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Strictly Stuck

Page 3

by Crystal D. Spears

  “Babe, we only want you, we’re going to make this work,” Layden says as he kisses me on the lips goodbye. It’s a short sweet kiss something I’m not used to from Layden.

  “I totally get to do this now,” Brayden growls and pushes Layden away. He sweeps me into his arms and slams his lips to mine. I drop my towel out of my hands and wrap my arms around his neck. His tongue begging for entrance, it’s domineering, it’s sexy and it’s exactly how I thought Brayden would taste and kiss. His tongue wraps with mine and he groans gripping me tighter to him. It seems like hours have passed by before he pulls away leaning his forehead to mine. “Fuck,” he whispers “totally worth the wait.” He pushes himself away as if he’s trying to restrain himself. “Alright Lay let’s go,” he pushes Layden towards the door.

  “Yeah, as much as I’m in a hurry to get inside her bare,” he shakes his head in a no manner “I’m not looking forward to having a swab shoved down my dick hole.” And with that Layden and Brayden leave.

  “Alright Gorgeous, while you’re in the shower I’m going to go and get the Rover,” he hands me my caddy and gives me a light kiss.

  “What? No shower with me?” I smirk.

  “No, Jade, I want to spend the day with you at the amusement park on the boardwalk. So—wear a sun dress or something it’s going to be hot.”

  “Okay, bye babe,” I wave him out the door.

  I decide to text Sheila and Amber so I pick up my phone to see I have a few missed texts.

  Amber: I need 2 talk 2 u soon about u know what!

  I need to respond to this, she needs to know I’m here for her.

  Me: Ambs it’s okay whenever u need me I’m here

  Amber: Thx! 2morrow during lunch?

  Me: That works

  Amber: Kay c ya then

  And now moving on to Sheila’s text messages.

  Sheila: Need 2 talk 2 u asap

  Sheila: Dammit Shamrock I need 2 talk 2 u

  Me: Hey I’m here what’s up?

  Sheila: I fucked up!

  Me: With what?

  Sheila: I fucked Nate last night and Ambs walked in & flipped out.

  My chest starts pounding. I don’t know if it’s for the pain for Amber or if it’s because she slept with Nate.

  Fuck I’ve got three men I do not need another one!

  Sheila: r u there?

  Me: Yes, srry just stunned

  Sheila: It just happened he was crying bout u yada yada and it just fuckin happened

  Me: So why did u fuck up then?

  Sheila: Cuz Ambs was pissed I think cuz she likes Nate or something I don’t know. I don’t want her 2 hate me!

  Me: I’m having lunch with her 2morrow I’ll talk 2 her

  Sheila: TY! Love u

  Me: love u bk

  As if shit couldn’t possibly get any more confusing it does. After my hot shower I go for a pony tail and a pink sun dress with baby pink cork wedges. I don't even bother with makeup it’s going to be hot and I’ll just sweat it all off anyways.

  Just in the nick of time there’s a knock on my door. A huge smile comes across my face at the thought of spending a full day at the boardwalk with Dean. I fluff my pony tail and open the door only to follow my smile with a frown.


  I sigh and lean against the door frame. “What do you want Nate,” I gesture with my hand “why are you here?”

  “I fucked up last night,” he mumbles.

  “Oh yeah? With what screwing Sheila?” I bark.

  I don’t know what’s wrong with me I’m now in an agreement of dating three guys. But, it’s fucking Nate.


  “Well—I don’t know what you expect me to say Nate, I mean you ignored me, had a change of heart and now you’ve slept with my best friend.” I shrug.

  “Look, I’m not mad in fact I am dating three guys right now I don’t have time to be upset or jealous anymore. I’ve wasted enough time trying to get you to notice me and now that you have it’s too late.” As I’m finishing my sentence Dean walks up looking mighty yummy. A white tee stretched across his Mr. Chiseled chest and khaki shorts along with a perfect pair of Nike high tops.

  Bend me over, flip me over and ram into me over and over again! Fuck me this man is hot!

  “Hey gorgeous, ready to go,” he grins winking at me.

  “Yeah, just a minute.” I step back and snag my purse and phone.

  “Well Nate I have a date so I gotta run,” I awkwardly hug him goodbye when the door shuts behind me.

  “Jade—we’re still best friends right,” he whispers into my hair.

  And with that my heart breaks and I feel tears stinging my eyes.

  “Of course we are, I love you Nate, I’ll text you later okay?” I pull out of the awkward embrace and give him a reassuring smile.

  Dean holds out his hand and I take it fighting back my tears. I am so fucked up. Four amazing guys. Each with their own pros and cons and yet I am still stuck in this mental fucking dilemma. Time will only tell how all this shit pans out.

  Mr. Chiseled opens my door to his sleek black Rover helping me inside before closing the door.

  Pro about Dean he opens your door. Mentally noted.

  Even though the boardwalk is in walking distance he still wants to take the Rover. I shrug it off. We make it to the boardwalk within minutes.

  “So, I was thinking we could eat lunch first, walk on the beach letting our food settle then ride some rides and afterwards have dinner and a few drinks. Sound okay?” He squeezes my hand.

  “It sounds perfect,” I answer truthfully.

  —Dean’s Thoughts

  She looks gorgeous with barely any makeup on. Hell she’s gorgeous even without it. But, ever since my brothers and I agreement. I find myself back on the same mind fuck. Layden fucked Ty again. I groan inside my head. Because, what no one knows is that I have been fucking her on and off for the past two years. I can have any piece of ass I want, but yet I kept giving it to her. They don’t call me Dean “walk-er on outta there” Walker for nothing. The pussy comes easy to me. I never wanted that to change until I met Jade in her dorm room hall. My charm had barely worked on her. As soon as she realized who the fuck I was she backed up. Backed up so fast it was like she was the fucking road runner.

  Layden thinks he’s the only one that has a past that will come back and haunt him. He doesn’t know shit. If she even knew half the shit that all of us went through with Tyson she would drop kick us swiftly and quickly in the balls without a second thought. And that right there is a thought I know I never want to happen. Jade radiates with a glow. Her glow is an addiction, she takes shit and just rolls with it. She’s fresh air that’s what she is. My Angel who was kissed by Angels.

  We sit down and we’re about to order when the subject of my fucking inner thoughts stops right in front of us.

  FUCK did we have to sit outside?

  Chapter Three — Part Two — Jade

  We settle on a cozy little restaurant for lunch. It’s got everything seafood, burgers and fries. It’s perfect. We sit on the outside deck under an awning.

  The waitress is walking towards us and my direction flies to the women who stopped next to our table. She’s gorgeous, she’s a brunette is tan. She smirks behind her glasses.

  Fuck this can’t be good! I smell fucking trouble.

  “Dean, hunny, where have you been?” Gorgeous girl purrs.

  I look to Dean and his whole body tenses his grip on my hand sitting on the table top clamps tightly around mine.

  “Ty, I’ve been busy,” he growls out.

  Shit this is Ty? I’ve never doubted myself until this very second!

  I immediately unlock my hand with Dean’s and do something to make myself not feel less inferior to this bitch. I stick out my hand for her to shake.

  “Hi, I’m Jade it’s nice to meet you,” I say with a straight face. Even though my entire body and brain is screaming leave him alone bitch!

  She doesn’t shake
my hand instead she refocuses her gaze on Dean. “Dean, I haven’t talked to you in about two weeks, what’s going on?” She purrs.

  Yeah, WTF DEAN! I turn a death glare on him.

  “I started dating Jade, I’m not screwing around anymore Ty,” he says with a straight face.

  “So you fuck me two weeks ago and then go and get all serious, in two weeks? Oh, c’mon that’s not the Dean I know.” Ty hisses.

  I don’t usually deal with cattiness very well, but she has history with all my men. I don’t think I can compete with this shit.

  “Well—Ty, believe it because actually all three of us are dating Jade,” he smiles at me reassuringly.

  “What? You’re definitely not serious now. I just fucked Layden a few weeks ago. He didn’t say shit about being attached,” she stops for a moment. “This is the Jade, the Jade he cried over for months?” She looks at me in disbelief.

  I’m still stuck on her doing Dean and Layden weeks ago. My heart feels constricted. They aren’t over her. I’m just a decoy something to keep them occupied. I gulp down the water that is on the table.

  “Jade, don’t react until you’ve spoken to Lay,” Dean pleads.

  I can’t breathe so it’s hard to find my voice so I just nod.

  “Ty, you need to go you’re interrupting our date,” he deadpans.

  I drop my hands to my lap and fidget. I don’t ever fidget.

  Fuck this is one giant mind fuck!

  “Whatever, I’m calling Layden surely this shit isn’t happening!” She takes her phone out while walking away.

  “Excuse me are you ready to order?” I look over at the waitress who looks just as uncomfortable as I feel.

  “Yeah, umm I’ll just take a burger with fries please. Oh and your beached sized strawberry margarita, extra salt on the rim.” I hand her my menu. Dean orders the same except a beer instead to drink.

  “So—that—was very unpleasant Dean,” I whisper.

  This isn’t me, day one and their ripping me apart.

  “Jade she’s in the past,” he tries to reassure me.

  “In the past isn’t a few weeks ago Dean its months, years even,” I mumble.

  “I’m nothing compared to her, what the hell are you guys doing with me? Especially when you can have that?” I frown.

  He looks at me with an earth shattering look. “What in the hell do you mean what are we doing with you? Jade, you’re special plain and simple. You’re fun, witty, outgoing, beautiful, gorgeous, smart and fucking a million times more responsive in bed then that bitch will ever be. I do not ever want to hear you doubt your fucking self again. Do you understand me Angel Kisses?” He reaches across the table and scoops up my chin holding it tightly staring at me with those gorgeous green eyes of his.

  “Okay,” I mumble through a clenched mouth and chin.

  “Good, now let’s eat and enjoy the rest of our day all be damned if I’m going to let that bitch get my gorgeous girl down.” He leans over and kisses me lightly on the lips.

  Chapter Four — Jade — Part One

  Dear Mental College Diary,

  Remember to write about this Ty bitch.

  Apparently the Jade water isn’t so fucking special after all.


  Lunch was awkward even afterwards later on Dinner ended up being so damn worse I actually couldn’t wait for it to end. Dean on the other hand was oblivious to how I was feeling. I mean what the hell a huge bomb was just dropped on me. After the worst damn dinner of my life we start walking to the pier. He wants to lighten the mood with rides. I love carnival rides so I hope it works because Dean lost major points with what I just found out. I’m seriously already thinking about backing out of this absurd agreement.

  I mean what the hell was I thinking?

  “Jade, stop it, stop right now, let’s not ruin the night.”

  I look over at Dean and it’s the first scowl I’ve ever seen him make at me. And I don’t fucking like it, makes me feel like shit.

  These guys are going to fucking rip me to shreds.

  “Fine, which ride first?” I whisper.

  Fuck this isn’t me at all.

  He smiles at me making me re-question this insanity of this damn agreement.

  I can do this, I’m young and in college. My heart is still strictly off limits. I can fucking do this!

  “The ferris wheel,” he points. I follow the direction his finger points looking back at him there is some sort of sexy grin plastered all over that handsome face. That right there makes me agree.

  “Fine with me.” I start pulling him towards the ferris wheel. This has always been one of my favorite rides, it’s a secluded wheel our carts are glassed in. Total privacy. So with that privacy I wonder if I can get my fucking thoughts under control.

  We reach the guy operating the wheel and Dean pulls out tickets.

  When the hell did he get those?

  “When did you get the tickets?”

  “Shh,” he covers my lips with his finger.

  Why is he always covering up my damn mouth? I am quickly learning Dean hates questions. He likes feeling things more than answering the simplest of questions.

  Oh boy, I am so done for. How the hell am I supposed to keep up with all these men?

  I am happy to climb into the enclosed Ferris wheel; the ocean breeze is becoming chillier as the night goes on.

  The operator locks us in our wheel cab and before I can even settle in, Dean is pulling me into his lap.

  “Now— it’s time to free your mind,” he whispers against my neck.

  Yes, please!

  His mouth is leaving tiny little whispers against my neck. It takes no time for my core to dampen. Running his hands up my bare thighs, making his way to my panties I whimper at the knowledge of what’s to come. With the mixture of his lips working me and his fingers dancing along my skin I can’t form one single fucking thought. Free my mind? Oh yes indeed he already has. I’m about to start yelling at him, he’s dragging out the inevitable we already know he’s going to touch me where I need to be touched.

  His fingers swiftly move my panties to the side.

  “Your mind free yet,” he whispers huskily against my collarbone.

  Hmm? Everything is muffled to my ears.

  Dean chuckles “I take that as a yes.”

  The Ferris wheel starts moving. Oh shit!

  “You’re going to ride me hard and fast gorgeous, yeah,” he pulls his fingers away from my entrance before touching me.

  “Gah, what the fuck is wrong with you?” I try dragging his hand back.

  “I’m thinking this ride is only about seven minutes long with the stops and I want that pussy,” he grunts pulling out his cock.

  Oh well—in that case.

  I lift my hips and hover directly over his ‘anaconda’ cock as I keep my panties to the side.

  Mental note: Fucking smart thinking with the dress! No panties next time though.

  I slowly push down and it’s heaven being in control of the speed of how quickly I shield him with myself.

  “Dammit, Jade, we only have so many minutes,” he growls at me.

  I pause and look him directly in the eyes. He just called me Jade. Not Angel Kisses nor gorgeous, he straight called me Jade. I fucking love it.

  “You called me Jade,” I smile.

  He rolls his eyes and takes my hips slamming me down.

  “Fuck, Dean a little warning next time,” I pant.

  I place one hand on his shoulder and the other on the window next to me. I start riding him with a rhythm I didn’t know I had in me. Small circular motions as I move slowly up and down each time I rotate back up I slam slowly back down on him.

  “Fuck, no mercy eh?”

  I shake my head “No, no mercy,” I slam back down.

  I dig my nails into his shoulder. The feeling of my panties scraping against both of us with each movement only makes things that more erotic. The building is beginning and I use all my strength to put pressu
re on his shoulder and the window and start slamming down and up as fast as I can. The Ferris wheel comes to a stop and our cart is swaying back and forth.

  “Shit,” I moan.

  That means their starting to let people back off.

  The air in the cart is musky and hot. I feel the sweat rolling down in between my chest. I arch my back and continue with my assault on his anaconda.

  “Fuck, fuck, dammit Jade,” he hisses through a furrowed grin.

  “I know,” I moan.

  My vision blurs and my insides clamp down around him. That seems to be all he can take, his fingers dig into my hips slamming me down my hand loses its grip on the window.

  “Shit gorgeous!”

  No fucking kidding!

  My dress straps slip to the side exposing the top of my breasts and his eyes miss nothing, their like a bee seeking hunny. One hand leaves my side and grips my shoulder tightly as he forces me to arch further back. I feel his thumb caressing the top of my exposed breast.

  That’s it now that’s all I can fucking take.


  He growls and as my body quivers it’s release I feel his warm come spurting inside of me. I love that feeling.

  We’re both panting and I’m still arched I slowly bring myself back to eye level with him. The look in his piercing green eyes stops me. It’s possessive almost wickedly so.

  What the fuck is that look? Oh shit! I’ve seen that look and I’ve seen it in his brother—Layden. Dammit Dean!

  —Dean’s Thoughts

  She’s fucking panting and arched back. She looks so fucking stunning. Jade moves to almost full eye level with me before stopping in her tracks. Fuck! Whatever she sees in the look in my eyes causes her breath to hitch. What? What in the hell did she see? She bites her lip as she slowly climbs off of me putting herself back together. I want to stop her. As soon as the cool breeze hits my dick I groan. The loss of being in Jade while being bareback is unfuckingbearable! She sits next to me and rests the side of her face on the glass. What in the fuck just happened?


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