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Strictly Stuck

Page 2

by Crystal D. Spears

  “Things I must experience.”

  Crab fucking cakes. See— hussy whore here who wants what all these men want.

  Layden rounds the bar with a beer in his hand. Shit my sexy ruggedly handsome Lay. He leans onto the bar and crosses his ankles making him look calm, cool and collective. Layden and Brayden’s coal black eyes will be the death of me. I swear it on my vintage Victoria Secret 1950’s lingerie set. They may not really be vintage, but Victoria’s Secret had an era year and I happen to have picked up this bad ass set.

  Shit! Jade focus bitch!

  While I’m mentally cursing myself and gulping back my nervousness Brayden is pouring us all shots of— yes you guessed it. Hennessey.

  “So, Bro you going to tell us why you’re here with Jade,” Layden growls.

  “In due time my inpatient brother,” he smirks.

  “Brayden don’t play with them. Let’s just get on with it. It was your idea so you’re pitching it.” I croak. I mean shit this is farfetched.

  “Well—my dearest fucking brothers, I would like to pitch an idea about,” he waves his hand in the air and then points to me. “We all seem to care for her. I’m drawn to her, I know Layden fucking loves her and I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing with her Dean besides fucking her,” he ponders off.

  “I care for her that’s all that matters,” Dean growls.

  I sigh. “Look guys stay calm let him finish please,” I beg.

  “Okay back to point of hand. I suggest we all date her,” he doesn’t get to finish before Layden’s hands are wrapped around his throat.

  “You want to fucking share Jade? What in the fuck is wrong with you,” Lay growls.

  “Layden—baby let him go, now!” I bark.

  He looks at me with hatred in his eyes, those cold black irises hitting me and I feel the fire sizzling out of his anger. Layden huffs and let’s go only to pour himself another shot.

  “Like I was saying we all date her, we all care for her. We’re all young. And let’s face it Layden she isn’t just going to give you back her fucking heart. You have to earn that shit back. She cares for us all. Let’s, what’s that damn word?” Brayden thinks for a second. “Oh yes, let’s woo her. Let her judge and pick who she wants to be with.” He downs another shot like he’s done speaking.

  “You want her to date all three of us,” Dean asks incredulously.

  “Yes all three.” Bray states.

  Dean looks over at me and I feel myself shrink into a fetal position. Dean and I share a bond, I may not know what that bond is yet, but I do know it’s there.

  “Angel Kisses do you want this,” he rounds the bar and cups my chin in his hand. I look up into his smoldering green eyes. I search for some kind of answer from him and I receive none and that right there is why the word “Yes,” whispers from my lips — like some kind of unspoken dirty word. Dean sighs and lets go of my chin only to pour himself another shot as well.

  “So—let me get this fucking straight you want us all to date her but what happens if she chooses one of us or none of us. We can’t fight over a girl. We’ve done this before and if I can remind you it didn’t go over so well,” Layden speaks quietly as if in remembrance.

  WTF! They’ve done this before?

  “You’ve…you’ve done this before,” I stammer out. They all pause as if they forgot Layden spoke some secret oath of silence on the matter. I turn around as I feel tears form in my eyes. I’m not fucking special they just always like the same girl. I’m nothing, but a pure fucking challenge to them. That’s when the tears stop flowing and I turn around with a vengeance in my stare.

  —Layden’s Thoughts

  I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking releasing that information to Jade. As soon as the words left my mouth. The silence was deafening. She immediately clammed up and turned around. I know Jade, she’s hardcore, but when her emotions get the best of her she runs and this— she will run from. Fuck! I don’t want her to run I fucking love this girl. I fucked up with bimbo ass blondie and I regret that mistake with everything I am. Things to know about Jade from my perspective.

  —She doesn’t do boring. She likes fun. She’s experimental in bed. She has a heart of gold towards the ones she cares about. And the main reason. The main fucking reason I love Jade. My Jade. Is because that girl rocks my soul. She shatters it with each look, each bat of her eyelashes. Her laugh, her tears. Fuck it I just fucking love her. And if I have to share her to win her back, so fucking be it. But, as I’m ranting in my head I see her shoulders quiver. Fuck! I forgot about my slip up. I totally forgot about Ty that bitch who ruined my brotherhood with my brothers back in high school. Tyson Pierson. The bitch who ruined us our junior and senior year of high school. Our first love, well I should say Dean’s first love more like Brayden and I’s first obsession. The girl who stole all three brothers’ virginity's. Yeah that bitch did a number on us. As I am remembering Ty and the way she fucked us over. Jade flies around and the look in her eyes scares even me. It’s a look to fucking kill. I look from her to Dean and his eyes go wide. This is one secret he doesn’t want to share and now he might have too. I can already see the sweat pouring from his brow. FUCK!

  Chapter Two — Part Two — Jade

  Dear Mental Diary,

  Remind me to fucking poison them. Poison them fucking all!

  Jade the dumb ass Shamrock Out!

  I am still staring at all three of them. Looking back and forth making them sweat it out. Making them feel my upcoming wrath. On my final go around I spot Dean shifting back and forth from foot to foot. Hmm. He looks obviously nervous. Let’s go at him first.

  “So—Dean baby you’ve done this before,” I purr with hatred. His eyes meet mine and for once they hold the answer to my question. “So who the fuck was she? I mean since I’m not special. I can’t be, if you fucktards have done this before.” I spit out while I pour a double shot. He looks to his brothers for help, but they aren’t giving any. I feel the liquid burn down my throat easing the tension from my body.

  “Well— spit it the fuck out Dean,” I yell.

  He reaches for the bottle and pours himself a double too. Downs them sighing before releasing a word. “Her name was Tyson Pierson. She played us like a fiddle. I dated her junior and senior year of high school, but,” he holds up his hands then points to Brayden and Layden “she dated them their junior and senior year too. But as you know I am a grade higher than them. I kept dating her while in my freshman year of college since we grew up around here and the family business is here,” he sighs “I kept up my end of the relationship she did not. I was staying in one of the dorms I wanted the college experience and then I joined Omega’s.” He stops and looks at me. I still don’t get why this is the same situation. As if he senses me like he always does he continues.

  “Brayden and Layden didn’t know they were both dating her at the same time. They didn’t know I was still dating her as well. I was too busy with lectures and pledging for the Omega’s I rarely had time for her or for them. So when I got time I decided to stop by the beach house to see the family. As you know Brayden and Layden come from a different father, but my father our father adopted them when their Mom married my Dad.

  I should have known they wouldn’t have been home—Layden and Brayden would be having a party. Hell Mom and Dad are always overseas with business or traveling for fun or even off at one of our other homes. I had the shock of a lifetime when I walked in on Layden fucking Tyson. That was fun. So I hid in the kitchen and watched as the two went at it from the window. I mean they were in the fucking Jacuzzi just going at it.” He takes a breath.

  “What the fuck Layden,” I scorn him. He holds up his hands in a manner saying the story is yet not finished.

  “Just wait Angel Kisses I’m not finished. So they finish up and Layden walks away to grab something more to drink. That’s when I see her from the window looking around for someone. That someone being,” he points to Brayden “Brayden, the other brother.�
�� Dean laughs.

  I don’t find this at all funny. In fact I just keep getting more pissed.

  “This doesn’t explain shit to me, you all three told me I was fucking special. It seems to me you fucking brothers just like sharing,” I yell.

  “Babe, let him finish,” Layden speaks.

  “Whatever,” I wave my hand around “get the fuck on with this story before I walk out that door,” I point “and never speak to either three of you again.” I keep my stance I’m not sitting. No way in fucking hell.

  Dean nods and begins again. “So here I am watching Ty looking around and finally finding Brayden. They head to the pool house and do what she just finished doing with Layden. Her sneaky behavior set off alarms in my head. I wasn’t pissed at my brothers no I wasn’t. I was pissed at Ty she played us all. Used us as her puppets her being the master fucking puppeteer. I wanted to expose that bitch. So I rounded up Layden told him everything about me still dating Ty and what I just witnessed with Bray, of course Layden didn’t believe my ass until I dragged him to the pool house only to find Ty on her knees giving Brayden a blow job.” He shakes his head in more laughter.

  “I think I need to sit down,” I say. All three guys rush to help me sit. “Gee, thanks, but finish the story please,” I beg while pouring another shot.

  I need to get drunk and like right fucking now!

  “Well, she explained that she had fallen in love with each of us. So we decided we would all three date her. It worked on our end. But,” he sighs “Tyson started getting jealous of the girls hitting on all of us. See it was unconventional dating three brothers so we wanted it to be a secret an unspoken one. It worked for us guys, but not for Ty she couldn’t handle the jealousy of people not knowing we weren’t on the market. Let’s just say it lasted almost a year and ended badly with a fake pregnancy.” Dean shrugs.


  “So, really I’m not special you guys really do just like sharing women? I mean it’s okay I get it,” I try to stand up but I am beyond tipsy.

  Layden grabs my arm. “Baby, that’s the thing you are special there is no way in hell we would go through that mess again if you weren’t worth trying for.”

  Well gee golly motha fuckin wiz that makes me feel better!


  “And this is supposed to make me feel better why? What is there some kind of schedule you guys will date me by? Hmm? Is that it, am I scheduled now? Am I just a fucking mark on a calendar for it being your damn fucking day? I don’t see how this is going to work. I really don’t,” I cry out.

  Fucking Hennessey is making me a little fucking baby!

  Screw it let’s do this damn thing. Right? I am only young once!

  “Fine, but you’re making the schedules. Oh and ya’ll need to get checked out. I’m clean, but all be damned if I’m dating all three of you and not getting shit out of it. Like sex,” I smirk. And for the first time in an hour they all grin.

  “What’s the grins for boys? Hmm. I don’t have to let you drink the fucking water. Taste the Jade! Wipe those fucking smirks off your damn faces now!” I point out.

  “Jade already knows I’m clean,” Dean folds his hands together and puts them under his chin batting his eyelashes. I burst out in laughter. I know he’s clean we fuck without a condom.

  “What.the.fuck you two fuck without protection,” Layden growls. I quirk my eyebrow at him immediately shutting him up.

  Gee this could be fun.

  “Yes, Dean and I don’t use protection I’m on the shot,” I say while grabbing the laptop on the bar. I might as well surf the web if they’re going to work out this so called schedule. “So, what should my relationship status be?” I laugh at that.

  “Taken,” they all growl. I can’t help it I fucking lose it, right there and hunch over grabbing my stomach. They are killing me.

  “Babe, you never let me not use a condom,” Layden pouts.

  “Stop fucking pouting Lay it doesn’t suit your persona. And thankfully I did because you couldn’t keep it in your pants.” I point out. He looks at me with a sad look but that shuts him the fuck up.

  The guys work out the schedules and I giggle all the way through the banter. I mean c’mon I’ve drank a lot!

  The Agreement

  Layden— “Look at her she’s fucking wasted. That’s the fun Jade.”

  Brayden— “She’s always fun Layden, but she’s wasted I agree.”

  Dean— “Back to the subject at hand brothers, but we need to figure out this damn schedule. I know she’s fun to look at which is why we’re doing this stupid agreement schedule.”

  Brayden— “Okay, so one weekend a month for each of us which gives her a free weekend and every fourth day we repeat?”

  Dean— “Yeah, so if Layden gets her Monday, you on Tuesday and me on Wednesday. Thursday the rotation starts again, but when the weekend hits rotation stops and it’s that person’s weekend or her free weekend. If by chance she wants her free weekend with one of us we can’t bitch about it. Also, if during the week she wants a free day to herself give it to her. Deal?”

  Layden— “I don’t want this ending up horribly like Tyson! If only Jade knew everything.”

  Brayden— “Shut the fuck up Layden. She knows enough because of your big ass mouth.”

  Dean— “As much as I hate lying to Angel Kisses she doesn’t need to know anymore, it’s in the past.”

  Brayden— “Is it? I mean is it really in the past? You know Tyson just lives 15 minutes away.”

  Dean— “She hasn’t bothered us in over two years why would she start now?”

  Layden— “Umm, I kind of hooked up with her after Jade and I broke up.”

  Dean— “You fucking idiot! No wonder Jade dumped your ass!”

  Brayden— “If you ruin this for us, with Jade I swear I will castrate your ass bro!”

  Layden— “I fucked up, I always fuck up! But, damn, Ty really looked good and my heart was fucking broken. Jade has a way of doing that to you. Worse than Ty. I still have feelings for Tyson, but they aren’t anything like what they are for Jade. FUCK! I did fuck up, what if this shit comes and bites me in the ass?”

  Brayden— “Then you are out of the game brother.”

  Dean— “I agree, you hung yourself again, she won’t ever trust you again. You know this. She may be strong, but that girl will only take so much of our shit.”

  Layden— “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  Dean— “Let’s just take her to her dorm room let her sober up and we’ll meet at her place at 7 with coffee for her. She will need the coffee to hear the plan trust me.”

  Layden— “I’m glad you think you know her better than I do Dean, because you fucking don’t.”

  Brayden— “She hates coffee, she loves espresso’s, just pointing that out there. Oh and jelly donuts.”

  Layden— “Fuck, okay, let’s get her home and meet back up with her in the morning.

  Chapter Three — Part One— Jade

  Dear Fucking Hung-over College Diary,

  I totally got wasted yesterday and I have no idea what

  these idiot guys came up with.

  Reminder: to dumb fuck self never be drunk while your

  future sex life remains in the hands of three horny guys!

  Hung-over Zombie Shamrock Jade Outta Here!

  I grumble as the pounding on my door becomes persistent. What in the hell? I slump out of my bed walking to my dorm door like the walking dead. Yes, I probably no doubt look like a fucking zombie. I look over at Sheila’s bed and she isn’t there again!

  What is that bitch up too?

  “I’m coming,” I grumble out. “Stop banging on my fucking door,” I screech. As soon as the door is cracked open all three of them come striding in.

  Jesus, if only we were on a beach and they were naked!

  “Good morning angel kisses,” Dean kisses me on the hand.

  “Good morning sexy girl,” Brayden kisses me on the right cheek. “Good morning,
babe” Layden kisses me on the lips.

  “Wow, umm okay whatta greeting guys,” I rub the sleep from my eyes and sniff the air. “Who brought me jelly donuts and an espresso? I smell it,” I sniff the air again. Brayden holds them out for me. “Thank you Bray,” I squee as I rip them from his hands.

  I flop down on my computer chair and dig into my sugar.

  “So what’s up?” I ask while taking a bite of my jelly filled lover, swiveling side to side in my chair. I sit there and listen to the agreement, probably with my mouth hanging open while I chew.

  “So let me get this straight, if I choose to have a day to myself you guys can’t bitch about it?” I look at them all for confirmation and they all nod.

  “Great, so who gets me first?” I pop up to gather my things for the shower.

  “I do Angel Kisses seeing as I spent Friday night with you and you spent Saturday with all of us and it’s now Sunday it’s my weekend,” Dean says with a grin.

  “Just so we’re clear Layden and Brayden I suggest you head to the clinic because if one of you gives me something so help me god there won’t be anything left of you down there,” I point for emphasis. “Until, I get the results in my hand you both are using a rubber ducky kay!”

  “Oh and I’m not turning into a damn sex machine either, I love sex, but my vagina will need a break. It’s dating if I wanted to just fuck, I would fuck ya’ll with no attachments. Understand me?”

  “Understood,” Dean says with a grin.

  “Alright Babe, Brayden and I will head to the 24 hour clinic now, the faster we get this done the faster I get to feel what it’s like to be bare inside you,” Layden growls.

  “I told you its heaven, pure fucking bliss, the Jade water is mighty fine,” Dean smirks while packing my shower caddy for me.

  “One more thing ya’ll can’t fucking have sex with anyone else. I can’t risk you guys being inside me bare if a condom breaks with another random bimbo got it?” I hiss.


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