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Safeword: Matte - In Training

Page 23

by Candace Blevins

  Her new husband stood her back up, made sure she had her balance, and the two turned to face the crowd as the pastor proclaimed, “I present to you Ethan Levi and Samantha McGinnis-Levi.”

  The music started and Ethan led Sam down the aisle and into the Silver Ballroom. Sam had dreaded the receiving line, but found she enjoyed hugging her friends and family, and seeing how happy everyone was.

  When the last person came through, Ethan led Sam to the dance area as he said, “I get the first dance.”

  “Yes, but then you’ll be happy to hand me over to whoever else wants to dance, right?”

  “Of course, but only because I know you’re mine.”

  He glanced at the band and they switched songs in midstream, transitioning to a rendition of Elvis Presley’s, I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You. Most surprising of all, Justin stepped into the band area, grabbed a mike, and began to sing. He had a beautiful voice, and he hit the low notes in a way that made Sam want to drag her new husband upstairs.

  She assumed Ethan had picked this song out and arranged for his cousin to sing it, and she listened to the words as they danced, and her heart melted a little more. This was the man she’d spend the rest of her life with, and she couldn’t wait to get started.

  Ethan’s deep voice vibrated through his torso and against Sam’s cheek. “I’m looking forward to hearing about your adventures last night, by the way.”

  Sam laughed and looked up to meet his gaze. “How hard did you grill Viv?”

  “I didn’t grill her at all.” He raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Just asked a few questions to make sure you had fun.”

  “While we were changing she said she’d told you I ‘kissed a girl, sort of’ and you asked if I’d sort of kissed a girl, or kissed someone who was sort of a girl.”

  “Yep, and she said you definitely kissed her.” He laughed. “You texted me to let me know you were in safe for the night, and hadn’t had an O; so I’m good with it, but can’t wait to hear the details.”

  “And what about you? Did you enjoy yourself? I haven’t managed to get any details at all, but I assume ya’ll made use of the playroom.”

  Ethan nodded. “We did, and I used a single tail on a lovely submissive after the others had her nice and warmed up, but I didn’t lay a hand on her.”

  Sam rested her head on her husband’s torso and wished they were in private so she could pull herself up his body, wrap her legs around his waist, drape her arms around his neck, and rest her head on his shoulder.

  Ethan was a terrible dancer, but he could manage to stand in place and move to the music for slow dances, and she relaxed into him, suddenly tired. They were married. Hitched. Stuck with each other.

  And she couldn’t be happier.

  The song came to an end and Justin spoke into the mike. “My price for singing the first song was to get the second dance with the bride.”

  He handed the mike to a member of the band and stepped away as the first notes of Maniac filled the air.

  “Turn around, Samantha.” Ethan said. “I asked Jacob to help me get your bustle and train off before the real dancing started.”

  Sam obediently turned and allowed the men to remove the long parts of her dress, leaving her in a mid-calf length dress. Kirsten had taken her to a ballroom dance store for her shoes, saying she’d want to be able to last the evening in her heels, and Sam was tempted to go to the store for her high heels from now on, as she couldn’t believe how comfortable the shoes were.

  Justin broke into a hip-hop style dance Sam couldn’t have hoped to copy if one of the muscled men hadn’t walked her through some of it last night after she’d talked with Tara. She smiled and fell into step with Justin, figuring she probably looked ridiculous attempting hip-hop in a wedding dress, but the guests made a circle around them and clapped and cheered as Sam and Justin found a rhythm with each other and put on an impromptu show.

  The music faded and picked up with Wild Thing, and Francisco stepped towards her as Justin hugged her and said, “Welcome to the family. You’re perfect for him, and if he doesn’t treat you right let me know and I’ll call Dustin home to kick his ass.”

  He considered her a minute and added, “Or, if you want help kicking his ass, ‘cause you don’t seem the type to let someone else fight your battles.”

  Frisco was always fun to dance with, but the music was fast so they didn’t have a chance to talk. Sam made a mental note to talk to Ethan about him on the plane tomorrow, and to call Frisco sometime this week to talk.

  Tom stepped up after Francisco, and her dad insisted on a dance, but most surprising of all was Travis, who arranged for the band to play a song they could waltz to, and led her around the ballroom like a pro.

  Sam usually hated the ballroom dancing rules, and almost always ended up leading. If someone wanted to lead her, they had to be strong enough to do so, and Travis was strong enough, and then some, and Sam found she could relax into his lead and enjoy herself. He was the maestro, she only had to dance in the directions he spun her.

  Just before the song ended Sam asked, “Can you maybe lead me to the food when we finish?”

  “Of course.”

  True to his word, he positioned them near the food as the song ended, and didn’t let go of her hand as he led her to the buffet spread. Viv met them as they put food on their plates and Sam asked, “How lucky are you, to have a husband who knows how to dance? Wow, if I’d had socks on, he’d have knocked them off.” She shook her head and lowered her voice conspiratorially. “He’s a Dom even on the dance floor, isn’t he? It almost felt like we were being naughty a couple of times.”

  Viv laughed. “If I’d have minded I’d have cut in. I don’t mind lending him to you every once in a while, when you need a dance partner.”

  Ethan’s deep voice came from behind them. “I’ve never had the desire to learn to dance before, but I think Travis may’ve just changed my mind.” He clapped his hand on Travis’ shoulder. “I just watched you dominate my submissive in front of the vanillas, and they all seemed to approve.”

  Travis gave a cocky grin. “I guess that’s one way to look at it.”

  Sam loaded her plate and smiled at Ethan in thanks. He knew what her smile meant as he leaned in and spoke into her ear, “Tomorrow night, your ass is mine, darling wife.”

  Viv was close enough to hear and said, “Tomorrow night?”

  “Yeah,” Sam smiled. “He wanted me to enjoy the food today without worrying about…”

  Tyler laughed as Viv said, “You’ve got a keeper. You know that, right?”

  Sam looked at Ethan and their gazes locked as she said, “I do.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  One of Ethan’s cousins caught the bouquet, and Ethan told Sam he’d had the first dance, and now he wanted the last. He motioned to the band, and they broke into When a Man Loves a Woman.

  Sam came very close to crying as Ethan held her, and they danced.

  Going to their room only involved getting on the elevator, and Sam accepted hugs from her parents, Ethan’s parents and grandparents, and myriad friends. Ethan gave Dustin an extended hug, much longer than men usually do in public, but Sam realized it was because they wouldn’t see each other again before Dustin went back overseas.

  Sam didn’t like the morbid feeling of knowing she may never see him again, as he’d be stepping into unknown dangers, and she hugged him extra hard as well, even though she’d only met him a few days ago.

  “You take care and stay safe, and we’ll see you next time you can get away.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Take care of Ethan, I’m glad he has you.”

  When the elevator doors closed and they were alone, she squeezed Ethan’s hand and said, “It’s hard, saying goodbye to him, isn’t it?”

  Ethan nodded. “I worry about him. I know he can take care of himself, but I also know a little of what he does and it’s terrifying to think of him in enemy territory.”

  “He’s given you details?”<
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  Ethan turned to her with a haunted look. “A few years ago the government bought plane tickets for me to come to the Pentagon, and I spent a week with him and a psychiatrist. I had to sign a million forms saying I wouldn’t talk about the things I learned, but apparently the doctor felt Dustin needed family close by to help him deal, and they brought me and Justin in. Justin already had the right clearances, but it took them a few days to run background checks on me before they flew me up.”

  “So, you were in the sessions with him?”

  “Not all of them, but some. The doctor had him tell us everything that happened, and said he needed people from his everyday life who knew. There was a workout area we had free use of, and we sparred quite a bit that week, too.” Ethan laughed. “One of the generals tried to recruit me. Lots of stars, not just a few.”

  Sam started to ask if Ethan had seen Travis and Dustin talking. She’d had the impression they already knew each other, which made her think Dustin must work with the CIA, either directly, or teamed up with them through whatever Special Forces he was part of.

  Viv had told her Travis used to work for the federal government, and had said no when Sam had asked about the FBI and Marshall’s service, but had changed the subject when she’d mentioned the CIA. Sam and Kirsten both knew how Viv and Travis had met, but she didn’t think anyone else knew, so she didn’t bring it up with Ethan.

  Sam gave a happy exclamation when Ethan keyed them into their room. It was huge, and beautiful, and a bottle of champagne was chilling in a fancy ice bucket, right beside a box of super-fancy truffles and a tray with strawberries, raspberries, and honeydew melon.

  Sam stepped in, spread her arms, and turned in a slow circle as she took everything in.

  “If I’d known this was up here, I might’ve dragged you up after Justin sang.”

  “But then I’d have missed getting to watch my wife have a blast dancing with all of our friends.”

  “And your dad,” she reminded. “How is it he can dance and you can’t?”

  “Same reason Justin can and Dustin can’t?” He shrugged. “I might consider taking ballroom lessons with you once we get back, though. You and Travis were like magic together, and I want to be able to Dom you in front of people like he did.”

  “I don’t know about us being magic,” she said as she sat on the edge of the bed and slid her shoes off, “but he and Viv were downright mesmerizing when they did the Foxtrot later.”

  “Not to mention the fast dance they did,” Ethan agreed, “where he threw her into the air and caught her, and spun her around his back. I wouldn’t mind learning how to do that to you, either.”

  Sam glanced up as she massaged her foot. “You’re serious?”

  “I am.” He nodded as he stepped towards her. “I also want to claim you with the dress on. Lay back and spread your legs.”

  Sam raised her arms over her head as her back hit the bed, showing him she was willingly submitting. Gentle hands worked her white hose and panties off, and he lowered his mouth to her clit as his fingers sank inside.

  After days without an orgasm, she almost came on the spot, but held back as she begged, “Please tell me I can come. I’m so close. Please!”

  He raised his head, met her eyes, and shook it back and forth once before standing and dropping his pants and underwear. “Wrap your arms and legs around me,” he said as he leaned back over her.

  Sam held on as he stood, her dress spilling down her legs in the back, but trapped between them in the front.

  He used one hand to lift her bottom, the other to position his cock, and Sam closed her eyes and groaned as he lowered her onto his hard length.

  “Open your eyes, Samantha. Look at me.”

  Their gaze locked and she opened her mouth to beg to come, but he said, “Come as often as you want, no permission needed, but keep your eyes on me, even if I close mine for a few minutes.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He gave her a relaxed smiled as he lifted her, effortlessly sliding her up his cock and back down. “That’s my girl.”

  Sam held eye contact as he raised and lowered her, and when he finally turned and pushed her into the wall and began jackhammering his cock into her, her orgasm detonated its way through every muscle in her body, and she rocked and spasmed against the wall as he held her firm and continued pounding his way to his own violent release.

  Ethan took a few seconds to catch his breath before gathering Sam in his arms and holding her to his chest, her legs still wrapped around his waist.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m wonderful. I love you so much, Ethan.”

  He sat on the bed and Sam leaned back to look into his face as he said, “I love you, too. More than words can say.” He glanced at the clock on the bedside table and said, “Two massage therapists will be here in about thirty minutes to give us a side-by-side couples massage. Want to get undressed, put the hotel robes on, and dig into the champagne, truffles, and fruit?”

  Sam kissed his forehead, his lips, and the tip of his nose. “You’re too good to me.”

  “I’m glad you think so, but I intend to spend the rest of my life making sure you know how much you’re loved. If you ever think I’m taking you for granted, please tell me. Deal?”

  Sam nodded. “Deal, but the same goes for you. If we want this to work, we’ll have to communicate, and let the other know when we aren’t happy.”

  Ethan helped her up, turned her around, and unzipped her dress. Sam let him help undress her, and then she helped him out of his shirt. The robes were heavy and snuggly, and Sam curled up on the bed and rested her head on Ethan’s lap.

  “Do we have time for you to tell me about your adventures last night?” asked Ethan.

  “I can get started, but I doubt I’ll finish before the massage therapists arrive.” She wiggled her toes. “After dancing for hours last night in heels, and then doing the same today, my feet and calves aren’t terribly happy with me.”

  He caressed her shoulder and ran a heavy hand down her robed arm. “Make sure you tell the massage therapist, but I can work on them now, if you want.”

  Sam rolled to her back and looked up, meeting his gaze. “Thanks, but I think I can survive until they get here.” She smiled and added, “Husband.”

  “Well, wife, what would you like to do after our massages? There’s an indoor pool, and a workout center, or we can walk around downtown, or we can stay in and snuggle and smooch.”

  “I’d be open to any of those things except the workout center.”

  There was a knock on the door and Ethan stood to let the massage therapists in.

  Ethan had paid for two massages, for an hour and a half, and Sam hadn’t considered how romantic it would be for them to be worked on at the same time, so they could moan in pleasure, groan in pain, and talk as the therapists worked.

  When the massage therapists finally folded their tables and left, Sam just wanted to lay in bed and relax. Ethan seemed to feel the same, and he brought the fruit, truffles, and champagne to her in bed.

  Sam told him all about Tara, and being part of the show’s finale.

  “If you’re serious about wanting to be her friend, why don’t we invite her to the house for some self-defense pointers, so I can meet her?”

  “I think I’d rather meet her for lunch in a public setting first, and then invite her to the house.”

  Ethan fed her a truffle and said, “You want to set the two of you up as just girls, without any romantic overtones. Right?”

  Sam nodded. “Yeah. I get the feeling she wants a normal friend-who’s-a-girl, and I’d like us to have a chance to develop that rapport, without any touching or kissing.”

  Sam fed Ethan a strawberry and smiled as his lips sealed around her finger and slid away as he took the fruit. “Do you think she wants a girlfriend who’s okay with her gender status, and who she can be honest with about her boy-toy submissives.”

  “Do you mean girlfriend, or friend-who’s-a-girl?�

  “The latter.”

  Sam sipped her champagne and felt the bubbles make her a little lightheaded as they went down. “Probably. I really liked her though. I mean, as a person. The way she talks, her outlook on life, her self-confidence.” Rearranging herself on the bed, she sat up and pulled her legs crisscross under her before admitting, “I think she might be better at being a woman than I am. Do my muscles bother you? Do I feel like a girl to you?”

  “Lay back down, Samantha. You don’t want to mess up your nice, chilled, relaxed, buzz.” He waited until she returned to her reclining position across from the fruit and truffle trays before feeding her a bite of honeydew melon and saying, “You’re perfect for me. I don’t have to cut my runs short when you come with me, I can bike with you until I’m tired, and you don’t nag me about how much time I spend working out, because you’re usually working out with me. I wouldn’t want you any other way.”

  “You’re pretty perfect for me, too.” She sipped some more champagne and laughed as she said, “Sheesh, could we get any mushier? Did you still want to walk around downtown, or are you good with staying in?”

  “I think you’d prefer to stay where you are and not have to get up and get dressed.”

  “Well, yeah, but if you need to move I’m not opposed to walking around.”

  “No.” He shook his head and fed her another truffle. “I’m pretty happy veg’ing for the night, too.”

  They talked and ate, and eventually started kissing, and Ethan made love to her — soft, slow, and tender. Sam was glad they’d decided to wait until they made it to Hawaii to get started on their honeymoon in earnest, because she’d needed tonight to regroup after the craziness of the past weeks. It was so nice to just relax in his arms as his wife.


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