Economic Science Fictions
Page 34
modernist, 13
and neoliberalism, 6, 285
real, 13
socialist, 53
utopian writing, 16
utopianism in capitalism, 49
resuscitation of, 21
Vaidhyanathan, Siva, 103
value, 355, 363 creation of, 100, 106
of land, 121
of money, 60
non-monetary measures of, 11
Vassiliev, M., 210
Videodrome (film, Cronenberg), 115
Vint, Sherryl, 30
Virno, Paolo, 101
Vlad (fictional character), 51
Vogel, Lise, 112
Von Mises, Ludwig, see Mises, Ludwig von
Vonnegut, Kurt, 36–8
Voss, Georgina, 206
Walden Note-Money (design project, Houldsworth), 289
Walton, Jo Lindsay, 296
war, nuclear science fiction on, 34–5
warfare, holographic, 128–31, 134–5
Wark, McKenzie, 105
wealth, social, 120
Weatherford, Jack, 61
Weber, Max, 3
Weisman, Alan, 118
Wells, H.G., 25
Wiener, Norbert, 80, 83–4
Willems, Brian, 30
Williams, Alex, 74, 76, 88
Williams, Raymond, 95
workers, educated, 101
The World Without Us (Weisman), 118
Wright, Erik Olin, 13
The Year 200 (Newn de Rojas), 83
Zadorin, Dimitrij, 229