Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 47

by Angie Merriam

  Shep left our sides to help his father up. Leah turned to watch her boys, never letting her arms leave my shoulders. Shep was on one side of his father and Mr. Androni was on the other, helping him stand. His legs were shaky, but stable as he stood, with a beaming smile. “Told you I was strong enough,” he said to Leah, and she smiled at him.

  “Well, are you going to get over here and tell me hello, Lilly, or have you forgotten me since seeing my charming son?” He teased, and I went to him, hugging him tightly.

  “What the hell are you doing here? Don't you think this is a bit risky?” I said, only slightly scolding.

  “Ha, you think I am weakling, huh? You, my wife and boy are the only ones able to fight and risk your lives, is that what you're saying? Well I’ll be damned if I send my family off to fight in some other land while I sit on my thumbs watching John Wayne movies. I am a strong and capable man!” He finished as Leah laughed, and I hugged him tighter. “I am glad you came,” I whispered in his ear, and he shook his head.

  “Mr. Androni, I am so happy to see you here. What made you change your mind?” I asked.

  “It was time to come back, Lilly. I have been watching from Earth for many years, doing what I could from there, but the fight is all here now and I need to fight for my home. I can only hope your grandparents will allow me into their home after Jax’s horrible betrayal all those years ago.”

  “My grandmother will be happy to see you, but I am sorry to say my grandfather passed away a few days ago,” I told him, feeling a catch in my throat and really hoped he didn't ask for details. I saw a sadness wash over his face as he thought of his old friend.

  “Well, I am sorry to hear that,” he said sincerely.

  “Yeah, well, just gives me one more reason to fight Kelsha. Come on, let's go find my grandmother,” I said.

  “Do you think you could bring her here?” Leah asked.

  “Yeah, maybe it's best for her to see you first, that way she can explain to the others. Good idea, Leah,” I said and left the room, not waiting for a response. The day just kept getting more bizarre by the minute.

  I found my meme in her room, sitting by the window, deep in thought. Her wonderful, vibrant eyes were dulled with mourning, and I felt guilty interrupting her private time. I hoped news of Mr. Androni's return would help lighten her eyes and heart just a little bit.

  “Meme,” I said quietly. She turned to me, forcing a smile. I wished she didn't try to put on such a brave face for me. I knew she was hurting. We all were, but none nearly as much as her. She was so caring and understanding of other's feelings. I wanted her to know that I understood hers. I went to her, hugging her tightly. I hoped the news I was bringing her would help to mend her heart just a little. Nothing would take away the pain of loss, but maybe a bit of hope would help.

  “Meme, we have visitors,” I said carefully. She spent most of her days in her room since Papa's death, as I had done. I didn't think she cared to see any visitors, only these were not just any visitors. She looked at me, her face smiling, her eyes dying, and asked, “Who?”

  I took a deep breath, unsure of what to say next. Do I tell her of Eldon Androni returning or that there is an Ordinary in Neveah? Both I thought would be shocking to her, so I just let my mouth go.

  “Well, they are very special visitors. Leah has returned with Shep, who has regained his full memory by the way,” I added when I saw her face fall at the mention of his name. I knew she was angry with him for leaving me and the events that followed, but she would understand and forgive, as I had. This was not the time, though.

  “It seems Leah's husband, Michael, has traveled safely through the portal. Isn't that amazing, an Ordinary is here in Neveah?” Her expression was frozen. She sat on her bed as though her legs would no longer hold her weight.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “He loves his wife and son, therefore he loves Neveah. He wouldn't let her leave him again and swears to fight alongside the Specials to defeat Kelsha. He is truly a wonderful man, Meme,” I said, hoping she would accept an Ordinary being in her home.

  “That is very noble of him, and quite amazing that he was able to travel here. The act of leaping into the unknown to be with your family is rather special to me, powers or not,” she said, and I smiled at her. It was a huge relief for her to accept Michael being there.

  “There is someone else, Meme. Someone I think you will be happy to see,” I said, hoping she would be happy.

  “Who?” she asked again.

  “Eldon Androni,” I burst out and waited for her reaction. Her mouth dropped just as her hand rose to cover it. Her eyes glossed over and suddenly her wobbly legs were strong, and she demanded I take her to him.

  “Where is he, Lilly, I must see him at once,” she requested, her voice shaky.

  “He is in the portal room with Shep, Leah, and Michael. He is worried you wouldn't want to see him,” I told her carefully. I took her hand in mine. “Come on, I will take you up there.”

  We reached the top of the stairs, the door was closed. I could feel Meme shaking from head to toe. I wasn't sure if it was from nervousness, anger, or excitement.

  “Ready?” I asked. She squeezed my hand and shook her head yes.

  I gently opened the door and lead her inside the room. He was looking out the window, his back to us. Meme dropped my hand just before saying, “Eldon?” He turned at the sound of her voice, shame filling his handsome face.

  “Eirene, it's wonderful to see you,” he replied. She slowly walked to him as the rest of us stood back and watched. Shep, who was standing behind me, wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rested his chin on top of my head. I felt stronger being held by him.

  The air in the room was thick, as was the tension. I had no idea what my grandmother would do. She was always so loving, accepting, and forgiving. They stood looking at each other for a good deal of time before I heard my grandmother speak. “You have been gone a long time,” she finally said. He shook his head, tears threatening his eyes. “Where is Selene?” she asked, and I felt terrible for Eldon at that moment.

  “She died a few years back.”

  “Oh my, what happened?”

  “She took her own life,” he explained as the tears began to flow. I couldn't see my meme's face, but from the tone of her voice I guessed she was crying as well.

  “Eldon, I am so sorry. My Adair has passed on as well, just a few days ago. Oh, Eldon, Neveah is in trouble. The evil is slowly killing those whose lives depend on the good energy of Neveah. I am so happy you have returned,” she said finally before wrapping her long arms around her old friend. Eldon wrapped her in his arms in response, and they cried for the things they had lost. Feeling as though I was intruding on a private reunion, I quietly let myself out. Shep and his parents followed my lead.

  I walked toward the great room where Vivianna had James. I found them sitting in the corner, Vivianna gently rocking a sleepy James, singing to him. She turned at the sound of my footsteps and stepped back when she spotted my followers. Michael was still wobbly on his legs but was making a great effort to stand tall. The look on Vivianna's face was more than shock, she actually looked frightened. She knew Leah was going after Shep. I didn't know what was causing her such distress. She held James closer to her as though she were protecting him from a monster.

  “Vivianna, look who's back,” I said, trying to sound chipper. I took a step toward her and she took a step back.

  “Aunt Viv, what's the matter? Is it Shep, because we worked it out, it's really him. He has come to help,” I tried, but she didn't relax.

  Leah came to my side and whispered, “It’s not Shep, it’s Michael.”

  “What? Why would she be frightened of Michael?” I asked, trying to understand how anyone could be afraid of Michael.

  “He's an Ordinary, Lilly. His aura doesn't glow the way Specials do. She doesn't know what he is,” she replied and slowly walked toward my aunt.

  “Vivianna, it's me, Leah, and thi
s is my husband Michael. He is an Ordinary that was somehow able to travel safely through the portal. He has come to help. I promise, Vivianna, he is no threat to you. He is good, look closer. You will see it. He has an aura too, just doesn't shine as bright. You have to look closer.” She took Vivianna's free hand, and I took James. Leah led her over to Michael, who was standing there every bit as freaked out as Vivianna.

  “See, he has a good aura too. Look closely,” Leah urged and Vivanna obeyed. She slowly walked around Michael, studying every part of him. She reached a hand and timidly touched his cheek.

  “Wow,” she muttered as though she was unable to believe her own eyes. Shep came to stand beside me, one hand around my shoulder. He was fidgeting which I assumed was due to the situation.

  “Crazy that anyone could be frightened of my father, huh Lil?” he said off handedly.

  “Yeah, it's crazy. Are you all right?” I asked, sensing tenseness in his body as he stood there.

  “No, actually I think my mom can handle introducing my father to the people of the house. I would really like to be alone you with and my son,” he said in a tone that told me he felt selfish for the request, but he wanted it nonetheless.

  “Of course, we can go up to my room,” I said and walked out of the great room with Shep close behind. We left the room unnoticed by all except Leah, who gave us an approving nod.

  Once we were in the privacy of my room, with the door locked, Shep sat on the bed and cried. “What's wrong?” I asked, confused.

  “I really screwed things up, Lilly. The good people of Neveah are never going to trust me, including your family. And my son, my boy, he has no idea who I am. He is so magnificent, Lilly. I am so pissed that I missed out on him for so long,” he said through the sobs. I sat beside him on the bed, James resting in my arms, and laid my head on Shep's shoulder.

  “We have been through this, Shep. Yes, you screwed up when you followed Kelsha, but I get it. I understand, and so does everyone else. We, my family included, have been waiting for you to come home to us. You have and you will be forgiven. As for James, you're right, he doesn't know you, but he will. You missed a lot, but not all. He is still a baby. There is still plenty of time for you to bond with him. He will know you and he will love you,” I said through tears of my own. He looked at me, wiping his tears away, and smiled a tiny smile.

  “Thanks, Lilly, you always know what to say. Can I hold him?”

  “I thought you would never ask,” I replied and gently handed our baby to his father. Shep took him in his arms and held him naturally. He gently rubbed his rough hands around James' face, traced every curve of the tiny body with his fingers, before kissing him on his perfect little forehead. I lay on the bed, admiring my two men. Shep looked over at me and smiled, before lying down himself, James snug between us. Shep continued exploring the baby.

  “He is perfect, isn't he?” he said, more of a statement than question.

  “I think so. He seems to be a perfect blend of the two of us. He has red hair and green eyes like me, but his skin is dark like yours, and even with no teeth, I can see he has your smile,” I said. Shep laughed quietly and reached one hand across to rest on my hip.

  “I love you, Lilly. I promise never to leave you again. I promise to be a good father to my boy. He truly takes my breath away. A perfect blend of our love, beautiful,” he whispered before closing his eyes.

  I watched as my two men slept, side by side, so clearly father and son. I knew our days, weeks, and maybe even months ahead would be difficult, maybe impossible. We had so much to lose, including each other, but in that moment I was happy. For the first time we were a family. Shep, Lilly, and James, we were a family, if only for a moment.

  Neveah Short Companion Story


  Jax Androni was a precocious little boy. His dark hair always hung in his eyes and if there was trouble to be found, one could be sure, Jax would find it. His parents loved and doted on him, always so proud of their son despite his hunger for danger. After all, he was a very intelligent and handsome little boy. Both traits that could, and would, get him into trouble. Rarely did a day pass that Jax's mother, the sweet and somewhat docile Selene Androni, didn't swear her son would be the death of her, but she loved him just the same.

  His parent's saving grace was the little Annika Levannah. Where Jax was reckless, Annika was careful. She was the exact opposite of Jax. His dark skin and messy dark hair appeared a few shades darker when he stood beside Annika, her pale skin and white hair making her look angelic. He loved her before he knew what it meant to love someone. She balanced him. His light in the dark. His saving angel when the devil tugged a little too hard.

  They spent nearly every day of their lives together since the moment they entered the world. Destined to be the best of friends, and if their parents had anything to say about it, Jax and Annika would make them all a family. Neither Jax nor Annika thought too much about the future as children. Their days were spent exploring Neveah and learning to hone their abilities.

  Jax was a shape-shifter and he loved it. His father told him of his power when he was a very young boy and promised the eager child that one day he would learn to use it.

  “You mean I can turn into anything papa?” The young Jax asked eagerly. His father laughed and rubbed the boys head.

  “Yes, eventually you will be able to shift into anything. It's a very powerful gift son. You must treat it as such. You must not abuse the gift that has been given to you. Always respect it. But you will learn of this as you grow.”

  Jax did learn. For years, he practiced whenever he wasn't with Annika. He hadn't allowed her to see him shift yet. He wanted to share his gift with her as she had always done with him, but he wanted to become something really special for her. Something that she would remember and would make her smile. He loved her smile.

  When he was young, he started small. He would blend into the furniture, walls, trees, shrubbery. The older he got the more he felt the need to shift into something living. When he was sixteen, his father was helping him with animal shifting. “Becoming an animal is much easier than becoming a human. Every shifter has their internal animal that they connect with. This is what they will become most often and sometimes without warning. You have to be aware of your emotion’s son. Once you find your inner animal it can appear at any time and will do so most often if you’re upset or angry. It's a defense for you,” his father warned and Jax nodded in understanding.

  “I understand Papa. What do you think I have inside of me?” He asked, excited to know. He hoped it was something fierce and strong. Though he'd been practicing and trying to shift into an animal, it hadn't happened yet and Jax was antsy.

  “I don't know son, but I'm betting it's spectacular and brave and strong, like you.” His father was proud of him, and it showed. Jax had great respect for his father and looked forward to the times that they worked together.

  “Looks like our lesson is over today son,” his father said and nodded toward the path. Jax followed his father’s eyes and saw Annika walking towards them. Her blond hair was piled high on her head with flower’s thread throughout the strands. He felt his heart speed up just a little, and his belly fluttered. He'd been experiencing these feelings at the sight of her for a while, but he wasn't sure what to do about them. He resigned to being happy to see her and shot his father a smile.

  “Thanks for the help Papa. Maybe it will happen tomorrow.”

  “Go, have a good time. Hello Annika,” he called to her as he waved goodbye to his son.

  “Hey Annika,” he said with a smile strung from ear to ear.

  “Hey Jax. What are we doing today?” She asked, the same smile on her face. “Let's go to our spot, I have something to tell you,” he said excitedly. He wanted to tell her about the animal living inside of him. He rarely spoke to her about his ability. Although she knew he was a shape-shifter just as well as she knew she was a calmer. He knew she'd learned to use her powers at a young age because sh
e regularly used it on him, and he was grateful. Had it not been for her he would have been in trouble at least twice as much as he already was. He was excited to tell her about his gift though. He was hoping to impress her, which was a first for him. He'd never given impressing Annika a second thought until now.

  “Okay, let's go.” Annika always followed Jax. He was her best friend.

  Their spot was close to Jax's home but away from prying eyes. They discovered it on one of their many adventures. Nestled between a circle of trees and backed against the side of a mountain was a large pond. The water sparkled like crystal and had several small streams falling into it. The surrounding trees produced red blossoms that reflected in the water. When the sun shone just right it looked like rubies floating below the surface of the pond. It had to have been the only place in the universe that reflected the two so perfectly. The water: warm, clear, inviting and peaceful like Annika. The trees: dark, shadowy, shady and magnificent like Jax.

  They ran to their spot and arrived breathless but giggling. They collapsed onto the ground, catching their breath between the laughter. “I beat you,” Annika said proudly. “We were not racing,” Jax retorted, sounding hurt. She slapped his arm in response. “Yes we were. It's an unspoken thing Jax. We always race. If we are running, we are racing and I beat you. Don't be a sore loser,” she taunted and saw the slight upturn of his lips.

  “Did you call me a loser?” He asked and she eagerly nodded her head in response. “What are you gonna do about it?” She replied and before she knew it, Jax had her on her back. He sat lightly on top of her, her hands pinned above her head. “I don't know. What should I do about it?” She stuck her tongue out at him in defiance. “Oh really?” He said before his hands found all of her ticklish spots. He knew them all. He loved watching her giggle and squirm. Tickling her was his favorite form of punishment.


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