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Head Over Spurs: Hell Yeah!

Page 17

by Sable Hunter

  “I wrote the song for her, it was a gift. She can do whatever the hell she wants with it.” The fact that she’d had her assistant call instead of phoning herself told him volumes.

  “I’m sorry. Our legal team won’t allow her to sing it without something in writing.”

  “Hell, yes, send the damn thing.”

  “Can I have a fax number?”

  “I don’t have a fax on me, how about sending an email for one of those electronic signatures.”

  She seemed to consider the possibility. “No, that won’t do. The lawyers aren’t fond of electronic signatures. Where are you?”

  “Chapel Hill, North Carolina.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll have to tell her to leave the song off the program. You’re about three hours away.”

  Tanner’s shoulders slumped. “No, don’t do that. Where is the concert?”

  “Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Could you stop by? Head Over Spurs is an amazing song. You don’t happen to have any others lying around, do you?”


  “You do?”

  “Yea, I wrote it the other day…for Desiree. How is she?” He couldn’t keep the concern out of his voice if he tried.

  “She’s a mess. She can’t sleep, she doesn’t eat, and she’s having those same anxiety attacks like before. I thought she was better…” Her voice trailed off.

  “She was, when she was with me.” Tanner knew she needed him. How long would it be before she figured it out?

  “She misses you.”

  “Did she say so?” Tanner’s heart thumped in his chest.

  “She doesn’t have to. You’ve got to do something.”

  Tanner’s gaze met Bowie’s. He took strength from his friend’s support. “I don’t know what more I can do. I offered her everything I have.”

  “Look, don’t give up. This is too important. I don’t know if she ever told you about her father, but he hurt Desiree. When he walked out on her mother, using her age as an excuse, Desiree had to watch their lives fall apart.”

  “I would never do that.” Tanner was emphatic.

  “I believe you, now all you have to do is convince Desiree.”


  Janice lowered her voice. “Desiree told me you could sing. Why don’t you send her a video?”

  “Well, I can carry a tune in a bucket. But I wouldn’t call it my greatest talent. I’m more convincing up close and personal.”

  Janice laughed. “I can see why Desiree says you’re funny.”

  Like a light bulb going off in his head, Tanner had an idea. “I tell you what. You get your contract ready and get me a ticket…and make sure there’s a microphone near my seat at the concert.”

  Bowie witnessed all of this, hearing enough of the conversation to understand what was going on. “Let’s go to the airport, I just switched your ticket,” he said, putting his own phone away.

  “Thanks, buddy. I might make a fool out of myself, but I’ll never be satisfied unless I give it my best shot.”

  * * *

  “I don’t know if I can do this.” Honestly, her heart wasn’t in it. The reason for that? She’d left her heart back in Texas along with Tanner.

  “Yes, you can.” Randy urged. “You have to. Many people are depending on you. The concert is sold out and the network already has full commercial support. This is a big deal, sweetie.”

  “I know.” Desiree sat down, cradling her head in her hands. “I’m just so tired. Did you get the signature for Tanner, so I can sing his song?”

  “Sure did.”

  “Did you set up the royalties like I asked?”

  “He had something to say about that, but yes, for now.”

  “Good.” She took a large sip of water.

  “When you get on the stage, that familiar fire will come back. The excitement of the crowd always gets you going.”

  Desiree hoped so. “When this is over, we need to talk. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.”

  “Let’s not worry about that now, you need to get dressed.”

  On wooden legs, Desiree trudged to her dressing room. Knowing she had no choice, she got ready to perform.

  In the audience, Tanner was so nervous, he couldn’t keep his feet still. Was he crazy? Crazy in love, for sure. All around him people cheered, calling Desiree’s name. He’d been to many live concerts, but this was different. This would be a day that defined his life. He was putting everything on the line, he only prayed it would work.

  Backstage, Desiree waited to be announced. The house was packed and the television cameras were rolling. Taking a deep breath, she started forward as the music sounded.

  “Help me welcome to the stage, the beautiful, talented – Desiree Holt!”

  Like the rest of the crowd, Tanner was hypnotized by the voice and stage presence of the woman he loved. He was probably the only one who noticed, but she was tired. There was a fragility about her that wasn’t quite normal. Every instinct he possessed urged him to take her in his arms, let her lean on him, give her whatever strength she needed.

  After every song, the crowd cheered. She sang all of their favorites, welcoming several guest stars to perform duets with her. When she sang, Head Over Spurs, you could’ve heard a pin drop. She received a standing ovation. Tanner thought his heart would burst.

  “Thank you, that song was written by a special friend of mine. It’s his first song. He’s a great talent with a wonderful voice…and I miss him.”

  Tanner knew she had no idea he was in the crowd.

  “Excuse me.” Janice spoke from the side of the stage. “We have a bit of a surprise. Mr. Barron is here…and he’s written a new song. Will you stand up, Tanner?”

  Tanner stood and a spotlight found him in the crowd. He saw the shock on Desiree’s face.

  “Will someone get him a microphone, please. We love your song and I understand you’ve written another one?”

  Murmurs were wafting from the crowd. This was highly irregular and Tanner knew it. Was he blowing this?

  Desiree felt faint. He was here! Tanner was here! Her eyes ate him up, for the first time since leaving Texas, she felt like she could breathe.

  “Yes, I have another song.” Tanner answered, his eyes locked with Desiree’s over the heads of the crowd. “I wrote it for Desiree.”

  “Will you sing it for us?”

  Picking up his guitar, he handed the microphone to an unsuspecting man standing next to him. “Here hold this for me. Desiree, this is for you.”

  A couple of her guests came on stage to support her, one standing on either side. “Lucky woman,” one of them whispered in her ear.

  This was true, she was very lucky to be loved by someone like Tanner. But he deserved…

  All of her thoughts and doubts fled her mind as he began to sing.

  Second chances don’t come easy

  They come to very few

  I’ve been blessed with a second chance

  When it comes to you

  I can’t say I deserve it

  Can’t say that I’m the best

  But I’ll love you long, I’ll love you strong

  More than all the rest

  The first time I asked you, you ran away

  Don’t understand your thinking, but I’m here to stay

  So this is it, your second chance

  To make me a happy man

  Cause here I stand with my hat in hand

  Oh, Baby, will you marry me?

  There was a hush in the crowd as he sang, but when the proposal came from his mouth, the crowd went wild. Tanner stood as the last note echoed through the building. “Desiree, will you marry me? I love you more than anything else in the world.”

  Desiree’s knees almost gave out, but her supporters kept her on her feet. Holding out a hand toward him, she gave him her answer.

  “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Loud, thunderous applause and cheers rocked the room. “Tanner! Tanner!�
� they yelled as Tanner made his way through the crowd. When he got to the edge of the stage, several just picked him up until his boots found footing.

  “I’m sorry,” she cried, tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t be, everything is going to be fine. I’m here now, I’ll take care of you.” He took her in his arms as the claps and catcalls reverberated through the room. “We have our entire lives ahead of us. Give me your hand.”

  As he slipped the ring on her finger, Tanner felt joy like he’d never know.

  “Will you take me home?” she whispered. “I need for you to hold me.”

  “Always. I’ll never let you go.” With that promise, he picked her up, carrying her off the stage.

  A year later…

  “Tanner! Tanner! Wake up, it’s time to go!”

  Tanner sprang from the bed, instantly awake. “It’s time?”

  Desiree kept a hand on her stomach. “If we don’t hurry, this baby is going to be born in the truck.”

  “Oh, my Lord. Oh, my goodness.” Typical expectant father, Tanner scrambled around hunting his keys. Seeing her heading to the door, he called out. “Just stay put. I’ll carry you.”

  Desiree laughed. “I can walk. I think it’s you who’s having trouble walking. You only have on one boot.”

  “Oh, good grief.” Tanner grabbed his other boot, slipping it on.

  “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” She took him by the arm. “Let’s go, Daddy. Your daughter is ready to make her debut appearance.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her,” he murmured. And his wife was right, everything would be fine. Their life was wonderful, and it would be perfect as soon as their daughter arrived.

  On the way to the hospital, Tanner hurried, but he drove carefully. He had precious cargo. Desiree was fully recovered, sleeping peacefully eight hours a night – unless the baby woke her up, kicking. She’d partnered with James Cochran and The Yellow Rose recording label was dominating the charts. His beautiful wife didn’t tour anymore, but she’d released several songs and every one of them had gone platinum. As far as he was concerned, life couldn’t be much better.

  “You’d better call everybody, they’ll be upset if you don’t,” she urged him between contractions.

  Tanner did…and a few hours later when Mary Celeste Barron came into the world, she was welcomed by a large group of happy people.

  “Well, we know what she’ll be doing for a living.” Jacob joked. “She’s got a pair of lungs on her.”

  Jessie and Cassie laughed. “She sounds perfect,” Cassie defended the tiny girl.

  “She’s beautiful, Tanner.” Bowie hugged his partner.

  “What did we miss?” Presley and Zane asked as they came off the elevator. “Is she here?”

  “She’s here.” Tanner beamed as they all gazed at the tiny girl, wrapped in pink, lying in the bassinet. As his family – yes, they were his family – stood admiring his brand new baby, Tanner slipped away to his wife’s room.

  “Is she okay?” Desiree asked, exhausted, but thrilled.

  “She’s perfect. The nurse will bring her in to you in a few moments.” He kissed his beautiful lady full on the lips. “You did so good.”

  “We did good. I couldn’t have done it without you,” she whispered with a smile on her lips.

  “It was all that practicing we did, I’ll do even better next time.”

  “I’m not sure I can handle you being any better.” Desiree yawned.

  “Oh, yeah. You can handle me, there’s no doubt in my mind. You have me in the palm of your hand.” He picked up her hand and tenderly kissed the palm. “And together we can deal with anything life throws at us. You know why?”

  She knew what he was going to say, but she never grew tired of hearing her White Knight say it. “Why?”

  Looking deep in her eyes, Tanner told her what was in his heart. “Cause I’m Head Over Spurs in love with you.” She held out her arms and he went into them. “And I always will be.”



  by Desiree Holt

  His heart has an appetite only one woman can satisfy.

  Sable Hunter paid her dues caring for suburban pets in West Texas. Ready to get back to her first love—large animals—she’s excited about moving to Saddle Wells to take over for the retiring veterinarian. With a reputation to build, she can’t afford any distractions, and the sizzling heat between her and local rancher

  Ryan Donovan could seriously mess with her focus. Ryan earned his stripes the hard way, one bull at a time on the rodeo circuit. Now he’s put his prize money to work raising bulls for competition. He can’t deny he misses the rush of pro riding—until the sweet new vet in town brings a different kind of excitement and makes him want to sweep her into his bed and his future.

  Becoming friends with benefits sounds like an excellent compromise to Ryan until he can convince Sable she doesn’t have to choose between career and love. But a costly mistake could destroy her career, as well as any chance for happiness with the man she realizes she loves.

  Warning: Contains a woman whose career is taking off, and a man whose career is changing direction faster than a spinning bull. Hang on, ladies, this cowboy’s got a free hand and it’s about to get wild!

  Grab it on Amazon!

  About the Author

  Sable Hunter is a New York Times, USA Today bestselling author of nearly 50 books in 7 series. She writes sexy contemporary stories full of emotion and suspense. Her focus is mainly cowboy and novels set in Louisiana with a hint of the supernatural. Sable writes what she likes to read and enjoys putting her fantasies on paper. Her books are emotional tales where the heroine is faced with challenges. Her aim is to write a story that will make you laugh, cry and swoon. If she can wring those emotions from a reader, she has done her job. Sable resides in Austin, Texas with her two dogs. Passionate about all animals, she has been known to charm creatures from a one ton bull to a family of raccoons. For fun, Sable haunts cemeteries and battlefields armed with night-vision cameras and digital recorders hunting proof that love survives beyond the grave. Welcome to her world of magic, alpha heroes, sexy cowboys and hot, steamy to-die-for sex. Step into the shoes of her heroines and escape to places where right prevails, love conquers all and holding out for a hero is not an impossible dream.

  Visit Sable:






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  Get hot and bothered!!!

  Hell Yeah!

  Cowboy Heat

  (Hell Yeah! Book 1)

  Hot on Her Trail

  (Hell Yeah! Book 2)

  Her Magic Touch

  (Hell Yeah! Book 3)

  Brown Eyed Handsome Man

  (Hell Yeah! Book 4)


  (Hell Yeah! Book 5)

  Burning Love

  (Hell Yeah! Book 6)

  Forget Me Never

  (Hell Yeah! Book 7)

  I'll See You In My Dreams

  (Hell Yeah! Book 8)

  Finding Dandi

  (Hell Yeah! Book 9)

  Skye Blue

  (Hell Yeah! Book 10)

  I'll Remember You

  (Hell Yeah! Book 11)


  True Love's Fire

  (Hell Yeah! Book 12)


  (Hell Yeah! Book 13)

  Welcome To My World

  (Hell Yeah! Book 14)

  How to Rope a McCoy

  (Hell Yeah!)

  One Man's Treasure

  (Hell Yeah! - Equalizers)

  You Are Always on My Mind

  (Hell Yeah! Cajun Style)

  If I Can Dream

  (Hell Yeah!)

  Hell Yeah! Sweeter Versions

  Cowboy Heat - Sweeter Version

  (Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version Book 1)

  Hot on Her Trail - Sweeter Version

  (Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version Book2)

  Her Magic Touch - Sweeter Version

  (Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version Book 3)

  Brown Eyed Handsome Man - Sweeter Version

  (Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version Book 4)

  Badass - Sweeter Version

  (Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version Book 5)

  Burning Love - Sweeter Version

  (Hell Yeah! Sweeter Version Book 6)

  Finding Dandi - Sweeter Version

  (Hell Yeah! Cajun Style)

  Forget Me Never - Sweeter Version


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