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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 34

by LJ Andrews

  "I see you got someone to release you from the floor," Killian said haughtily.

  Nathaniel tipped his head and chuckled. "There are many powers amongst inmates in the prison, you just need to know who to choose as an ally." Nathaniel peered at him through the darkness, his dark eyes squinting as he read Killian's expression. "What can I do for you Killian?"

  Killian shuffled around the small chamber until finally leaning against the wall. Inside he desperately wanted to trust his old friend, but he knew the man was power mad and deadly.

  "Did you hear about the Empress?" he finally asked.

  "There was talk," Nathaniel said slowly. "I find it strange the Empress of Glaciem would attack such a powerful being as the Queen. Seems foolish."

  "Maurelle was helping me," Killian admitted, his guilt splattered in his tone. "She was encouraging the empress to help us with the Glacien relic search. We thought perhaps she may know something."

  "Ah, and she retaliated against the Queen. So this has caused suspicion in your mind of Gwyniera's motives, yes?"

  Killian clenched his jaw and nodded. "There are things you aren't telling me, and I need," he hung his head and took a deep breath, "I need your help."

  Nathaniel sat back on his cot and smiled smugly.

  "Look, Nathaniel people are going to start dying, I'm sure of it. I don't know why the Empress wants to keep us from the relic, unless she already has it because she's the Architect, or..." Killian trailed off and paced in the room.

  "Or what? Do you have doubts Killian?"

  "I don't know what to think," he said exasperated.

  "I will tell you what I can, Killian." To his surprise Nathaniel's eyes were compassionate as he spoke. "The Trinity is close to the Ponderi; they are close to finding the relics. I know Gwyniera knows something about the Glacien relic—something she wishes to keep a deep secret; this could be why she tried to thwart Maurelle from gaining information about the relic."

  "So Gwyniera isn't the architect?" Killian pressed.

  Nathaniel's lips pursed as if he were trying to keep his own secret. "Gwyniera is powerful, she is bitter, she is strong. She has a secret that could hurt her greatly, but I do not believe she is the Architect."

  Killian stared at Nathaniel in curiosity and disbelief. "What do you mean you don't believe?"

  Nathaniel shifted his weight on the creaky steel cot. "I never saw the Architect face to face."

  Killian gaped at the man. Anger, confusion, frustration pulsed along the red brand on the back of his neck. "What don't know?" He asked through clenched teeth.

  Nathaniel stood and huffed incredulously at Killian. "Don't be so naive Killian Thomas. Do you think a powerful individual shows their true identity to everyone? I spoke with the Architect blind one time," he said holding up one finger. "I dealt with the Lieutenant."

  "Tell me the Lieutenant's identity then!" he cried rushing over to Nathaniel and pressing his nose against his in anger. "Don't you realize old man, people are going to DIE! You might die, and then what? What purpose did any of this serve?"

  "Killian it isn't that simple...these people they are powerful. They know when traitors talk. The Lieutenant alone has an ability that can cause great destruction. Your best bet is to find the relics first. Listen to what I said earlier. Go to the mountains, you will have to do so without the help of the Empress. You must be smarter, wiser than the Trinity. Find Gwyniera's secret, use it to your advantage. The relic is up there, the Lieutenant said the Architect wanted us to search the mountains. Do these things, but you must do it without me divulging who people are."

  Killian shook his head. "You're a coward. You are too afraid to say a name, but you would send me on a suicide venture for a relic while you sit safely in your cage."

  Nathaniel's eyes darkened. "The relic isn't just for you and you know it. You aren't prepared to face these people; you must believe me. There may be things on the mountains that could help you when you face the Trinity. But I would be sending you to your death if I told you. You wouldn't believe me if I did."

  Killian glared at the man for several moments, feeling a strange desire to hurt him. The thought frightened him. Finally, he let out a frustrated sight and turned into the damp hallway leaving Nathaniel alone.


  Several days after the arrest of the empress, the Praetorium was beginning to feel normal again. Aidan, the husky Ignisian recruit trainer, had implemented a rigorous training regime designed for a potential attack at home.

  Blake and Dax groaned, but Killian felt it was wise especially since his upsetting dream. The fact the empress was possibly connected to the Trinity was also quite unnerving. It could mean the Trinity was everywhere. Mercedes wasn’t sure her grandmother was connected to the Trinity. She would get rather defensive when they spoke about the situation, stating there may be another reason Gwyniera didn’t want them to find the relic.

  As Killian’s thoughts drifted to Mercedes, he couldn’t help feeling a little down. Ever since he’d intervened with her dagger, she had been pleasant but aloof. Killian remembered a conversation they'd had the day before.

  "Killian if you're needed here don't feel obligated to come to Glaciem," Mercedes had said. "Speron has offered to serve as my guard and travel with me. I won't be alone." Before Killian had time to press the matter of their growing tension she’d been pulled away by fellow beasties to train against the beetle-bodied Ignisian fire ants. The memory pulsed hot blood along the red marks on his neck.

  “Killian, hurry,” Dax shouted, pulling him from his thoughts. Aidan was tapping his large sandaled foot in front of a group of recruits. Apparently Killian had stopped mid-field as he pondered Mercedes’ odd behavior.

  Killian rushed over to the waiting group and unsheathed his spear.

  “Not yet Thomas, today we’re going to be doing things a little bit different,” Aidan said coyly. “We’re going to the outdoor arena. I want to see what you’re all made of defending our walls before the enemy can even enter.” Killian cocked his head. He knew there was a small wilderness outside the Praetorium, though he didn’t know how an entire arena could fit. The Ponderi often surprised him, however, by their masterful architectural skills. So for all he knew, there was an underground field that rose up at the push of a button.

  The group filed through a door leading them to a staircase that took them up several floors until they came to the window filled main floor. Making their way outside into the grassy, fragrant air they soaked in the strange purplish color of the sun. Being outdoors was refreshing, and the cool breeze flushed Killian’s cheeks. It was welcomed though. Stepping outside reminded Killian how much time they actually spent indoors.

  “Everyone over here,” Aidan barked at the group. “Recruits are the defensive team today.” Killian looked up and saw Cora, the Beastian trainer walking toward them. She was followed by a large group of Beastians, Mercedes standing in the front. She twirled her daggers and met his eye. He couldn’t tell if she was pleased to see him, or not; her face didn’t change, and she kept her emotions at bay so he couldn’t sense them. Despite her demeanor, Killian smiled. He wanted things to be normal between them, but the sly Speron standing next to her didn’t help his mood. It was clear Speron enjoyed being close to her, and he moved a step closer to her while smirking at Killian.

  “The beasties are going to be our enemies for this exercise,” Aidan continued smiling at Cora. She sneered playfully before turning toward the beasties and whispering final instructions.

  "Dax, I need you to help with the recruit potentials today."

  "What! Aidan, sir, I need to be by Killian. I need to improve my skills, not...babysit."

  Aidan's red face turned purple, but Dax held his ground. "You will do what I tell you to do recruit. Maybe you won't participate at all!"

  Dax pursed his lips. "Fine, whatever you say sir." Killian chuckled as Dax stalked toward the small group of young Ponderi members, mumbling about his wasted skills
being used on babies.

  Aidan bulked toward Killian and leaned close to his ear. “Don’t let me down, Thomas. Use that thing inside of you and don’t hold back. Cora needs to know what the recruits can do.” Killian chuckled as Aidan huffed away and took his place next to her.

  “Everyone listen up,” Aidan shouted to both groups. “The recruits are going to be defending the Praetorium while the beasties attack. Everyone needs to pull out their best abilities, understood? With these chaotic times, we don’t have time to squabble with timid Ponderi members.”

  Everyone nodded their understanding and the beasties grouped closer together ready to attack. Killian held his spear and stepped closer to Dax and Blake. Dax flexed his muscles anticipating the attack while the Potentials clamored excitedly behind him.

  "He may have been complaining earlier," Sophia whispered as she crept next to Killian's other side. "But look at him now, those Potentials think he's the greatest thing ever. Maybe we can deflate his head after the exercise." Killian let out a loud laugh he quickly covered with his hand before Aidan could shout at him. Silently Sophia stalked away and Killian watched her dark shadow scale the steel, abstract building setting herself up for clean shots with her large crossbow.

  “Everyone, ready? GO!”

  Instantly the beasties darted toward the recruits, tan body suits meshing with the recruit gray. Killian watched as Mercedes walked, swiftly, but she didn’t run. She moved toward them with a coy smile on her face. He heard overhead arrows beaming across the sky and watched several Beastians hit the grass, groaning in pain. Sophia was maniacally shooting at them, until another beastie threw an incredibly long sword toward Sophia. The swift Cimmerian moved in time, but her hiding spot was compromised. She soon joined the fight below.

  Killian face Mercedes again, who had stopped walking. Meeting his eyes, she winked and gripped her small daggers. In an unrealistic short amount of time she threw the daggers directly at him. Killian took that as an invitation to fight back. Giving her a small advantage he returned the smug smile before knocking one dagger off the direct hit with his spear, and causing the second to change course straight into the ground. He beamed inwardly, realizing he was truly mastering the ability to command the elements of weapons. He just wished he could utilize other strengths easier.

  A brisk arrow whizzed past his ear. Looking in front he saw Speron aiming his bow at him. He knew the weapons weren’t deadly for training, but they still hurt a lot when the rubber tips made contact. Killian frowned at the Glacien and focused hard. He saw Speron make a swift advance, shooting arrow after arrow as he pursued him. Killian wouldn’t be able to keep up with all the arrows.

  As the vision closed Speron reloaded and Killian fell flat to the ground, just as the small steel arrow soared over his head.

  “Kill, you okay?” Blake shouted pelting a beastie with his own rubber arrow. The black haired girl fell to the ground gripping her shoulder.

  “Cover me, but follow exactly where I go.”

  Blake smiled understanding that Killian knew exactly the moves Speron would make. Killian ran straight toward the muscular Glacien then ducked just in time to avoid another shot.

  “Don’t think before, just shoot at random,” Mercedes shouted at Speron. Killian was happy to hear a slight frustration in her voice. She knew he could see ahead of time, and it would cost the beasties the exercise.

  Speron moved to the side and shot wildly. The strategy worked, but Killian still moved out of the way in time, but a recruit standing near Blake took the hit. Only a few feet from Speron he could see the Glacien struggling to reload his bow. Mercedes came from the side of him holding a longer dagger. Holding out both hands to each side Killian focused on Speron’s weapon and Mercedes’. He watched as her dagger was ripped from her hands by his mental command, but he couldn’t get a grip on Speron’s bow. He saw the Glacien aim the weapon, if he moved he would lose control of Mercedes’ dagger also.

  A swish sounded in his ear and Blake’s small arrow flew toward Speron, hitting him expertly in the chest. The blow was hard and Speron fell to the ground holding his heart as he caught his breath. Killian focused on Mercedes’ dagger and didn’t stop until the weapon was safely in his hands.

  Mercedes’ face was stoic, but he caught a slight smile. He knew she had another card up her sleeve, but he couldn’t detect her feelings. It was as if the entire exercise had paused to watch both of them face-off. The Infinium against the new Glacien empress.

  Killian held his spear, but knew he couldn’t win this. He wouldn’t attack Mercedes, and she knew it. He watched her bend down, her free-flowing chestnut hair was intoxicating as it billowed around her face. Killian didn’t know what she was doing as she touched the grassy earth, but within seconds a soft rumble was felt along the entire yard.

  Standing, Mercedes smiled wildly. She was playing her hidden card. Killian watched as three beasts rumbled toward him and his breath caught in his throat. He didn’t know if she was trying to joke with him, but it caused his heart to beat painfully against his chest.

  The brutally scabbed heads of three Malumian wolves charged at him. The beasts caused him to freeze as memories of his first encounter with Malumians filled his mind. He could almost feel the putrid breath on his face and see the mucous filled saliva dangling from their four monstrous fangs.

  He didn’t know how to stop them; he couldn’t control creatures like Mercedes. They seemed so real, and he actually believed she may have summoned real wolves not holograms. Something burned inside him, his neck ached from the bubbling pain along his brand. They had to be real or Infinium wouldn’t react in such a way. Why would Mercedes use real wolves? He allowed his frothing anger fuel him and he turned and ran toward a large rock wall. He would do anything to stop those beasts from coming near him or anyone else.

  As if he subconsciously commanded the large boulders to react he watched as the moss covered stones broke free and bounded toward the pursuing wolves. He urged the rocks toward each wolf, but two broke their pursuit and the deadly stones rolled over the one unfortunate wolf. He faintly heard gasps and cries from his spectators. The other wolves were still pursuing. His mind drifted back to when he ran from the horrible Draykan. What had he done to get away? He remembered the swirling sand and dirt that distracted the vicious bird creature.

  He looked around at the dirt in the wild plants. Urging it to billow around the wolves, hopefully buying him some time to counterattack, he saw the earth obey. The rich dirt swirled and frothed around him.

  “Killian what is happening?” Dax was next to him breathing heavily. He held out an arm protectively in front of the young Potentials and waited for another recruit to usher them to safety near Aidan and Cora. The children shouted excitedly as Dax loaded up his bow.

  "Don't worry kids, I'll be fine. You just stand there and watch what recruits can do." Blake rolled his eyes at Dax, but soon followed his example, aiming his arrow toward the impressive dirt shield.

  “I need more distance between us,” Killian responded. Then an idea passed frantically across his mind. He touched the earth, similar to how Mercedes had called the wolves and immediately heard cracking and splitting as one side of the field pulled away from the other. An enormous fissure was forming pulling Killian and his friends away from the howling wolves. Recruits and Beastians screamed and ran toward the building to avoid falling into the deep crevice.

  Killian heard one wolf cry out and watched as it fell into the black hole. The other one snarled now that the dirt wall had calmed its furious swirling. It lunged over the long ravine, aiming to sink its sharp fangs into his skin. Anxiously he grappled for his spear before the crazed animal could land on top of him, but he couldn’t get a grip. Closing his eyes, he heard a loud cry of a dog and watched as the Malumian disintegrated with one of Blake’s small arrows lodged into its bald scabbed scalp.

  Killian heaved deep breaths. The Malumian’s had been holograms. He wondered why Infinium had responded with such
fury. With his eyes scanning around the field, he noticed the landscape had changed. The beautiful gardens were full of wild dirt piles, and there was a deep scar running along the outdoor yard.

  Mercedes looked at Killian with her mouth open, but he didn’t smile back this time.

  "Out of any animal you could've chosen, you chose Malumians," he shouted across the ravine at her. Her shoulders slumped, but he turned his back to her. The memory of the ferocious beasts flooded his mind. He glanced down at his leg as he remembered the hot, mucous coated fangs tearing apart his muscles. He shivered pushing the grotesque thought out of his mind as Miller approached.

  “Killian,” Miller said, followed by a stunned Aidan and Cora. “I was able to watch everything. That was amazing.” His grandfather patted his shoulder.

  “I agree sir,” Cora said in her soft Glacien whisper. “I can think of no one more prepared to protect her.”

  “What do you mean?” Killian asked as his eyes scanned the tortured ground.

  “With Mercedes officially an empress, at least for the time, we truly needed to make sure she was returned to Glaciem with the best possible escorts. You, Speron and Lucan will surely be the most qualified to protect the empress.”

  Killian glanced at Mercedes. “So this was just one big tryout?”

  “We all wanted to be sure,” Cora said.

  “Yeah, well I thought I already had the job,” he retorted without breaking his gaze from Mercedes. She visibly shrunk as he stared. “I get it. Glad I could one up the competition. I am here to serve the realms; I will protect the empress to the best of my ability while obtaining the relic.” Killian gave Mercedes a slight bow before storming into the Praetorium.

  “Thomas, where are you going?” Aidan called after him. He didn’t turn, his blood was still hot with annoyance. Even the rushing footsteps behind didn’t stop him.

  “Killian,” Mercedes’ voice called to him. He stopped, but didn’t turn toward her. “Hey are you okay?”

  “Yes, Your Highness. I look forward to escorting you to your realm.” His voice was curt, and frustrated. He still didn’t meet her eyes, he knew he would melt under their amazing color, and he wanted to be mad right now.


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