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Rising Sun (Fate's Intent Book 9)

Page 8

by Bowles, April

“I know but that’s just—”

  Troy stopped talking when I came in and they both looked at me.

  “All right. What do you know?”

  They looked at each other and seemed nervous like Trever was being.

  “We don’t exactly know anything.” Zayden said. “It’s just a theory.”

  “What’s your theory then?”

  They looked at each other but went ahead to tell me.

  “We can’t be absolutely sure.” Troy said. “But we think this new hobby of his might be Bianca.”

  It felt like someone just slapped me in the face. Bianca? How? Why? When? Was it even possible?

  “But she’s dead.” I said.

  “Maybe.” Zayden replied. “Remember when we were in Lecca to bring her body back and we spent some time in the city?”

  “Right and saw Trever.”

  “Well, after he sent you and Jaylyn to get back to Adele, he took us to the inn he was staying at and was being really weird about his reason for being there.”

  “Was she mentioned?”

  “I asked him straight out if he was there to bring her back.”

  “Bring her back? Like he did with Ryon? She wouldn’t really be alive though.”

  “That’s where we’re confused.” Troy said. “That day he almost made it seem like she wouldn’t be dead at all but of course, never said that either.”

  “Yeah. That sounds like him.”

  “We’ll just have to wait and see if we’re right.” Zayden said.

  “Well, I hope not.” I muttered.


  They must have heard me because they asked but I couldn’t fully answer.

  “I have my reasons.”

  I left it at that and left the kitchen. I wasn’t happy about this but couldn’t really show it either. Who would listen? Who would want to? I know that I’ve never really showed much emotion for Trever over the years but I did care about him. He’s always been there for me but there’s something different about him now and he proved it by saying he couldn’t do it anymore.

  Did he really mean it?

  Chapter 18


  Travel to Dorlin was slow, using normal speed for the sake of the boys and we arrived precisely within the week we intended.

  “You have quite the scheduled appearance, don’t you?” Trever smiled as he greeted us in the main hall when we entered through the palace doors. “What happened to always liking to be fashionably late?"

  “Not these days.” Adele smiled back as she hugged him with one arm while holding Seth with the other.

  “Well, we’re glad you’re here. He’s been waiting for you.”

  Jaylyn hugged him next but only made it last for a second before she moved him out of the way to look around.

  “Lose something?” Trever asked oddly, seeing her behavior.

  “So, where is she?”

  “Where’s who?”

  “You know, your woman.”

  “Didn’t I say you wouldn’t meet her and what would make you think I’d have her here?”

  “Because I know you. You always keep your opportunity to get laid close by just in case.”

  “Wow, sister, this conversation is getting a little weird for me.”

  “She’s right though.” Aleksander walked to us out of nowhere behind Trever.

  “Hello, father.” Adele hugged him and he took Seth from her.

  “Good to see all of you and she is here, Jaylyn.”

  She smiled and looked to Trever as he stood with a sigh and eyes on no one. “I’m resenting that right now.”

  “You should tell her. It’s been too long.”

  “They won’t understand. How could they?”

  “But everything’s been accomplished that we needed.”

  “Except he still breathes.”

  “They would remain trust worthy. I think it’s time.”

  There was a long pause while Trever thought it over. Whatever this was about he didn’t seem ready completely to tell us because he just took Jaylyn’s arm and pulled her away so they could talk without us hearing. I couldn’t even hear because he leaned into her ear. All I could do was watch her reaction to whatever he was telling her.

  By the seconds her expression was becoming more and more mixed with shock and anger and just got worse as Trever backed away. She was looking directly at him with hate but didn’t say a word. Instead, she slapped him across the face while tears gathered in her eyes and she walked off.

  “Told you!” Trever called. “And that was just the short version!” He walked away himself in another direction and we were left completely baffled.


  “It’s not my secret to share. He may get out the details at a later time.”

  “Adele, can you take Bryce? I’m going to find Jaylyn.”

  She nodded and started to take him from my hands. “You better tell us.”

  “If I find out anything.”

  I wasn’t sure where to find her at first but I had a pretty good idea. I walked upstairs to the room we stay in during our visits but I didn’t see her. It was silent until I heard sniffling and saw just the top of her head on the other side of the bed.

  I stood with a sigh and walked over, sitting next to her. “You all right?”

  “No. I’ve known him my entire life then it’s like suddenly I don’t. My own brother has been a stranger to me and I didn’t even know it.”

  “What did he tell you?”

  “No. You won’t believe it. I don’t even want to. How could he not tell me? We’re supposed to be family.”

  “It’s okay, Jaylyn. Maybe it’s best if you don’t talk about it. Come on. You should rest. It was a long trip.”

  I got up and lifted her off the floor, letting her lay back on the bed. She was trying to calm her breaths and took my hand while I sat next to her. “Where’s Bryce?”

  “He’s fine. Adele has him. You just lay here and rest for a bit before dinner. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Jaylyn nodded and turned herself so she was facing the edge and closed her eyes. I lightly released her hand and pulled up the throw blanket from the end of the bed over her, making sure she was warm. She wasn’t ready to talk yet and I was okay with that. She needed to calm down first.

  I leaned down and kissed her head before quietly backing away, leaving her alone to rest. I walked downstairs and met with everyone who were gathered in the lounge.

  “Well?” Adele asked anxiously.

  “I didn’t get anything.” I sat and Bryce walked over with a toddler wobble. “She’s too upset to talk about it.”

  “Is it really that bad?” Ruby asked with her eyes directed towards Aleksander.

  He paused and took a breath but I knew we weren’t going to get much out of him. “Well, without giving detail, I’d say it has that probability to make some of you react the same way.”

  “And by some of us, you really just mean Ruby and I?” Adele asked.

  “Since you’ve known him longer, I would say so, yes.”

  “How long have you known about it?”

  “Since it happened. So, a long time.”

  We were just getting more curious. Even Darius. That was surprising. He doesn’t normally care to involve himself in conversations with, near or anywhere around Trever but this one was different. It was like he had a dark secret and he wanted to know what it was but he would have to wait; we would all have to wait and that’s what we did.

  Not two hours have passed before dinner was upon us and I anticipated to seeing Trever so I could get to the bottom of Jaylyn’s reaction. I was the only one that saw her and I knew something was truly wrong.

  I left the others after getting Bryce something to eat and went up to Jaylyn so she could eat something too. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m not upset anymore.” She said as normally as ever.

  “Well, good.” I didn’t believe her but I didn’t want to ask either.r />
  “Now I’m just pissed.” She added sharply.

  “Okay, well, it’s dinner now. Everyone is downstairs.”

  “Great!” She smiled and hopped off the bed. “I am feeling hungry.”

  I followed her out but was a little worried about her change in attitude. I thought it was too soon and perhaps she was just faking it. I kept a sharp eye on her as we went downstairs together and met the others in the dining hall.

  It was quiet and Jaylyn put her classic smile on her face and walked over to Bryce, kissing the top of his head. “Hey, baby. Is that good? I hope so.” She sat next to him and everyone put their eyes on me as I walked behind her to my chair. I knew they wanted answers but I didn’t have them. I just shrugged and the silence remained for just a few more seconds.

  “So—” Ruby said, trying to ease into the conversation. “How was your nap, Jaylyn?”

  Adele sighed and her fork hit her plate before Jaylyn could even breathe a response. “Cut the shit. We want to know what’s with Trever.”

  Jaylyn looked around at everyone’s curious eyes and laughed. “It’s actually quite funny.”

  “Funny?” Zayden wondered. “You seemed pretty upset.”

  “Oh, I’m over that. It was just a shock but hey, you know Trever has been lying to me my whole life so I shouldn’t have been so surprised to find out about something else.”

  She took a bite of food and everyone looked around at each other again.

  “So—what is it?” Darius asked.

  “Oh! Yeah, sorry. He’s married.”

  She said it as casually as ever but we had more of a simultaneous reaction. “What?!”

  “How can you say that like it’s not a big deal?” Adele asked. “For how long?”

  Jaylyn laughed again. “This is probably the funniest part!”

  “Jaylyn, you don’t have to be so calm about this.” Aleksander said. “I know that’s not what you’re feeling.”

  “I’m fine, really.”

  “No, you’re just trying to hide it.”

  Jaylyn’s smile left her face and she became more saddened. “He should have told us or at least me.”

  “Yes, but he couldn’t. He never expected you to understand.”

  “How long?” Adele asked again.

  Jaylyn moved around some food on her plate before she looked up from it and spoke in a low tone. “Twelve years.”

  I couldn’t believe it. I had to clear my ears. Everyone fell into a speechless shock and a reaction sound never came out for at least a few seconds.

  “Twelve years?” I said in awe.

  “I know. I’m such a horrible person.” Trever was suddenly at the doorway with no expression on his face.

  “How could you not tell us that?” Adele asked. “That’s a really long time to keep a secret.”

  “You think I enjoyed that?” He started stepping towards the table with this kind of attitude on his voice that we rarely heard from him. “You think I wanted to at all? You wouldn’t have been able to understand because you never knew everything I did. You lived and breathed war but I never have. Things I knew made me think differently than you and telling you would have only made you think it were worse so I couldn’t.”

  Jaylyn laughed. “Say hello to the worst husband ever, everyone.”

  “Don’t act like you know me, Jay.”

  “Well, I guess I just don’t get why she’s still with you with all the other women you’ve been with.”

  “All the other women? There’s never been others well, except for Red and every time it made me sick.”

  “Wow, thanks.” Ruby muttered.

  “That’s not what I meant. Because of the war, I’d actually go years without seeing her and being with you only made things worse. I missed her but I had other obligations that I couldn’t leave.”

  “You mean me.”


  “Does she know?”

  Trever finally smiled. “About us? Yeah. She knows. She knows everything about me and knows who I really am.”

  Adele tried holding back her laugh as she took a drink. “Maybe that’s why she hasn’t left you.”

  “Don’t.” Trever cut in with the aggression back on his tone. “It has nothing to do with that. Believe me. She has her own crown. She’s not with me for mine.”

  My eyes shot open and this time found Zayden. It was like our minds were communicating and I had this strange feeling we were actually right but couldn’t speak it. I even looked at Ruby and she didn’t seem pleased. We had to be right. Who else could it be but Bianca?

  “Well, that narrows it down.” Jaylyn said. “Maybe we can guess before you have us meet her.”

  “Who ever said I was going to let that happen?”

  “What? You’re not going to let us meet her even when we know?”

  “Not everything. That would take a lot more explaining to do and dinner wouldn’t be nearly long enough.”

  “Then we gather after and you tell us.” Adele suggested.

  Trever looked over at Aleksander who’s been sitting quiet and he finally let out a sound by laughing. “I really don’t see you getting around this now. They can be trusted.”

  “All right but this means that you’re going to find out about some things and I don’t expect you to understand them but I need everyone to hear them to the end and I mean everyone.”

  His eyes stopped at Darius particularly and Darius just let out a cunning chuckle. “Better write it down. This time I agree. Passing my worst husband award to you is its own reward so I’d be glad to hear more.”

  Trever fought hard to smile back and stay away from an argument. “Great but this information will have to be kept from all other lingering ears. So, with that said, we’ll meet in the most secure place in the palace, the vault and we’ll be locked inside.”

  “Has to be that secretive?” Adele asked.

  Trever smiled and started to turn away. “You’ll see why.” He walked out of the dining hall with a covered tray.

  “Well, great.” Zayden said. “Locked in a vault. What fun.”

  “How exactly is that going to work?” Adele asked, turning her head to her father.

  “Well, it can only be done by someone that knows so I’ll follow you down and lock you inside myself. You should put the boys to bed first. You don’t know how long it’ll take. I’ll make sure someone has an eye on them.”

  It was left with a nod and we finished our dinners in peace.

  The boys were put to bed quickly and we tried to mentally prepare ourselves as Aleksander led the way down the dark halls to the large doors of the vault. “This is it but I have to ask you to remove any weapons you may be carrying.”

  We looked down at our weapon-free bodies then immediately all turned our looks to Darius. “What? I’m not carrying anything either. What are you going to do, take off my arms?”

  Adele sighed and looked back to her father. “We don’t have anything.”

  “Very well then. I hope you’re ready.”

  Adele nodded and Aleksander turned towards the large doors and pulled them open since it was already unlocked.

  Fires were lit inside and Aleksander moved aside to let us through. “Once you’re all in, I’ll lock you inside. You’ll be in for the entirety of this.”

  “We know.” Adele said. “Let’s just get it over with.” She stepped in last and looked back at her father with a nod. He nodded back and the doors were closed.

  We could hear the locks being locked and turned towards the lit area. The sight of gold and silver was everywhere, lining all the walls and spaces in between.

  “Whoa.” Ruby muttered. “I don’t think we’ve actually ever been in here.”

  “Why would we have?” Adele asked smugly. “It would have been Arianna’s then.”

  “So, where is he?” Zayden asked.

  “Farther in.”

  We all looked in the direction of his voice and walked around a few isles of gems and precio
us stones to see Trever sitting in a chair with someone next to him in a black hooded robe. All we could see of the person was their hands and knew it was a woman. It had to be her; Bianca.

  “Well?” Jaylyn asked with her arms folded.

  “Well, there’s two ways we could do this.” Trever said. “I could explain some things first or you just see her and explaining will obviously have to follow.”

  “What could you possibly explain before we even know who she is?” Adele asked.

  “Okay, more of an apologetic statement on my part.”

  “You apologizing for something?” Ruby wondered with a laugh as she glanced over at Darius who smiled too. “We’ve got to hear this.”

  Trever wasn’t smiling back and had his eyes down on the floor. The hooded woman next to him showed the first sign of life and lifted her left hand to touch his. Trever turned his hand to take it and looked at the large black diamond ring she bore on her ring finger. He grazed his thumb around it and started to speak even before looking back at us. “It was all my fault.”

  We looked around at each other and were getting more curious and began to sit down in the chairs that were set up in front of us.

  “Going back to Seni wasn’t entirely because of the prophecy. Not for me. Everything that happened was my fault because I pushed going as soon as we did. Ryon and Kole’s deaths are on me no matter what they say about it and everything else that happened following was my fault too.”

  “Everything else?” Zayden’s eyes began to narrow. “What do you mean?”

  “You already know very well what I mean. Your false engagement to Bianca. It was never really going to take place. It was just part of the plan.”

  “Wait a second.” Adele cut in. “Why are we talking about Bianca? Didn’t she die? I remember hearing that.”

  Trever slyly laughed. “You heard that, did you? Well, since you’re the one that did it, I guess you could say you’d know about that.”

  “What does this have to do with anything?”

  “If I tell you and you even think to twitch a finger, I’ll make sure you can never do that again.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “Say you won’t have to make me, you’ll stay completely rational about what I have to tell you and I mean you especially.”


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