Economic Science Fictions
Page 33
Danaher, John, 358
data analyses in historical studies, 20
data mining, 104, 106
data sniffers, 270–3
data-driven economies, 273–6
dataxation, 273–6
Davies, Will, 37, 89
De Angelis, Massimo, 120
Debt The First 5000 Years (Graeber), 68
debts amnesty, 67–71
democracy, 362–5 and algorithms, 366
design fictions, 256–60, 276–9 economic, 260–9, 270–6, 289
Design Friction studio, 269
design methods, 206
design, speculative and critical, 282–5 projects, 285–93
Destiny (game), 248, 249–51
Dick, P.K., 118
digital economy design fiction on, 270–6
digital technology, 105 and extraction, 102
Dimitrakaki, Angela, 111
disabled facilities for, 315
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (film, Dick), 118
Doctorow, Cory, 59
Domestic Dissent Institute, 319, 322
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (Doctorow), 59
Dunagan, Jake, 288
Dunne, Tony, 282–4
Dur, Ali, 105
Dynamic Genetics vs. Mann (design project, Superflux studio), 286
dystopia, 29 capitalist, 93–4, 113–17
environmental, 117, 139–45
in science fiction, 34–5
economic development of United States, 34–5
economic recession in United Kingdom, 313–15
economic science fiction, xii, 21, 25, 26–8, 205, 295–6 and design, 260–9
and extraction, 122–3
in computer games, 229–35, 249–52
economics academic discipline of, 24
and design, 258
and science fiction, 31
performative, 81
and science fiction, 29–31, 34, 35–7
science of, 31–3
economies, 205 automated, 82–4, 89–92
non-capitalist/post-capitalist, 11
education for adults, 311–13
Ellis, R.D., 240
emotion monitoring of, 12
environment dystopia on, 117, 139–45
science fiction on, 285–93, 296–310
Eshun, Kodwo, 75
Esposito, Elena, 89
Eurozone, 356
extraction centrality of concept in capitalism, 93, 96–7, 98–101
corporeal, 97, 110–13
cultural representations of, 108–10, 113–17
and digital technology, 102
and economic science fiction, 122–3
environmental, 117
Facebook, 102
factories Luddite management of, 333–4
fatbergs, 156–8 London, 202
fictions, xiii, 23–4
film body horror genre in, 115
megastructures in, 252
financial crisis (2008-9), 18, 88
Fisher, Mark, 15, 48, 75
Fortunati, Leopoldina, 110–13
Foucault, Michel, 25
Frase, Peter, 26, 52
free markets pricing systems in, 1–5
functionalism, 214
future, 15, 323–5 of healthcare, 315, 320
of Luddism, 339–40
of Nigeria, 316
and risk management, 89
futurism, experiential, 287
futurists, 25
games, see computer games
Gattaca (film, Niccol), 37
Gerovitch, Slava, 82
Gilbert, Jeremy, xi
Gilligan, Melanie, 108–10
Go-Between (Hartley), 40
The Golden Institute (design project, Pohplepp), 292
Gouchev, S., 210
governance by algorithms, 358–62, 365
Graeber, David, 59, 68, 287
Gropius, Walter, 208
growth London’s capacity for, 173–4
Haider, Adnan, 240
Haley, Adam, 47
Half-Life (game), 243–5, 249–51
Halo (game), 229–35, 242, 249–51
Hamilton, Alexander, 34–5
The Happiness Industry (Davies), 37
Harraway, Donna, 105
Hartley, L.P., 38–40
Harvey, David, 101, 119, 120
Hatherley, Owen, 205
Havel, Vaclav, 227
Hawaii science fiction on, 288
Hawaii 2050 (design project, Dunagan and Candy), 288
Hayek, Friedrich von, 6
healthcare future of, 315, 320
Heinlein, Robert, 30, 76–82, 84–7
Hermicitiy (design project), 291
high frequency trading (HFT), 88
history data analyses used in study of, 20
of money, 61
study of, 40
technological developments in, 38–40
holography science fiction on, 128–31, 134–5
Horn, Laura, 26–8
Horsfall, William, 329
Houldsworth, Austin, 285–93
housewifirization, 104
housing pre-fabricated, 207, 211–14, 227, 228–9
in Soviet Union, 209–18, 228–9, 233, 234
Huxley, Aldous, 34–5
The Ideal Communist City, 214
immigration, 320 worries about, 311–13
In Time (film, Niccol), 63
individuals in capitalist society, 197–201
industrial revolution, 169
infobesity, 273–6
infrastructure science fiction on, 182–91
Intel-Cyprus Merger (design project, Papadopoulou), 286
International Co-operative Alliance Statement on the Co-operative Identity, 54
Internet, 106, 366 revolution, 173
Jackson, Tim, 285–93
Jain, Anab, 261
Jameson, Frederic, 16–17, 21, 26, 45, 48, 74–6, 95, 99
Johnson, Mark R., 205
Johnson, William, 332–7
Jones, Christopher J., 241
Jones, Duncan, 121
Kant, Immanuel, 118
Kerspern, Bastien, 206
Keynesian model, 15
Khrushchev, Nikita, 211, 218
Killzone (game), 243–5
Kornbluth, Cyril M., 41–2
Laidley, Jennefer, 241
Laing (fictional character), 343–55, 358–62
land value of, 121
Lange, Oskar, 11
Latham, Ken, 304
Lazzarato, M., 99
Le Guin, Ursula, 22, 49
Lehrer, Ute, 241
Levitas, Ruth, 25, 57
Life in the Twenty-First Century (Gouchev), 210
liminality, 301–2
literature megastructures in, 252
London as fatberg, 202
science fiction on, 94, 167, 173–4
Lubetkin, Berthold, 226–8
Lucas, Robert, 32
Ludd, Lyanna, 335–6
Ludd, Ned (General Ludd), 328–9
Luddism, 295–6 accomplishments of, 332–8
future of, 339–40
philosophy of, 338–9
responses to, 331–2
in United Kingdom, 325–31
Luxemburg, Rosa, 119
Lyotard, J., 17–18
machines and human behaviour, 289
punishments for breaking of, 331
MacKenzie, Donald, 81, 83, 88
Malm, Andreas, 26–8
Manchester Luddite activism in, 332
Mannie (fictional character), 76–82, 89–92
Manovich, Lev, 84
manufacturing automation of, 337–8
marketing revolution, 173
markets design of, 368
free, 1–5
political character of, 33–4
MarketStarter, 368
Mars Trilogy (Robinson), 54 television adaptation of, 57
Martin, Felix, 62–3
, 68, 71
Marx, Karl on extraction, 96–7, 101, 102, 111, 119
on machinery, 104
on value, 106
writings of, 115
Mass Effect (game), 246–8
Mass Effect> (game), 249–51
The Matrix (film), 116
McNally, David, 115
media science fiction on, 341–2
megastructures, 239–42 in computer games, 205, 229–35, 242–51
in literature, film and television, 252
Mellor, George, 328–9, 330
Mellor Memorial Museum, 328–9
mercantilism, 331–2
mercenary culture, 126
Merkulov, A., 215
Meuser, Phillipp, 229
Micronations Revolution (design project, Hayoun), 288
microrayons (micro-districts), 212, 216, 226–8
Mies, Maria, 104
Mieville, China, 17
Mike (computer name, fictional character), 76–82, 84–7, 91
mining, 121
Mirowski, Philip, x
Mises, Ludwig von, 1–2, 7, 11, 20
mobile phones, 102
modernism, 13, 208 neoliberal criticism of, 15
modernity, 18
Monetary National Income Analogue Computer (Phillips), 289
monetary policy, 357
money, 3–4 creation of, 356, 357
democratizing of, 363
re-imagining of, 8
science fiction on, 30, 65, 68–72, 289, 296, 340–68
value of, 23
virtual character of, 8
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Heinlein), 30
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Heinlein), 76–82
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Heinlein), 84–7
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Heinlein), 91
Moon (film, Jones), 121
Moore, Thomas, 17
Moore, Ward, 34, 35
Moscow, 205 housing in, 209
suburbs of, 222
multinational corporations power of, 45, 54, 127
Murphy, Douglas, 76
Murphy, Patrick, 118
Negri, Antonio, 101
neoliberalism, x–xi, 6, 15, 18, 74 modernism critique of, 15
progressive forms of, 10–11
utopia on, 285
Neptune’s Brood (Stross), 68–71
networks, 178, 182–91
Neurath, Otto, 2
Never Let Me Go (film), 116
Newn de Rojas, Agustí, 77, 83
Niccol, Andrew, 37, 63
Nicholas, John M., 241
Nigeria future of, 316
non-capitalist economies, 11
Norfolk tourism in, 304
Norfolk Broads, 297
Novye Cheryomushki suburb (New Cherry Town, Moscow), 207–8, 209–23Belyayevo microrayon, 223–6
Severnoye Chertanovo microrayon, 229–35
Novye Cheryomushki suburb (New Cherry Town, Mosow), 207–8
nuclear war science fiction on, 34–5
O Murch, Nora, 94
Occupy activism, 287
Olins, Wolff, 94
On the Elimination of Excess in Design and Construction (speech, Khrushchev), 211
openness, new, 177
Ostrom, Elinor, 358, 360
Ottiwells Mill incident, 329
Owen, Robert, 335–6
ownership, common, 10
Pacific Edge (Robinson), 52
pain, 137
Pain ©Amp (fictional), 131–7
Palacios-Heurta, Ignacio, 74
Palmin, Yuri, 232, 233
Panzieri, Raniero, 101
Papadopoulou, Zoe, 286
Pavlov, Leonid, 222
Penwell, Larry W., 241
performative design projects, 287–90
performativity, 81, 83
Phillips, Bill, 289
Pickard, Justin, 206
Player Piano (Vonnegut), 36–8
Poems in Celebration of Luddism (Byron), 332
Pohl, Frederik, 41–2
Pohplepp, Sascha, 292
politics neoliberal views of, xi
prefigurative, 287
Positive Money (organization), 355
post-capitalism, 11, 13, 306–8
postmodernism, 16 end of, 27
universities in, 17–18
post-scarcity societies, 264–5 in science fiction, 249–51, 255
Potter Heigham, 304, 305 bridge at, 297–8, 305
prefigurative design projects, 287–90
pricing systems, 1–5
productive labour, 101
property rights, 10
ProtoPolicy project, 260, 277
provotypes, 259
pyramids construction of, 241
Raby, Fiona, 282–4
Rand, Ayn, 24
Raunig, Gerald, 84
Raven, Paul Graham, 281–2, 284
Read, Jason, 113
real utopias, 13
regionalism, new, 177, 179–81
reproduction social, 97, 110–13
Revell, Tobias, 206, 285
revolution automated, 76–84
Cuban, 83
industrial, 169
Internet, 173
marketing, 173
risk, 18
risk management, 89
risk models, 23
rites of passage, 301
Robinson, Kim Stanley, 54
robots science fiction on, 106–8
Rogers, Robert, 84–7
Rose, Mark, 87
Roy, Arundhati, 120
Sassen, Saskia, 121
scarcity, 264–5, see also post-scarcity societies
Scholz, Trevor, 102
science of economics, 31–3
progress beliefs in, 32
science fiction, 26 and economics, 35–7
and capitalism, 54, 74–6
on Cyprus, 286
dystopian, 34–5
economic, xii, 21, 25, 26–8, 122–3, 205
and economics, 30–1, 35–6
environmental, 285–93, 296–310
extraction concept in, 96–7
on Hawaii, 288
on London, 173–4
on money, 30, 68–72, 289, 296, 340–68
on robots, 106–8
on technological progress, 36–8, 150
on United Kingdom, 169, 174–96, 203, 283, 286
writing, 95
science fiction writing, 16–17, 22–3
Screen (journal), 115
security firms, 126
Severnoye Chertanovo (microrayon, Moscow), 209, 229–35
sinkholes, 165, 193
Smith, Scott, 261
Snopek, Kuba, 211–14, 223–6
social reproduction, 97, 110–13
social technology money as, 62, 71
social values, 11
social wealth, 120
socialism, 4 calculation systems in, 7–8
convergence with capitalism, 20
disappearance of, xii
socialist calculation debate, 1–5, 11, 20
sociology, 25
Soviet Union architecture in, 222
automation of planned economy in, 76–82
end of, 235
housing in, 209–18, 228–9, 233, 234
urban planning in, 226–8
The Space Merchants (Pohl and Kornbluth), 41–2
space elevators, 52
speculative context canvasses, 265–8
Srnicek, Nick, 73–4, 76, 88
stakeholder mapping, 365
stakeholder theory, 362–5
state neoliberal views of, x
status drivers, new, 177
stock market trading automated, 87–9
Stross, Charles, 68–71
Superflux (design studio), 286
Superstitious Fund (design project, Chung), 289
surplus, 102
surplus value, 101, 102, 110, 119
surveillance, 106 digital, 105
sustainomics, 296, 327, 340
Suvin, D., 108
Swan, Melanie, 89–92
taking back control (slogan, United Kingdom), 314
technological progress, 40, 139–45 science fiction on, 36–8, 150
technology blockchain, 89–92
historical development of, 38–40
labour-saving, 332–7
Luddism on, 338–9
power of, 253–6
and social reproduction, 111
and time, 113
television megastructures in, 252
Tell, Alyssa, 335–6
Terranova, Tiziana, 106
Thatcher, Margaret, x
The Common Sense (film, Gilligan), 108
Thorne, Judy, 285–93
Ticktin, Hillel, 233
time and counter-performativity, 89
as currency, 63–5
and technology, 113
time management, 156–8
tourism in Norfolk, 304
trade unions, 314
transnational corporations, see multinational corporations
Tronti, Mario, 101
Tropical Wind (ship), 298, 305–6
United Kingdom economic recession in, 313–15
Luddism in, 325–37
science fiction on, 94, 169, 174–96, 203, 283, 286
United MicroKingdoms (design project, Dunne and Raby), 283, 284
United Nations renewal of, 318
United States Civil War, 34–5
labour-saving technologies in, 332–7
universities, postmodern, 17–18
unpredictability, 367
UnReal (television series), 114
urban planning in Soviet Union, 226–8
utopia, 17, 28, 281–2, 319–25 communist, 210
computerised/automated, 30, 73–4, 76