled together.

  “Why?” He asked and Alastair shook his head slowly, letting his lips sweep back and forth across his knuckles.

  “I’m afraid that in her blind devotion to me, she’s been rather heartless. But we’re determined to wear her down,” he murmured as he stepped closer. He cradled Byron’s face in his hands and his thumb traced his lips. “Did you sleep well?” He asked and Byron nodded faintly.

  “Of course. It’s warm and dry here and your bed is miraculous. I don’t remember anything after my head touched the pillow,” he mumbled as he stared at Alastair’s chin.

  “What’s wrong?” Alastair said as he tilted his face back so he could see his eyes. Byron took a shuddering breath and Alastair felt a tremor of concern as he waited.

  “You said ‘long w
eekends and holidays’,” he whispered and Alastair winced.

  “I’m afraid a beard isn’t going to work, as an everyday thing here,” he said. “And no one else is going to pay Stapleton a neurosurgeon’s salary to shave them if he quits,” he added and Byron’s head pulled back as he stared at Alastair.

  “Why do you pay him that much to shave you?” He asked and Alastair grinned.

  “Because he’s trained as an actual surgeon and just look at me,” he said as he pointed at the smooth side of his face. Byron’s lips quivered.

  “It’s so hard to take you seriously right now. You look like a comic book villain,” he said then took a deep breath. “Long weekends and holidays sounds very long-term,” he stated quickly and Alastair felt unexpectedly nervous as he searched Byron’s eyes.

  “Is that not something you think you’d want?” His chest didn’t expand and the tightness was uncomfortable. It didn’t take long for Alastair to sense that Byron was overwhelmed and felt out of place in Waldeford House. He was in his element at Beldon Hall. It was the perfect playground for is independence, curiosity and resourcefulness. But he seemed happy for the first time since arriving at Waldeford. Byron nodded quickly and it was getting harder to see his eyes as they pooled with tears.

  “I’m just a visiting professor and I haven’t really given much thought to what I’d do once I finally completed translating the journals but I didn’t keep my apartment back in Boston and I just have a closet full of boxes at my friend’s place though they’re really all just full of books and I could buy them again but…”

  “Byron,” Alastair said firmly and he took a deep breath and nodded.

  “Sorry. This is a lot more than I was expecting and I’m having a hard time figuring out which half of your face I’m supposed to look at,” he admitted and Alastair threw his hands up dramatically.

  “Which half would you prefer?” He asked as he looked to his left then his right and Byron’s lips relaxed and tilted.

  “The beard, obviously,” he replied and Alastair nodded as he turned and faced the window and crossed his arms over his chest. His cheeks puffed out as he scrambled for the least uncomfortable and least shocking way to address his feelings. Less uncomfortable for himself and less shocking for Byron.

  “When I asked you to give us a chance, I was hoping you’d move in here. I’d like you to stay and live with me. I’ve never been…” His voice wavered and he cleared his throat and scrubbed his finger under his nose as it began to tingle. “I’ve never been this happy and I think I’d be miserable if you left,” he said and Byron laughed as he attacked and Alastair stumbled as he caught him with his right arm.

  “I couldn’t even let myself think about what would happen after I was done with the journals because it hurt so much, whenever I thought about not seeing you every day,” he said as he kissed Alastair’s cheek, temple, neck and ears and Alastair turned and pressed a kiss to his lips as his arms wound around Byron’s waist.

  “I made some calls this morning and while I was careful to avoid implying that it was a condition of my donation, I did make it clear that I would be pleased if you were offered a permanent position at Gresham,” he said and Byron looked a bit ill. “Was that wrong?” He asked and Byron’s lips twisted.

  “I think it’s very generous of you but it would be extremely obvious if they did that right after my boyfriend donated a large sum of money to the school,” he explained and Alastair laughed softly as he shushed him. Boyfriend sounded so tame and ordinary, compared to what he felt for Byron but it made his heart race to hear him say it.

  “I’m not donating money, I’m giving the journals to the school, in your name. That way you won’t ever have to ask for permission to look at them,” he stated and Byron swayed on his feet as he became pale. “Are you alright?” Alastair asked as he pulled him close.

  “All I wanted was to see them. I never thought…” His hand clapped over his mouth to hold back a laugh. “I don’t understand what’s happening!” He said and Alastair had never loved anyone or anything more in his life as he watched Byron fall apart over his dusty old journals. On the other hand, it was going to be hard to impress him, he seemed to prefer the ancient and esoteric. He was just coping with Waldeford House and Alastair was beginning to suspect he would truly be happier at Beldon.

  “You’ve made me so happy, Byron,” he said as he kissed his forehead. “Let me make you happy,” Alastair begged. Byron nodded and another watery laugh burst from him and Alastair vowed he’d fight like hell to be stronger than his father’s hate and madness. He’d do anything to make Byron happy, even if it meant letting him go if he wasn’t strong enough.

  Chapter 34

  “This looks like it could work,” Byron said as he stuck his head in the small sitting room in the back corner of the house. He’d tried the private sitting room off Alastair’s bedroom but it was being vacuumed. The maid immediately began wrapping up the cord to leave but Byron quickly apologized and went in search of the library. It was being dusted by a young woman who tried to flee the room but Byron begged her to go about her business and left. He’d only had a moment to look but Waldeford’s library was a book nerd’s wet dream. Byron had similar luck in a conservatory and the music room. As far as Byron knew, Alastair didn’t play an instrument or sing but there was a grand piano, a harp and a harpsichord. And two maids polishing everything in silence. He escaped down a dark, quiet hall and a smaller hallway and through what looked like a narrow ballroom. The forgotten sitting room was dark and the furniture was under covers but Byron hadn’t seen a soul for at least fifteen minutes and he could finally have a few moments alone to process his first night at Waldeford House. He uncovered a sofa beneath a window and hugged one of Bede’s journals to his chest as he dropped onto it.

  “We have an appointment at 11:00,” Alastair announced as he strolled into the room and Byron swore as he got to his feet.

  “How did you know I was in here? It took me almost an hour to find this place,” he complained and Alastair’s brows pulled together as he pointed over his shoulder.

  “I just asked if anyone had seen you and they said you were in here,” he said and Byron’s hand dragged down his face.

  “Is it possible to get a moment alone in this place?” He asked and Alastair’s head pulled back.

  “Would you like me to leave?” He asked and Byron sighed as he pushed the hair out of his eyes.

  “No. You’re the only person I want to see at the moment,” he said. He didn’t understand why he was so frustrated with Alastair for being an earl and having a house full of servants. “There are people everywhere here, doesn’t that get to you?” He asked. It was like living in a group home but silent and it smelled like orange oil and lavender instead of feet and Pine-sol. Alastair nodded knowingly as he waved for Byron to sit then settled onto the sofa next to him.

  “We are all used to going about our business here. There will always be something to clean in a house like this. When I need a room, I go into it and if someone’s in there, they finish what they are doing and leave. I’m not getting in their way and they aren’t in mine. A servant can be responsible for tasks in multiple rooms, they simply move to a different task and return when I leave. It’s not any different than passing by the butcher, the baker or the candlestick maker. Everyone has a job, we don’t apologize for employing them when we come across them doing it,” he explained and Byron let out a long, clarifying breath. Alastair took Byron’s hand in his and squeezed reassuringly. “If you need to be alone, ask. You’re not going to offend anyone. This is our home, we’re allowed to be comfortable here.” His eyes were gentle as they clung to Byron’s but there was an explosion in his chest.

  “Our home?” His voice was thin and shaking. “I’ve always been a temporary guest in homes. No one’s ever picked me and offered to share theirs with me,” he said and Alastair groaned as he threw his arm around Byron’s shoulders and pulled him close. He kissed hi
s hair tenderly and whispered his name.

  “I’m sorry if this isn’t what you always hoped for. I’ll do anything in my power to make you more comfortable,” he promised and Byron shook his head quickly as he pulled away.

  “No! This is the most beautiful house I’ve ever stepped in. It’s just a lot for me. I’m renting a small place over a Tesco and I have two roommates. I could fit my room into your bathroom. To go from that, to this, is just a little jarring. And it’s really weird, knowing it’s just the two of us in this huge house and a couple dozen servants.”

  “Three hundred and seventy-two,” Alastair said and Byron’s brows fell.


  “There are three hundred and seventy-two servants at Waldeford House,” he said and Byron’s lips pulled tight as he gave him a hard look.

  “I was beginning to feel better,” he said and Alastair laughed.

  “There are people working all over this house and the grounds. You’ll only be aware of a couple dozen because you won’t see most of them on a daily basis. And honestly, they’re not really that concerned with us. They’re hard working and focused on making Waldeford House the finest home in London,” he said then leaned close and nudged Byron. “Do you know how many times I’ve had reports of Buckingham trying to poach my staff? They’re the best and take great pride in their work.” He looked around and a wicked grin tilted his lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever really visited this room. It used to be the countess’ sitting room.”

  “What,” Byron asked flatly and Alastair hummed as he looked around.

  “It’s been ages, my mother never lived here but I believe this is where my grandmother organized the day’s menus and planned dinner parties. You could claim it for your own particular use,” he teased and Byron pulled a face.

  “You said we had an appointment,” he said and Alastair brightened.

  “I almost forgot! My doctor will be here to give us physicals,” he stated as he rose to his feet and Byron felt queasy as he looked up at him.


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