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Head Over Spurs: Hell Yeah!

Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  Tanner didn’t add anything more. He was offering her the same assurance. He’d stated his case and early in the morning, he would propose. Today he’d taken care of her, and if she’d let him, he’d do it for the rest of her life.

  Once the meat was cooked to perfection, they went back to the kitchen, filled their plates and consumed almost every bite. Both had pushed the idea of her leaving out of their mind. That wasn’t what tonight was all about.

  “Let me help you with the dishes.”

  “Nope.” Tanner set the last one in the sink. “We have much more important business to attend to.” Before she knew what was happening, he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the sunroom door. Lord, he’d never look at this room the same again. What used to be a functional place where plants could flourish, where he could watch the sun go down – had now become sacred ground. “On the eleventh day of Christmas, your true love gave to you…”

  Desire gasped as she saw the rose petals and all of the candles flickering in the place where they’d made love over and over again. “Oh, how wonderful!”

  “I wanted tonight to be special.”

  “How could it be anything else?” She hugged him tight.

  Slowly, as if he were pressing the memories between the pages of his mind, Tanner undressed her. “Do you know how beautiful you are to me?”

  Desiree quivered. His heated, hooded gaze made her feel beautiful.

  “I love how your body looks bathed in moonlight, all cream and roses.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, placing the palm of her hand on his cheek. “You are so handsome. I’ve never known anyone whose heart is as beautiful as his body. You’re the total package, Tanner.” Her hands were busy undressing him, she was more impatient than he.

  “Lay down, sweet.”

  She let his hands guide her body, being still while he arranged her hair on the pillow. It was like he was creating a picture. A chill ran down Desiree’s spine as she wondered if this would be the last time they made love.

  Leaning forward, he braced his hands on either side of her shoulders, bending to capture her lips in a sweet kiss. “You have no idea what you do to me, do you?”

  Sliding her hand down his chest, she found the weight of his cock. “Maybe a smidge of an idea.”

  “A smidge?” He blew a raspberry on her belly in retaliation. “There’s more than a smidge there.” He covered her happy smile with his mouth, inhaling the giggle he adored. “There’s a need.” She was his personal treasure, his window into paradise, there was no way he’d ever survive if he had to give her up.

  She trailed her fingers up and down his thigh, loving how the big man shook at her touch. “I think I have what you need.”

  Tanner snorted. “I know you do.” He moved up her body a little, giving Desiree better access. To his immense relief, she took advantage of his proximity, taking his cock in hand and stroking it up and down leisurely.

  “Even though I’m…older.”

  His heart hurt for the uncertainty in her voice. He had no way of knowing what to say, how to convince her – other than the truth. “Baby, it’s so easy to love perfect.”

  “Move farther up, please.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He could follow orders, especially when… “Ah,” he sighed when she blew a stream of air over the tip end of his dick. “You’re teasing me.”

  “Yes, sir.” Taking the tip of her tongue, she dipped it into the tiny slit, licking up a tiny bead of pre-cum. When his cock jerked in her hand, she looked up into his eyes to find him gazing at her. “I love how you want me.”

  The sight of her delicate tongue and the feeling of her gently pumping him was almost his undoing. “It’s not hard.”

  She giggled. “Oh, yes it is.” Milking him in gentle motions, she proceeded to lick the tip like an ice cream cone. “And I bet I can make it harder.”

  Slipping her lips over the end, she began to suck. It felt so good, his heart almost stopped. He wasn’t ready to cum, not yet. “I need inside you.”

  Desiree wiggled beneath him, her pussy throbbing, anticipating the pleasure she was about to experience. As he moved into position, she spread her legs in welcome. In the glow of the candlelight, he fit himself to her and sank into heaven.

  As she felt him fill her, Desiree shuddered with pleasure. Tangling her fingers in his silky hair, she sipped from his lips. Easing deeper, he plunged into her over and over, his big body insatiable, demanding her climax.

  “You’re mine, mine, mine.” Tanner chanted as he tunneled in and out of her.

  “Oh, Tanner…” she didn’t disagree, but Tanner felt her stiffen slightly. Well, he was having none of that. With renewed urgency, he layered his lips to hers while his cock surged deep, thrusting harder, faster – doing his best to reach the part of her she was holding back.

  “Surrender to me,” he whispered, his balls slapping against her as he slipped a hand under her hips, adjusting the angle of his penetration so he’d reach that one perfect…

  “Tanner!” she screamed, convulsing beneath him. He snaked his arms beneath her, lifting her as she wrapped arms and legs around him, holding on as he powered to his own release. “I love you,” she whispered, almost too low for him to hear.

  But hear her he did – over the mad thudding of his heart, over the creaking of the mattress. Her sweet admission fueled his climax and he came in a rush, his cum boiling up from his balls, filling her, marking her as his – forever.

  * * *

  Desiree wasn’t asleep, but she was curled into him like a sleepy kitten. Tanner was watching the clock, waiting for just the right moment. She was telling him about the time she’d met Dolly Parton and how thrilled she’d been. “Dolly hugged me. She said she was a big fan of mine. I cried, I couldn’t believe it!”

  “I can. You have the voice of an angel.”

  “Thank you,” she sighed with contentment.

  As soon as the big hand moved past midnight, he knew it was time. “Excuse me, baby. I’ll be right back. Hold my place for me?”

  Desiree sat up, watching him go, admiring his fine naked form as he moved across the room. “Sure. Hurry back.”

  On the way, Tanner stopped to pull on some clothes. He wanted to be able to tell his kids about how he proposed to their mom one day, so he didn’t want to have to lie about whether or not he was wearing pants.

  Desiree had no idea what was going on? Of course, with Tanner, she’d learn to expect the unexpected. When he returned with a big, beautiful bouquet of red roses, she sat straight up, grabbing her robe – mainly because he was dressed. “Tanner, my God, how glorious!”

  “Happy twelfth day of Christmas, Desiree. You’ll never know what this time with you has meant to me. You’ve changed my life.”

  He was being so sweet. Desiree felt tears form in her eyes. “You’ve done more than change my life, Tanner – you’ve saved it.” She accepted the roses, bringing them close to her face to inhale their aroma. She felt the velvety petals graze her nose. “Thank you so much.” Running her finger over the blooms, she marveled at their perfection. “But…I think they gypped you one, there’s only eleven.” Knowing how meticulous he’d been with his numbered gifts, she figured it had to be an oversight.

  “No, there’s only eleven.” He gave her a tender, teasing glance. “This is what’s standing in for number twelve.” Tanner lifted up the ring he’d bought for her. “Desiree, love of my life, will you marry me?”


  Desiree couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe…she couldn’t hear. Her heart was thundering in her chest. Tanner Barron had just proposed.

  He held the ring out, expectantly.

  Unable to think, unable to breathe, her hand started to reach for the ring – then she stopped.

  “I love you, Tanner.”

  Tanner gave her a beautiful, happy smile. “I love you too. More than you’ll ever know.”

  “I can’t marry you.”

stared at her. Surely he’d heard wrong. “You love me.”

  “Yes, but I can’t marry you.” Her heart was breaking. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him, but it would never work. It would never last. She’d seen the proof with her own two eyes.

  Tanner felt like the world had just been pulled out from under him, leaving him suspended in a cold, soulless space. He didn’t ask again, his hand dropping. Standing up, he backed up a few feet.

  “Tanner, please, try to understand. You’ve done so much for me. I’m so grateful…”

  Holding up his hand, he stopped her speech. “I’m not interested in your gratitude.” Searching for some explanation, he sank to the edge of the bed. “It’s my past isn’t it?”

  “No!” Desiree rose to stand beside him. “You’re the very best man I know. I couldn’t care less about your past.”

  “You know,” Tanner’s voice sounded almost hopeless, “I don’t care about your fame or your money. I’d love you if you never sung another song and gave away every dime you have to charity. I just want to take care of you.”

  He was breaking her heart. “You’re young…perfect.”

  “I’m just a man who loves you more than life. I’ll always love you.” Tanner wanted to get down on his knees and beg…but he didn’t. A man had to have some pride. “Fifty years from now, I’ll only love you more.”

  “No, Tanner, my mother was older than my father…he left her…he left us…”

  She had Tanner’s complete and utter attention. Now, they were getting somewhere. “And you think I’m like your father?”

  Desiree didn’t get a chance to answer. All of a sudden there was a desperate banging on the door. “Tanner! Mr. Barron! Help!”

  The voice was Mrs. Foster. Tanner felt like he was being torn in two.

  “Go! Something’s wrong!” Desiree urged.

  He ran to the door to find his friend in tears. “What’s wrong?” He put an arm around her. “Is it Mr. Foster?”

  “No!” She sobbed. He’s getting the car. “It’s our granddaughter. She went on a hike in the Big Thicket. She’s disappeared. And she’s pregnant!” Her sobs grew louder. “Will you come? Will you find her?”

  Desiree’s hand was on his back. “Go. You have to go.”

  The look he gave her spoke volumes. “Yes, I’ll go. But we’re not through.”

  She knew he was right. They would never be through, not as long as she could remember how wonderful it was to love him. But did they have a future? She was very afraid to believe they might.

  Mr. and Mrs. Foster left, with Tanner’s promise that he would be on his way shortly. When he got on the road, he planned on calling the local authorities near the Big Thicket to find out the best way he could help. “You’ll be gone when I get back.”

  He sounded so defeated, Desiree didn’t know what to do. Somehow, someway, she had to make him understand. “This isn’t what you think, Tanner. I’m doing what’s best for you…for us.”

  “Being together is what’s best.” He looked at her with stricken eyes. “How am I supposed to live without you?” Turning from her, Tanner grabbed his coat. He had to get out of here before he made an absolute fool of himself. “Take care of yourself, Desiree. If you ever need me…” His voice broke.

  The next thing she knew he was gone.

  * * *

  All the way to southeast Texas, Tanner was in an agonized daze. What had he been thinking? For the last two weeks, he’d been existing in a fantasy world. There was no way a woman like Desiree would ever settle for a man like him.

  For the next forty-eight hours, he operated on automatic. He relied on his instincts, pushed himself to the limit. The Big Thicket National Preserve had forty miles of hiking trails, but over a hundred thousand acres of dense forested swamp populated by alligators, panthers and some even said criminals who used the almost impenetrable wilderness as a fortress. Tanner wasn’t the only one searching, there were several teams, including dogs…but on the third day, he found the woman, sitting at the base of a big cypress tree.

  Her grandmother, his Mrs. Foster, almost collapsed from relief when he brought the young woman safely back to camp. Tanner didn’t linger once the woman was secure, he just wanted to drive – to leave. But there was no escaping the pain in his heart.

  And no matter how hard he tried…he couldn’t keep from wondering how Desiree was doing. Did she think about him? Did she miss him?

  The answer was yes... Desiree was exhausted. Rehearsals were nonstop, and as if the intervening weeks hadn’t even happened, she’d relapsed with her anxiety attacks. Her sleep was nonexistent and she was taking the drugs again. Each night as darkness fell, she was overcome with encroaching panic. Not wanting to blow the concert, she tried to be strong.

  Her manager and assistant did what they could, but it wasn’t enough.

  “You’ve got to get ahold of yourself.” Randy believed in tough love.

  Desiree didn’t get angry, she realized that the success of the concert and dozens of people’s livelihoods depended on whether or not she could get her act together. “I’m trying,” she said, realizing there was no substantiating her claim.

  “What’s changed?” he asked. “I thought you were doing so well. We were all shocked when the second stalker was caught, but that ought to give you peace, not create…” He threw his hands in the air. “Havoc!”

  “I don’t know.” Desiree knew she was lying, and her assistant, Janice, knew it too. Desiree avoided her eyes as the woman gazed at her with a knowing look.

  When Randy was gone, Janice sidled up to her. “I know what’s changed. He’s not here. You miss your Tanner. He was your anchor.” She grasped Desiree by the shoulders. “Call him!”

  “I can’t.” She shook her head.


  With a frustrated wail, she let it all out. “He’s so much younger than me. A whole decade!”

  “So? It’s not like you look anywhere near your age, you’re timeless. You haven’t changed an iota in all the years I’ve known you.”

  “And how long do you think that will last? One day it will probably just hit me in the face and everything will just fall.” She gestured her hands down her body.

  Janice had to laugh. “You’re so funny, and so silly. Are you seriously going to send that wonderful man away because he’s a few years younger than you?”

  With anguish, Desiree began to tell the story of her family. “He broke her heart. They were in love. They were happy. Until one day…he looked at my mother and saw an old woman that he didn’t love anymore.”

  Janice took Desiree in her arms. “You aren’t your mother, and Tanner is certainly not your father. Don’t punish yourself and him for something that has absolutely nothing to do with you.”

  “Well, it’s too late. I hurt him. He’ll never forgive me.”

  Janice folded her arms. “We’ll see about that,” she muttered to herself.

  * * *

  “Consider for a moment that we have a hiker lost in Yosemite National Park. The man has a broken leg and no way to signal for help. Then, above him he hears something buzzing. No, it’s not a plane, it’s not a drone…

  “It’s superbug,” Tanner drawled.

  “Hush,” Bowie whispered under his breath. “This is serious.” He could tell Tanner was out of it. After this meeting they were going to have a come-to-Jesus-moment. Something had gone wrong with his relationship to Desiree. He’d never seen his friend so down. On the flight over, all he’d done was doodle on a pad, rarely saying a word. At least he hadn’t lost his sarcasm.

  The professor making the presentation continued. “It’s a beetle wearing a very specialized backpack.”

  Dry-scrubbing his face, Tanner groaned under his breath. He had to get out of here. Any other time, he’d probably be all into this. But not now…

  “Working with a university in Singapore and one in California, we have developed a bio-drone capable of going places difficult and time-consuming
for humans to access, all controlled via remote-control.”

  “Sorry, buddy.” Tanner slapped Bowie on the back. Thankfully, they weren’t the only ones listening to the demonstration. He could see the benefits of using the insects, in fact the idea was ingenious.

  Sitting under a tree, he waited until Bowie joined him a few minutes later. “I slipped out too. So, what did you think?”

  “I think we’ll soon be out of a job.” Tanner knew his outlook was less than enthusiastic.

  Bowie laughed. “Oh, those beetles might find someone, but they’ll never bring them down safely from a desolate mountain crag.”

  “True.” Tanner looked at his watch. “Well, what now?”

  “You want to go somewhere and talk?” Bowie folded his arms over his chest, keeping a close eye on Tanner’s face.

  “Not really, there’s not much to talk about. I proposed to Desiree and she said no. She’s back in Tennessee and I…”

  “I’m so sorry,” Bowie sat down beside Tanner on the rock wall fence.

  “So am I.” He bowed his head. “She said she loved me, I just don’t understand.”

  “What reason did she give? Did she just not want to give up her career?”

  “Hell, we didn’t get that far. All she could talk about was the differences in our age, which I just don’t understand.”

  “Women are sensitive about those things, Tanner.”

  “I know.”

  “Maybe if you talked to her again.”

  “Maybe. I wrote a speech to make to her if I ever get the chance. Hell, I even composed a damn song.”

  Bowie didn’t laugh, it wasn’t funny. What he did was slap his friend on the back. “How about a drink?”

  “Sounds good to me.” They’d no more than walked across the parking lot when Tanner’s phone vibrated. Unable to contain his hopes, he jerked the phone from his pocket. He didn’t recognize the number. “Hello?”

  “Tanner Barron?”


  “This is Janice Monroe, Desiree Holt’s PA. Miss Holt wants to sing a song you wrote and we need your signature on a contract before she can proceed.”


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