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Greed (Trojans MC Book 9)

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Two

  “You asked for a sweet, kind, caring, straight kind of guy. That dude was into females, and he never killed an ant in his life,” Pie said. The man had also been incredibly boring, but that had just been a plus for him. He figured the date would end really fast, and lo and behold, it had.

  “I asked for a straight-talking kind of guy. Not if he was gay or not. In fact, I wouldn’t mind someone who is bi, with an open mind, that is.” She used his hands, and they held each other out, spinning around in the parking lot.

  Lindsey was clearly buzzed.

  “Don’t you have work in the morning?” he asked.

  “I do, but that’s fine. I’ll drink lots of coffee, and besides, I don’t really do much other than smile and pretend that I’m happy.”

  She worked as a receptionist in a plastic surgery clinic, and she hated her job. She’d mentioned many times about quitting, but as of yet, she still hadn’t. The job paid good money, enough for her to have her own place and to pretty much do whatever she liked.

  What he hated was seeing the sadness in her eyes after she just got off a shift. He didn’t imagine being around people who wanted to change their looks would do much for self-esteem.

  “You’re not getting away with it, you know.”

  “Getting away with what?”

  “My very bad date.”

  “I’m doing better than you.”

  “Oh, please, give me a break. That is so not the case. You just refuse to date anyone. How can I find you someone when you won’t even go and talk to a girl in a bar?”

  “I don’t need to talk to a girl in a bar.”

  “Hate to break it to you, buddy. You’re going to need to talk. You see, you live in a world that requires you to.” She winked at him. “Not all women are mind-readers and know what’s going on in that dirty head of yours.”

  “Ha, do you need what is going on in my dirty head?”

  She stopped twirling around, and he held on tight as she bowed her head back, looking up at the stars. With her distracted, he could look at her amazing body.

  Lindsey was like every other woman, but there was something different about her that called to him. It wasn’t just the way she looked, which was beautiful, curvy as fuck, and hot. Her tits weren’t as big as some, smaller than others, bigger than others as well. Her hips were rounded, as well as her stomach. She had strong, smooth thighs, but it was her confidence he was drawn to. He adored her personality and her energy. The sparkle that she had with her all the time.

  She didn’t give a shit what anyone said about her and she always had a smile. At first, when he met her, he thought it was all bullshit to just get in with the club. She had been neighbor to Kasey, who also happened to now be Chip’s old lady. Chip was another member of the Trojans MC. Kasey had brought Lindsey around, and as Pie watched her, he’d thought her attitude was just to get in the club, to either be a sweet-butt or an old lady.

  She’d proven to want neither as she loved the old ladies so much, it was why she kept coming around even without Kasey. Lindsey had once said to him that even though she loved sex and wanted it regularly, she didn’t want to be passed around the club like an available hole. She never wanted that.

  Over the weeks, he’d come to find that even though she was open, honest, with completely no filter, he enjoyed being around her. She was refreshing.

  He was bored of all the women playing coy, of trying to get him to be some fucking mind-reader. He wasn’t interested in trying to learn other people’s problems.

  Lindsey, to him, was a breath of fresh air.

  “I love the stars. They are so pretty.”

  “How much did you drink?”

  She lifted up, released one of his hands, and nearly fell to the ground, but he caught her, tugging her close.

  “I’ve got you.”

  She giggled. “I know you do. You’ve always got me, Pie.” She cupped his face and her lips were on his, but it wasn’t a sexy kiss.

  It was a peck on the lips before she pulled away with a giggle.

  “Hey, no fair,” he said. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her close. They were breathing deeply, and he wanted to kiss her, to put his lips on hers, and to see just how sweet she tasted, but he stopped himself.

  This wasn’t good.

  Lindsey was his best friend, and that meant he had to respect her decision and what she wanted.

  Kissing her wouldn’t do either of them any good.

  “Come on, I better get you home.”

  The fresh air had clearly gotten to her, and now she was a little more buzzed.

  “Yeah, I think I need to get home.”

  They walked back to his bike. Climbing on, he handed her the helmet.

  “No fair.”

  “Totally not fair, but you’re drunk and I don’t take risks with your health.”

  She did that sexy pout that she loved to do and normally he caved, but not tonight. “Remember, you’re drunk. You do as I tell you.”

  “I’m not completely drunk. I only had, like, a few shots.”

  “And I had one beer.”

  She put the helmet on, and he heard her sigh. “This right now, totally sucks. It stinks in here. Did you kill someone wearing it? Ugh.”

  “Don’t throw up in it.”

  “Please, I’ve not vomited in such a long time. I’m not a pussy. I can handle my drink.”

  She climbed onto the bike, wrapped her arms around him, and the helmet gently touched his back, which he found so utterly sweet of her.

  That was another thing he loved about Lindsey. She couldn’t hurt a fly or anyone else. She was just one of the nicest, sweetest women he’d ever known.

  Riding back to her apartment, he made sure to be careful on a few of the hard turns just in case she fell asleep.

  He didn’t want anything to happen to her.

  Once he was at her place, he parked.

  “Home, sweet home,” she said, pulling off the helmet he’d given her. “Ugh. That was disgusting.”

  “You’re safe though, right.”

  “Please, you’re a safe rider, Pie. I trust you. Are you coming up? I don’t mind making you a coffee.”


  He had no interest in going back to the clubhouse.

  The elevator was still shut down, so they walked the several flights of stairs to her room.

  “Why don’t they get that fixed?” he asked.

  “They will when they can. I don’t mind. The steps are good for me. After a long day at work, it helps me to shake off all the crap.” She let them into her apartment, and she breathed out a sigh of relief. “Home.”

  She went straight to the kettle, pouring water into it before placing it on the stove.

  “Will you watch that for me?”

  Before he could say anything else, she was gone, and he went over to her fridge. Opening it up, he pulled out a carton of Chinese food, which he had just the other night. He grabbed a fork and was eating when Lindsey came back a few minutes later. Her hair was damp, her face clear of makeup, not that she wore a whole lot. She also had on a large t-shirt, which looked like the one he’d worn the last time he was there.

  “Is that mine?”

  “Not now it’s not. You leave it, you lose it. It’s awesome to sleep in.” She winked at him just as the kettle started to make a noise to let them know it was ready.

  She hummed as she made them both a cup of coffee.

  “You want some?” he asked, holding out the Chinese food.

  “Nah. I’ve already brushed my teeth.”

  “And showered.”

  “Yep. No wasting time here.”

  They finished their cup of coffee, and he watched as she stretched, releasing a yawn. “I better be heading back.”

  “It’s late, Pie. You don’t have to leave. My bed is more than big enough for the two of us, and you can sleep naked if you want. I don’t have a problem with that.”


  “I always carry a spare in case I need one.” She put their cups in the sink, and he followed her through to her bedroom. While she climbed beneath the sheets and left him a lamp on, he quickly rushed to the bathroom, changing out of his clothes, keeping his boxer briefs on. He took his gun to the bedside table and climbed in, turning off the light.

  He rolled toward her, and she was smiling.

  “You bring a gun to bed?”

  “You never know who might decide to drop in.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t mind you bringing a gun, just so long as you know how to use it.”

  “Oh, believe me, I know how.”

  She chuckled. “Well, I don’t see us getting attacked tonight, Pie. Good night.” She leaned over, kissed his cheek, and moved back into her own spot.

  Pie watched her close her eyes, and it wasn’t long before she fell asleep. He saw her body go into that relaxed slumber. Staring at her, he smiled.

  Even in sleep he found her cute.


  “Dr. Strong just completed another successful breast implant. Isn’t it wonderful?” Tiffany said.

  Pasting a smile on her face, Lindsey glanced at their newest worker. Tiffany was a difficult young woman. She had her whole life ahead of her, early twenties, fresh-faced, and had that sparkle in her eyes that promising actresses always seemed to have. She wasn’t jaded by life yet, or by being told she wasn’t thin enough or pretty enough. But, and this was a big one, she felt that being a “beautiful undiscovered actress,” meant she didn’t have to work. That she was only there waiting to finally be seen, to get that big role that would make her a star. It made her incredibly difficult to work with.

  Lindsey never wanted to be an actress, nor did she want to be in this job, but it paid better than most, even if it did mean dealing with the male ass that she worked for. One of her bosses was okay, and he seemed a stand-up guy. The other gave her the creeps, and she hadn’t liked him from the start. But, again, it was good money, and they were both damn good plastic surgeons.

  “Totally,” Lindsey said, glancing down at the appointment sheet. Another week and they were fully booked again. Biting the end of her pen, she began to make the calls to confirm that their clients would be able to make it on time.

  Dr. Strong, one of the owners and the best plastic surgeon in town, hated it when he was sitting around waiting when he could be making someone else’s life prettier.

  Once that was done, Lindsey saw that Tiffany was filing her nails at the same time as reading one of her many manuscripts. She was always disappearing, but, seeing as she was screwing one of the doctors that co-owned the practice, Lindsey didn’t have a way of complaining to anyone.

  When clients came in, Lindsey dealt with them as Tiffany kept on doing her own thing.

  Once they were seated, Lindsey went to make sure the nurses had everything they needed.

  Marie, one of the nicest women in the office, smiled over at her. She was going over a medical form.

  “Hey, Lindsey, how are you doing?”

  “All the work, as usual.” She placed a cup of herbal tea on the desk. “You? How are the kids?”

  “They’re growing up way too fast. I’ve spoken to Rich and to Brian, but as yet, nothing.” Rich, short for Richard, and Brian were the two surgeons. Richard was the one screwing Tiffany, while Brian was the family man and the one who kept the surgery going.

  “It’s fine. You and I both know why they won’t fire her.” The moment Tiffany entered the surgery, Lindsey had known she was trouble.

  “Did you have fun last night? I know you were going out with that hot biker boyfriend of yours.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Pie is so not my boyfriend. We had fun. I’m trying to set him up on a date, but at the moment, he won’t have any takers. I sometimes wonder about that man.”

  “Or maybe he just wants to spend time with you.”

  Lindsey burst out laughing. “I know I’m great company and all, but even I know that I’m not what Pie is after.” She was wondering if Pie even knew who he was after.

  “And what is Pie after? Maybe he wants a slice of your sweetness.” Marie winked at her.


  “How are my two favorite ladies?” Richard Strong asked, entering the room.

  He truly believed he was God’s gift to women.

  “Here you go,” Marie said.

  “Is she all set?”


  “Oh, Dr. Strong. I saw what you did, and they look so stunning,” Tiffany said. She pressed a hand to her chest and was batting her eyelashes.

  “Who is on the front desk?” Lindsey asked.

  “Does it matter?” This came from Tiffany.

  That was Lindsey’s point to leave. Besides, she didn’t like Richard, never had. The first day there he’d told her she was beautiful but that he could make her better.

  “Tiffany, I was talking to Lindsey. You need to start doing something around here, as otherwise I’m going to have to find someone to replace you,” Marie said. “Wait, Lindsey, we haven’t finished.”

  Tiffany scoffed and turned toward Richard, who simply held his hands up. “Don’t look at me. She’s the boss.”

  Of course that wasn’t correct. Marie was the one who interviewed them and had in fact been the one to interview Lindsey when she first started. Marie wasn’t the boss, but she was the best nurse they could find and she put up with their shit as well.

  Tiffany huffed and glared at her on the way out.

  “So, what were you and Lindsey talking about that was so important?”

  “Lindsey’s hot date.”

  “Please, it wasn’t that hot.”

  “Oh, come on, it totally was, and you know it. Totally hot date. Hot everything,” Mary said.

  “Is that why you’ve been turning me down, sugar?” Richard asked.

  “Nope, I turn you down because I have no interest there. I’m going to head back.”

  “We need to catch up,” Marie said. “I’m owed some me time. How about in a couple of weeks? We can go and have a couple of drinks, hang out, have some fun.”

  “Sounds like a party,” Richard said.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Lindsey didn’t linger and made her way out toward the front desk. Like a child, Tiffany was making a mess of all of her organized work. The rest of the day went by without much event. Clients came in. Several outpatients had their work checked over, and at the end of the day, Lindsey was tired and just wanted to get home.

  Grabbing her bag from her locker, she spun around to see Richard standing in the room. Forcing a smile to her face, she hiked her bag up on her shoulder. The staff room was vacant, and most of their colleagues had gone home.

  “I’ll see you Monday.”

  “You know, if you were nicer to me I could make your life here a hell of a lot easier.”

  “I’m not interested in making changes to myself, Rich.”

  “I’m not talking about changes. Girls like Tiffany are a dime a dozen. They want to get on their knees, suck your cock, have you work them rough.”

  She didn’t like this. Richard was her boss. There had been a few advances and overtures. If it wasn’t for how good the money was, she’d have already quit.

  Work was hard to find, and, seeing as she had to leave Vale Valley to make the hour trip, that was saying something. The money more than made up for it.

  “Well, I’d be careful with someone like Tiffany. Young women like that start getting ideas.”

  “You’re not young though, are you? You know how this works.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yeah, you do.”

  She gritted her teeth but refused to budge. Right now was not the time to lose her shit. She needed to keep her focus.

  He entered the room and closed the door, giving them privacy.

  Her heart started to race, and she didn’t like this sick feeling bui
lding within her.

  This man was her boss.

  “Well, good night.”

  “Not just yet.”

  She made to brush past him, but he caught her arm, holding her in place. She tensed up as he reached out, stroking some hair back behind her ear. His touch repulsed her.

  Still, she didn’t do anything.

  Tilting her head to the side, she said, “You’ve got your assessment eye on again. Not interested, remember?”

  “I’m in the market for making women look better than what they were and I know I can make you stunning, but I also love your confidence. Some of the women on my table are fucking morons that think getting their tits ballooned up will make a man crave them. You know what makes a man hot though, don’t you?”

  “That’s eno—”

  “Having our dicks sucked and balls emptied by a dirty fucking whore.”

  The door opened, and Lindsey didn’t waste any time, ducking her head so she didn’t see who had come in but was thankful all the same. She left the office and took the stairs, heading down to her car.

  Climbing inside, key in the ignition, she pulled out of the parking lot.

  Richard had always been a flirt and pushing the edge of sexual harassment. She’d seen women come and go with a click of her fingers. She shouldn’t put up with his crap. No one should, but when he was the actual boss in the company, there was nowhere else for her to go.

  Her hands shaking and her stomach taut from the nerves, she put her music on and listened to the heavy beat of Fall Out Boy. She had to get the last ten minutes out of her head, as otherwise it would be next to impossible to go to work on Monday.

  She did her best to ignore Richard.

  These interactions were so few and far between.

  After taking a deep breath, she was finally able to calm down. Everything would be okay. When she pulled into her parking lot at her apartment she smiled. Pie was on his bike, waiting for her.

  Any other worries she had disappeared as she saw him.

  No matter how shitty her day was, the moment she saw him, he always made her smile.

  Chapter Three


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